HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-06-10, Page 5ZURICH ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD ZURICH HERALD Atatorized as eeeond class mail, , Peet °Mee Department, Ottawa. aloe r•-•-• BUSINES CARDS N. L. Martin OPTOMETRIST Main Street -- Exeter Open 'Every Week Day Except Wednesday SENSED AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL Licensed Auctioneer tor your 'Salle, large or small Court - twee and Efficient Service at all times! Phone 57 r 2. DASHWOOD Nforram. E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER -Vends Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone, Zurich 92 r 7 L. ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc, EXETER torricE - Corner Ann, William Sts. Phone: Exeter 504 VETERINARIAN Drs. COXON & LEITCI-I VETERINARY SURGEONS tillee with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store rfione--0 ZURICH BUTCHERS Popnipr MEAT MARKET HAVE US SUPPLY YOU WITH THE VERY CHOICE OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS, BOLOGNAS, SAUSAGES, ETC., ALWAYS ON HAND. KEPT FRESH IN MOD- ERN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION. YUNGBLUT BROS. PRODUCE OMEN'S PRODUCE Cash Market for Cream, Eggs . and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor Phone 101 Zurich Zurich Creamery LOCAL NEWS Mr. Donald Decherme and friend Delaine Denereme of London, were visitors with their parents on the Blue Water Highway, last week -end. Mr and Mrs Sylv, Witmer :have re- turned from a visit with their child- ren at Toronto Woodbridge :and Pres- ton. .Mrs. Smith and children of the Eastern Coast, are holidaying at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Merrier, Mr and Mrs Morley Witmer of Detroit were recent week -end visit- ors at the home of their sisters, Mr. and 1VIrs Earl Thiel and Mr. and Mrs Ted. Steinbach, Mr and Mrs Clarence Schade and daughters and Mr and Mr and Mrs. Hilton Truemner, 14th Con., visited with relatives and friends at Milver- ton recently. Rev. and Mrs Cyril Gingerich of Toronto attended the Mermonve Core ference held in Zurich last week. Al- so visited at the home of the rorm- er's pdrents, Mr and Mrs Jacob Gingerich. Fractured Arro 'Mrs. Wm. Hess fractured her right arm at the home of her daughter, lefr and Mrs Thos Trevithick, at Brinsley. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr and Mrs Maxium Denomme and family of Toronto and Mr and Mrs. E. Fisher of Goderich were week -end visitors at the home of the tormer's sister, Mr and Mrs. Albert Bedard, and other relatives in Zurich. 'Mr and Mrs Lennis Callfas, Mr and Mrs. Karl Galilee and children of Kitchener; Mr and Mrs. Verne ,Schatz of Dashwood, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. Alf. :Melick, of town. Congratulations go to Miss Delores Bedard, daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. 'Theoffield Bedard, 14th Con., Hay, for being the lucky winner eharing in the $500. jack pot at Seaforth. Bingo, on Friday evening June 4th. On Fishing Trip Me8srg. Ward Fritz, Wan. O'Brien, and Herb Desjardine enjoyed Several days over the week -end .at ttie form- er's cottage, Parry Sound disrict. ..A.fter a week of .cold and wet wea- ther last week, the sun has come through this week and nice warm 1 Good only throughout June 1954 days are in order. The growth of A. C. (ANDY) ANDERSON things are wonderful, and all things Box 49, Dashwood - Ontario point to a real good crop of every- (Phone 122 . 24* thing this year. Mr and Mrs Jacob Gascho of Im- ely City, Mich., visited a few days over the week -end at the home of the former's brother Mr and Mrs Chris. Gascho and other relatives m the ,community ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER SOLICITOR EXfiTER, ONT. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m. at Zurich At Township Clerk's Office FOR SALE A few collie Pups for sale, from good heeling stock.—Win. Koehler, Phone ,17-84, Zurich. 2t* FOR SALE A one -wheel trailer, ideal for sum- mer trips 3'. $55. Bob Mittleholtz, FOR SALE Cabbage plants at 15c a dozen, ap- ply to Samuel Rapp, Zurich. FOR SALE A. Durham Cow, due to freshen: soon. —Tel. 78 r 5, Zurich. Lloyd! Etue. 2tc FOR SALE 20 -foot aluminum house trailer, fully modern equipped. Used only 3 months. Apply - Earl Gingerich, Ph. 90 .7, Zurich. 2:0` READ ,on the table rr, V. ! ..eereee,:e the meal is ready ! LET YOUR BAKER Be Your Menu Maker! YOUR BAKER not only supplies delicious wholesome bread for your table—bread for your recipes. Out of his fragrant ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering goodies to crown the menu of even). meal! Frag- rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Bun. for breakfast.. luscious fruit -filled treats for luncheon..piping hot Par ker House Rolls for dinner. Bread WANTED in variety, too, for snacks any trail of day or night. So don't get wrink, Apartment Wanted, must have two les worrying about variety in meals— bedrooms and bath. "Please write to let your baker be your menu maker, H. L. Katbfleisch, 87 Lyman St., Lon- See what's on his tray today! don, Ont. 2t''' FEMALE HELP WANTED Tasty -Nu Bakery PHONE 100 — ZURICH Young Housekeeper for two adults, must be„ of good character and good cook, for London (July and August at Summer Cottage, Turnbull's Grove).— 13.0, Box 573, London, Ontario, Stop Look Save A ONCE IN A LIFETIME , BAR- GAIN 60 Issues — Country Gentleman 10 Issues — Ladies Home Journal (New Orders Only) FOR ONLY Newsstand Price $12.50 Ycli Save $7:50 Your home market for Cream Eggs and. Poultry HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID PLUS A PREMIUM FOR DELIVERED CREAM. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DEPARTMENT IN CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE Attended Lions Convention Lions Ed. Gascho, Victor Dinnin, Leroy O'Brien, Ferd Haberer, ,and Milfred Schilbe attended tee Lions Convention at Raymond, Quebec; early this week. Mr and Mrs Moses Heist, Dr. and Mrs. Willard Heist and two children Lois and Robert, all of Pigeon, Mich. had a pleasant visit at the home of the former's niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Hess over the week -end. Mr. Theo. 'Wagner and son of Guelph, were Saturday visitors at the home of the former's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wagner of town. The former attended exercises at Western University at London On Saturday. Western FarmersMutual Weather Insurance Co. Bolens' Equipments We handle a full line of Bolen's Products; Garden Tractors, Lawn Mowers, Tillers, Chain Saws, Etc. If interested in any of the above Equipment, get in :contact with us. PEARSO & THOMPSON Phone 52 - Grand Bend t8-4 Mr and Mrs Emerson Erwin and Mrs. Caroline Price of London. The latter being 92 years of age, who was raised and lived in .Zurich almost all her life, until residing at the home of her daughter at London, and who is looking well and able to get around by the aid of a cane, visited with Mrs. Mary Stefan and Mr and Mrs. W. Brokenshire, Mr and Mrs. Geo. Thiel on Sunday. , SOCIAL STUDIES TAUGHT Grade 7, Social Studies will he taughtin the Public Schools of South Huron with a new interest after an address to the women teachers by Mr James, Scott of Seaforth of 'Tuesday night, June 2. !Mr. Scott, who has been commissioned to write the his- tory of Huron iCounty, outlined the work of three -men, .Galt, Dunlop,and Van Eginond, in opening up the Hur- on Tract to settlement. In !closnig He appealed to his audience to continue certainly to teach reading .and spel- ling, but to try also to develop in their studies some of the sturdiness and ability to think for themselves that characterizes the pioneers. The talk was enthusiastically re- ceived'. by the thirty-five teachers present at the meeting which opened witha dinner at the Dominion House Ztirich During the business session, Mrs. D. 'paisley of Exeter, retiring president, received reports or the year's work from the four units Goderich,!Clinton, Hensall and Exeter :cemprisine the South Huron Associ- ation of ''komen Teachers' Federat- ion. Miss Louella Johnston and, Miss Winnie Gray both of Clinton P. S. staff, were .elected president and see- l'etary treasurer, respectively, of the Association for the next two years. OF WOODSTOCK MB LARGEST RESERVE BAT, A.NOt OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- 21.&L COMPANY DOING 'BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1950 20,610 Policies $125,269,726.00 . Total Oash in Bank and Bonds. $495,607.94 RATES ON APPLICATION E P. KLOPP - ZURICH AGENT ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING 20DS AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE STRAYED Unto • the premises or Edmund Oesch, a shorthaired tan dog (pup). Owner can have same by paying ex- penses.. NOTICE TRUCKING HOGS Stratford, Thursda anew your Prfce D. OESCH Phone 79-5, Zur —SALESMAN— WANTED: Reliable man as Dealer iii Huron C, Experience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable .business where Rawleigh Products have been sold :for years, Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh'i-i Dept„ -163, 'elontrcal. 44. and ;CATTLE to ys. before you ship" & SONS ich. 3t* 11/111111111111MINMEINIP' 1 • • 0 • • 0 • • e 0 • • • • 00 0 0 0 • 00 Hensall District Co -Op. Phone Hensall 115. Zurich 220 4..4001,74iZiftIMT".....41064.""stkV.tVt=ttfrf670E0VVIVAVS140011T•0010001•01•00•011011600monemov A,vE FOR ANY SIZE Tires and Tubes SEE US FOR PRICES! 20% OFF St. Joseph Service Station Phone 87 r 17 - Zurich HINMAN MILKERS Having been appointed Local Agent for the well known Hindman Milkers, I am in a position to give service as well as being salesman of same. If in need of repairs or service, or wish- ing to purchase a nerw unit, be sure and see me. FRANCIS KIPPER — ZURICH DAIRY. Phone 164 ,U N D ELL Farm Equipment We are Agents for Lundell Farm Machinery FORAGE HARVESTER WILL PICK t.TP HAY INSWATH, STRAW, AND CUT STANDING GRASS WITH NO CHANGING OF MACHINE. For Further information contact FABER BROS. KIPPEN - ONTARIO 4-4-12 4"•"'"'"'T • • • • • • 00 • 0 a • • 0 • • 0 • • • 0 • 0 • You DON'T take Chances when YOU use CO-OP. FEEDS CHECK YOUR REQUIREMENTS TODAY— CO-OP LAY MASH CO-OP PIG STARTER CO-OP HOG GROWER CO-OP SOW RATION CO-OP 24% DAIRY SUPPLEMENT CO-OP CALF MEAL 11111.0.410100•0•0440wwWW WHITEWASHING ds CLEANING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood Phone 3509 'Thursday, Jwe 10th, 1954 Dead Stock $2.75 Each. Prompt Service for Lifting.—Jack Williams. Call Phone 24 r 4, Crediton Central. -c1-5-'50 ATTENTION Auto Owners 00 • Special Tire Sale • • MAY 12 — MAY 29th. • Dominion Peerless •• 600 - 16 — 4 PLY $14.95 AND YOUR OLD TIRE • 6.70 - 15 — 4 PLY $15.95 AND YOUR OLD TIRE • • • REGARDLESS OF CONDITION • Desjardine's Auto Supply 38 Zurich, Oft. Phone anan.11111111■11111111111P • • • • • • • 0 0 • 0 • • • • cl) 4 • • :• TUnri 41 nun *Point for Point --- Dollar. • • :for Dollar. Here's the 4• Biggest Washer Value to- • • :day • • This Beautiful Washin • • • • • • • Gives Y u OR 111 • Machine:— As Low 'As • • $129.00 • • !Trade in the old Machine. • • • • • • For all 4 4 Wiring Jobs - Call. WUERTH Phone 84 ELECTRIC •• • • 4• • • • • • • • Zurich • SUMMER WEATHER REQUIRES SUMMER FOOTWEAR Such as Scampers, Sandals and Canvass Rubber for Men, Women and Children See our Various Lines for Prices HERE ARE A FEW: Womens' Canvass $2.95 to 3.95 Men's Cauv" $3.95. Basket Ball $2.95 to 5.95 Boys' Basket Ball $2.85 - 4.75 Youths' $1.95 - 3.25 Something for All. And Prices to sutt Your Purse GIVE US A CALL ! Oesch Shoe Store Phone, Res. 130. 10. Store -82 atimammtwiew-ii.zavgl,z-4.eoz :Avon: mie.----------,mwmgoomeasimeomm Your Home and Garden • • iea • • Headquarters • : i 5 : .1 FOR — Rotary Lawn Mowers - Garden Tools, •• • • Garden Hose, - Wire Fencing - Mops • • o e and Brushes - Polishes and Cleansers a • • Paints - Enamels - Varnishes • o : • 0 o ,., . Shelf and Heavy Hardware - Refrigerators - Washing • Electric Stoves re $ • o o 0 o Machines - All Electric Appliances Electric oWiring o 8 • • Plumbing - Heating - Tinsmithing I oo OUR AIM—To Serve and Satisfy. 0 • * ; • .0.....- , . ,f • e ' g Al . ) tors at 6 firphiorte::! 2 6 ! \ 64til Main St. Hardware Store