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Zurich Herald, 1954-07-22, Page 1
1 a Established Church Dire tory ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO ... EV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR !1& a.m.—Divine Services. ri L i5 a.m.—Sunday School. 'ravening Service lifted for Summer £v'erybody Welcome to all Services EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL . UB. CHURCH ZURICH — ONTARIO Rev. H. E. Roppel, Minister Mrs., Milton Oesch - Organist SUNDAY SERVICES - 10.00 a.m. — Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. — Bible School. Evening Service lifted for Summer Welcome at all Services — "Come 'thou with us and we will do thee +cowl." . Num. 10:29. Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor— Albert Martin SUNDAY SERVIOES: '10:00 a.m. — Sunday School 11:00 a.m. — Worship Service 8:00 p.m. — Bible Meeting WEDNESDAY, 8 p.m. Prayer Fellowship ' ''SOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US! Are You Suffering From Headachea? i° so have your Eyes Examined with zlte Latest Methods and equipment at A. L. COLE, R..0, 01271'OMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIOE — ONT. Qaeed Glasses at R.eammonable Prices ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY Add.on T entre GRAND BEND Friday, Saturday yrie Th Phone 421 - Er. July 23-2410N OUR WIDE VISION CSCR; iCeeil B. DeMille's 'Friday, Reap the Wild Wind ERA ItleIG, JULY 221954 11411111.1 (Technicolor ) John Wayne Ray Milland Paulette Goddard. One of the Greatest Sea Storys o3 all times. Sunday .Midnight, Monday, Tuesday July 26-27 BOB HOPE Casanova's Big Night Techniculor Joan Fontaine Audrey Dalton The year's Song and Laugh Show, knee deep in Romance and Comedy. Newsreel and Cartoon Wednesday, Thursday July 28-29 Jennifer Jones Montgomery Clift indistcrctiora of an Wife • Saturday o- Jul'. - Gun Belt George Montgomery Helen Westcott Photographed in technacolor, Western has lots of Action. Monday, Tuesday So Big Jane Wyman Sterling. Hayden Another powerful drama with¶Tani. Wyman, her acting is superb aid as always she portays her role as•` Oni ' she can do it. Wednesday, Thursday July 2,4-!2 July X2:7 101.6.11111.1MIS =OM OWN. ii Have Accepted Positions Misses Mary Mae Fisher and Marg- aret Deichert have accepted positions in Kitchener. The girls are enjoying a vacation and will commence their duties early in August. We wish them the !best of success. Zurich Musician In Toronto Mlss Ellen Marie Love, of R.R. No. 1, Zurich is in Toronto this month, - and is attending professional semin- a ars at the Royal Conservatory of Music Summer School. This school is directed by Boris Berlin and runs from July 6-30. Artist -teachers l mom the United States and Europe are on the faculty. Main Street to Broadw ny All Star Cast e American Centred around a young playwrights struggle to make a name on Bread; wayl, the lineup of Stars include Adult Entertainment such famous names as Louis Ca. This longing...this yearnmg....this Ethel Barnymore, Lionel Barr; wanting...the most ecstatic love Leo Durocher, Shirley Booth. story of all. PLUS Stratford Adventure The Story of Stratford's Drama Festival Is Enjoying Trip • Mr and Mrs Ward Fritz received word from. their daughter Mary Lou, stating the lovely time they are hav- ing on their trip travelling through Lake Louise, also attended the Cal- gary Stampede . Had a pleasant trip to Vanvouver Island, then on to Cali- fornia and Mexico. This is a great privilege and we wish her a safe re- turn.. CARD OF THANKS Mr. E. F. Klopp and famrzy wish to express their sincere thanks to their many relatives, friends and nei- ghbours for all expressions of symp- athy', for floral tributes, memorial cards, for loan of oars, for all kind- nesses shown, and for all assistance given in any way in this their sad bereavement. c 1 a Suns rive -in Theatre , MILES EAST OF GODE*ICI ON HIGHWAY No. 8. t Friday, Saturday July §,a-44 Here Comes the Co-Eds Bud Abbott Lou Costello Cartoon Co ne(e Going To Preston Monday, Principal of , the Exeter. Public i School for the past ten years, and! 1 preyloun- to 'that px!inc;.p eef Ae 5811. schdol for some yed.i5, t1aude " H. Blowes has resigned to take an ap- pointment on the staff of Preston Public School Five new teachers have been hired for Exeter school. esu®a+•os••a c®..®4.m©1404)404). r, c ,*0..4@O.... ...4'.0... 3 T. HARRY I-HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME o 4. Funeral Director — Private Car Ambulance e. ;4 Member of Ontario Funeral Association• -40 HOLDER OF ST..JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTI. I- :: CATE — PORTABLE OXYGEN EQUIPMENT d a O HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT — INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN 41, •a Q' FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED Flom MITOHELL NURSERIES * WE WIRE ANYWHERE •• 24 Hour Service --Dashwood. Tel. 70W o -�414.®sd•••••••e04,0®®4:4400ea*e*oa**e.**oso******004® intsnietignONSMajr T HI L' Superior Store Shop at Our Store AND SEE THE MANY FINE USEFUL SND GIFT ARTICLES WE HAVE IN CHINAWARE, ETC. WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO SI -.HOW YOU THESE! FROZEN FOODS BIRD'S EYE FROSTED FOODS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE — 'FRUITS - VEGETABLES FISH .. COLD MEATS, ETC. SEE OUR GROCERY SPECIALS ! Visit our Large Grocery Department and take advantage of the Various Specials on Sale from time to time. Weekly Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Greens. LET US SERVE YOU ! Phone 140 C. H. THIEL Zurich Tuesday, July "1;(i Riot in Cell Block II ::111e7,Mi11'c� And a Short Featurette FLY MY KITE Comedy . HAD RE -UNION Mr and Mrs Chris Erb ani child- ren along with their families, and accompanied by their guests, Mr and Mrs. C. Eichelberger, of Kouts, Ind., motored to the home. of the former's daughter Mr and Mrs Ervin Ginger- ich, at Aliso Craig on Sunday where a .family re -union was enjoyed. Pic- nic refreshment: were in abundance for the day and a happy sociar time was enjoyed by all. ai& Single Copies 5 Cents, Subscription in Canada, $2.00 a Yews Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.50, NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA. STEINBACH - Prop. RAG RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modem Loom, Made t Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zvi. Ont. Phone 128. GUARANTE2D QUALITY k G. HESS INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LORNE S. FILER. LOCKER SERVICE - - ROE FEED§ WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 — HENSAL.L, ONL asaaaiilos.00G9000 00000 0009 : y { GOOpy+i c400!"ra€ 0OSstweeece Winners at Bingo Among the recent winners at Bingo 'q of wheal we know we quote: At the the Bingo, Exeter, last Friday night, la be, Miss Kathleen Hay, of Exeter ' Q* ^ka•6,>i1,4 51na `:,§? teas AXx.. Cord-. 1' -on Prance of Winchel ea• won a 1200 prize. at the same event. The sisters A l are claughters of Mr. and airs. Wm. 'May, Zurich. Then on Moneay eve. CartponlJuly 19, at Hensel.' Bingo, Mrs. Nor - 4 man Fleischauer of Zurich, shared in July 28-29 a $500 special prize,. getting $250, as did Miss Ann "Tate of Bayneld; a $100 special. went to Elroy aesjar- dine of Zurich. Mrs. J. A. Patterson o: Hensall was arse a winner, as well as Mrs. John Bedour of Godericli. Wednesday, Thursday Draginfly Squadron. John Hodiak Barbara Britton Comedy Cartoon Box office opens 8 p.m. First Show at dusk. Refreshments, Playgrounds ARMYWORMS (Huron County Agric. Rep. Office) Outbreaks of Arrnyworms have been reported in Simncoe, Bruce, Lambton and now in Huron County.. They; have appeared in the Clinton,, Seaforth, Londesboro, Blyth, Ford with and Belgrave areas in Huron.. Usually the insect is kept under con- trol by parasites and other natural factors. If present in large nunmbela and the food supply becomes soaice• as in the recent dry spell they mi: grate from pastures and hay.fields" to nearby fields of oats, barley, corn and other crops.. When mature the caterpillars are about 11/a inches, long and greenish. brown in color wi'tb longitudinal stripes. They feed at` night or in the late evenng: During' Celebrate. Anniversary Mr and Mrs Rey McBride were the guests of bons ur at a celebration of their thirtieth wedding anneversamy, held. at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Earl Deichert, Bayfield. r fifteen members of the family sat down to a table. centred by a three -tiered wed ding cake. Mr and Mrs. Mcisride,the former iYlarb ret lleNain, Ashfield,. were united in marriage on July 19, 1924 at ,Pince River. Besides their daughter,. they have four sons, Hugh, of3 London; Wesley and Keith, of Stanley Township, and John at home, also five grandsons. They were the recipients of a beautiful studio conch froan the family. OBITUARY Late Mrs. Elmer Klopp As mentioned last week of the ,accidental death of Mrs. Julia Datam:s,, beloved wife of . Elmer Kltopp, who the day they usually lie in a partly, passed away in the Bruce County curled position under lumps of earth l Hospital, Walkerton, on Weinesday„ or other cover. They clmb the plants' July 14th m her 74th, year, after a to feed on leaves and frequently cutlauto collision the previous day near off the heads of grain Tlie adult in Walkerton. A very sad mishap.. and sect is a brownish grey mut with the whole community - is in deepest ! a single white spot in the centre of sympathy with the bereaved; B.oth each front wing. (Mr. Klopp and Mir. Brindley of Tore COINTROIL--Poison bran bait seems (onto, drivers of the ears, escalped an-- to rtto be the most reliable .method of hurt, but scalp. wounds and other in - control: Bran 25 -lbs, Paris Green ,1 juries were eaae of dearth, at Aire. lb, or 50% wettable DDT powder Klopp who maser regained. consci.oaas- 1'rsa lb, Molasses 1 - 2 quarts, water ness. Mrs.. Klopp was bben in Hay about 2ai gallons. The poison should Township, tee former J1tliaa Paters, be ,mixed thoroughly with the bran and lived here most of beau life. She iby shovelling over en a smooth dry was a member of the W.M'S, Latdies' concrete floor until all is green. Aid, ` e enc InstitmZte„ a lifelong Avoid breathing the dust by tying a member of church eb;aia: and had moist handkerchief or other cloth taught. Stuiday ,Sehoe). ter mere than over the nose and around the head. 59 years, The remains were brought The molasses should be stirred into to .urich on Wek eesday ancee were the water and this mixed with the at the home untili Saturday at two poisoned bred until it resembles damp, ¢clock when a .public funeral* whine sawdust, --crumbly but not sticky. was largely attended, was held in This amount should treat one acre, St. Peter's Lutheran church, with the This is very poison: ous to ttvestock, Pastor, Rev, E. W. Heinrich oi'ficiat� and precamxtzeet ing, burial was in St. Peter's Goshen poultry, and man should ibe observed. Where the warms her huely �t e yr. Surviving two diving Z ss arthe e in spring grain or wheat, bait should be broadcast in tin even- (.Rev.), Loyd Kalbfleisch, Desbolro; intk by men, moving aero, the field Ethel Hess, Zurich; one brother, Fred 1?sti.ars, Hensall; one sister, Mrs. John 8 e a8 15 a all Licensed Lice d Embalmer. and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent am 8y. Tele cit 0 cocas oo OGC CO 00 FLOWERS FOR, ALL OCCASIONS Day and: Night Seerrvice one: Res. 89 aarerwarsorraninctectracossosamtteensmeanamea 9 9 e a s at 8 alt 1 race.. 1,s> cx 8 . 9 4. 4• 4. 0 or 122, Zurich 8 or We are ever at your service with the best Thinnt obtainable of FRESH CR CERIE,S All Fresh Vegetables,. Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits. aiirsd Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply, GIVE US A CALL Q OE 4 PRODUCE WANTED. earnalialaRGY close enough together so that bat can be spread to give bhthost complete,+ McBride, Zurich and :tine gram/chit% coverage of ground surface. dren, .. Frs Dark Phone .l 65 en's Work Olothos WE. HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF NEW MEN'S WORK CLOTHES 'tr ALSO ALL STAPLE MERCHANDISE — GIVE US A CALL 1 GROCERY SPECIALS Lynnvalley Cream Corn, 20 -oz. tin 15c Jelly Powder, McLaren's 3 for ••..25c Corn Flakes 8 -oz. at 17c Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always n Handl iTHIE BLAKE STORE Schwartzentruber, Prop Phone 11"47