HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-07-29, Page 7CRAP OF PAPER MEANT THE EGALLOWS 11'rom his office window, John Robinson watched the constable prOpel his unwilling charge through the entrance of Roches- ter Row police station. Robinson was an insolvent ,house -agent, sick of waiting for clients who never came. le7ow; ` turning from the win- dow, he emptied his pockets on to the cheap pine desk: four pawn tickets, a bunch of keys, five pennies. That was all . and the rent overdue . . , and at home a worried wife and four kiddies. The office could take care of itself, he mused. And, a moment later, went out into the sunlit street, The year was 1927. John Robinson was riot merely decent -looking — he was good- looking, and in a way that ap- pealed to women.. In Victoria Street, where she was doing her shopping, Robin- son met a pretty, dark, plumpish young woman. He. had charm, a] certain grace, superficial, it is true, but Of the showy kind which women fall for. He made it seem perfectly respectable for this chance -met acquaintance to walk with him. And presently, when he invited her to inspect his place of busi- ness, she had no feeling of dan- ger. Once within, the attitude of this chance -met cavalier under- went a change. He became :familiar and, when resentment was his reward, he became rough. Sometimes, in the past, in similar circustances, a clout had settled the, matter for John Ro- binson. But on this particular occasion things went wrong. A violent woman, with the best reasons in the world for self-defence, is as awkward to one with as a fistful Of nettles. An angry woman who threatens Ai JO scream the house clown and that house opposite a busy police. station, become quite. in- -lolerable. Knocking his victim down with a hard punch, Robinson dinned her arms with one strong hand while he reached for his chair cushion. Very soon the violent move - Dents epts Of the woman weakened: wad presently she was still. • John Robinson removed the eusbiOn from her face. He had goo too far; been too thorough. Be gat slowly to his feet and went like a drugged man to- wards the window. Below, a constable stood at Bhepolice station doorway. Sun- 70glit flooded the street. Boys' went whistling on, their way. John Robinson went Out, lock- ing the office door behind him. Be had to think. Cuba's Choice—Isis Finlay, "Miss Cuba," an entrant in the "Miss Universe" contest, The 20 -year- old beauty was so confident that she has started taking English lessons. He had killed a woman. And he had left her body locked in his little office, the window of which looked out towards the police station, Next day he went back to his office. The long watches of a sleepless night had produced a plan of action. He could get out of this mess, and do so quite simply, The plan was neither new nor clever. It was to dismember the body, pack it in a trunk, and deposit the trunk in the left- luggage office at Victoria Sta- tion, Before returning to his office he went to Brixton, where he was unknown, bought a cheap, second-hand trunk, using the money he had found ii, his vic- tim's handbag. Next, he bought a large knife and a large quantity .of brown paper, By midday the task was ac- complished, the battered old trunk securely corded. He went out into the street. "Hey, you!" he accosted a seedy - looking man, "want to earn a bob?" Together the two men carried the heavy trunk to the street, and hoisted it on to a taxi. At Victoria Station, the porter in charge of the left-luggage office, glancing from trunk to depositor, scribbled the ticket. John Robinson, feeling relieved almost reckless, hailed another taxi and drove out of the sta- tion yard. "And that's that!" he no doubt said, in self-congratulation, as he tossed the small piece of paper which was to put the rope around his neck out of the taxi window. "Bloke chucked this outer his taxi winder," explained a porter, handing the check in, to the man in charge of the left-luggage of- fice. "Oh, 'e did, did 'e. Yes, I re- member 'int. Left a blooming 'eavy trunk, 'e did." A week later the police were called in. The trunk had be- come offensive. And now the great network of police investi- gation began to function. A laundry mark led to the identity Of the victim. She was a mar- ried woman — Bessie Bonati— separated from her husband. A woman leading the half -world life of the London streets. When Robinson had packed that trunk he had absent-minded- ly left with the remains of his vic- tim a cloth. That cloth bore the name of a hotel — the hOtel where Robinson's wife was em- ployed, and from which she had taken it. •The left-luggage office eaten - dant was invited to identify the man who -left the trunk. He did see without difficulty. • So John Robinson was brought' to trial and charged with the murder of Bessie Bonati by smothering her. Now, for a pian to dismember ' a dead woman does not mean necessarily that he first killed her, His action might have fol- lowed on an embarrassing acci- dent. That, put very briefly, was Robinson's defence. He had invited the woman to his office. She had made black- mailing demands for money. He had resisted them. She then flew at him, and in self-defence he had struck her. She had fallen, face down on to the hearth rug and, greatly upset, he had left the office and had not re- turned till the fol]owing morn - in Said defence cousel: Bessie Bonati might have died of shock. Then, as a second line: Bessie Bonati might have died of coal - gas poisoning, for the gas leaked and she lay there all night. • It may have been improbable, but it was plausible, And no jury wants, without proof positive, to send a man to the gallows. But the science of anatomy, and of the workings of the human body, is an exact science. teeiteeee t {. e i.. * *c3 1 eAsekResee. at• ti , ei a.a i fti- ei1, riiIit 1, ti ,. leiVirrt Head Stops Train to Its Tracks -- if you think the heat's making you dizzy, look what it did to these railroad tracks near Hallo- well, Kans, Frisco Railroad officials said the four -foot sway was due to 10 -degree temperatures. Roses Are Red — Queen Elizabeth samples the fragrance of a carnation at the Royal Agricultural Society flower show in Wtnd- sor Great Park, Run 'efr gerators On Just Sunshine The household of a London University teacher at Sidcup, Kent, is hoping for a sunny summer. The more sunshine we have, the more Dr. H. Hey- wood will enjoy free hot baths or easy washing up with lots of hot water. At the side of his house a solar water heater traps the warmth of the sun in a mesh of glass tubes and heats fifteen gallons of water to 160 degrees Fahrenheit — or 71 degrees Cen- tigrade. Some neighbours think it just - an amusing novelty. B u t the truth is that Dr. Heywood's sunny home help points to a new era in the household use of solar energy, Not long ago a United States scientist stepped outside his door and performed one of the routine hot -weather tricks of New York by frying an egg on the pave- ment. He explained to students . that if the pavement had been insulated on the underside to prevent escape of heat into the ground, t h e eggs would have fried a minute faster, With two glass plates and a film of water to trap the sun's heat, instead of a paving slab, the eggs could have been boiled. At Mount Wilson Observatory, California, the astronomers have a solar cooker. Mirrors of spe- cial cut and design concentrate the sun's rays on heating •ele- ments in such a way that the scientists can bake bread or cook themselves a chicken dinner. A small battery keeps the trap - mirrors constantly focused on the sun — like a burning glass. Clouds sometimes cut off the supply like the click of a switch. But the cooking goes on. For oil has meantime been heated by The expert anatomist who assists justice does not theorize. He deals only in facts. It was the late Sir Bernard Spilsbury who was invited to give his opinion on the medical propositions put forward by Ro- binson's counsel. "It might have been shock?" suggested the defence. "Had it been shock it would have been evident from the con- dition of the heart. Post-mor- tem examination revealed a per- fectly healthy heart." "Coal -gas even if diluted, can cause death, if the period of exposure to it is prolonged?" "That is so. But I examined the blood for evidence of coal - gas poison idications — and found none." What the medical expert had failed to find in Bessie Bonati's blood was carbon -monoxide. "It might have been asphyxia?" "In asphyxia the blood turns dark. In carbon -monoxide poi- soning it turns bright red. I found the blood to be dark," The medical expert patiently reconstructs, like the parts of a puzzle, what actually occurred from what remains. Bessie Bonati was suffocated by the pressure of a soft mater- ial over her mouth. There was the bitten tongue, the congested lungs that were suddenly de- prived of air. There was the dark blood. There were the bruises, with their signs of hav- ing been followed by death. John Robinson was sentenced to death. SALLY'S SALVE have a double order of bread- fruit andtoastthe bread)" 'the sun and stored in an in- 'sulated tank, giving enough heat :for thirty-six hours, • In India recently, a solar cook- er was demonstrated at the home • of Prime Minister Nehru, and cheap mass-produced models are promised within a few months. Experts of the Indian Physics Laboratory have even used sun- shine to run refrigerators in a block of flats in New Delhi. Trapping the sunlight on the rooftop, a liquid is heated which ruffs the 'frig. As much solar energy pours on the earth in an hour as the output of 21,000 million tons of coal; and even cloudy Britain can count on an average 1,500 hours' sunshine a yea r. Ever since Archimedes in the third century B.C. erected huge mir- rors at Syracuse to set a besieg- ing Roman navy aflame, the idea of harnessing sunshine has ob- sessed scientists. The difficulties of trapping sunpower in a confined space without great capital expense, the inefficiency of existing mir- rors and methods of storage were always perplexing problems. Yet today sunshine is cooling a cine- ma in Tangier, supplying water heatingfor schools in Nigeria, and sun -warmed oil stored by day now provides night heating to French Army hospitals in. Al- geria. Maybe you,, too, will soon use 'sunshine nidoo"rs as well as out. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has built two houses with flatplate sun storers in- cluded in the sloping roofs. Passed into chemicals, the heat is then drawn to storage radia- tors that heat the rooms. In an observatory at Meudon, on the outskirts of Paris, the rays of the sun are harnessed by mirrors to a solar furnace. There, in concentration, they can melt any metal into liquid, including thorium, one of the toughest me- tals known. Temperatures as high as 9,000 degrees Fahrenheit have been obtained. A Spanish scientist, Frederico Mollero, was placed in charge of a new helio, or sun, institute in Soviet Russia with huge mir- ror installations. He dreamed of the fruits Of solar energy in the vast arid re- gions of Soviet Central Asia, particularly around the agricul- tural area of Tashkent, remote from sources of ordinary fuel. Today, the Soviets boast that long-distance shipments of fuel to Tashkent are no longer neces- sary, Sunpower plants provide all the heat and power neces- sary at the two great govern- ment cannery and frozen storage plants, Another helio-installa- tion is in use at a metal smelt-. ing works and helio-engines are to be used in local silk weaving and leather -tanning. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED MEDICAL CANVASSERS 1yantedl Hot item, ovary A:utomobie owner needs, Wm -Tee -Ur. Dor" i Canvasners earn $10.00 daily, »s- talls, Demonstration offer mailed. /And. ner, 158-5 West 38rd, NOW 7rork City 1, BABY OHICES WE have special breeds of chicka for maximum egg production, for brgllere. for roasters or dual purpoee. Tell use what you want . them for and we will advise you the best breeds to purchase. Prompt delivery. Turkey poulte for roasters or Turkey brolere, Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHIC({ HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS STILL a wide choice, Started or day- old. Mixed, puleta, cockerels, Breeds and crosses, such as /elk. Minx Leg. R. I. Rede X Leg., C.R. X R.I,—ask ue for complete list. Bray Hatchery, 120 John N. Hamilton. IF all broiler growers in Canada will leave theis pens empty two or three weeks instead of one week and give 11 square toot per bird instead of 1 foot or less per bird, there will be less broilers grown, the price should streng- then, you will grow better broilers with less disease auob as C.R.D. and make more money out of each crop. Of course you will have to start with good broilers. Our best are Nichola New Hampshires every one guaranteed from first genera- tion stook. We also have Beltsville White for turkey broilers. Free Cata- logue. TWEDDLE CHTClt HATCHERIES LTD. FERG'US ONTARIO 95c PULLETS $2.35 BROILER CHICKS 3 MONTH-OLD , . . Ready -to -lay Ste sex X Red; a very good cross and our popular Arbor Acres White Rocks, Im- mediate delivery. Alco booking for September 16th delivery. Check for Special prices for Sept. & Oct. Buy before eggs go to peak prices and pullet Prices accordingly. TUE LAIKEVIEW POULTRY FARM AND HATCHERY LTD. EXETER ONTARIO FOR SALE NEW 1954 Evinrutles and Eltos, less 20 %, Bargain Sporting Catalog FREE Appleby Brothers, Athabasca, Alberta. NEW outboard motors $99, Write for free catalog. Thompson Sporting Gonda, 252 Bank, Ottawa, Ont. FORAGE BLOWER HOODS Save • time — Save labour Spread hay evenly in mow by attaching a Herrgott Flexible Hood on end of Blower Pipe. Lessens danger of heat- ing and causing combustion. Blower Hoods are made in all sizes for any type of Forage Blower. HERRGOTT THRESHER CO, LTD..... St. Clements, Ontario. Waterloo County. Write or Phone Linwood 86-R-21 WOOLLEN Remnants 51.75 to $3.00 per yd Blankets, Pant Cloth, Mackinaw Cloth, Coatings, Wool Socks. J. A, Hum- phrey & Son Limited. P, 0. Box 307, Moncton, N.B. HERRGOTT THRESH1.NG MACHINBS New and used Herrgott Threshers. Full width Straw Shredders installed on any make of thresher. Cuts and shreds the straw finer than any other shredder, using no extra power. The easiest shredder to install. Midget Hopper Grain Throwers, Grain Throwers for installation on any make of thresher. Roadking wagons. Drive belts, all sizes, Repairs for Goodison threshers and Hart Feeders. Order now to be sure of delivery when needed. .HERRGOTT THRESHER 00. LTD. St. Clemente, Ontario Waterloo County. Write er Phone Linwood 36-R-21 GENERAL STORE, groceries, meats, hardware. dry goods, gas and oils, six room house attached. County road. $60,000 turnover, Retirement. Terme. George D. Smith, Realtor & Auctioneer, Perth, Ontario. MEDICAL XEMUL (A guaranteed remedy), for athlete's foot, Poison ivy, sunburn, eczema, foot odour. 51 postpaid. Box 155, Brighton, Otl- tarlo, ITI Try °DOREN. guaranteed 'herbal treat. ment for arthritic pains, Pleasant safe, effective. Montb's supply 95. Money back guarantee. Write for particulars. PICRWOOD PIIAILMAOAL CO. LTD. Milton Ontario. TRY ITI EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUi TIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TR DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S ARUG STARE, 385 ELGIN, OTTAWA $1.25 EXPRESS PREPAID FEMINEN • Dnp Iowan tells another. Take euperior "A -RW " to help alleviate pain, die - troop and nervous tension aaeootRted with monthly periods. 85 00 POST'Sd CHEMICALSn plain riper 889 QUEEN ST. TOAST TORONTO POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment nt dry eczema rashes and weeping ekiri troubiea Poet's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling, and burning eczema tame ringworm. pimples and foot eczema odol respond r - less ointment ronally to regarfl regardless hewess etubbo n or hopeless they seem PRiCE 02.50 PER JAB POST'S REMEDIES Sent Post Free en Receipt of Price 88A Queen St. E., Correa ,,f Logan TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR HIEN SAND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEAVING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession, good wawa Thousands nt 4 io 'sof ,1 Marvel grad- uates.. America's ` t:reatust System Illustrated Catalogue free Write or Call SAA.RVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOE.S 358 Storm St. W.. Toronto Branches 44 King St., Hamilton 72 Rideau St.. Ottawa. PATENTS AN OFFER to every inventor- List of In- Ventiona and full Information sent free, The Ramsay Co. Registered Paten' lit. torneys, 278 Bank Street Ottawa FETHERSTONHA 1TGH & Company Patent Attorneys. Established 1890. 600 University Ave., Toronto s Patents all countries• PERSONAL Tobacco Eliminator. areSold subject totes easily itmon y-batk guarantee. For tree Authoritative medi- cal opinion regarding 111 effects of nice- ' tine, write C. King Pharmacal Corp., Ltd., Box 303, Walkerville, Ontario. 51.00 TRIAL offer Twenty-five deluxe Personal requirements Latest Catsingue included. The Medibn Agency Res 124 Terminal A. Toronto, Ontario SELL your Invention! Send $1.00 for A list of 1,000 large manufacturing companies, their subsidiaries and af- filiates." Inventors Mutual Service. Box 200-W, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. BUSY WORKER Another character with tak- ing ways was Carlos dos Santos of Rio de Janeiro, who was ar- rested during a routine round- up of pickpockets. He was about to be released when the station detective re -arrested him be- caus he discovered that his wallet had been pinched dur- ing questioning, IT MAY !'E YOUR LIVER til iiitie'e not 'worth Living it tasty be your fiver! We a fact! is talcs; op to zwc pints of livez bole day to keep yosr digestive tract in top shape! If your liver bile is riot flowing freely your food may not digest ... sae biotite up 'our etomnoh ... you feel constipated and all the fun mad sparkle go out of hfo. That's when you need mild gentle Carter's Little Liver Pills. Thecae famous vegetable pills help cumulate the flow of liver bile. Soon year digestion starts funotinninv properly and yen feel that happy days are here again! Don't neer stay aunic Always keep Carter's Little Lever Pills nn hand. 37d at vnnr dourest ISSUE 31 -- 1954 • ANADA'S ,FINEST CIGARETTE R. R. 11. 110111ESS OF KEIT *II Officially Open um F'I.1:'!AY AUG Speotacl ST 27th 2 WEEKS OF ROY ROGERS "King of the Cowboys" with Dale Evans, the entire company and Trigger WOMEN'S WORLD Fashions W Food 0' Furnishings AGRiCULTURE Livestock, Fruit, Vegetables NIATIONAI. HORSE SHOW Aug. 27 to Sept. i D. ntertainnte 11, FAMED H GUARDS BAND Direct from England NEW 1,500 ,000 FOOD PRODUCTS BUILDING PUN PACKED MIDWAY Rotor — Dancing 'Waters SPORTS ALL TYPES Track, Field, Aquatic, General Canadian Olympic Training Plan, Crane lake ;Swim & Relay. Canadian National Exhibition TORONTO Il. H. Saunders, C.B.E., Q.C. Hiram P. McCallum .— Gbanarat Meduner President ,r