HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-05-06, Page 81 a r • lCi ONTARIO `I+r 4. THE STORE WITH THE STOCK X00 ®QO For Days Only 200 Yards Prints and Broadcloths, per yard All linen Tea Toweling, yard 50 Yards only Chintz 36 -in., yard 20 Pieces Summer Dress Materials, Reg. 98c. 89c to 1.98, yard, for Lot of Ankle Sox to clear at 39c 45c 45c 19c 45 Ladies' Print Housedresses, at Half Price, from . $1.65 to $1.79 Each Fine Stencilled Bath Towels, each 98c 650 Chenille Bed Spreads, full size, each - Men's Work Sox, 3 dozen only, pair Cotton Sheets 78x100, each Cotton Sheets 81x99, each 49c 2.75 3.60 GROCERY SPECIALS Grape Fruit Juice, large 27c 65c 25c ttDc Pickles, 24 -oz. jar 33e Niblets Corn, 2 tins 35c Tomo Juice, 2 tins ,5c Peanut Butter, -- 29c Veg. Soup, 5 tins plus 1 free Castile Soap, 6 bars Pickles, 48 -oz. jar Gascho Bros. Groceries - Dry Goods - Men's Wear ZURICH TELEPHONE 59 1 • • • • • • 1 The Drysdale Store Also Rubber Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys The Store with the Best Variety of all Kinds of Groceries A fine assortment of Hardware and Electrical Appliances ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TIRES CO—OP. FEEDS Cured and Fresh Meats , Your Patronage Appreciated at all Times I ➢ GIVE US A CALL( JOHN DENOMY DRYSDALE Phone 98 r 1 ZURrr:HH HERALD LOCAL NEWS Mr and Mrs George Deichertare visitors at 'Toronto this week, Mr. George D. Thompson, Theatre manager of ;St. aVlarys gave us a !business call on Monday, Mr and Mrs Leonard 1VIerner. and family spent the week -end at XJitch- ener, Hamilton, and other points. Mies Louise Rarig is spending a few days wi11i frends at Kitchener. Mr and Mrs Fred Anderson; Mrs.. Jack McDonagh and Mr, Ross Mor Donagh were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs. Ward Fritz. Mrs. Ivan Kalbfleisch is a patient at South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Her many friends wish her a`•aleedy recovery. Mrs. Emily Fuss is visiting for a few weeks with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. (Swartz at' Detteit. Mr (Chris. 'Bearer from Meadville, Penn., Mr and Mrs. More 'Heckler of Exeter, visited their sisters; .Mrs. C. Erb, also Mrs. !Sarah Schmidt over the holiday. Mr. Wm. Watson, who has the Q Q appointment of spraying the cattle in I Hay Township for warble fly is now g making his second rounds, {Laving treated over 2600 aiii2nals ; in the LP first round. He started the second round in the westerly part o the Township. Is At Hospital Mrs. 1VIelizza Geiger is "a patient. • at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, wheshe has had an operation Her 1 .manyre friends are pleased ,tt1":hear d 0 that she is getting along nicely. Q Q..... JUST ARRIVED — Directly from 10 Scotland - 2 -yards wide •canvas Back Jaspe Inlaid Linoleum - at the. am - \I azingly low price of only "$2.95 • a running yard. Order yours now at T. and T. Flooring in Zurich.` Have Moved Chir and Mrs Dennis Denomm and daughters have moved their effects into their new home -which they pur- chased from Mr. Wm. Farrell. Mr Harold Zehr and family will move in- to the apartment vacated by the Den- omme's; Mr. Leland Surerus has rented the apartment vacated and owned by Harold Zehr and expects his mother, Mrs. Barbara ,Surerus, who is staying at present with her daughter in Montreal, to come and O reside with him. I� FOR SAFE SHORT TERM INVESTMENT, the Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation Now .Paying: 3126, % on 1 and 2 yrs, 8'/z % on 3 and 4 Years. % on 5 Years. On investments $100,00 and over. INTEREST HALF YEARLY J. W. Haberer Phone 161 Fire, Auto and Casualty. Insurance. X00 Perch at GoderIL."...; ,• 0012 The perch at Goderich are running again, and the fishermen are.; Just sitting down in the sun at tile, harb- or, that is when it is shining, h u1.in 1them in. A man from London taught 25 in a few hours off the breakwall • Two from Detroit got 45.. There are many fish in the lake awaits tithe • hook for.the.sportsmen,.atttet�a they make very good eaten, " 1' 1 Agricultural Office News S H. R. Baker . ;May 1, =1954 • Heavy rains .of last weekend, have 2 delayed seeding 'considerably lrx most ; areas in the {County,. In, some areas early seeding is reported up. How ever, warm air is now bringing' along thigh pastures and meadows very quickly. Powder legume nnoc- ulants are not being diistrilbutel> from this office to as anany farmers as it is felt should purchase them. •` BORN • In Clinton Public Hospital, . on iApril 27, 1954 to Mr and Mrs.: Phil - 1 ip Durand, R.R. 2, Zurich, a daugh- ter. • eco(DtaG VADeatiB `r*. ` 44• hath . ii4c,- Sv,r4 rw.v v+kliiv"i3K J• HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE Your Fuel Needs Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stook. STAGE & WAIL IURIGH - i3NT. QUALITY .. PRICE - SERVICE • FUR YOUNG MEN OF 16 Apprentice Treiding for Bright Future Combine thorough trades training, schooling, sound discipline, with understanding of the spirit of youth and you have the elements of the Canadian Army's Soldier Apprentice Plan for young men of 16. The Soldier Apprentice train- ing is designed to enable young men to gain promotion to higher ranks in the Army. The young men who are accepted for Soldier Apprentice training receive: • thorough trades training in one of 16 trades. • academie training -- com- parable to that received in secondary schools. • the general military training of the Canadian. soldier. • Soldier Apprentices are eligible for all Army benefits, including 30 days annual leave. They receive half pay when 16 and on their 17th birthday they receive full pay. To be eligible, the young man must be at least qualified for high school entrance. He must have attained his sixteenth but not his seventeenth birthday. Courses begin in September but applications are now being re- ceived. Following interviews, the applicants may be accepted after June 1st and then sent home on leave until courses commence in the Fall.' ,'. " ':: '. To obtain an interesting booklet and full information on the Soldier Apprentice Plan, write, phone or visit the Army Informa- tion Recruiting Centre nearest your home. No. 13 Personnel Dep61.' Wallis Home, Rideau & Charlotte Sis., Ottawa, Oil.—Telephone 9.4507 No; S.Petsonnel Depot. Artillery Park, Bagel Street, Kingston, OM:— Telephone 6149 Canadian Army Retruiling Centre. 90 Richmond 5t. W., Toronto. OA—Telephone EN. 6.8341—Local 276 No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseky Barracks, Oxford 8 Elisabeth-Sfs., London, Ont. — Telephone 2.3261 Army Remitting Centre, 230 Hain 01,C North Bay, Ont.—Telephone 456 Canadian Army Recruiting Station, 184 King Street East, Hamilton, Ont. —Telephone 2.8708 o.ew., Thursday. May 6th, 4954 • • •••• •• s • Illlllllllllllllllllllfl illllllllllllllllllllilllllllillllllllllllll II Illillllllllllllillllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII VIII Illlllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllhni,t,,,, .. SHUR-GAIN Growing Mash High milk production is the direct result of efficient management, good breeding and balanced feeding The greatest cost factor influencing profits is feed cost. Feed cost per pound of milk produced Can Be Reduced by feeding • balanced ration made from SHUR-GAIN MILK PRODUCER and home grown grain. SHUR-GAIN DAIRY FEEDS INCREASE MILK PRODUCTION MILT DEITZ & SON Zurich - Ontario le: STOP! And Read This • • • JUST ARRIVED: • • TWO YARDS WIDE CANVAS BACK JASPE INLAID LIN. 3 OLEUM. FOR THE AMAZIING LOW PRICE OF ONLY • $2.95 Running Yard IYOU WILL WANT TO COVER EVERY ROOM IN YOUR HOUSE AT THIS PRICE. AVAILABLE IN GREY, SAND, RED, GREEN AND BLUE SUPPLY IS LIMITED — ORDER YOUR'S NOW! SEE OUR SAMPLES OF THE NEW DELTOX RUGS PRICED AS LOW AS $24.50 FOR A 9x12' RUG S T. and T. FLOORING • SALES AND SERVICE LINOLEUM, TILE and FLOOR -SANDING Phone 240 - Zurich. Open Every Evening except Wednesday till 9 p.m. In the Day Time enquire at Gascho Bros. Store 1111111ap111111111jIIjIIIIII111111111 BI11111Ililllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 11111111111114111111110 illllill llil11111111IID{IIIIIIIIIIIIII111111Iiilaflllir� �'' BEFORE YOU BUY ANY NEW FLOOR COVERINGS In 1Glinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, April 25, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Mozart Gelinas, MR. 2, Zurich, twin daughters (Mary Melissa; Mar- ian Michelle) . In Clinton Public Hospital, on Apr- il 2I5th, 1954x, to Mr. and Mrs. Dom- inic Jeffrey, of St. Joseph, a daugh- ter. WHAT & WONDERFUL SAVIOUR Christ gave Himself:. lie was not defeated by man or Satan. His own words are: Therefore doth niy Father love me, • because I lay down my life, that 1 might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but 1 lay it down, myself. 1 have power to lay it down and I have power to take it again. — St. John 10: 17-18. The Angels declared Him alive: Why -seek ye the living among the dead?. He is not here, but is risen, remember how He spoke unto you when He was yet in Galilee,—Luke 24: 5-6. He is alive for evermo> e: ap 1 am He that liveth and was dead and behold I am alive . forever more.—Rev. 1: 18. He bids you Come and Live. Come unto me all ye' that labour and I will give you rest.—Matt. 11: 28. and are heavy laden GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGER Box 50, R. R. 1 — Zurich, Ontario • .7. • i + + + + + + + + + .i. + + + a9 • • • • • • • • ••• • v • • • • • i •• i • • • • • Reg. 1 and Jim's Men's and Boys' Wear Boys' Jeans, Sport and "T" Shirts, Underwear, Socks now in stock MEN'S SPRING TROUSERS JUST ARRIVED SPECIAL Bargains on Made to Measure Suits for Spring Season. See us for Odd Trousers or Sport Shirts, all at Bargain Prices. AGENTS . FOR MID TOWN CLEANERS 4, • Your Hardware Store Have a look at our Paints at Greatly Reduced `Prices. We carry the usual line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware. See Us for your Heating Equipment or New Bathroom We Specialize in: PLUMBING - HEATING - TINSMITHING Rader & Mittlehc!tz - Hardware Phone Zurich 63. 1iI;IIS)I)Iliilllllllllllllllllllillilllllllllllllllllilllll IIIiI.llIIIIIIfljj.IIIIIIIQIIIIIIIIII(I illlllllll{Ililllillllllllllllllllliillllll,IIIIIIIilllllllllllllllilll!! WALL BOARD Easy to paint oz paper. Many grades and types in stock. Per Square Foot as low as 5 Cents MAPLE FLOORING Select grade, end -matched Flooring. Per 100 Square (feat $23.00 I i CONVERT YOUR ATTIC 10% Down 30 Months To Pay Wasted Attic Space can be earl and Economically Converted Into extra Bedrooms or an income 'rev ducing Apartment. . Yon can dM most of the work yourself. Ran. our collection of plans and ideas. FREE ESTIMATES See Us for all your Building Needs Fred C. Ka1bfIesch & Son Ltd. Lumber, Shingles and .,Builders' Supplies v.!