HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-08-05, Page 1Established J900 Church Directory ST . PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO .BEV. E. W. HEIMILICH, PASTOR IS a.m.-Divine Services. 11:15 a.m.- Sunday School. Evening Service lifted for Summer Everybody 'Welcome to all Services EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL , UB. CHURCH ZURICH — ONTARIO Rev. H. E. Roppel, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist. 'SUNDAY' SERVICES— 10.00 win. - Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. — Bible School. 'Evening .Service Sifted for Summer Welcoine at all Services — "Come thou with us and we will do thee Good.". Num. 10:29. Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor— Albert Martin SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 a.m. — Sunday School 11:00 a.m. — Worship Service 8:00 p.m. Bible Meeting WEDNESDAY, 8 p.m. Prayer Fellowship ' YOU ARE INVITED TO WOSHIP WITH US 1 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 5 19 5 4 Mon Theatre GRAND PEND Friday, Saturday Aug. 6-7 Taza, Son of Cochise (Technicolor) Rock Hudson Barbara Rush Taza, son of the great Apache War- rior risks life and honor to fulfill 'His Pledge— Additional Short Subjects Sunday Midnight, Monday, Tuesday August 9-10 She Couldn't Say No Robert Mitchum Jean Simmons The story of :a girl with too much money and nowhere to spend it. Newsreel and Cartoon ...Wednesday, Thursday Aug. 1142 Wateh for THEM; They're ferocious brutal, terrifying • THEM• (Adult Entertainment) James Whitmore Joan Weldon Edmund Gwenn Selected Short Subjects The Voice of Temperance In 1943 there were 313 women in Ontarioconvicted of drunkenness, out of a female population of 1,065- 2114. 20 years later, in 1952 there were 2,439 convicted, out of a female population of 1,554;593. Any con- nection between these statistics and the fact that beer parlours, were authorized in Ontario in 1934, and Cocktail Bars in 1947? In 1952 the Are You Su. e'ringFroin total sale of brewery products in Can- ada was nearly 21/2. times the figure for 1942. The brewers have always planned skilfully for the future.They Comedy are still doing so. Today's youtlt.,4"s lg i y r Lw. rt`, Ktais3 ,gxxl�;aa�'e '!rte , b ers: Ivo 'secret. "'iS m'ad'e "of''fahe pia OPTOMETRIST c OPTICIAN being ,made to assure a steady sup- GOl3]ERICH ONT. ply !of drinkers. "We are catering to the younger generation. To appeal to £Good Glasses at ReasonablePrices the 21,' 22 and 23 year old •group, '"u` ****®*®®a****** ********dart?G,4),.. 4,4000®4i041)4)®4►6********♦ T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME - Funeral Director -- Private Car Ambulance • Member of Ontario Funeral ` Association .fto HOLDER OF ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTII-I- • 4. • 4a 6 4. • 4. Headaches? In so have your Eyes Examined.with "#he, LatestMethods:and. equipment at 1 1 Phone 421 .- EXETER ON OUR WIDE VISION SCREEN Friday, Saturday Aug, 6-7.. Master of Ballantrae Errol Flyn Roger Livesey Photographed in Technicolor. This action packed Costusue Melodrama is a first Single Copies 5 Cents. Subscription. in Canada, $2.00 a 'sreo Subscription U.S.A., Year $2,50. G Family Picnic axe amities of Mrs. Mary Manson IMr#�ind'.Mrs. Sol Gingerich; Mr and Vi.r .,'. Erb spent an enjoyable C1ycZ+,41tliday at Bayfield in the form ot..;',faiily pie nic, also relatives frit t:a distance were present. A. fine 9-10 so i 1 ie along with delicious food ant5pley of it, was partaken under th& b utiful trees and a fine day, rate picture. Monday, Tuesday A Lion in Aug. the Streets James Cagney Barbara Hale A forceful Drama photographed technicolor. Wednesday, Thursday_ in Aug. 11-12 The Lavender Hill Mob Alec Guinness Stanley Holloway A drama with lots of excitement, and Good Entertainment Sunset 011V6-111 Theatre 1 ye MILES EAST OF GODERICH ON HIGHWAY No. 8. Friday, Saturday Aug. 6,7 Al Jennings of Oaklahc3ma„. Dan Duryea Gail Storm Comedy Cartonn Monday, Tuesday- Aug. 9-10 Man from Carlo George Raft Maria Canule '4 CATE — PORTABLE OXYGEN EQUIPMENT .4 -4 HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT — INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN -4 :2; FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED tf'1.OM MITCHELL NURSERIES ,4 WE WIRE ANYWHERE 24 Hour Service — Dashwood. Tel. 70W -4 '•4 444.@4604@a�.+l°•44.�a4�4 444.444.44.444.4.44.444444.4.4. cweenaninniaminsmessatmvasnammfa�i, ,mamoesesi I aL ' ES S kior Store Shop at F ° Store AND W.F. THE MANY FINE USEFUL AND GIFT ARTICLES WE HAVE IN CHINAWARE, ETC. WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU THESE! FROZEN FOODS BIRD'S EYE FROSTED FOODS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE — FRUITS - VEGETABLES FISH - COLD MEATS, ETC. SEE OUR GROCERY SPECIALS ! Visit our Large Grocery Department and take advantage of the Various Specials on Sale from time to time, Weekly Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Greens. LET US SERVE YOU ! onmenmestmemmitilltaleintera Phone 140 C. , THIEL .. Zurich Cartoon My Ocean Drive Edward O'Brien. Joanne Dow Comedy Having Holidays 4.1bfleisch :Mills are giving tlht ir,,,ernployees a holiday tats week. This. will give their fireman, Herb, a c'h nde toput the steam boiler and engine ix ' good condition, and the book=keeping staff are also doing sonle'.wo1k. But it seems a bit lonesome ;without the tone of the team,.whistle at noon and at five, scF We just keep working on till the hungerdrives us homeward. Married At Dashwood • I;to'n ).�`t�, .reran Church, Dashwood, was the ,0eting for the wedding of 1VLz., `Ja3,1d;: Mrs. Colin McGregor who trill make their home in Lonaon. The bide isthe- former Doris L. Rader, dal iter of Ylr and .Mrs: John Rader, Zaith, vandthe :groom is the son of Mr ,'nd. Mrs. Edward Burrell, Lon- don4 Follo'w'ing the marriage cere- mony the couple left on a honeymoon trip to Northern. Ontario. Retiirning to Canada 14i ;•and Mrs. Thos. H. Meyers of torp enjoye_j their three grandchild- reI'l.};Faith,. Jane and Heather for a weak,- while %, their parents, Mr and Mi F»L1ovd Tache of Streetsville weiit "tee'ew Yoilt;� ity to meet their cous- in,s .MIs Davies and sans Simon, aq Jo:than. Mrs Davies was ilei k, ggy Meyers, : daughter 'Aron Vf r&. alae *5' 11 1'� B. ern at Blake, but returned to Eng- land in 1925 with her mother and brother Peter. Peggy has .peen mar- ried twice, having lost both husbands in the services. She is spending Cartoon some time with her aunts in Toronto, and will cone to Zurich shortly. The. family will make their home m Can- ada. 2 Shows Nightly. First Show as dusk Play Ground Refreshments Children under 12) in Cars, Free! DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON - ONT. Thursday, Friday Aug. 5-0 Sailor Beware Bean Martin Jerry Lewis Saturday, Monday Silver Whip Dale Robertson Rory Calhoun Tuesday, Wednesday Steel Trap Joseph Cotten Teresa Wright Thursday, Friday Aug.. 7-9 Aug. 10-11 The Lions Frolic The Tenth annual Lions Frolic was held in the Zurich Arena and Community Centre, on Monday even- ing as advertised, with approx.mately 120.0, people .present. The affair had :been arranged to be held on the newly filled in portion just east of the Arena, but wet grounds and the cooler nig'hts, made it advisable to set up inside where it was dry from the top at least. About eight o'clock- the 'clockthe program got under way with the Zurich Lions Boys and Girls Band giving an open air •concert in front of the Community Centre, which was a fine showing of the develop- ment of these young people, and their leader, Mr. C. Robinson, However, in due time the people filed in the Arena, where the program got under way in due time. There was amuse- ment for all,bingo, 'and the various concessions of chance. Tickets were being sold on the television set which was ,ion display, and was won on the final draw by Kenneth Weido, of Aug, 12-13 Zurich, having the lucky ticket. We My Friend Flicks (Color) Roddy .McDonnell Preston Foster THURSDAY (only) Have a Drink on Us! Free Coca Cola for Everybody Aug. 12th. congratulate Kenneth on his good fortune. The bicycle, donated by the Lions to the •c'hildre'n was won by Miss Brenda Lawrence, of Zurich, who receives it free gxatus, as all the children's tickets were given free. The show soon got under way and 'was directed by Mr. Hugh Simp- son, the manager of the Simpson Co. of 'Windsor. The program was the best talent we have ever seen at a Lions Frolic and we icannot help but mention the little 11 -year-old sweet- heart girlie Sheila Brenie, who has most 'outstanding talent, anct show- manship coupled with it; The lady soloist, Miss Simpson, was nice, as was Sally Geier, who did some real baton twirling and many other stunts Three men acrobats did splendid per- formances, just who was the best we still are contemplating weo to men- tion. During the two pediods be- tween acts, the people 'went to visit the concessions, and not a stale or inactive moment was in evidence. As we go to press -we do not know what the proceeds would be, but as a program of this high. .order always colt;; considerable. The evening dos- ed with a dance in the hall, to which muse was furnished by the Desjar- p e e oilne orchestra and i5 o Another Frolic NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Closed for vacation Aug. 20 -Sept 4th 1T 1 223 e . Zurich NORMA STEINBACH . Prop. RAG RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made fa Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zurldir Ont. Phone 128. INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LORNE-+ S. Eii i LOCKER SERVICE - - ROE FEEDS WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 —. HENSALL, ON';,,. • t9 es 0 • 4. • •• • • • i • ..`l 44 4. 4. 00 **vt Licensed Emb -u er and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service o Hospital. Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL- OCCASIONS Day and Night Service �3 y �" Telephone: Res. 89 041 00's:4.4.4 4. '400 000 1 • 1 4. or 122, Zurich 0 0000 0 000 or We are ever at your service with the bet lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Frui ; and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts '- and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL i.1.�i. PRODUCE WANTED. Cartoon and News at Each Per- formance fete First Show at Dusk. 2 Comp Shows Nightly Childr en's (Playground—Under 12 in Cars Free who are used to soft drinks, eve are now brewing a light palatable beer - taking the place, in their case, of a more bitter beer which they will not drink." A Kitchener .Br•ewmaster is quoted here -part of a speech which he made to a Kiwanis Club... "He crashed intoe the railway gates, both officers said the accused was drunk, `I had had two beers but I was not drunk". Perhaps it was the light alataible beer. 'dor beer de-'olttered Advt, )ta is still 'beer, an alcohsTh lieverag •---s rade history, Phone 165 Men's Work OlLothes WE HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF NEW MEN'S WORK CLOTHES ALSO ALL STAPLE MERCHANDISE GIVE US 'A CALL 1 GROCERY SPECIALS Lynnvalley Cream Corn, 20 -oz. tin Ise Jelly Powder, McLaren's 3 for 25c Corn Flakes 8 -oz. at 17c Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl • 4. • 0 4. • BIAIKE STORE ,rte, Schwartzextteuber, Prop. Phone 1147