HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-05-06, Page 1Single Copies 5 Cents. Subscription. in Canada, $2.00 a Yew; Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.50. NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH Prop. RAG RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made to Order — Seth 0 ,Axeann, Zug Ont. Phone 128. A. G. HESS *blue COS" INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LOENE S. EILER LOCKER SERVICE - - ROE FEEDS WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 — MENSAL!, OWL sOsse4ssssissssss es 1 • 1 FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS • _ Day and Night Service 122; 'Zurich - ••••••••••• sssss••• sessssssss pawls • • s •• ,1 Se u*d »u Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent •••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••00000 URI Established 1900 ERALn ZURICH, ONTARIO, 'THURSDAY MO MAY 6 1954 Church Directory ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO — E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR Ili a.m.—Divine Services. 111:15 a.m.--Suuday School. 7:50p.m.—Vespers. Everybody Welcome to all Services EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL . US. CHURCH ZURICH — ONTARIO KIM. H. E. Roppel, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist ;SUNDAY SERVICES - 10.00 a.m. — Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m.. — Bible School. 7:30 p.m. — Evening Worship Welcome at all Services — "Come thou with us and we will do thee steed.". Num. 10:29. Zurich Mennonite Church. Pastor— Albert Martin ',SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 a.m. -- Sunday School ~11:00 a.m. — Worship Service 8:00 p.ma. — Bible Meeting WEDNESDAY, 8 p.m. • gayer Fellowship YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH UM .or Are You Suffering From Headaches? iI2 so have your Eyes E inn ed with the Latest Methods and equipment at AicIon Theatre GRAND BEND Friday, Saturday May 7••8 His Majesty O'Keefe Techni'colour Burt Lancaster Joan Rice About a daring adventurer who be- came King of an exoctic south seas • Island. Selected Short Subjects. Tuesday, Wednesday May 11-12 RANDOLPH SCOTT The Stranger Wore a Gun Technicolour Claire Trevorr George IMaeready, A fast moving action story of the old West Newsreel and Cartoon Two Complete Shows at 7.30 and 9.30 p.m. Sunset Drive -In Theatre 114 MILES EAST OF GODERICH. ON HIGHWAY No. 8. Friday, Saturday May 7-8 Pride of the Blue Grass S,lorytd Bridges Vera Mills Comedy — Cartoon Monday, Tuesday May 10=11 Lady Says No. Davin Nivven Joan Cornfield And on the same Prograan: The Fighter Richard Ponte —Cartoon Wednesday, Thursday May 12-1.3 CLIPPED WINGS Bowery Boys And another Big Feature: Northern Patroit Kirkby Grant —.Cartoon Card of -Thanks I wish to hereby acknowledge the LA8 r1 1 ' �, ,�$ 112 good wishes of my many friends and V 1 • ` - to express my deep appreciation to all who remembered me in any way during the weeks of my illness. — Mrs. Katie Schade. IN MEMORIAM 'Schilbe — In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Laura Schilbe, who passed away one year ago, May 7, 1953. A year has passed since that sad day, The one we loved, was called away1 God took her home, it was His will, But in our hearts, she liveth still. —Always remembered by Husband, Family and }Grandchildren. • TO LAY CORNERSTONE Beat the Devil The laying of the Corner Stone at Humphrey Bogart Jennifer Jones • tthe Huron County Home will take A. CO R.0 place on Wednesday afternoon, May DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON - ONT. hou*s Nightly, Rain or Clear Two S Box Office Open 7.30. First Shaw 8 O'clock. 'Children under 12 in cars Free Thursday, Friday May (-7 For Heaven's Sake Clifton Webb Joan Bennett Saturday, Monday May 8-10 Flaming Feather (Color) Sterling Hayden Arleen Whelan' • Tuesday, Wednesday May 11 12 food dosses at Reasonable Prices man of the committee. The stone will be laid by Mr. Thos. Prime,., M.P..P. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • q T. HARRY HOFFIVMAN FUNERAL HOME Z M Funeral Director =---Private `Car Ambulance • i 4 Member of Ontario Funeral Association • •s HOLDER OF ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTII I- • `i CATE — PORTABLE OXYGEN EQUIPMENT • s .4 HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT — INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN • I, FESS FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES • -IR WE WIRE ANYWHERE •• • -• 24 Hour Service ---Dashwood. Tel. 70W• •• s AsoosessossNN••••••sroHo••o••••••••oo••s•s•o••••o THIEL'S Superior Store THE SET OF DISHES DRAWN APRIL 171h. WAS WON BY ROY ERB, R.R. 2, ZURICH, No. 08074. THERE WILL BE ANOTHER DRAW ON MAY 29th. FOR ANOTHER SET. FREE CHANCE WITH EVERY $5.00 PURCHASE. THIS IS A WORTH WHILE SET TO WIN. GET EVERY CHANCE POSSIBLE ON THE NEXT SET! SEE OUR GROCERY' SPECIALS ! Visit our Large Grocery Department and take advantage of the Various Specials on Sale from time to time. Weekly Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and LET US SERVE YOU ! Greens.. Phone 140 C. H. THIEL Zurich W. I. To Meet e ' •regular meeting of the Zur• i Women's Institute will be held e town hall at 8 o'clock on Mon- d veniang May 10th. All members. rr ' equested to be present. New "Iters' will be appreciated at any Have Moved and Mrs. Sydney Ramer of the ison line south have moved their e4 'cis 'turbo the farm home recently "haled from the Jack 'Merrier - `„ Babylon line. While Rev and isbert Martin have moved from t farm home of Mr. Lorne Ging- e 11,' Babylon line unto the farm (-ted by the Ramer family. Takes Position. es Shiela ;Schilbe, who has for tl e .past seven months been taking a cixjitrse in London on hairdressing has cd?r)pleted the same and graduated h "a very good standing. Sheila elietlhe week -end with her father town, Mr. ,Milfred Schilbe, before ' 'ging her position in one of Lon- iiZn's leading beauty parlors this we'elc ;We join her many Zurich fri- ends in extending congratulations. Receive Great Surprise 1GIl: and Mrs Maxime Denomme and una-y' ,of Toronto were week -end �yrti. °^,rsltors at the home of the former's Xi eeec and nephew, Mr and Mrs. Ad - 1 enomane, and while they vis, ell t;Lhe Denomme home they sur - 'Sed the latter with the presentation -a. Mercury 1941 auto as a gift. ords''4'ailed to express of the kind- to•their uncle and aunt for such wonderful gift. The Toronto peo- ir -also visited with other reratives in Tei Thirty. Were at Toronto les Margaret ;Schade, Theresa tie Delores... Bedard and Mary igitz -were among the students 41enior Horne Economics class ro .� �izaol who NOTICE BOY SCOUTS PAPER DRIVE e past week -end in' 1 oron to . 1Aloiig with students of the Strathroy High School and their representativ- es teachers, interesting tours were made of Ryerson ,School of Technol ' ogy, and the kitchens of the King Edward Hotel and Eaton's. The Tuesday, May T Toth. girls were;guests of Eaton's at a luncheon on Saturday noon. ALSO WIRE COAT HANGERS Please have old Newspapers, Magaz- ines on the sidewalk at above date. Country people bring in your parcels well tied to Thiel's Transport. Watch for Yungblut's Hess's Trucks from 4 to and 6 p.m. Help the Scouts ! OBITUARY Late David Tiernan David Tiernan, 83 who conducted a hardware and furniture business in Dashwood for 47 years, died at his home on Monday, May 4th. His wife the former Fanny Snell, died two years ago. He had been an active me- mber of the Evangelical U.B. Church and for some time served on the board. Surviving are two sons, Dr, L. S. Tiernan, Middletown, N.Y., Mer- vyn, Dashwood; two daughters, Mrs. Harry Cook, (Ann.), Riverside; Mrs Kelso Streets, (Ruth), Clinton; and a half brother, Edward F. Willert, Dashwood. Resting at the Hoffman funeral home, where :services will be •conducted Thursday, 2 p.m. by the Rev. W. Krotz, and interment made in Dashwood Evangelical UB Cemet- ery. Good Smelt Fishing Smelt fishing has be -en a very po- pular sport the past week and the catches are reported very good, in fact the best in years, some fisher- men just seemed to scoop them up, and then don's know where to go with them. The quality of the fish are fairly good, but the task of get- ting their ready for the pan rs an- other angle to this "good eating" pleasure. But regardless or this problem, there are many large cat- ches cleaned and frozen up for fut- ire.consumption -with the very high prices of meat on the market, one can find a. cheaper way out "eat smelts." The Voice of Temperance A. friend of mine walking along a city street, saw a man driving a team of horses hitched to a :wagon loaded with the product -of a 'distillery. He hailed the teamster and asked him if he knew what -he was haurrng. My friend then proceeded to answer his own question thus: "You Have there ruined homes, hungry children, beaten and bruised wives and mothers, home- less wanderers, human derelicts." The teamster was so impressed that he gave up his job and sought different employment. What do YOU see m the tremendous loads of liquor that pass along our highways? A forgetting of immediate troubles? Perhaps. 'tint they return with other troubles w nen the effect wears off. Burned homes and children while absent parents re vel? Sometimes even once is too of ten. Friendships broken? Often men for=ever, for under the influence, know not what they do. Hungry children who become wards of the. community? What do you see? Let us do Some thinking foeourselvr'.5 'and see the Liquor Traffic in its true light.-Advt.. HELD LADEIES NIGHT Last Wednesday evening the Zurich Chamber of Commerce held their second annual Ladies' Night in the Community Centre, -with a large at- tedance. The affair was being cat- ered to by the Ladies of St. Peter's Lutheran church and they did a fine job of it. Among the honored guests were Rev. Father D. M. Mon- aghan who opened with Invocation; Mr. Thomas Pryde, ,M.P.P., and Mrs. '1'ryde. Milton Oesch was song lea- der and toast..to the Queen was giv- en :by Reeve of Hay Twp. Earl Cam- pbell. President Albert KaT:bfleisch in his remarks spoke on Chamber work in general; Rev. E. Heimrich introduced the head table; Denis Be- dard gave the toast to the Ladies, the reply was given iby Mrs. C. L. Smith; Toast to. the caterers,Luth- eran Church Ladies Aid, by Reg. Illsley; Anniversary toast by -Milton Oesch; introduction of guest speaker Gordon Block. Mr. Thos. Pryde M.P. P. then addressed the gathering on the Reforms Institutions of Ontario, he being on that committee nm the Provincial Legislature. It was in- deed interesting to learn of the con- ditions of some people who are not \ at they should be and how to handle and treat them to best ad- vdntage -creates many problems. Mr. R;ryde's address was very interesting. "Ir, Wm. Davidson gave words of appreciation for the speaker's ad- dress. After the Chamber Glee Club put on a comic skit 'which created.l. reany laughs. It was an interesting eveningand we hope the ladies en- joyed thOUSelVes. 1 , ZQRIeH'S Grocery Store We are ever at your service with the obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season Canned Fruits and Vegetables on beat lines as well as hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply, GIVE US A CALL MENNO OESCH at1 Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 MEN'S Cold Weather Needs FELT SHOES AND RUBBER OVERSHOES ALSO MEN'S LINED SMOCKS SPECIAL PRICES TO CLEAR MEN'S CASHMERE OVERSHOES GIVE YOUR LAYING FLOCKS THE VERY BEST! BIG - THREE MASH and PELLETTS Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl Y^. THE BLARE STORE �, Schwsrtalentruber, Prop, Phone 11-97