HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-06-03, Page 4MUCH ONTARi0 ON4RIO'5 LAKES AND RIYERS HAve MANtt ".04AUrYsPors WHERE MAL se `F-45chVArEo BY THE GRANDEUR QF I+IATUR6 owl:wows Iwo FABULOUS SAS4lt7M9teAFTURES DIE ROMANcEVP MVO WORLD IN THE iga4PrOP7OONTO. EVERy Soy ANAG/PL wILL Se FAscINATE0 EY THE GREATLAKE6 FREIGHTERS AS THEY PAS'ROUGH ONTARIO'S CANALANO LOCKS. e•Ce' rd4.714="---"In wait =,r7ARATO...Yours to Explore in 154! •0 e rl itrA ONe otrrHE SEVEN WONDERS oFrrEwmakys /THINEASY OIS7:4NCE OF EyERYONE IN oNTARIO SEE NIAGARA PAUS TH/S WAR. - 77-'-`"P • ,;....,i;eAe.s INTEWYONI BotiNrik6 LINE I Me twat' 4 13..QM5.4f..) ,,your Ontario Travel (1.0d0)44aRi Hostess, invites Ton totruse this coupon for bEAusr,.. Deka,/ '''COON Roo no4,1 of r 410, to s2a rove! _ rook, ac,oilegel"zw-tumoy, FREE Information about Ontario. Mail it today! aine. ddre rr4afieft Q't" ON,* -------- NE °WARM DEPARTMENT OF TRAVEL & PUBLICITY *MN. [L. PP.E3CECILE, Q.C., MINISTER rr ZURICH HERALD va••••••••••••••••• FARMERS! Make Your Acres Pay! One of our best crops this year should be White Field Beans, This Crop is now supported with a Floor Price of $4.10 per Bushel, with an average price paid this year of $4.25 per bushel. In order to serve you better we are constructing a 30,000 bushel addition to our Elevator Farmers' Storage. ' Drop in and see us, we have a full selection of Commercial and Registered Bean Seed in stock Cook Bros. Milling Co. PHONE 24. - HENSALL, ONT. 11111111111111111111111011111111111111111114W . , DRYSD ALE Late Frank Corriveau Frank Xavier ,Corriveau. a -,vIdely known former resident of the cnstrict and who had farmer most of lits life in Stanley, just north of Drysdale, ,died at Seaforth on Mav 31st aged..,'0 at the home of his daughter, IVIrs. John Aubin, Seaforth, with whom he had resided the last four years!' His Wife,the former Mary L. Duel -mime. ai.pil some time ago. He has been ill fo- t"..orue time. Surviving are five 1 Dennis, .Sehringville ; -Willard idolph, Hay Township: V'rank- lin. Strinle,r; Leo, Goderich; three da- ughters. •mrs. Alex Meidinger. Hay; Mrs. L. Eri-ar, Detroit; Mrs. -J. AO In, Seaforth and two sisters, Mrs. Dolph Tarriseau. Detroit, and Mrs.: -Tuffield Amotte, Hov. Resting at the "home of his son Franklin, Stanley Twp., until Thursday morning wnen requiem high mass will be sung - at "St. Peter's :Church, St. Joseph, by Msgr., W. Bourdeau. Interment will be made in the parish cemetery.There are also 37 grandchildren and ..16 great ,grandchildren. He was a mem- ber of the Holy Name Society. `St. Joseph & Blue Water Area • Mr and Mrs Mbar Ducharme of near Hensel" district; Mr and Mrs. Oscar Ducharme of the Goshen -line north, 'were Sunday visitors with;Mr and Mrs. F. Ducharme of the Blue • Water. • MEllif Ira 47434' 4, • If you need a ney,vittrawtor oe-ywr-farm, but hayto.$ the reAdcycasb to b.Ag OD.P, • • • FIL may be the askew& m)your,necd. A B of M Fan Unkrt9VAMelatiXati can put you at the wheel of the West modcl very quickly. And there's nothiugthaC saves money, time and work on :a :Wm ,guite SO much as a modern tractor. If your proposition is sound, you oaa get a B of M Farm Improvement Loan for any type of equipment you need on your farm. Why tiot talk to your nearest B of M manager? He'll gladly show you how a aria Improvement Loan gan help you in your operations . and how IgMle it costs. 'MY ORNIf :ottani& OVIAOMII FIL - the fixer.... his full name is Farm Improve- ment Loan. Give him a chance to help ifix up your farm ,„ he's eco- nomic, conven- ient, verotile. He can do Almost anything mak- ing your Owm a better fare. BialX. OF MONTREAL edeaueei'd .7olde 6.1144 Zurich Branch: .CART, SCOTT, Manger Hensall Branch: WALTER JARRETT, Manager Creclitnn Branch: RAYMOND KING, Manager (Oen Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) nahwood (Sob -Agency:) Open Mon., Wed, & NG WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OE LIfE SINCE 1817 be Mrs Elize Laporte of 'River Side, who was cashier in the Thomas'Inn, is now spending a two weeks vacation in this neighbourhood with relatives and friends. and Mrs Melvin. Bedard of ,De- troit were week -end visitorswiththe formex's 'brother and mother, Wand Mrs. Leo Bedard and the mothe L Bedard in residence. • Mr and Mrs J.rvi, g Merne- Detroit spent the week -end iii'! ottage at Ducharme's beach. • Miss Sherry Geoffrey ocf .Detrop, is spending a few days 'with her another and other members of the .familv. Saw Real Scrap • On Monday last while sitting near by the lawn we witnessed a black- bird fight, the battle lasted nearly 2 hours. It was a rough and tumble scrap. They fought with !bill, with feet and with wings. They puffedland they huffed, they took seconos ; of at different intervals, presumably to gain their strength. When they were both very tired they flopped on their Side as though dead or exhausted. We then approached them, not to offer our sympathy for their injuries, but to see the results of the battle, but before we reached them they flop- ped their wings and took to the air and none the worse after their fight. 'Well, they at least know enough, to quite and .call it a draw. The Answer? Thursday, ;tam :3rd, 1084 ,amsemasams..11111111111111111111111.1• AUCTION SAI .E 42 • 420 42• • 42• • • • * • Of Real Estate, Household Effects, and Misc. Items, on the Premises, in • the VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND ; On Highway No. 21. The undersign • - ed Auctioneer received instructions to selr by public Auction on ;SATURDAY, JUNE 5th. Atil..30 o'clock, p.m. sharp. • • 42 • • REAL ESTATE—Consists of Lot • K, Plan 30, 10% acres of land, more • or less, on. which is situated a small dwelling, barn and garage. This property is 'Very suitably located for fixture business interests. Land is •choisest of loam. Inspect this prop- erty before day of Sale. Terms of property, — 10 % on day of Sale. Balance in SO days. Offer- ed for sale subject to a reasonable reserved bid. A full line of Household Effects and Miscell. Items. TERMS — CASH Mrs. Mary Green, Proprietress. Glen Webb, Clerk Aivin Walper Auctioneer. At a dinner partly several mothers were discussing their children's , ingness with the -guest of honor. One mother asked 'Doctor, what do you find to be the principal ailmenti of children?' the Doctor considered .the question; then answered ,gravely; 'Mothers, Madam." DASHWOOD • •• 42 42• • • •• 42 •• Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND Dancing. Every Saturday THIS WEEK TO THE MUSIC OF Don Watson and his Orchestra "The Newest in Dance Bands" featuring "CHRISTINE" Enjoy Dancing on our Beautiful New Floor Monster Bingo In the HENSALL COMMUNITY ARENA On MONDAY — JUNE 7th. 1954 . O. $3500.00 IN PRIZES 15 regular Games at $30.00 each 2 Specials at $100 each — 1 Special at $200. 1 Extra Special for METEOR CAR. Complete with Heater, License and tank of Gas Come and bring your friends to Western Ontario's Best Bingo ADMISSION :—$1.00 for 15 regular games. Extra cards for regular and 3 cash Specials, 25c, 5 for $1. Car Special $1.00 per Card Doors open at 8 p.m. Bingo Starts 9 p.m. Sponsored by Hensall Legion 468 and Legion Auxii • 42seatage... ...amem.••••••amitimentextv••• • 4 --if RUNNING WATER - as you pay for it on the budget Want 1.0 nrY,' „„. 1(ITCHENt—running water cuts kitc:len chores—laundry and dishes are clone lc half the time. BATHROOM -all the conven- ience of a city home to protect your family's health and add to your comfort. BARNS—So much easier to water the stock ... and .0 much extra protection against fire. 11-54 Mr and Mrs Ernest Hutchinson and Alva -of Blair spent the week -end here with relatives. ;Misses 'Euleen Keller and Alice Chapman of Exeter spent the week- • end with her parents, -Mr and Mrs. - Adolph Keller. Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Weido 'and family of Detroit spent the week=end with Mrs. Tired Schlundt. To Celebrate '75th Anniversary}, The congregations of the Ontario District of the Lutheran Church will celebrate the seventy-fifth anniver- sary of its onanization on Sunday, June 6th. Rev. L. Higinell will de- iver the anniversary, sermon in Zion Church, Dashwood, Statistics reveal that at organizat- ion in 1879 there were 14 paetors,28 congregations and 2036 communic- ant members. There are now 03 Pas- tors servng 89 congregations, com- municant membership is about 20.- 000, having ;practically doubled ill the past five years. The congregations comprising the dstrict in 1879 were Delhi, Fisherville, rloradale, Elmira, Kitchener, Wartburg, Humberstone, Gas Line, Wellesley, Petersburg, Poole, Logan,•Kurtzville, Norman by, Howick, Sebringville, Stratford, and others in Eastern Ontario. The anniversary will be a feature 'of the District Convention. A special service will be held in the Xtehener- Waterloo Collegiate Wed. June MIL The :speaker will be Arnold Grunim iof Fargo, MD., a vice-pres, of the Lutheran Church Mission Synod. • Mr and Mrs jack Watson and Mrs Ir:ank Watson of Detroit were Sim - '4,y visitorii with ?..41' And Mrs Charles - . Rli, f Why lug water by hand any longer? Install et Duro Pumping System now and enjoy running: water as you pay for it. Save time, save laboutti, cut operating costs. AS LOW AS ID% DOWN UP TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY for pump, fixtures and installation, too The EMCO Budget Plan will cover your com4 plete water system -pump, tank, pipe, kitchen. and bathroom fixtures, taps in all building* and the cost of installation. You can, have the whole job done NOW -and pay for it over the next year and a half. Ask for an estimate of the cost of labour and material worked out on the EMCO Budget Plan. Then consider how muck work it can save you, the extra leisure you cam enjoy by installing your water system right awayi Empire Braso Mfg. Co. Limited LONDON CANADA 20 - 34 JACKSON ST. W. HAMILTON, ONTARIO Visit Or Phone Us Without Delay FOR SALE BY STADE & WEIDO Zurich - Ont. HOW TO MAKE summer meals GOOD FOR THE FAMILY' EASY ON THE COOK Hot weather meals are usually light, cool and quickly prepared. That's fine, as long as they're nourishing! Serve your family plenty of; dairy foods -milk, cheese, ice cream and so on. They arc an abundant and inexpensive source of protein that builds and repairs body tissue; calcium, the tooth and bone builder; Vitamin A; and thiamine for healthy nerves. SANDWICH Butter enriched bread, and sandwich in your choice. of Canadian cheddar cheese or creamy cheese Ailing& SALAD Cool cottage cheese.. Right with all fruit or vegetable combinations. DESSERT Watch your dealer's freezer for new flavours and old favourites. Ice cream is good, and good for yolk_ DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU a division of Dairy Farmers of Canada 400 HURON ST. - TORONTO J rit Id a i m cs nth Recipe booklets.. Por Marie Fraser's tasty, tested dairy foodtu recipes, vvrite: Dairy Foods Service Bureau. , 4 4