HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-04-29, Page 7It
4 &met 9e4rdoit
• It is now quite unthinkable that, sug-
gested as a possibility, Canada should
withdraw from further representation in
what is known as the "world's hockey
Russia made such a withdrawal quite
inconceivable, by the simple process of
defeating the Canadian team, in one of the great sports upsets
of all time. For this was Russia's first entry into these cham-
pionships, the quality of the Soviets was held in light esteem,
and so the defeat was all the more stunning, all the more
calculated to provide Moscow's propaganda machine with rich
material for sounding the glory of the Soviet athletes.
Under these circumstances, suffering from one of the most
humiliating defeats inflicted upon its forces in the game at
which these Dominions in reality rule the world, Canada
cannot possibly retire until a day of reckoning has
extinguished the fires of arrogant bluster which this triumph
is certain to set alight in the Soviet press.
For retirement at this point would be rated as sheer
defeatism, and indeed it would be very difficult, practically
impossible, to convince other European nations" that Canada's
supremacy in its greatest sport had not been taken over by
Russia. And, what is much more, important from the stand-
point of national pride, it might be even more difficult to
convince the world that Canada had huffily taken the
childish, Unsportsmanlike attitude: "If we can't win, we won't
It has been said that, in view of the public's unfavourable
attitude towards the club, Canada should quit this synthetic
world series; synthetic, that is, in its title qualities, though
definitely real in the number of competing nations,
Quit? That's not in Canada's sports lexicon. We've never
been quitters nor cry-babies in any competitive sport. And if
Canada quits now, in defeat, those are the stigmas that will
be hung upon us, nationally.
What champion doesn't get an unfavourable reception
when he invades foreign soil? Did those advocating Canada's
withdrawal ever hear the Detroit Red Wings cheered in, say,
Toronto or Gordie Howe applauded when he invades the
domain of his rival, Rocket Richard?
The jeers, in such cases, and in Canada's overseas -hockey
case too, are real tributes to greatness. Anyone can get cheers
at home. Jack Dempsey was one of the most unpopular figures
in ringdom while he was champion. Thousands rooted regu-
larly for his defeat. Dempsey went out fighting, and so 'turned
mob dislike to fanatic hero-worship.
Canada can do the same. If we're going to retire, let's
do so as champions, not in the face of defeat, inflicted by an
under -rated opponent.
Your comments and suggestions for this column win be welcomed
by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, .431 Yonge St., Toronto.
Dress Fabrics To
"Dress" Bedrooms
It is a 'wise textile designer
who recognizes his own fabrics
this season. In New York, fur-
niture upholstery material; are
going into women's suits. And
in Toronto, spring coats made
from automotive fabrics • were
featured at the fashion show held
in connection with the recent
National Motor Show.
But fashion designers haven't a
corner on ingenuity when it
comes to fabrics. Some shopping
for materials to make up into
bedspreads, dust ruffles, vanity
skirts and window treatments
are heading i straight for the
dress fabric department.
This is partly due to the trend
toward lighter, more air y
Materials and partly to the rustle
of spring which every year sees
a search for fabrics that are
ta'esh and crisp to replace those
that are faded, heavy and limp.
Among the dress fabrics wind-
,1sig up in bedrooms because they
look so ethereal yet are so stur-
dy are the nylon puckers now
blooming in springtime profu-
sion in stores everywhere. These
stitch up readily into. matching
bedspreads and vanity skirts that
waste no time drying and re-
quire little primping with an
iron. They come in sprightly
Morals, . cheery checks, sophisti-
cated stripes shot with metallic
threads and designs woven with
threads of "Orlon" to look like
hand embroidery. Their modest
prices permit them to be used
with a free hand to co-ordinate
bed, vanity and possibly a swag
A patterned or a textured fab-
ric is usually more pleasing when
it is repeated somewhere else in
the room. One pattern or tex-
ture is often sufficient for av-
erage -size bedrooms. On the
other hand, bedspread, vanity
skirt and draperies all in the
same definite pattern may be
somewhat over -powered in an
average or smallish bedroom.
In this case swag valances and
airy marquisette curtains are.
some t i m e s substituted f or
draperies. However, marquisette
curtaining usually isn't found
among nylon dress fabrics since
many of the fabrics such as• those
made of "Orlon" acrylic fibre
have been specially developed
for sun-bathed windows.
Fabrics are more vital to the
beauty of a bedroom than to any
other room. With fabrics such
as these available, nobody need
go out on a limb to make it the
prettiest room in the house.
The Tigers Don't
Miss The Sahibs
Recently published statistics
reveal that in 1952 and 1953 in
the Calcutta district of India
alone, 25 more people were kill-
ed each year by tigers than the
average number per year dur-
ing the entire period of British
One explanation of this state
of affairs is the disappearance
of British game -hunters. An-
other is the sharp reduction in
huge incomes and personal
spendings of former Maharajas
who used to stage organized
tiger hunts.
So tiger hunts in India are
now the exception rather than
the rule. .Consequently the num-
ber of jungle beasts that roam
from their fastnesses into towns
and villages is increasing
And it is not only tigers that
constitute a menace. Not long
ago some hyenas entered a vil-
lage in the Farukhabad district
of the United' Provinces, carried
off four children and ate them.
Twirling Tot—Her smile helps, but it"s really her talent. That's
why four-year-old Linda Kay Bialas is wearing all those medals.
The baton -twirling tot has actumulatsd over 25 medals and
trophies while competing In five mid -west states during the
past year.
Together Again—CheeChee and Blackie are together again in
their home. This photo was taken after CheeChee, left, was
discovered playing "greasemonkey" in the motor of a parked
e:ar. Police help was needed to discover the simian's monkey-
A few columns back we paid
a mite of tribute to the late
Battling Nelson, who, in Janu-
ary of this year passed away,
almost forgotten, in a Chicago •
hospital. From a reader up North
who says that record books are
scarce up among the forest of
uranium -claim stakes, asks us to
settle an argument as to whether
Or not Joe Gans, the great color-
ed lightweight, ever beat Nelson:-
* a C, „
The answer is in the negative.
Gans fought Nelson twice, and
both times the Battler proved
that stamina and ability to take
It will beat speed and skill -pro-
viding, that is, you possess suf-
ficient of those qualities to pro-
vide the necessary margin. And,
of course, it should not be over-
looked that Mr. Nelson had con-
siderable youth running for him
as well, which is by' no means
bad. in a tough battle, •
It was on July 4, 1908, that
Gans and Nelson met for the first'
time, before a huge crowd in the
Mission Street Arena in San
Francisco. For the first five
rounds it was all Gans, who
slashed and battered the fair-
haired Nelson until the latter's-
faee looked as if it had been run
throught a hamburger grinder.
Still, he couldn't stop Nelson's
ceaseless rushing although, at
the end of the .sixth stanza Joe
was miles ahead on points.
* a *
The tide of battle turned in the
seventh. Taking half a dozen
punches in order to land one The
battler hammered away at Gans
until Joe was forced to clinch—
something, till then, almost un-
heard-of for the lightning fast
Baltimore Negro to do.
a a a
From the seventh to the
twelfth it was fairly even with
both men taking enough punish-
ment to cause a modern referee
to stop the bout. Then, at the
start of twelfth Nelson caught
Gans with a terrific right that
sent him to the ropes, and follow-
ed it with a left uppercut that
had Joe on his knees. .Right and
left to the head had Gans on the
floor for• a nine count but al-
though he looked as if he couldn't
last the round, a straight left to
the jaw slowed Nelson up a bit
and a' second or so later came
the gong.
Under the terrific battling
Gans weakened fast. He was on
the canvas again in the thir-
teenth, and agan in the six-
teenth, this time for a nine -
0 e
The end came in the seven-
teenth. Three times. Nelson bat-
tered Gans to the floor, and the
last time Joe just couldn't make
it to his feet again. He went to
his knees, sagged forward on his
face -and then, badly hurt, rolled
over on his back. Game as they
came, he struggled to get on his
feet, and finally managed to do
so. But it was too late. Referee
had already counted ten and
Battling Nelson was the winner.
0 '1 a
Gans demanded a return
match, of course; and it is rather
interesting to note that they met
for the second time hardly more
than two months later—an Sep-
tember 9th to be exact. Nowa-
days they'd take far longer than
that arguing over how the purse
would be split!
This time Cans lasted till the
twenty-first round; but although
the fight was spectacular enough,
Nelson was in the driver's seat
practically all the way. The end
came with Gans on the floor, not
unconscious but just too weak to
rise, watching Referee Eddie
Smith wave his hands in rhythm
with the count of ten.
* r,, 0
That was the last time Jae
Gans ever entered a prize ring.
One of the greatest lightweights
in history, he had held the title
for eight years, until Battling
Nelson—with an assist from Fath-
er Time --took it from him.
a a
Gans died two years later, but
his conqueror lasted for another
four decades. He lost his title in
February 1910 to Ad Wolgast,
when the bout was halted in the
40th. round to save Nelson from
further punishment. For years
he':,,was a popular figure at the
.ringside whenever there was an
important fight, drawing great
applause from the fans wherever
he appeared.
0 0 *
Then, little by little, he sank
Out of sight. Although he had
made what was a fortune in that
era, poor investments and an
open ear for any hard -luck story
caused it to melt away. At the
age of sixty-five he got a job as
clerk in the Chicago postoffice.,
Then, last January, broke, be-
wildered and weighing only 80
pounds, what was' left of Battl-
ing Nelson showed up at an
Illinois sanitarium. "I am very
tired" he whispered to one of
' the nurses. It was the. end of the
long trail for the blacksmith's
helper from Hegewisch, Illinois.
When They Move
They Take It All
Moving house is a job in itself,
and most people are content if
they can effect the transfer suc-
cessfully with all their belong-
ings. They do not usually bother
to take with them the name or
number plate off the front door,
or the board with the name of
the street on it at the end of
the road, and set them up at
their new abode.
But that is what they do on
some of the Malay islands. For
years there it has been the cus-
tom, on changing one's domicile,
to remove not only one's own
belongings, but anything e 1 s e
one can lay one's hands on as
well Especially the road signs.
In consequence 'the postal
authorities s o m e t i m es find
houses and even streets appar-
ently renamed almost overnight.
Not infrequently letters and par-
cels have had to be. sent back
marked "address unknown."
It has been a source of worry
to the postman, to say the least.
Though they have a respect for
the old custom, the switching of
house names and street titles by
the residents is a bit confusing
at times.
So there is talk that in future
it will be an offence for a person
moving house anywhere in Ma-
laya to take part of the local
geography with him.
Make plastic linings for pockets
of children's wool coats Lind
slacks, Saves too many cleaning
bills. You can make the lining
removable If you fasten it In
with a gripper snap. Pound half
the snap into the pocket, half
into the plastic lining.
Twh1DDL08 Canadian Approved husky,
thrifty. moults, These wonderful, big,
strong, healthy markt; will produce heavy
bread breaetee birds et nie.rket time.
They are famous for high llyeb,llty end
more gains per ' pound of Rose, 100%
live delivery guaranteed, Breed Br'esst-
ed Bronze, White Holland, Nebraskan,
SSeeial Beltsville White for broilers.
Prices competitive, 21'ree turkey Guide.
BIG eggs early for big' market%, We
have the ehiekm. Such as Leghorne,
Iteda, R. 1.,, X Leg., Min. X Leg, Other
interesting orosees and breeds that are
beet for egg production. Send for our
complete hot, Bray Hatchery, 120 John
N. Hamilton,
IF you were offered meat type and time
dual purpose pullets for nothing you
Would get no bargain. Don't be fooled,
thin type of pullet will not lay nearly
ods many eggs as speclia egg bred pullets
R,O.P. Sired with tote of breeding book
of them. We recommend for
Maximum egg production R.O.P, Sired
White Leghorns, 'White Leghorn X Rhode
Island Red, Rhode Inland Red, Rod X
Barred Rock, Light Suenex X Red, Red
X Light Sussex, For broiler% -- let
generation Nichols New Hampohire9, We
also have dual purpose breeds, turkey
moults, older pullets. 1964 Catalogue.
BROILiist GROWERS at the Broiler
Growers Meeting" at Guelph on )Larch
11th it wan stressed by one of the largest
and beet Killing Plante in Ontario that
the proper chicken to satisfy the killing
plant, chain stores and consumer in a de-
finite meat type chicken. This type of ehte-
ken will ale% be more profitable for the
growers. They have better feed con-
version, more resistance to disease, more
white meat and thick thlghe and lege.
Our first generation Nlchole New Hemp -
shires will fill the bill. Try them. Send
for Nichols Catalogue.
HAVE you anything needs dyeing or clean-
ing? Write to us for information. We
are glad to answer your questions, De-
partment H Parker's Dye Works Limited,
791 Tense St. Toronto.
FOR sale, 8 x 14 stock aealee, with or
without building. Apply Omemee Fenn -
ere' Club, Omemee, Ontario.
OYItESS CORN SALVE — For sure re-
lief. Your Druggist sells CRESS.
NEW Eastern Canadian Feed Barley,
smooth awn, with outstanding straw,
which makes for ewe) in combining. heavy
yielder. Variety — Fort Certified No. 1
seed Government sealed in two bushel
bags. Price 12.20 per bushel, F.O.B. Carp,
Mall your order, terms, cash or C.O.D.
Carp Flour Mills, Limited, Carp, Ontario.
WALLPAPER Dlstributore of Canada,
with headquarters at Walkerville and
Dundee, have Just purchased from the
largest manufacturer in Canada — for
spot cash — a huge factory olearanee
of new wallpaper•e, Every roll is the
famous, new Washable quallty—so easy
to hang. All are Semi -trimmed and all
aro Sunworthy—the very finest quality
manufactured today. To appreciate the
fine texture, gorgeous, exotic Dolor com-
binations, send at once for our free
catalogue which will show wallpapers
formerly 'selling as high as !01.75 per
single roll, and then find to your amaze-
ment any one may be purchased for only
49 cents per single roll. The sreateat
value In Canada today — satisfaction
guaranteed or money refunded. All
orders over 82.00 prepaid, The trend is
to wallpa,per: Wallpaper Distributors of
Canada, 1928 Wyandotte St, E. Walker-
ville, Ont. -50 King St. W., Dundee Ont.
BATTERY users, . dealers and Jobbers:
trouble-free "Goonite 85" storage battery
for every use, 6 year progreasive guaran-
tee. Doesn't sulphate, 8% stronger.
charges twice as fast. Custom built,
Canadian manufactured. Standard prices.
Big nrofitel Accurate Auto Electric, 1641
de Bullion Street, Montreal 18.
REO School Bus — 1949 Model — 48
passenger — Fully equipped — Excellent
Condition 82,500,00
1951 School Bus — 19 passenger Metro
Panel Body. L120 T.H.C. Engine — ECo-
nomical transportation 41,900,00
A 20 -day Mechanical Warranty on a 60-
60 basis on above units — Terms ar-
We have many other Makes and Modelo
ready for your inspection and your present
bus taken as part payment on a new or
used unit.
Phone, or write MAyfair 1171
RICO MOTORS INC„ Canadian Division,
Station "R",
LEASIDE, Ontario.
FOR sale. Six roomed house, barn. gar-
den, In village of Heathcote on paved
highway. For particulars write L. Reid,
"Heathcote, Ontario.
20 Acreo on a pretty Muskoka Lake.
Frontage on lake 266 feet by 9800 deep.
Speoltled trout probably best mouth of
Nipigon. 18-20 Mabee, quality can be
Proved by appointment sufficiently early.
Tell your speckled trout fishing friends
about this but don't answer unleee
genuinely lntereeted. Price 82500, R, Beat-
tie. Stuart Street, Guelph.
STAPLERS and Tackers, large and
small, to staple anything—bags, office
papers, corrugated cartons, insulation,
tags, etc. Staples for all makes, Repairs.
Boeeence & Co.. 429 Main West, Hamil-
ton, Ontarto.
BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashers
and weeping skin troubles. Poet`s
Eczema Salve will not disappoint you.
Itching, scaling, burning eczema acne,
ringworm, pimples and foot eczema, wlU
respond readily to the stainless odorlees
ointment regardless of how stubborn or
hopeless they seem.
Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price
869 Queen St. ib'., Corner of Logan
One woman tells another. Take superior
"FEMINEX" to help alleviate pain, dis-
trees end nervous tension associated with
monthly periods.
98.00 Postpaid In plain wrapper
TREES, roses, evorgreene, eenlidelle
lino of seleoted nurpesy *took he bait
condition. fiend for free priced calls
lolfU* today, Central Nureer'tes Ltd. et.
Catharines, ontarlo.
SHASTA Del1y, the lemma and boot do
Ceungde, small divisions 91.16. Ott..
mlohael'e of d eif
13tstiop'o Care,v1rbyygar the boot*hogrown in
eany country. Color excellent purple,
Marne extremely *tiff and tall, 'foliages
unattaoked by pests, blooms Sent, -Olt.
Two tubers 91,10, Pkg., approxlmateli
hundred moeds 91. Thle Se the fire e
time either of these has been offered
In Canada, Clip this a4 for future nus,
W, Beattie, 44 Stuart St., Guelph.
RAItFI myrtle and redwood burl, Flu
figure and color. Makes beautiful
mrtloles for horaeoraft. Free samples
sad Itet, Artwood, Santa Rosa, Calle
Great Opportunity Learn
Pleasant, dignified profession. good wagese
ebhousande et successful Marvel graduat41
A,merice's Greatest System
Illustrated Catalogue Free
Write or Call
158 Blear et. W., Toronto.
44 Ring St., Hamilton.
92 Rideau St,. Ottawa.
10VERY farm and country home needs re.,
markable new Lindane insecticides. Paper
stripe burned in borne or barn kill all
flying Insects. rn concentrated liciuid,
makes many gallons spray for crops. live -
steak, garden, walls of barn or poultry
house, 8 million sold last year in rural
Quebee. Big new opportunity in Ontario.
10014 profit for you on each quick sale,
Write for details, Box 112, 122 Eighteenth
Street, New Toronto.
"QUICK -DROP" bed guard, Designed to
prevent restless patients from falling out
of bed. Guard swings under bed while at-
tending to patient. Send for circular,
Moon Producte, Carleton Place, Ontario.
Rlam-Dandy Swiss electric shavers ere
world-famous. Clipper head trims and
rotary head gives closest shave. Whole -
Sale prices prevail, Full detaile. Tiara,
845 Craig East. Montreal 18.
Has dandruff, thinning hair or spotted
baldness made you look older and un-
attractive? What you need is LUXUL
am it grooms. Scientifically compounded
to stimulate the growth of new healthier
hair and keep the scale clean. 'LUXUL'
made with LANOLINE for over 20 year,.
Sold under our MONEY BACK GUARAN-
TEE. Get yours today and give your
scalp the break it needs. Enclose $1.50
for Regular gaze, 52,75 Large Economi-
cal mise, L. & P. PRODUCTS (CANADA).
BECOME Wealthy! Where and how to
proepeot. Recognize, and make simple
Oka for valuable minerals. Informa-
tion tree. Mineral Research, Box 62-C
Culver City, California.
Door Canopies. With little effort on
your part you can equip your home for
approximately half price of custom made
.awnings — with beautiful color com-
binations, non fading, permanent shatter.
"roof plaztle glass — and brackets made
of durable anodized dipped rtvited alumi-
num to fit any lnetallation, write for
terse complete instructions. Lite -Vent of
Canada, Ltd., 2250 Eglinton Avenue
West, Toronto,
AN OFFit to every inventor—List of in -
mittens and full information sent free,
The Reines./ Co.. Registered Patent At-
torneys,. 278 Bank Street, Ottawa,
tent Attorneys. Esabtisbed 1890. 600 Uni-
versity Ave„ Toronto. Patents all coun-
club introduce you to lonely people de-
siring early marriage. Many with means,
widows with farme or City property. Clty
and country girl,. Members from coast
to coast. Proven termite since 1924. Free
particulare In plain sealed envelope. C. C.
Club, Box 128, Calgary, Alberta.
61.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe
personal requirements. Latest Catalogue
included. The Medico iasency, RDx 124
Terminal A. Toronto. Ontario,
TOBACCO Eliminator — A Scientific
guaranteed remedy for cigarette addic-
tion. Quick --- Sure — Permanent, For
free booklet write C. King Pbarmacal
Corp. Ltd.. Box 802, Walkerville, Ont.
As farm -help on dairy farm near Toron-
to. House supplied. Box 118, 122 Eigh-
teenth Street, New Toronto.
If life's not arorth living
it may be your liver!
It's a teotl 19 takes up to two pinta of liver
bile a clay to keep your digestive tract in top
shape! If your lives bile is sot flowing freely
your food may not digest - , , gas bloats 119
your otomach ... you feel constipated and
all the fun and eparkle go out of hfe. That's
when you need mild gentle Carter's Little
Liver Pills. Theee feanous vegetable pills help
stimulate the flow of livor bile. Soon your
digestion starts functioning properly and you
feel that happy days are here again i Don't
mer stay sunk Allways keep Carter's Little
Liver Pills on hand, 374 at your drug giet.
Protect sour BOOKS and CASH from
FIRE and THIEVES. We have a else
and type of Safe. or Cabinet. for any pure
pose. Visit as or write for oriee. ete. to
Dept W.
...1.6cd . TSV L'I' R LIMITED
1.45 Front St, E„ Toronto
Established 1855
ISSUE 15 -- 1954
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