HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-06-10, Page 7ill Catveit SPORTS COLUMN 4 E*e$effseot ?e'944cm' rt Roger Bannister, slim British medical student, performed the individual ath- letic feat of the century when he ran a mile in less than four minutes, The Miracle Mile. The ink was scarcely dry on the news- papers reporting Bannister's achieve- ment when 225 -pound Parry O'Brien of California sent the 16 -pound shot hurtling through the air for 60 feet, 5 inches, leaving the fabled 60 -foot mark shattered. And so there is added oto the record more evidence that man is steadily improving athletically, despite the supposedly softening effects of the automobile and the other luxuries of which our grandparents never 'even dreamed. Man runs faster, jumps higher and farther, hurls weights greater distances than !ver before, Take the most basic of all athletic endeavours — running. In the mile, which is reckoned to be the blue ribbon of all distances, athletes today are running nearly ten per cent speedier than a century ago. Times which won titles in the first years of one -mile championships are now commonplace with high school boys. In the second half of the last century a 4:30:0 miler was a rarity, In fact, England's Walter G. George was the only really outstanding one, His amateur"record of 4:21:4 stood from 1882 until 1895, and it was not until 1915 that his pro- fessional record of 4:12% was bettered by Norman Taber of the U.S. When George set the professional mark, the news was received on this side of the Atlantic with grave doubts. The feeling you glean from periodicals of the time is that it was then held impossible for anyone to run that fast. But when, a few weeks ago, Bannister's flyingfeet car- ried him through the "impassable" 4 -minute barrier, the world marvelled at the performance. No one expressed the slightest doubt of the timing accuracy, The smashing of athletic records has become almost mono- tonous in recent years, and there exists no doubt as to the authenticity of each new human feat of speed, endurance or performance. Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/a Calvert House, 431 Yonge 5,., Toronto. Calvert DISTILLERS LIMITED AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO One Way To Soften Old Sam's Punches Old Sam Langford was one of the hardest hitting heavyweights in the business. The "Boston Tar Baby" had just as much respect for his own punch as the next moan, too. The first time he sign- ed to fight in England, he showed up before the bout at the National Sporting Club in Loin - don. The promoter began to dis- cuss the coming engagement with Belting Sambo. Among other things he told Sam that he could have his choice of any of three referees. , Langford shrugged his power- ful shoulders and broke into a wide grin. "Uh-uh," he said. "That won't be necessary. I carry my own referee." The English promoter threw up his hands in terror. "I'm Sorry, Langford," he stammered. "We can't permit that." Old Sam raised his ponderous arm and doubled his ham -like fist under the promoter's nose. "Boss," he said, "this is my referee!" And it was: Langford knocked cut his opponent in jig time that night. But there was another Occasion when his "referee" fail- ed him. In 1911, Langford was matched with Bill Lang. Before the fight, Langford was approached with a proposition, namely, to throw the fight. Sam refused. He was too confident of achieving an easy victory over his opponent. The first thing that seemed odd to Sam Langford as he sat in his corner was the gloves he was given to wear. A box con- taining the two pairs of gloves tee had been tossed into the ring. When the box was opened, Lang- ford was astonished to see that the gloves were white. He saw immediately that the gloves had been ordered by Lang's manager purposely because white • gloves would show up better against his own dark body and might there- fore sway the judge's decision. Sam shrugged it off, however. As far as he was concerned, he could win the fight under any conditions, white gloves or green or sky blue. pink. In the second round of the fight, Langford dropped the Eng- lishman a couple of times. Sam grinned even more widely. He knew now for sure that he had an easy job on his hands. In the third round he again put Lang down for a short count, When he returned to his corner his manager berated him gently for not finishing the Englishman off for good. Langford promised to clean up the business in the very next round. In those days, when Sam Lang- ford really wanted to kayo a man, all he had to • do was land five good punches, then turn his back and walk to his corner while they counted the poor un- fortunate out. The trick usually worked. Well, on this occasion, old Sam wound up and let go with five terrific punches. Down went the champion Of all Ireland and England. But, instead of being . counted out as Langford expected, Bill Lang got up fairly fresh at the count of nine, It was at this point that Sam Langford began to smell a rat. Through the fifth and sixth rounds, Lang kept going down and bouncing up again. As wobbly as he was, Lang still Turnabout's Fair Play — Big girls who want that "little girl' look can find it in creations like the design at left. The large swag bow and square neckline, fashioned info a . dress of pink -and -blue checked gingham with pellon-lined skirt, makes a fashionable late -in -the -day costume. Gail Hanli.ne, at right, shows What eight- year -olds can wear if their big sisters take up little -girl -styles. Vest is imported suede and slacks are in the sophisticated "Toreador" style. managed to stagger around the ring'; tin d e r Sam's hammering fists. :And then, as Sam let loose a terrific haymaker, Lang wav- ered out of the way and Lang- ford missed. So strong was Sam's follow-through on the attempted punch that he went sprawling on his hands and knees on the mat, • Before he could get up Bill Lang tapped the big Negro on the top of the he a d. Immediately, referee Eugene Corri stopped the bout, awarding the fight to Langford on a foul. There was many a sigh of relief from the sporting gentry around the ring who had made over -enthusiastic bets on the Englishman to win and who had now saved their . wagers by the nature of the decision. Old Sam refused to give up his gloves at the end of the bout. He insisted on taking them to his dressing room for the pur- pose of finding out why they had caused him to lose his vaunted knockout punch. He cut them open and learned the truth. Someone had deliberately stuffed his gloves with rabbit fur which was so soft and pliable that all the sting had been taken out of his blows! Imagine trying to knock out a man with a fistful of air! notty I1 t According to ancient legends the people of Phygia, an ancient country of Asia Minor, were ad- " vised by the gods to choose as king the first man they met on the way to Jupiter's temple. The peasant Gordius passed by driv- ing a wagon, and, hailed as king to his great amazement, he con- secrated his wagon to the god Jupiter. Now Gordius is remembered for the knot by which he fixed his wagon to the temple. So cleverly was it tied that no end could be perceived in the' cord, and it came to be predicted that whoever could untie the Gor- \dian knot would win the whole empire of Asia. Alexander the Great happened to pass that way in his conquering sweep across Asia Minor. He tried. to undo the knot, but was unable to solve the puzzle. Impatiently he drew his sword and slashed the knot in two. This daring act impressed his soldiers, who al- ready considered Alexander as the future conqueror of Asia. We now speak of any complex pro- blem that can be solved only in a drastic way as a Gordian knot, 0.tt�`eik:>an'vntaataavii MLao; -nVki; Time Goes 'Ticktock' and 'Drip -Drop` —• Elliott Steranes, 3, at left, wonders why his dad is always busy, when he's got so much time "on hand." Watchmake,t Eimer O. Stennes has collected 50 old Boston subway clocks, and uses their Swiss movements to construct his specialty, grandfather clocks. At right, Tom Kennamer, doorkeeper of the House of Representatives, is glad he need not rely on this ancient water dock when alerting members of the House that a session is about to begirt. The one -handed antique's weights are moved by the difference in balance caused when water „drips from upper to lower containers. Kennamer prefers his electric clocks and push-but- ton gongs. Just Loafin' Along — But not for long. According to the Navy, this Viking 10 rocket has travel- ers nearly 4000 miles per hour, land reached a height of 136 miles, 'We ;;.4,, re Amused 0 There may not seem to be much connection between a slot machine and an atom bomb: but a New York manufacturer of amusement gallery contraptions has produced a variation „of the "try your skill" slot machines that, ,gruesomely enough, makes the connection. The idea is to score points by aiming an "atom bomb" on a moving target—a city shown on a color film strip. When the machine appeared recently in a Stockholm amuse» ment park 100 youths demanded that the management remove it. Our sympathy is heartily with the objectors. It would be hard to imagine a crasser, more cal- lous and stupid form of "amuse- ment." amuse- ment" One of the most valid objec- tions to the miscalled comic books, filled with torture, slug- gings, and murder, ' has to do not merely with the emotionally unbalanced child who may be led to emulate these horrors but with the normal child (or adult reader) who simply has his sense of human values ,:heap- ened by a steady diet of them. The unamusing atom -bomb game is open to the same censure, with an added objection to its insult to international sensibil- ities. For many Americans have talked too glibly about dropping atom bombs, without any regard for the fears of allies and neu- trals living under the very shadow of the Soviet atomic arsenal. There are still those in other countries who fear that Americans are living in an im- tnature, comicbook, spy -thriller world where the hero's answer to every obstacle is a "sock on the jaw"—or an atom bomb. This is a gross parody of the deeply - concerned thinking of mature Americans. But it be- hooves each individual hi a country that produces 20,000,000 sensational "comic" books a month, lethal toys for its young, and now -an atom bomb "game," to make sure that his finer moral sensibilities are not blunted by becoming accustomed to the thought of violent destruction. —From The Christian Science 1V.tonitor, The German mathematician, Zacharias base, once multiplied two 100 -digit numbers together in his head, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DARE CHICKS BUQILER Growers - for maximum pro is don't buy dual purpose breeds and exsect to get maximum profile, YOU must have a meat type breed. Last year wo didn't have them. This year we have one of the best .- Nichols New Hampshiree, everyone guaranteed, front let generation stock. i'ricee no higher than dual Purpose and special pricee on large orders and yearly contracts, Send for Nichole catalogue. 'rWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LT 1rEnGUS ONTARIO JULY -August broilers -- order them now. We also have a wide choice in mixed chicks, pullets — dayold and started prompt shipment. Ask Vs for new low prices, Bray Hato ery, 120 John N., Hamilton, DON'T take our word for It — ask any good poultryman, feed man or college profeesor and they will tell you any .of our R.O.P. Sired egg breeds will out- lay by at least 10% our dual purpose', pallets. We have both. The dual pur- poee cost less because we can sell the cockerels for roasters, But the buyer of these dual purpose pullets 1s eurely Penalized. Buy the right breeds for the Job you want them to do. Also broiler chicks — our beet — Nichols New Hampshire,,. Turkey Nulls, Older pul- lets. Prompt shipment on nicks and turkeys. T7?1RrUSE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. ONTARIO BROAD 13REASTED BRONZE ruiumY POULTS, Started or dayold. immediate delivery. 2.000 Arbor Acres White Rocks dayold, Lakeview's "Quality Unexcelled." WANTED: Flock Owners with capacity for 200-700 Arbor Acres White Rock layers. Guaranteed egg price. Sussex X Red and White Rock Pullets, 14 weeks and ready -to -lay, THE LAKE - VIEW POULTRY FARM & HATCHERY LTD.. Phone 7, Exeter, Ontario. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE; you anything needs dyeing or Meaning? Write to us for information, We are glad to answer your questions, Department R. Parker's Dye Works Lim- ited. 791 Ynnge St.. Toronto. FOR SALE WHEREVER you live you can get Tweedie high quality Canadian approved turkey poulte, We can ship by express or air. We have sold thousands of tur- keys in the last few years. They live and thrive right from the start, They will he heavy broad breasted birds, the type that returns a profit at marketing time, Broad Breasted Bronze, White Holland. Beltsville Whites. Nebraskan, non-ecxed, hens, toms, Catalogue. TWEDDLE cHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO BROWN Swiss Dairy Cattle, Registered, Vaccinated and Accredited, G. H, Jolley, Box 105, Chatham, Ontario,' WRITE for new illustrated fishing tackle and sporting goods catalogue. Special discounts allowed if you enclose this advertisement. Write: Dawson Auto Parts Limited, P,O. Box 119 Sherbrooke. Quebec. RUBBER Mat Factory, Ideal for couple, light machines, old tires make mats, high profits. Only 02,660.00, we show how. Simmons, 1.619 Prospect, Indianapolle, Indiana. "DESTROYER" for use in outdoor toilets. Eats right down to the earth, eaves you that unpleasant cleaning task. Pull directions, aatiefaction guaranteed. Order a oan now, only $1,00 postpaid. Log Cabin Products, 13ox 682 Brampton. Ont. DACHSHUND PUPS BEA.UTIES two month old, tattooed, REGISTERED IN .YOUR NAME! 840 delivered. Male or female, good e,.peei- men, "AOKERBEADE Imamate,. CAE. NARVON, Ont. MEDICAL WANTED — EVERY SUFFERER 02' RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS TO TRY DIXON'S REMEDY MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, $1.25 Express Prepaid. PEMIN= $ One woman tells another. Take superior "'6'EJifINEB" to help alleviate pain. dis- tress and nervous tenatnn associated with monthly periods, 85.00 Postpaid to plain wrapper POST'S CHEMICALS 880 QUEEN 8T. EAST TORONTO POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping akin troubles. Poet's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling, and burning eczema, acne. ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the etainless odor- less ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. PRICE 82.50 PER JAIL POST'S REMEDIES Sent Post Free on Receipt of Pelee 889 Queen St. 61.. Corner of Logan TORONTO STOP ITCH IMMEDIATELY MONEY Back Guarantee. For relief of Eczema, Poison Ivy, Athiete's Foot, Mosquito Bites and many skin eruptions. 6 oz. $1,25, 12 oz. $2.00 postpaid. Send money order to Dumont's Skin Remedy Co., 1000 Barton St. East. Hamilton, Ont. OPPORTUNITIES Foe MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER •IOnN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing. Pleasant. dignified profession, good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue O'ree Write or Call MARVEL I2AIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W, Tnrcnto. Branches: 44 King St., Hamilton 72 Rideau St., Ottawa ENGINEERING draftsmen are in great demand, Train at home in snare time for these well-paid secure jobs. Low fees now in effect. Free folder, Primary School of Drafting 183 Vaughan Read, Tornnto WANT TO FEEL BETTER? LIKE A CLEAN HEALTHY MOUTH? TRY our reliable homespun solution, An old family remedy, It's tops. One dol- lar brings cotnplete list of ingredients (not expensive but effective) and step by step guide for thrifty home prepar- ation, 1. C. BERNHARD Park Rapids, Minnesota. ISSUE 24 -- 1954 DOVE your income writing honaelo1 hints, okee. lwoipee, anestione, poernii, de.en4 a f -addressed stamped a velope, L, J. Gibson. Iludaon 300, s. Dakota, • SP488J9 time Opportunity, eubetantio,1 earnings, clipping news items from. Can. adian Newspapers' for magazines, firms, etc. Experience unneoeasaoy, Inter- national publisher providee guaranteed instructions; buyer !lets, complete de. tails. 88,00 postpaid, Inspiration Press, Box 1610, Knoxville, Tennessee, MAKE three pounds of Butter from one pound, You eau do it easy and ,save nlppoy. Complete Secret 25c, A. Schuller, 2175 West 18 Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. PATENTS AN OFFER to every inventor --List et in. Ventiona and full information senl tree. The Ramses' Co., Registered Patent At- torneys, 278 Bank Street. Otte wa. PETHERSTONHAUGH & Company Pe, tent Attorneys. Esablisbed 1890 000 Uni. veraity Ave., Toronto Patent, an 'nun. tries. PERSONAL 11,00 TRIAL offer. Twenty five deluxe Personal requirements. Latest Catalogue included, The Medico Agency Rom 124 Terminal A. Toronto, Ontario WANT To Know Your affinities? Your birthstone? 'Yourself? Send 10c [7.S. Coin for horoscope. Spinning, Box 857, San Angelo, Texas, U,S.A, QUIT cigarettes easily with Tobacco Eliminator. Sold subject to money -back guarantee. For free Authoritative medi- cal opinion regarding 111 effects of nico- tine, write C. King Pharmacal Corp. Ltd., Sox 808, Walkervillo, Ontario. TEACHERS WANTED A FIRST class Commercinl teacher and a first class Gregg Shorthand teacher: apply with full particulars. PARK BUSINESS COLLEGE, 72 James Street North, Hamilton, Ontario. JAekson 25500, WANTED WANTED particulars St. East, BEAR CUBS 1854 bear cubs. • Send Lull to Don McDonald, 89 King Bowmanville., Ontario WANTED REGISTERED NURSES for 82 -bed hos- pital. Gross Salary $210.00 to $230.00 per month. Eight-hour day (no split shifts), six day week, rotating shifts. Thirty days holidays with Pay after one year,, of service and all statutory holidays. Apply — Superintendent of Nurses, Canova Union Hospital, Cauora, Saskatchewan. WANTED—A steam engine (traction) Preferably a Waterloo. State price and condition. Box 116, 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont. sty---•�--�'— ' bogi1Dmtoot5on au avauno Tong(' tgalagt moscitilbeg Nac' PBIPg and steer ingoet pactg atho at_ LYTOX PROVEN .BEST BY EVERY TEST IT MAY BE f LIVE ff life'e not worth living it may the your lived It's a faotl It takes op to two pints of liver bile a day to keep your digestive tract in top shape! If your liver bile is not dowing freely your food may mot digest ... gas bloats up your stomach ... you fee! constipated and all the fun and sparkle go out of life. That's when you meed mild gentle Carter's Little Liver Pills. These famous vegetable pills help stimulate the Bow of liver bile. Soon your digestion starts functioning properly and you feel that happy days are here again! Don't over stay sunk. Always keep Carter's Little Liver Pills on hand. 370 at vane drnuaTt SAFES Pretest sour B(I1/11.b and CASH tree FIRE and THIEVES. We have a sin and type of Safe, or Cabinet. for any oar pose. Visit un or write for pries, etc. t Dept. W. J.&J.TAYLLR LI11ITU TORONTO SAFE WORICS' 145 Front St. 61.. lforonte Established 1855