HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-06-03, Page 5ZURICH - ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD Thursday, June 3rd, 1954 ZURICH HERALD 'Authorized as second class , Post Office Department, Ottawa, BUSINES CARDS N. L. Martin OPTOMETRIST Main Street -- Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday lICENSED AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL Licensed Auctioneer S'or your Sale, large or small; Court- eous and Efficient Service at all des! DASHWOOD Phone 57 r 2. £ F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Perms Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone, Zurich 92 r 7 ARTHUR FRASER s Income Tax Reports Eookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER ti !1E'ICE - Corner Ann, William Sts. Phone: Exeter 504 VETERINARIAN Drs. COXON & LEITC I VETERINARY SURGEONS ,Oce with 'Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store ZURICH �"5pae.-96 BUTCHERS Zurich.'F Popi 1Ar IVIEAT MKF ' HAVE US SUPPLY YOU WITH THE VERY CHOICE OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS, LWAYS BOLOGNASON SAUSAGES, ETC., HAND. KEPT FRESH IN MOD- ERN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION. YUNGBLUT BROS. PREDUCF OBRIENS PRODUCE Cash Market. for Cream, Eggs, and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor Phone 101 - Zurich Zurich Creamery Your home market for Cream Eggs and Poultry HIGHEST CASH PRICES Num PLUS A PREMIUM DELIVERED CREAM. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DEPARTMENT IN •CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS. Chas. .Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE 11101..0 Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK PEE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- tTAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESC ti 'a '' TRIS KIND IN ONTABIQ r I Mr and Mrs. Karl Bask of Detroit spent the week -end with her sister, and family, Mr and Mrs Addison Tie- rnan. Mr and Mrs Eldon Datars' and fam- ily of Waterloo spent the week -end with Mr and Mrs Elmer Datars. Mrs. David Baird, Mrs. JohnBaird and Mr, and Mrs Carl Baird_ all of London were Sunday visitor's with Mrs. L. Peifer. Mr and Mrs Mlton Willert and daughter Mr and Mrs a Alvin tW illort LOCAL NEWS Mr and Mrs Ted I-Iaberer spent Thursday last at London. ,MIs, Harold Kraft of Dashwood, was a 'business visitor in town on Tuesday. BORN - To !Mr and Mrs. Nobert Mittleholtz, Toronto a son, on ;Vfay 28th, 1954. Mr. and !Mrs, Ed. Datars were Sunday visitors •in Kitchener. Mrs. Daly and daughter of Detroit, are spending a ~few days with her mother, Mrs. Eniiy Bedard. ,Mrs, Emily Fuss has returned to her home after visiting a few weeks with her 'daughter, .14Ir and Mrs. Jos. Swartz in Detroit. Two of the Kalbfleisah boys of London, were visitors with tnexr un- cle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. Albert J. Kalbfleiseh of town. Ten .members of the men's chorus of the local Evangelical church were at Centralia United Church on Sun- day morning taking part in the an; niversary services. Mrs. M. MacKinnon, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Johnston. and Mr and 1VIrs. A. J. Kaibfleisch were Sunday visit- ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugih MacKinnon, London, Ont. 'Miss Kathie Kalbfleiech, member of the -National Baton Twirling Ass- ociation, is .organizing a class in baton twirling for .girls and boys. Anyone interested, please contact her. Miss Frances Fowlie has returned to her hone in Bayfield after stay- ing a few weeks at the home of her sister, Mr and 1VIrs. Gidean Koehler. Pleased to report that iMr. Koehler is recovering so nicely and able to remain :alone at home, while Mrs. Koehler is resuming her ,duaies on the teaching staff. Had Decoration Day Many U. S. visitors invaded Can- ada over the week -end, it being the Decoration observance in the big country to the south of us, and the roads were jammed with cars, trains were loaded to capacity, in fact the whole country seemed on wheels. As usual there was a barge casualty list. This year it went to a new high of 484 killed one way or another. Agricultural Office News G. W. Montgomery May 29, 1954 196 contestants took part in the Annual County Jr. Farmer 'Livestock Judging Competition held at the Sea - forth Agric.' Society Grounds. 84 Hereford steer calves purchased from the West last fall were shown by Spring Show. The Grand Champion calf 'cold for 35c lb. with the Reserve Champ. selling for ,31c lb. The 84 calves sold for an average of slightly over 22e lb One of the :calves made a gain of 640 lbs. over the 219 feed- ing day [period and the 84 :calves put on 'an. aerage gain .of .411 lbs. each' during this time. Heavy frosts and very cold weath- er havecaused considerable damage, particularly to the new seedings and pasture growth is at a standstill. Farmers in the south end or the Co- unty have almost completed seeding cash crops such as soybeans, white beans and •corn.. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Celebrates Birthday A family get-to-gether was held on May 25th at the home of Mr and Mrs. Geo. Stephenson in honor of her. mother, Mrs. Henry Erratt, who celebrated her 80th birthday. About 15 of the immediate family were present. A social hour was spent, lunch was sevred and messages of goodwill were extended to ,Mrs. Err- att with the wish that she would have many more years of health and hap- pin,ess. Passing of Mrs. Angus Murray A former well known resent of the district, living about three miles north of Drysdale on the B. W. High- way in the person of i1Vlrs. Angus - Murray, daughter of the Plate Mr and Mrs. Win. Stephens, was born in Stephen Twp. in June, 186-2. She came with her husband to Stanley where she grew 'up and was later united in marriage to Angus Murray. They farmed on the Blue Water till 1915 IN they sold the farm and moved to Tuckersmith, where they farmed until retiring to Exeter in 192.5, where Mr. Murray passed a- way in 19219. Mrs. Murray was active and industrious all through the years 'and retained her kindly interest in family, friends andevery phase of life to the last.' Surviving are two 'daughters, Mrs. Robt. Talbot of Ed- monton and 11VIrs. Wan. McKewen of London, and a son Cecil of Exeter. A sonGarnet passed away at London a few months ago. Funeral services were held at Exeter conducted by her pastor, Rev. A. E. Holley. Interm- ent was in Bayfield cemetery. The bearers were Will Talbot, Don Tal- bot, Don Murray, Alvin Murray, Ern, Vodden and Elroy Desjardine. The flower bearers were grand daughters of the deceased. D 2A5HW00- ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXffTER, QNT. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m. at Zurich At Township Clerk's Office CATTLE BREEDERS For artificial insemination at its best for all breeds call the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. on week days and 9:30 on Sundays, Phone collect Clinton 242. tfn< FOR SALE 10 started pigs for sale, 7 weeks old. Apply to Cleve Gingerich. Ph. 84-10, Zurich. FOR SALE A few collie Pups for sale, from good heeling stock. -Wm. Koehler, Phone .1:7-84, Zurich, 2t* FOR SALE A goad 1939 'Ohev. Priced very reasonable. - L. A. Prang & Son, Zurich, ztc • FOR SALE A one -wheel trailer, ideal for sum- mer trips 3'. $55. Bob MittIeholtz, -NOTE- How .would !you like to receive one- huningd letters per day, each poen Tasty -Nu Bakery taming squatter. -Send 25c for plan Bakery and six formulas to Fallis - Box 292 PHONE 100 ZURICH London, Ont. READ on. the table WHITEWASHING & CLEANING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood -- Phone 35r19 the meal is ready . LET YOUR BAKER Be Your Menu Maker! IYOUR BAKER not only supplies delicious wholesome bread for your table -bread for your recipes. Out of his fragrant ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering goodies to crown the menu of every meal! Frag- rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Bum for breakfast.. luscious fruit -filled treats for luncheon ..piping hot Par ker House Rolls for dinner. Bread in variety, too, for snacks any timl of day or night. So don't get wrink. les worrying about variety in meals - let your baker be your menu maker, See what's on his tray today! SALESMAN WANTED Rawleigh :business now open in Hur- on 'Co. Trade well established, Ex- cellent opportunity. Full time. time. W rite at once. Rawleigh's, Dept. E-458-189, Montreal. Immunization' `Huron County Health Unit" "Immunization Clinic" The second in a series of immun- ization clinics will be held in the following schools. On June 7th:- S.S. No. 11, Hay 9:30 a.tn. S.S.S. No. 1, Hay (St. Peter's) 10:15 a.rn"-;' The third date of this series has been set for June .218th. Children 4 months of age, to school age, may be brought to these .mount of Insurance at Risk on y� December 31st, 1950 10,610 Policies $125,269,726:00 . Fetal Cash in Bank and Bonds. $495,607.94 RATES ON APPLICATION E. F. KLOPP - ZURICH AGENT ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING $ -SAVE- $ FOR ANY SIZE Tires and Tubes SEE US FOR PRICES! 20% OFF St. Joseph Service Station Phone 87 r 17 - Zurich HINMAN MILKERS Having been appointed Local Agent for the well known Hindman Milkers, I am in a position to give service as well as being salesman of same. If in need of repairs or service, or wish - clinics to receive i:msnunazation for ing to purchase a new unit, be sure Diptheria, Whooping Cough, Tetanus,Eand see me. and Smallpox:" { FRANCIS KIPPER - ZURICH ".DAIRY. Phone 164 Boleros' Equipmentsl We handle a full lime of„,19,1,01, Products; Garden Tractors, Iia,4 Mowers, :Tillers, Chain Saws, Etc ,4 If interested in any of the above Equipment, get in contact with us.' PEARSO & THOMPSON Phone 52 - Grand ,Fend t8-4. and family of Exeter, we7•e Sunday visitors wth [Mrs. R. Willett. INSURANCE - Doris and Nancy on the occasion or Naney's birthday. NOTICE -- TRUCKING HOGS and CATTLE to Stratford, Thursdays. `Know your Price before you shit,"` D. OESCH & SONS LUNDELL arae Equipment We are 'Agents for Lundell Farm Machinery FORAGE HARVESTER WILL PICK 'UP HAY INSWATH, STRAW, ANI) CUT STANDING GRASS WITH NO CHANGING OF MACHINE. For Further information contact FABER BROS. KIPPEN - ONTARIO 4-4-12 Phone 79-5, Zurich. itslammmw • 0 • • 1 1 • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6 e 6 6 • • • • • • • • 1 . . :60 • • • • M• • i • You DON'T take Chances when i I YOU use CO-OP. FEEDS• CHECK YOUR REQUIREMENTS TODAY-- 1 • „_ CO-OP LAY MASH i . • CO-OP PIG STARTER 0 ~� ''~ 0 CO-OP HOG GROWER e CO-OP SOW RATION •go CO-OP 24% DAIRY SUPPLEMENT se CO-OP CALF MEAL ••• Hensall District Co Op. 1IODS AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE Phone Hensall 115. Zurich .220 0 . . • e 0 .0 • • 0 • • . • • • • • 0 • n • • • Dead Stock $2.75 Each. Prompt Service for Lifting. -Jack Williams, Call Phone 24 r 4, Crediton Central. -c1-5-'50 ATTENTION Auto Owners Special Tire Sale MAY 12 -- MAY 29th. Dominion Peerless 600 - 16 - 4 PLY $14.95 AND YOUR OLD TIRE 6.70 15 - 4 PLY $15.95 AND YOUR OLD TIRE REGARDLESS OF CONDITION Desjardine's Phone 38 Auto Supply Zurich, Ont. • r a co • • • • • • • • • • 1 1 • ♦ THGR Gives ♦ • *Point for Point ---- Dollar •' for Dollar• Here's the • Biggest Washer Value to- •• :day . • s This Beautiful Washin • • • Machine: • As Low 'As • • • $129.00 • :Trade in the old Machine. e` • For all Wiring Jobs - Call. ♦ • WUERTH s d • Phone 84 a ELECTRIC Zurich SUMMER WEATHER REQUIRES BONNIER FOOTWEAR Such as Scampers, Sandals and Canvass for Men, Women and Children See our Various Lines HERE ARE 'A FEW: Womens' Canvass for Prices Rubber $2.95 to 3.95 Men's Cauv- $3.95. Basket Ball $2.95 to 5.95 Boys' Basket Ball $2.85 - 4.75 Youths' - $1.95 - 3.25 Something for All. And Prices- to sutt Your Purse GIVE US A CALL ! Oesch Shoe Store Phone, Res. 130. Store 82 AMMONIUM Your Home and Garden • • 01 • Headquarters • • • • •FOR - Rotary Lawn Mowers - Garden Tools, 0 0 Garden Hose, - Wire Fencing - Mops w 0 • • and Brushes - Polishes and Cleansers !1 • Paints • - Enamels Varnishes • • �. •2. •Shelf and Heavy Hardware w i •• Electric Stoves - Refrigerators - Washing • • • • Aflachines - /ill Electric Appliances• • • i 2• - Plumbing • OUR AIM -To Serve and Sati Dathrs Electric Wiring - Heating - e �s • • • • Main St. Hardware Store sfy. Tinslnithing • 1 . • • Brien Phone 213