HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-05-13, Page 4MUM 4. Vl f'flR10 To Visit .Zurich & District crusade of Penance and`"Prayer For Peace The„ Pilgrim Virgin Statue of our lady of Fatima will visit this dist- Vitt. There is a •very important mess- age for peace in our world which goes, oihlr thiss Visit. Most people Catholic o 1 ic and non-Catholic alike recall the meek published a few years ago call- ettThe Song 0 f Bernadette' Bette. and lai- er mod'ie produced by Hollywood of this book under the same title. This book and movie told millions of peo- loud speakers; in South American le the world over of the appartions Cilie Blessea countries he has talked in "capital France ofagainst ds • n Lourdes warning ear nn I cities over r the Radio � g "Virgin . The in 1858 to the girl ionBer the Godlessness of Communism. Ile xaadette. Virginstory in the appartions has :been inspired by the goodwill of +Df' the Mary Fatima, Portu- : :1 in 1917 ,carry a similar plea for , non-cabholics everywhere to the an - penance and prayer. Six appartions peal for prayer and, penance to save 'were given to three children of Fati- our world and to save souls.. He feels that even yet were men in general to Circa in 1917 during the 1st World War listen and live better lives. ntertea on the 13th of each month from May listen be saved Froin the heavy threat to Oe p. which now hangs over us of an out The appeal of the Mother •ti ,res.. of war which will spell the destruction f "tailor oi • the reca penance andcities.N s for trs of many of our large the Family veryRourgentry inthese n is de- crusade will go to other countries and tans was a one : Sin is d r other parts of Canada if Craver cora- is sins world; the cause of sof tinues .possible. Godliness, he says, Coll- is the of men; theuErrors theoe cannot foreves reign and 'God's peace "Russia destroying spread throughout n will eventually be given to our world. world nation after nation Visits of the tour will be at St. she said. A few years ago the song' of Our Lady of 'Fatima told of this message to millions by record, radio and: television shows. Ls Sept. 1952 the movie entitled "The 'Miracle of Fatima" was produced and since that time has been seen b minions all over the world. For seven years st- atues carved to Ibring out as closely as possible what the Mother of Jesus looked like in the appartions 'have -been taken -from Fatima, Portugal, and carried by land and, sea and air to all parts of the world. Father Patrick Moore of the Scar- boro Foreign Mission, Scaraboro Bluffs, Ontario, who will visit this district with one of the Pilgrim Vir- gin Statues and preach the message has been travelling for six years 011 this particular and unique mission. He has covered over 180,000 miles UP land, sea and air. In Sept. 1953 he with her parents' ;and family, 011 tiu3 began a tour of the Catholic Diocese Higihwafy,. of London, which xvill, terminate May 25 when he will move on /to another country. The Masaner of carrying the statue of our Lady of Fatima a- top the Ave Maria sound trucx and recitati;ng en -route from town to town," the prayer of the Rosary is car- ried out to beg God's blessing and protection through the intercession of onion all Virgin rn Mar• y u The Blessed Vi g peoples, hobes and families of what- ever religious denomination. Father in thousands to haspreached Mt, are other countries in the streets over Peter's 'Church, French Settlement, Thursd'an, May 20th, at 8 p.m. and at St. Boniface Church, Friday, 21st art 8 p.m. ZURICH • HERALD Mr and 'Mrs Napoleon t enomille electric washing machine; walnut of Detroit were .Sunday visitors with. ithe ty. former �s relatives in thisvitaiaa- Mzs. Marguerite Cantin wrio has spent the winter months in Montreal, has returned to her home in S. Jos-:. eph. Mr and Mrs Avila Ducharme and the Blue Water south,were 'l of family Sunday visitors with the former',0 parents, Mr land Mrs F. ‘Ducharme. St. Joseph & Blue Water Area Born - to 1Vir and Mrs. Pete Jeff- rey at the Exeter Hospital on Wed- nesday last, a daughter. Congratu- lations to you and you. Mr. JeanPaul Cantin of Detroit. was a visitor in St. Joseph with his mother and other members of the family. Mr and .Mrs Morley and son of London were week -end visitors with the latter's parents on the B.W.H. Miss Marion Bedard of London, was a Sunday visitor with her par- ents in this ,neighbourhood. ,Miss Laetitia Ducharme of Brevia Hall, London, spent the week -end DASHWOOD Public Speaking Contest • The pupils from Dashwood Fublrc walnut what -not; walnut smoker, 2 School were given a change to show v walnut civichairs, velourcane backs; , their talents in song and speeechos walnut arms :chair, needle point seat.; last Tuesday evening when Dashwood w;alaut living room their, tapestry; W.I. sponsored their program. '� walnut Windsor chair; 2 walnut Mr. R. Middleton, principal had .6 arm chairs; walnut rocker; oak knee - ' well prepared with interesting hole desk (antique), 100 years old; speeches. Winner was Mona Keller-, oak. hall tree; oak umbrella stand; man, who spoke on `"Tile Planning of walnut :41 -piece bedroom suite, mah- Trees: Runner-up Shirley Gossman ' ogany finish bed, springs, mattress chose, "The History of Dashwood." and dresser; pearl grey bed, springs and mattress with Consolation prizes went to Carnl'4chest of drawers ed 4 -ft., springs and Becker with subject 'A Man's Wants' mattress; walnut� bureau, walnut ced- Annie Koehler "Coffee"; Diane Kraft' ar •chest davenport and 121 matching °'12y I rip to Vancouver", and Marie chairs; mahogany chair, needle point Salmon, 'My Garden." Judges were , seat; 2 fireside arm chairs; rockers, Mr. V, Dinnin, Zurich; Mrs. E. Des- 30x38" mirror, gilt frame; beveled jardine, Grand Bend and Mrs. IS, plate glass bathroom mirror with Restemayer, Dashwood. Films wereframe; 2 taupe rugs 41/2x10; 27x51/ , also shown by 'Mr. Middleton. 2 -tone rug 9x10'; Barryrnore rug, :Vlrs oriental design, 9x101'; all rugs Week -end visitors with Mr and Sid Braker were, Jerry Guenther. and have cushions to match; table lamps, dresser lamps, 8 -day living room R. Henderson, Windsor and Mr and,.t ick; fireplace, for coal or wood Mrs. Erwin Guenther, Charles and •;with tile and mantel, kitchen table; John of Toronto. (.kitchen clock, wicker sewing table; pickup, new top canvas roller; bean Mm and Mrs. Ervin Rader, amoral), 'walnut fernery, 2 single fern stands, screen, flax screen; buckwheat sicrp- anied by( Mr and Mrs Wellwood Gill.card table, 2 verandah chairs, lawn en; 6' swather; 43/2 -ft. one -Way; 3 and Joan of Grand Bend, spent the chairs, bathroom scales, 4 golf clubs furrow M -H. plow (23A bottorns); week -end in Belleville with F-10. aid in corduroy bag; .1 10 -volume set of 3 'complete 21 bottoms; 3 section Mrs. John Kowalchuk and Corby*rile Book of Knowledge • 1 10 -volume set diamond harrows (10 -ft.) ; 4 section 'The Source Book lamps, curtain., as o Singer electric sewing machine with pQueenAnne design; g, electric floor lisher;; electric ter, walnut Rog- ers Magestic •comb, radio and record Player; G.E. mantel radio; Due Therm oil heater and blower; chester- field, silk covering, walnut frame; fi d x• � covering; walnut 1 0 r em e c'he st , , _.el p g book case and writing desk; walnut corner bookcase, walnut 10 -pc. din- ing room suite; walnut dinner wagon; l ut table; • wan 'v; • room i n a 1 'Lit living o wan g , hialf-round hall table, chair to match; walnut coffee table, pie crust top, Queen .Ann; walnut tilt top table; section electric battery brooder (new) quantity of carpenter tools, quantity of lumber, etc., etc. Terms ---Cash. Bert Holt, Proprietor. Glenn Webb, Clerk. Alvin Wolper, Auctioneer, • • • • • • • • ab de • • •1 • s 1 vosiessummor • • • 1 • • • • • • �i Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND OPENING DANCES: Saturday and Midnight May 22nd. May 23rd. NEIL McKAY'S ALL-STAR ORCHESTRA 141 FARMERS! Make Your Acres Pal - 11 One of our best Crops this year • should be White Field Beans. This Crop is Floor Price of $4.10 - cow supported with a price paid this yep ler Bushel, with an average In order to -ac of $4.25 per bushel. a 30,000 ' - serve you better we are constructing Story , bushel addition to our Elevator Farmers' -Age. Drop in and see us, we have a full selection of Commercial and Registered Bean Seed in stock. WE ARE ALSO SUPPLYING SEED BEANS ON A CON- TRACT BASIS Cook Bros. Milling Co. PHONE 24. - HENSALL, ONT. !NOW! Is the time to get those odd wiring jobs cleaned up • • • before the Spring and Summer Rush Starts • • REPLACE THOSE OLD DINING ROOM, KITCHEN, BATH • • ROOM OR OUTSIDE FIXTURES WITH SOME NEW • MODERN ONES AUCTION SALE r in nts Ga ne c Implements, cl , Farm Stock, Of 1 and Household Items will ;be held at Lot 7, Con. 3, Tuckersmith, Twp„ 114 miles south of Highway No. 8;1 1 mile east of +�gmondville•, on WE'DNE.SDAY, MAY 19th. At 112 o'clock, p.m. DST, Cattle — 1 Reg. Holstein scow, 4 yrs Dag Apple rle. R 11 • c Alcartrag old (Nancy Y Pride) ; r2' aged cows, 3 cows, 5 -years old; 1 cow, 4 yrs. old; 1 cow, 3 yrs. old; heifer cow, 2 yrs. old; 1 steer, 1-lylr. old. All cows are milking. Implements — 8N Ford tractor; Thursday, May 13th,: 1954 rope; 30 -inch blade buzz saw; 12 -in,, blade rip saw; 100 -ft. snow fence;. number cedar posts; biotic & tackle;:. grindstone, forge, 'MIcCullouglz cbaiaa saw; Surge milker with 2 pails, outs let for 20 cows; 6 milk cans (80.1h, cap) ; 1 large filter strainer, milk pails, 121 lawn �anowers, forks, . shovels, etc., too numerous to mention. Poultry —45 New Hampshire naris; e olid 1 ax(laying); year — 10 bush. buckwheat„ quantity mixed grain, quantity( Clin- ton oats. Household Items — Bexoleuan 1•u, 9'x12'; metal bed and springs; dres- ser, wardrobe, kitchen extension table (8 leaves); copper boiler; Stool, 't h steps't kr c, err rye clothes horse, , quantity sealers, knitting machinf>; girl's C.C.M. bicycle; man's iC C.M. (bicycle; other items too numerous to. mention. Terms—Cash. standardized power take -off .attach- Raymond Nott, Proprietor. ment; Ford tractor puIIey, power Edwin Chesney, Clerk. mower amounting equipment; M -H. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. No. 44 row crop tractor with power take -off and live hydraulic; M -H. manure loader; MSH. mounted Z -row corn and bean Snuffler; M -H. 10 -ft. az-H. :cultivator; tooth : stiff o h No. 25 15 -run fertilizer seed drill; M -H. 4-ibar rubber tire rake; Intern, No. 200 rubber tire manure spreader (new) ; 10 -ft. Intern. ,disc; Case Harvester with hay and corn attach- ments (nearly new) • Case blower- and blower and power unload:er with pipe for 55' silo; 2 new 16' ensilage boxes; 2 rubber tire wagons; 16' cut hay box; M -'H. Clipper combine, 6 -ft; new Cllipper swathe spreader; Clipper 1 I : A complete line of Bathroom Fixtures, Oil Burners • • • A • • • • • • • GGg RA.LD GJNCERICH'S q Heating - Lighting - Plumbing Electrical and Motor Repairing - Phone Zurich 34 and all Cil Furnaces on Display NEW AND USED ELECTRIC MOTORS FOR AND EVERY TYPE OF WORK MOTOR REWINDING AND REPAIRING ANY o > diamond nd harrows; 110' flexible har- with Mr and 1VIrs Gerald Livmlgsto.e:'e j. desk light, floor polisher, waxing rows • 4 section new land harrows and family. Sunday visitors with llfrs. L.Peifeg, were Mr and Mrs Charles Jackson o£ (Port Huron. Marian, Tune, Ruthanne, David and Paul Rader were !Sunday visitors' with their aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs. Elgin Rader and boys. brush and polisher, Eloctrolux clean- er, lawn mower, 26 -ft. extension ladder; and many other articles too numerous to mention. This is all very choice furniture and in first class ,condition. Terms—Cash G. M. Drysdale, Proprietor. P. L. •McNaughton, Clerk. Alvin Wolper Ed. Corbett, Auct- The Voice of Temperance This "Voice" recently told an -ins- teresting and startling percentages story about increasing drinking and crime in Canada. Here follow other percentages; just a few, but they tell a story of an increasing realization in Ontario at least of the need for action. In 1953 there were .216 local option votes held. A "No" vote ��s�iis recorded in 21, or 80% of these.'1�he actual percentage of people voting against additional outlets for legal sale was 53. In votes on cocktail bars during the period 191417-195,3, 33.oat of 60,or 55% were 'No' votes.These votes, a practical test of temper 'n j 'Other Articles sentiment in Ontario ars •— Beach 4 -burner ioneers. Clearing Auction Sale Of Autos, truck, Iho?lsehold effects, and Misc. items, on the premises, the VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND First house north of Klopp's Hotel. The undersigned Auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction On SATURDAY, MAY 15th. At 1.30 o'clock, p.m. sharp: Autos —g 7.952 Hillman sedan in all around guarantied new condition ; I 1939 Ohev. coach, in guaraTita ed new condition. Truck---'vraeV. Hydr' o " ak. ti CAR BINGO Sponsored by Kinsman Club of Clinton $3,500 IN PRIZES CLINTON Lions Arena FRIDAY, MAY 14. Commencing at 9.00 pan. (DST)' (6 -ft.) ;-straw blower, 6 -ft. horse- Look at these Prizes: drawn mower; hors,. dump rake; 15 Regular Games for $25.OQi horse muffler; 2 walking plows; 2- g ydsteel box dump trailer, car each trailer (metal .box) ; hand barrel sprayer; Jamesway 500 chick electric brooder; Jamesway 300 hick coal brooder; newset tractor chains; new electric fencer; set sloop sleighs, steel box wheel barrow; number metal pig troughs; 2 iron kettles; 75 - ft. new hammer mill belt; number of hayfork rope pulleys; 90 -ft. of 3 -4 -in TV Set Special—Valued at $350.00,. Two Special Gaines for.. $100.00 Each SPECIAL CAR BINC Valued at $2,50 ,cotrs,g :n�'i .eleetri,o s ave like new; Renfrew eape!ci�lly .wiaeii it is r rmr. , Trade brings on "called th thy feel. ice" . otes or ty seat ., ,ndent sr '' •s�• r crime it shoulof d our Temperanc f tie no stove, like new; 10 steel Sim- ons beds complete ;with springs and ttress, . like new 4 beds witct iavgs''a"nd mattress; DeForest Cros- electric radio; chesterfield, wal- litwriting desk; dining room table; dining room chairs, 3 rocking chairs; 3 army chairs, mounted birds, glass cases; 2 oak end tables; mantle clock, fern stand, rugs, mats, quilt tops, picture frames, sideboard, chest of drawers, dressers, commodes, couch, kitchen cabinet, cupboard, dishes, glassware, Chinaware, antique dishes, electric washing machine, lawn chairs, wicker chairs, 6 new wardrobes, 10 boxes of Aspnalt tile flooring (brand new) ; 2 Duo Therm Provincial and C,- -oreI, Doth ti perhaps never it Array, are. alive'" The people o" .,efore to the situati4 are co-ope• r the Churches especally. ens than ,.eating in greater numb"" hope - ever. Herein lies the maid. gait .,:or success in the crusade a ,,et the liquor evil.--Advt. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, in the VILLAGE OF HENSALL On WIEDNEiSDAY, MAY 19th. At 1 p.m. Sharp oil burners; 2 power lawn mowers, 2- Coldwall Frigidaire refrig; Sun- wheel trailer; 6 oil drums, various shine 4 -burner electric stove, Jewel size's; pheasant pen, 2 shower cabin - comb. electric and coal stove; Gilson ets; plumbing fittings; Jamesway 10- • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• 4. s?_IRACioiligtg Make Farming More Profitable! WAY We401;�...go ahead wi F/4 "MY OW MONTREAL, Discuss a Farm Improvement Loan with your; nearest Bank of Montreal manager. 702011/10 (MOWS L AD I37 working ANN._ OF ea.cactaa ?c, at a'a.ca with Canadians in every walk of life since 1817- Hensall Branch: WALTER JARRETT, Manager Crediton Branch: RAYMOND KING, Manager (Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) Dashwood (Sub -Agency:) Open Mon., Wed. & Fri. • 2 • • A 4. NO. !N A SERIES . YOUR HYDRO AT WORK FOR YOU AND YOURS J ;/"://///:::1, :rim�//"� riii�i.��%F �5'j%ilei i// ifi;�, r��4/ /e -::-% YOUR HYDt�O t��e 1feblood of industry Power, supplied by Ontario Hydro is the vital factor in making the Province's in- dustry the Colossus that it is today. The 19,913,540,926 kilowatthours of electricity supplied to the Province in 1953 by Ontario Hydro was equivalent to a labour force of 88,500,000 men. Few indeed are the industrial activities that are not dependent on electricity and many of today's wonder products are possible only because of the magic of Hydro power. More versatile than any other form of energy, electricity supplies industry with light, power, heat and control in a wide range of applications. Here is another example of .. N"TARIO HYDRO) • • AT WORK FOR YOU AND YOURS information concerning Ontario 'Hydro can be obtained by writing to your Hydro Chairman, 620 University Avenue, Toronto