HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-07-22, Page 4*Olden tOrr halo Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND —DANCING NIGHTLY Monday thro' Friday 9 p.m, to 1230 p.m. Sat. 9 to 12 pan. NEIL McKAY and his NEW ALL-STAR Orchestra featuring VOCALS by Jack Levi and Johnny Noubarian ELECTRIC GUITAR by Eddie Bell MIDNIGHT DANCE CIVIC HOLIDAY WEEK- END. CONCERT ON THE BEACH EVERY SUNDAY EVENING y th, Mount Forest Band you are still our own Dear Monsignor, ZURICH HERALD yovr Planning and Is 4inething $this parish may weri Lso-A811MA • peened OM • Tils°and many other activities 'vehich you have been engaged all pro - work hi the most efficient way poss DRIVE -N THEATRE elairn your eagerness to do your sible. For all these things we are truly ,grateful. Your efforts, we are well aware, have been , blessed iby magnificent results. To sumit ell up the people of this parish owe a debt of gratitude to Iyou for your wise counsel and un - for the spiritual enrichment you have DAY, JULY 26. failing interest in our work, and also ip brought this parish during the past • eight years , It is, therefore, with mingled feelings that we have all gathered here to-night—feelin.gs of deep regret at losing so depoted a wor'ker and such a loving and ender- gtanding pastor; and those or toy in the thought that by your great tal- ents you will bring blessings to an- • • •• • • • • • CLINTON ONT. 1.,...51.10144•ZIVIMI.....MULMO'F*04.014.014...**1100 OLD SHOW WEEK TUESDAY, JULY 20 to MON. • • 0 ether part of the Lord s vineyard. • Be assured, Dear Monsignor, that fa; -this feeling of deep-seated lave which se; we feel for you to -night will not u • soon die • for vohave conquered the 4 heart of every man, woman and hid in this- pariah and even though you are leaving us, in aur hearts Jul 25 Qualeseilisatineismemeasessmemswomaul"1"1111111.1"1"1111161161111621510Wit ri h Lions L t _ Z.ro..ttr- rnr, aer:C. COMMUNITY CENTRE — ZURICH Civic Holiday; Monday, Enterlainment. Games and Dancingl Vaudeville Shc---a csn.s:ls:s 'Grolt. the Musical Comedy Onyrn: :ask Fisher. baratone, Mary McGee. pr...,plalez: Sopram,: Sheila Brenie, Queen of the S--..313.- Geier. A-merican National Baton Twir:er Cha.mnion. Etc.. Etc. Show; Bingo and Games of Chance outdoors; Dan- cing in Community Cerd-re. — Drorme Orcb- Zuiich Junior Band in Attendm.me and a little bit of Paincourt will al- ways belong to us. We humbly pray that the years you spend le your new parish may be -blessed abundantly in, every way. We hope gee, that brew you will return to iit St. Peter's' Jjj-.Par..ieth where you will ever • e Wel- come. ' And. so, Monsignor, •ae a token of -our love and final devotion to you • .we ask you to accept this gift, an d be assuzet.1 that our heart goes With —Your parishioners of St. Petet'S Parish, ST.. Joseph, Ont. Thursday Only July 22 How Green Was My Valley Walter Pidgeon - Maureen O'Hara Friday Only Gilda Rita Hayworth July 23 Glenn. Ford Saturday Only July 24 Thunderhead, Son ot Flicka (Colour) Roddy McDowell - Preston Foster Monday Only- July 2(5 Forever Amber Linda Darnell - Carnell Wilde (Colour) — Adult Enter. ,crop and several floids.bave been cut in the south. end of the County. Armyworms have invaded the grain fields in. four sections of the County and in some .cases the out-breeks have caused quite serious damage to erops, Other crepe Stith as white beans, soybeans, sugar beets and earn have suffered severely from the lack of ;moisture. Pastures are dry, ing and there is very little hay aftermath, Dairy operators report that the milk flow is dropping off at an increasing rate. Cartoon and News at Each Per - f ormance First Show at Dusk. 2, St. Joseph & BlueWater Area Shows Nightly Thursday, July 22nd, 1054 ZURICH 4.H CALF CLUPt The meeting of the Zurich Cull Club was held at the rarm 1iiiu.D/IcKinley, 4 miles north of 'Zurich, on May 12 at 8.30 p.m, the: gneeting was 'called to order he, tive vice-pres., IOdgar Willert. The minut- es of the last meeting were read by secy., Mary Geiger, and were adoat- ed 16 •mernibers answered the roll call The 4-11 pledge was repeated in anis, sore The meeting was then tuned over to Mr. McKinley who ratrodut- ed two men from the Master Fecelee. Experimental Farm (Leitchcrof t which has 800 acres and is 25 mile.e north of Toronto. Mr. Clare Teed of 'Toronto showed pictures on an lame inary tour of the farm and Mr Paul Cause, also of Toronto, was .commen- tator. Mr. Carl Oestreicher thanked them. for their hetp. It was moved and seconded that they adjourn. M- and Mrs MoKinlee provided ice cream, and cookies which were enjoyed b all. Mr. 'McKinley was thanked for the use of his hatchery and to the East) asking the Government to ea- lunch by Edgar Willert. A very en, propriate The Pinery and then to joyable evening was enjoyed by all sell the inland section — the forest club members and visitors. — back to the authority at a teed price of $17,000. his would leave the entire lakeshore area—a stretch about 41/2 miles long covering more than 1,200 acres—under proymcial ownership while the remainding por- tion extending inland to the Bine Water Highway would be owned by the .Authority. • PINERY PROGRESS Parkhill — Western •Ontario's great natural park area, The Pinery, may soon be the outdoor playground ev- eryone has been waiting for. Recently the Ausable River Co nservation Authority decided to ask the Provin- cial Government to expropriate the 4,066 -acre Lake Huron. shoreline as a public recreation area. A resolut- on will 'be presented to Premier Frost shortly by C. E. Janes, (PC. Lambton Complete -,- a -.Ars Cyril Ducharrne.-and Childr en's Playground—Under 12 in Windsor left on Monday Cars Free — alter s1.1.e.7 .71ng a near two weelez Lutheran church and spent the week vane -lee vei-1 their parents. Mr• and ..re_ end :with Mr and Mrs Maurice Klump ' 311'S. Fl`trd Ineeharme and other Miss Janet Scott of Rowmanville, ,:ae;ves. Mg nMr Peter Mare eand vachationing with her grandmother ed e ,i..s.. sirs. E. Kleinetiver. . !granddaughters of Detroit e -Pent a. 1 7, W Cr weeke vacation -camping en a Itottage in St..'Joseph., returnntg- to , their home or. Teeiday last. • Mrs. Louis qicib' Meese Of $t Jos - 0th left. on Saturday last to visit ler parents and relati.„-,s .i.n. her-_.natit,e I on. Restemayer spent last week -end at Turkey Point. Nova Scotia, returning to -her 'home ' 1 Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs a , ie two -weeks. iWni, Wein were Mr and Mrs Clar- .. - Mr and Mrs Morley 'Po -urine of . ence Pepper of Stratford and Mr. London were week -end. •aieltors withi Mr and Mrs Albert Getz of Strat- • Edward Cortiveau, over the week - Miss Barbara Anne Scott of Lond- on was a holiday guest with Mies Margaret Salmon. Mr and Mrs Fred Weiberg, Mr and Mrs kdolph-Keller, Mr and Mrs. Aar- • SHORTAGE OF NURSES Canada has more nurses than ever before—four times as many as we had in 1934 and about orire-third more than in 1944. Besides our more than 44,000 :practising registered nurses, we have now more than 15,000 stu- dent nurses in training and thousands of nursing assistants. According to the 'Canadian Nurses' Association, Canada, with 43,380 practising nurs- es and a popuation of about 14,400, 000 bee about one nurse for every 355 persons. It is estimated that Canada needs between 8,000 and 9,000 more nurses right away. the latteeras parents, fir arid Mrs. Renew Ra.egele of Toronto. ford spent the week -end with. his end. Suenraee retorters come-andsgo and a cottages are kept filled, along the lake it. le a "'boon for 'those *hhave parents, -Mr and Mrs Reuben Goetz Miss Carol Becker is holidaying with her aunt and uncle at New D d • 'filt)Se:511MT,„...ez homes, they oeing their Mr and Mrs John Snyder of Brant - s '`-"•vner.5- ne-at rerar"S' and at the same ford apent the weekend witb the aliel ;lime those ilat vet -tames thern-grea:t- latter,a mother, Mrs, Bertha Hayter 1-.r enjoy aPuna.= s hh"u"ak or two in- Also her granddaughter Barbara 112- lin- g 'the balm) Irezes of LPIcP:'BerAVI,S of Detreit was a visitor. WHY NEED WE FEAR? Rom. 8: 31 b — If God be for us -Who can be against us"? 1 John 4: 4"la — Greater is He that is in -you than he that'is' in the World. Psalm 46: 1 — God is our refuge and strenp_th, very present help in trouble. Psalm 27: -1 --- The Lord is my Light and my Sal- vation, Whom shall I fear? The Lard is the Strength -6f my life, of whom shall -I be -afraid) C'OLDEN RULE GOSPEL ME SStli*GER 'Box -50,*R. R. 1 — Zurich, Ontario • 0 a • • 8 9 • • tem WANTED 'Huron 'County requires a stenographer , corn- ptorneter experience desired, but not essential. Duties to commence August 2nd, 1954. Applicants should state experience and name of former employer. Applications will be received up to and indlucling' Wednesday, July 28th, 1954. Apply to A. H.-Erdicine, Huron County Clerk, Goderich. Ontario. Bea* Fe:via-ill On Sunday evening jtily18, after the church devotion, the pal -Wieners. aad others gathered on the "front awn. of the rectory to bid -good-bye to their priest, Monsignor Rourdeau, on the eve of his depatturega sut- ahle of -money was presented to him; after a very inspiring address -gas read by Mrs. Alvin 'Rau. Touching on the good -acts,. deeds land good work performed ,by during his eight years of his •adniin- istration in the parish. lalonsignor Bourdeau thanked all those Who had gathered for the occasicrn, reminding his listeners, that parishoners •and :priest can accomplish much by -Co- operating, and by so doing spiritul hkessing'skindnes.s as a pariah. He urged all to give the same co- operation to his successor. The 'life of a priest is not an easy -one. They are eubjest to change of parish ac- • cording to their talent, and -after epending a few years in a parish,•' • they become closely affiliated with: 141: ethe members, thus making it harder; 0 for their departure. However, it is •, • a vow of Obedience they take at 0 their Ordination, to work for the. , spiritual good of those in their .charge 0 Monsignor Bourdeau and his house - e helpers leave on Wednesday morning • for their new parish. Paincourt, near ; Chatham. Nae bid them well, we • wah him health. peace of mind, and • contentreeet of heart in les new eeld 2 of iabout. DASH N.X/ 0 (") 50 Attend Vacation School Miss Virginialeoessel of Lansing, Mich., is spending the summer with her aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs. Clayton Pfile. Mr. Czar and Miss Grace Keller- man have returned to Toronto, after vacationing with their brother and family, Mr and Mrs Harold Keller- man and other relatives. Miss Pearl Wurtz of Zurich and Grace Kellerman were Sunday visit- ors with Misses Pearl and Marie Kraft. Mrs. Frank Watson of Detroit, Mr and Mrs.Windsor Mathews and Mr. and IVIrs. Wm. Pitt of London, were week -end visitors with Mr and Mrs Chas. Snell. Mrs Wm. Schumaker,'Mrs. Leo Luedcke, and Elizabeth, Mrs. Marvin •Garthe and Philip of Pigeon, Mich., spent the week -end with Mr and Mrs Wm. Haugh. Mr and Mrs. Clarence Yager of Port Huron were Thursday visitors with the Misses Marie and Pearl Kraft and other friends in town. Mrs. Louis Morenz while spending the summer at her cottage at Silver Slet, suffered a stroke and is now „a-- patient in Port Arthur Hospital. Mr. and Mrs Dave Baird of Lon- don spent Sunday, with the ratter's aister, Mrs. le Piefer. Sunday day evening visitors with Mr and Mrs Cliff. Fleet were, Mr and Mrs. Louis Restemayer, Mr and Mrs. Victor Kraft -arid .family and Mr and Mee Herb. Miller and family. Miss Aims Taylor spent .last week In London'with an aunt and uncle, and le spending this week in Wind- sor with another aunt and uncle. . .Mr. Jerry Guenther spent the week -end' at home with his parents, in Windsor. Mr end Mrs 'Syd -Baker spent Sun- day at Wasaga Beach. • Week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Art Allemand were Miss Heler MGiii of Corunna and Mr. Tom O'- Keefe ef Detroit. Mr Grant Wildfong of. London, spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. Garnet Wildfong. W. I. Meet The meriebers of the Dashwood W. L held their final meeting for the summer on Tuesday June 29, Mrs. E. Rader presided :for the 'busine,ss and Mrs: Ervin Schade was in the chair for the program. A letter :from the Grand Bend branch was read accept- ing an invitation to join with Dash- wood ladies in an extension course. "Program Planning". IMrs, G. Ander- sen gave a humorous reading and Mrs. C. Snell read a poem entitled "Varrn :Women should know objectiv- es of Others." Mrs. le Schenk spoke on the motto, "He must be -proud who tills the soil and tunes a heavy sod, A wonderful thing to be in partner- ship with God." Mrs. M. 'Merrier spoke on the topic. A two weeks' daily vacation Bible' Bitl Farewell to Parish Priest igeatitude on the cam you have given S'eh"1 the BALM Church closed on Friday .Tuly 10. It was conducted: !the sick and the aged within the con- hy Rev. W. F. 1Krotz and several i fines of this parish. The number of workerf the church. The average' On Sunday evening, July 18th the !peaple who have made retreatdur- attendanse was 47 and several visit- parishlmers of St. Peter' Parish, Ste ing the past few year, and who Joseph gathered togetlesr to hid fare- have been, faithful to the Met Fri - well te dear Monsignor tiourgeau da.yeeand the First Saturday s did'nt prior to his leaving, for hie new par- just 'trapper!: lige). have heen inspired by yoar guiding light, We are grate ails at Paincourt. A nresentation a warn money wws made by lac rub toe, for having every home in ,thIA Parlal eoneecreted to the Sac- Preeident of the Holy ael'ame :Societe; red Pearl- of Jo. -u" and the immacul- Charles Rau, and. the adarees wa' :ate Heart of M.Iiry and we arc very read by. the President r,f thi proud , to have been the first parish Women'e League, Mee Aloin Rate 4)f the diocese with this record. You After the readinir of the ad'etm,ge ktitt irmulratf!cl in us a great love Monsignor lieuedean arawered in -' fer Jaaue anal Mary both by word meaner. awl example. You have devoted pa,j; ;plate to developing in us The addrees ff21107+7,• taiga qualities Which you possess --- (11141 itieF! 'hen fg-rKtrY for leadership Monsignor I1ourrli. 4 nilerAtran d in g, I eran ce, ellen ty, and ue We, Yoor st. 'Pkt,rsi humility, We gladly pay tribute to the Parish, St. „freepla havP ilatner"lway you have laboured unselfishly ed harP tonight to farewell to 8.j with zeal and pereerveince. Your kind 115"1 I "1? " 6ft r attendance at meetings o you a little literiy of "Meads you t" I the various Adcieties in the pariah was 11 was a glorious day for thii; par -1 un encouragement to us. You brought i4h When 1,011 NtilW 112 1,01t .Years oome of theee isocieties -out of the ago, 1 hi ijttli..--ection nal rhe Lord'e dormant stage and made them living vthY"rd he 13"T' Making great pro- isc tive societies; othnrs you organiz- grese 151 rea-mt ;‘,ears under iyoar1 ea for the first time -guiding ham!, You have understood; • our. problem'. I lied the wisdom .to The long houre you have spent i, som, thin, •,, , ',wa!, devising new rant:hods • of raising NO CLINIC THIS YEAR At a meeting May 19 of the Hur- on County Crippled ,Children's Assoc- iation, it was learned that there are not enough cases of crippled children in Huron County.to warrant a clinic this year. But after the 40 cases re- ported have been. further looked into by Miss Elizabeth Wallace, or the On- tario Soc. for Crippled children, London, those needing specialist ad- vice or tree, tment will be taken to Victoria Hospital, London, at a later date. ors attend. A number of the 'moth; ree tool( advantage of "open house": on Friday to see the things the child- ren had made arid learned. Rev.Krotz stated that although there were only four groans this .,.-ear it would be ces nesegy for a fifth group to accom- modate the seniors next year. Misses Joyce England, Mrs, (leo, Andersen end Miss Nancy Tiaman taught the i nd erga rt en children; Bibl e children mK' , Miss Mot ellerman. gradee One, and two "Stories AboutGod's Friends Miss Ruth Schack; grades• 8-4 'what God Waits us to do" Rev. Krotz taught the grades 51e0 "Tettem 110 of lotus." •Singing, still slides. and Sams were all a part of the daily pro- gram, Father Dies. I-Tenry Eligoetz, 89, of Ellice twp, died July 15 at the home of his eon - in -law 1ev. end Mrs. L, Higneli the 'Zion Lutheran parsonage,1).seln; wood. ,Surviving besides his daughter Mrs. Te Iligieell are two sisters,. 'The ermine are laid to rest at st, John's Lutheran church, Wartburg tweet, ere Mr and Mrs Ward Kraft and fam- ily of London spent the week-enri shepherd 10 no, iloyl; of StVett"i1 funds to meet our,ever incratua • with Mr anti Mrs Ernest Xnehler. With ,,Itirittuil onventlparisli expensee. have paid off wi Mr and Mr „T. 117 ,gelenee and Mr; f f' +int, .1:1410 WO sit'eatIf Mantft1101.1g re:00,S. ()Ur 01 tilt-nle)(161 Lanni ti et Deti oi t attended the W111 joy and ki4llea end ca tri is the produ, it(tor-Radel, wedding in 7lr." Frank J. Hogan whose appointment as Treasuret- of the Chrysler Corporation at Canada leimited, has been ante flounced by E. C. Row, Preside and General Manager. Mr. Hoga a native cif Windsor, Ont ' joined the Corporation in and fox the past several years hers served as assistant secretary aita assistant tea'. 1 • • • • •75 • • a Ito0 `Agricultural Office News G. W. .Monegoniery July 17th. Rain is badly needed in most sections 'of the County because of this fall wheat is ripening much quicker than anticipated, other sprzm: grains are coler. .het n tivi.1„; is 1..1 cm,k;0;;entl Notice To property owners or occupants in the County.of Huron — Under the Weed Control Act all noxious weeds must be destroyed. You are hereby notified that all weeds must be destroyed on or before August 5th, 1954. After that date, steps will he taken in accordance with the Weed Control Act. Dougall, Weed Inspector, County of Huron. a a. •Dur new76514 puts money in your pocket If you've ever wished for a running-, water system—now's the time to install. one; We've cut our 'prices lowet than, ever before on Duro Pumps. Now we. can install a Duro with even greatet• savings than this economical quality• pump has offered in the past. An.d.whcn you buy a Duro, you've bbught the best. pump by far. Gone are the days of watei.. failure due to mechanical brcakc.!own.• • The top quality Duro delivers thousenas; of gallons of water for a few pennies., Fits in a minimum amount of space and: is so silent yeti can hardly hear it. There's; always ample water with a Duro. Call or come in anytime, we'll be glad to give you an estimate on a complete. water system including—pump, tank„ pipe, kitcheit and bathroom fixtures, . taps in all fame buildings and the cost; of installation. FOR SALE BY STADE & WEIDO Zurich - Ont. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITEICI LONDON CANADA 20-34 Jackson St. W, Hamilton, Ont. • BRANC;t1F6 ACF10$6 CANADA