HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-07-29, Page 1.1! r (Established 190..0 Church Directory ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO V. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 1ti a.m.—Divine Services. 11:15 a.m.—Sunday SchooL -vening Service lifted for Summer Everybody Welcome to all Services EMMANUEL !EVANGELICAL . U . CHURCH ZURICH — ONTARIO Rev. H. E. Roppel, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist UNDAY SERVICES - 19.00 a.m. — Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. — Bible School. :Evening Service lifted for Summer Welcome at all Services— "Come bo with with us and we will do thee !fgood.". Num. 10:29. Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor-- Albert Martin IRINDAY SERVICES: 1B:00 a.m. — Sunday School 11:00 eon. — Worship Service 8:00 p.m. — Biible Meeting WEDNESDAY, 8 p.m. 'Prayer Fellowship 'OU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH USI Are You Suffering From Headaches? so have your Eyes EmeTn'ned with 'he Latest Methods and equipment at L OPTOMETRIST Si OPTICIAN GODERICH ONT. tiZood Glasses at Reasonable Prices 411.•MINI...01.1 HERAL. ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORMNG, JULY 29 1954 cs, Melon Theatre GRAND BEND Friday, Saturday July 30-31 Randolph Scott Riding Shotgun Technicolor Wayne Morris Jan Weldon A new design in 'Western Action Selected Short Subjects Sunday Midnight, Monday, Tuesday, • Angust 2-3 Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, and an All Star Cast Star Spangled Rythm - A Re -Release Cartoon and Newsreel Wednesday, Thursday Aug. 4-5 Dangerous Mission Technicolor Victor ML:ture Piper •Laurie William Bendix Suspense ... Excitement.. Chills Additional Short Subjects CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends and neighbours for the kindness ,and as- sistance 4 -Lown towards me during my recent accident, including cards, treats and help.—Oscar Greb. The bereft family of the late Mrs. Ed. Edighoffer wish to greatly thank their neighbors and many friends for the kind assistance and sympatay shown during their bereavement. Al- so Rev. H. E. Roppel for his kindness and those who took part in the music and .song at the funeral. BORN • At the Farwell Nursing Home, Zurich, on Sunday, J-uly 25, to Mr. and Mrs Clare Masse, Zurich, a dau- ghter. At the Farwell Nursing Home, on''S4day,:-''''.SUIY'.:;25th,. ta Mr:. And Mrs. Marinus Verrnunt, Zurich, a da- ughter. At the Seaforth Mem. Hospital, On July 27th, toMr. and Mrs. Urban Ducharme, of Hay Twp., a daughter. -* T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME 110 '10. • • Funeral Director — Private Car Ambulance -• -• • -•• Member of Ontario Funeral Association • * 10 HOLDER OF ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTI,61- CATE — PORTABLE O • XYGEN EQUIPMENT • • • • HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT — INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN • •• FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES : WE WIRE ANYWHERE • •4 • IS.s 24 Hour Service — Dashwood. Tel. 70W • • * o *0! • 41 ••••••••••••• .0.10 ****4 ••••••••••••• .44. 4,4t • .. +O.+ T TEL'S Superior Store Shop at Our Store AND SEE THE MANY FINE USEFUL AND GIFT ARTICLES WE HAVE IN CHINAWARE, ETC. WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU THESE! FROZEN FOODS 'BIRD'S EYE FROSTED FOODS FOR YOUR (CONVENIENCE — -FRUITS VEGETABLES FISH - COLD MEATS, ETC. SEE OUR GROCERY SPECIALS! Visit our Large Grocery Department and take Advantage of the Various Specials on Sale from tirne to thne. Weekly Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Greens. LET US SERVE YOU ! leamenterovesnamemmtertemmiti Phone 140 C. H. THIEL Zurich Lyric Theatre Phone 421 - • EXETER ON OUR WIDE VISION. SCREEN Friday, Saturday 771.3r 80-31 Montana Territory Lon McAllister Wanda Hendux And on the same program Killer Ape Johnny Weismiller. Monday, Tuesday August 2-3 Gordon Blade Rock Hudson Piper Laurie Photographed in tecamicoldr, this Arabian nights type of Adventure Melodrama is real entertainment. Wednesday, Thursday Aug. 4-5 Affairs of Dubbie Gillis Debbie Reynolds Bobbie Van Also Combat Squad John Ireland Lon McAllister Sunset Drive -In Theatre 1 y4 MILES EAST OF GODERICH ON HIGHWAY No. 8. Friday, Saturday July 30-3J Four Faces West Joel MacRae Lola Albright Comedy Had Farewell Party ir Last, Wednesday evening a fare - W`11. party was held at the home •of and Mrs. Ted Steinbacn, m honor o Iv.tr. Reg. Maley, -who has left for L, beth, sponsored by the Chamber .Commerce, Zurich, as Mr. Illsley lks very instrumental in having such al' organization established in. Zurich. ie boys present all report a very *'e time, plenty o food and treats, a ' a fine social evening spent. An • propriate presentation was made to fi inIglilysl.ey„ to which he replied very " OBITUARY Ross Johnston Passes -4 lifelong . resident of the Blake ca munity passed away at Clinton at Monday, July 26, 1954 in his 87th year. Born in the Blake dist- ✓ t, where he farmed for many yelars he was well known. His wife tl late Rebecca - Edighoffer passed a ay some years ago. The body rest- e at the Westlake funeral home at Zirich till Wednesday July 28 where a- alio service was held with in- t , ment in Bayfield Union Cemetery. R H. E. Roppel officiated. Mr. H8rOid Johnston of Zurich, is a son, a3 Mrs. Minnie Weido of London, a (1., lighter. Mrs. Ed. Edighoffer After an illness for a few years, hnie Klein.stiver, beloved wife of • ard H. Edighoffer of Zurich, pas- se' away at her home an Tuesday Jtitly 20th, 1954 in her 71st year. B sides her husband her family con- s ts of Victor, of •Zurich; Kenneth o :Sutherland, Sask., O.VIrs.0mar Bar- k (Irene), of Prince George, B.C; Ms. W. G. Bacon (Irma), of Fort G rry, Manitoba,and Mrs. R. G. sang (Donna), Regina, Sask. The re' ains rested at the Westlake Fun - e:1 Home, Zurich till Friday July .-d, when a public service was held li interment in the Bronson line Cartoon, E angelical Cemetery. Rev. H. E. R ppel officiated Mrs Edighoffer .wr ar„cr,„ nat,*e:°,o'..WeMt-Oashwaod but Sunday 'came -from the West with her husb- Monday & Tuesday and to Zurich some years ago, where • he has been in the shoe business. Blackbeard, the Pirate. HYMENEAL Robert Newton Linda Darnell Comedy Cartoon Wednesday, Thursday Aug. 4-5 Jack Dade Mark .Stevens Dorothy. Malone Adult Comedy Cartoon First Show at Dusk. Two Shows nightly. Play Grounds. Refreshments Lo1LA8111MAR DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON - ONT. Thursday, Friday July 29-3a When Worlds Collide (Color) RICHARD DERR BARBARA RUSH Saturday, Only 'April In Paris (Color) RAY BOLGER Sunday, Midnight only Aug. lat. July 31 IKlopp - McClinchey Zurich -- A pretty summer wed- ding was solemnized in St. Peter's Lutheran Qhureh here, when Donna Joyce Amelia., youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Orval McClinchey, Varna was united in marriage to Herbert Elmore Klopp, son of Mr and Mrs. Bertram KIopp, Zurich. The Rev. E. W. Heimrich, Zurich, officiating. The chancel of the church was lovely with baskets ef regal lilies and pink roses. Mrs. Fred ,Haberer, J., presided at the organ and Jack Haberer sang the Wedding Prayer and the Lord's Prayer during the signing of the re- al:star. The bride was charming in a floor length gown of white nylon net over taffeta. The strapless fitted lace bod- ice was worn with a lace bolero and matching: lace mittens. The full net skirt over crinoline featured lace ruf- fling. Her ,fing,ertips-veil of emb- roidered ilhision was held in place byi a coronet of pearls. She carried a white prayer book crested with red roses and red rosebuds tied in the streamers. , Mrs. Glenn Webb, sister of the bride, was matron of honour. She wore a waltz length gown of -heaven- ly lilue nylon net over taffeta with a fitted lace bodice topped with a lace bolero and tiered net skirt over crino- line. She wore matching lace mitt- ens and a matching net picture hat. She carried a .celonial bouquet of pink carnations. The bridesmaids' were Miss Myrna Kerswell, cousin of the bride, and Miss Kathryn Klopp, sister of th,e groom. Their gowns of nylon net over taffeta, over crinoline were sty- led similar to that of the matron of honour. Miss Kerswell wore pale yellow and Miss Klopp paile green. They wore matching mitts and net I picture hate. Their flowers were col- enial bouquets of white, and yellow ,niums. The flower girl was Miss Anne Webb, niece of the bride. She wore pink net over taffeta over crinoline. bier dress was similar to those of the senior attendants. .aliealso wore a Matching net picture hat and carried blue straw llowerS. , Fred Haberer, .1t., cousin of the groom, was best, man. The ushers were Glenn Webb, brother -m -taw of the bride and Claire Deichert, cousin of the groom A wedding dinner was served at the Ritz Hotel, I3ayfield. The bride's mother wore a beige linen dress with rhinestone trim and brown accessor- ies. She wore a corsage of yellow *Mums, The groom's mother wore a navy sheer dress with matching ac.. Noseries and a Pink rose corsage. For travelling the bride wore a.beige linen .suit with matching aeossories and a corsage of yellow mums, On their reton, they will mstd8 nom) Zuriehkiog . . A:. • HIGH SURRA (Adult Entertainment) Starring Ida Lopino Humphrey Bokart Menday Only Aug, 2nd SPRINGFIELD RIFLE In Color Gary Cooper . Ruth Roman Tuesda-y, Wednesday Aug. 3-4 PLUNDER OF THE SUN Glenn Ford Dianna Lynn Thursday, Friday Aug. b-6 SAILOR BEWARE Bean IMartin Jerry Lewis Cartoon and News at Each Per- formance First Show at Dusk. ;2: Complete Shows Nightly Child) en's Playground—Under 12 in Cars Free Single copies 5 Cents. Subscription in Canada, $2,00 a Yes* Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.50. NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Closed Aug. 2 to September. TeL 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. RAG RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loony Made to Order — Seth O. .Amann, Zur Ont. Phone 128. A. G. HESS INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST •:F FRW.NDS tisrtait?..04,611111111.41114116.919(64.1. LORNE S. EJLER LOCKER SERVICE - ROE FEEDS WHITE ROSE FUEL 4IL Phone 10 — HENSALL, °NZ SS a • 1140 • 4.0.64161$ 0 0400 000001145 tottakt 4 iteNtealle *rat ea Licensed Embalmer Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent. - FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Dai and Night Service Telephone: Res. 89 - or 122, Zurich 1111111•1111•414108•Saatt 0 aea e Okee GO 1 tettelteesINISSO zuRiews Grocery Store We are ever at your service with the Seat lin obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well ma Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL MENNO OIESCII Phone 165 PRODUCE WANTED. NW'? 0111111111•111Itallet••••••MME•anaita•wew"taaealeiataarittb, --.-------.....------ \ At the Clinton Public Iiospital on jaw 8th, lo Mr and Mrs. Cleve Gin- gerich a daughter, IVIarlene. .grand- daughter to 'Mr and .1VIrs Jacob Gin-. gerich, Goshen lino south, and. 'gr. and 14Irs Edranntt Erb, 13ronskm line, Men's Work. Clothes WE HAVE A GOOD 'SUPPLY OF NEW MEN'S WORK 'CLOTHES ALSO, ALL STAPLE MERCHANDISE — GIVE US 'A CALL 1 GROCERY SPECIALS Lynnifaey Cream Corn, 20 -oz. tin 15c Jelly Powder, McLaren's 3 for 25c Corn Flakes 8 -oz. at 17c Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Hand '.1111.1E BIA.IiE STORE Schwartzentruber, Prop, r; • A 4.9