HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-04-29, Page 1z 1 "Mr, n InnitIngialln1.01111.W.T..,...MNIFCRWIT H HERAL 1900 Church Directory ST. PETER'S° Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO — "REV. E. W. HEIIVIRICH, PASTOR a.m.—Divine Services. 011:15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7:30 p.m.—Vespers. Everybody Welcome to all Services EMMANUEL pVANGEL1 CAL. .UB. CHUReite ZURICH — ONTARIO Rev. H. E. Roppel, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist ;SUNDAY SERVICES - 10.00 aan. — Divine Worship. 1100 a.m. — Bible School. 7:30 p.m. — Evening Worship Welcome at all Services — "Come lehou with us and we will do thee .good.". Num. 10:29. Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor— Albert Martin :SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 a.m. — Sunday School 11:00 a.m. — Worship Service 8:00 p.m.. — Bible Meeting 'WEDNESDAY, 8 p.m. Prayer Fellowship (in the homes) YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US! Are You Suffering From Headaches? E0 have your Eyes Examhred with the Latest Methods and equipment at ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APA,: 29 954 Akin Theatre GRAND BEND Friday, Saturday April 30,May 1 FORT TI Technicolor George Montomery jean Vohs Thrill follows thrill as Roger's Ran- gers' storm the Fort. "Three Stooges" Comedy, Cartoon and Additional -Short Tuesday, Wednesday May 4-5 Ginger Rogers William Holden Paul Douglas Forever Female A Romantic Comedy that takes you behind the scenes on glittering glamorous Broadway —Paramount Newsreel. Two coniplete Shows, Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings at 7.30 and 9.30 p.ni. Thank You! I wish to °convey my many thanks HENSALL - - - to the many friends who so kind] y Rev. and Mrs. Alex. Rapson of remembered me with eards, treats, .Sarnia, visited with Mr and Mrs Rus - good wishes, etc., while a patient at sell Brock on Thursday last. the hospital and at home, during mer Pte. Tom Peters who has been sta- recent illness. —Mrs. Roy Lamont.. c tioned at Calgary, Alta., •arrived on STANLEY TOWNSHIP Friends of Wm. Hayter, Goshen' north, will regret to learn that he is in London Hospital, having nre. dergone a serious operation, but late reports are that he is doing nicely and on way to recovery, Sorry! that Mrs. Wilmer Datrympie of Kippen is confined to Victoria Hospital, London, and hope she will soon recover. Mr and Mrs Irvine Foster and family of Hamilton were recent vise itors with Mx and 1VIrs. A. Gackstet- ter, Kippen, Mrs. Foster and family remained for a week. Mrs. Alice Cook of London spent a day with her mother, Mrs. McCly- mont, of Keppen, who returned to London with her daughter. Varna visitors over the wetk-end were Dr and Mrs. H. Reid of Tor- onto; Mr. Floyd McAsh of Hamilton and Miss Margaret McClymont, Tor- onto. Had Good Services . Were at Toronto Large congregations fillect the M. (Malcolm Kirkland of Ailsa elezent"...S'1/ . , AiNallees...- ; , , t ;$-...1.".-, ' .M.. • . .....,...-7,-. . Back From Hospital We are plea,sed to report that Mrs RorLamont is so well and has re- turned home from St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, after an eye operat- ion. Farm Sold Mr. Harold Willert, of the easterly pc00,en of Hay Township, has pur- chased from his father, Mr. Irvin Wirt,ert, of Hensall, the 100 -acre farm o-er n4ccupied by Mr. Harold Willert. Mie Irvin however still marntains owneeship of another 50 acres now 'being' rented by his son Haeold. Varna United ChurchrorEaster Craig and Mr. William D. J. Mero, of ..Zurich spent several clays in Tor - 'Mee during Easter weetk. They at- tended some of the meetings of the Ontario Educational ,Confere •nc e *wthlkh were held in the Royal York Hciterin that city, as well as atten- ding the sessione of the Conference. The beys met many .old friends. services with the pastor, :Rev. T: J. Pitt in .dharge. Special music was rendered by the choir. A reception. service for new members uniting with the ehurch and the :Sacrament of the :Lord's Supper at the close. Card of Thanks Mr. John Gellman wishes to thank his many friends for the cards, treats, good wishes, while a patient at St. Joseph's Hospital, London ana at home. DASHWOOD Saturday, having received his dise charge. Bill Brock, who represented the Canadian Junior Red Cross at the Coronation has been .invited to speak at the 1954 Rally of the Greater Montreal Council Saturday, May. .15. Mr and MrsOwen Price and little son Clifford, of Hamilton, were East- er guests with Mr and Mrs. Harry c Was Hugh Success ,TheeEuchre and Dance heni In the COnneeMity Centre last Friday even- ing, end sponsored by the Zurich Heekeet Club was a huge suecess, as a biecrowd gathered for this social even- iii • The baby beef calf for , evitel0 here was a draw was won by IVIrtereiRobert IVIcF,inley, 11 -year old seer olVI feer and Mrs. Campbell Me - V:01164; of the Goshen, line, north. . ody present had a good jolly ' d the evening passed only to qr elci, , The Desjardine Orchestra Horton. strealiel music for the dancing. The Miss Carolyn Kraft of LondonMr and Mrs Fred Brok, Mr and , pces will go for expenses of spent a few dayis last week with her Mrs. Russell Brock, were guests on w 4"eh..et takes a lot to run a club of cousin, Miss Jane Restemayer. Sunday last with' Mr ,and Mrs. John th kind. Don't forget the public speaking McElrea, Kirkton.- fe . • .. , contest, 'singing and films, in the A. 1 COLE, itA basement a Zion Lutheran Church, I TEACHING THE BLIND OPTOMETRIST Alk ,orripLAN, Thiesda:y; May 4th at 8.00 p.m., sp- Home teaching of the blind - by 1 00,a34uct,,,josiniiit.:.:;;,.:,.:•••,, 0.-.11.,s,e•n..eaoee latetitpte;•the blind - . is eindereenee eeingFT1,. .czoc.,,a Glasses iiiiitite ii_.... eee, e .. PuliierecifeDaefiWailaeVirbflOISigiea OienitY::AieeWgiki4Oire,(W'' 'relee8 will Perforne, . ' . ' Had Penny Bags thanks to those of St. Pet- . .ntheren. 'church.; Ste Boniface '.7.°4111fr: „eren4 ices provided by The Can. Nate Inse, eetirrich "the itute for the Blind from the sunee. Women's Insthtute who had penny raised in the county camPargni for-iciafasnfilMittlavlithHepaelntnhieAs sfsoolCiatthieonCraitlo- funds last fall. Miss Susan Miller, '4. 4 1 T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME At. et. 4 Funeral Director — Private Car Ambulance • • • ti i Association HOLDER b Memer of Ontario Funeralssocaon • ‘4,• '4. ea HOLDER OF ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFI- : '4 o -4* CATE — PORTABLE OXYGEN EQUIPMENT 4 4 '4 • HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT — INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN . '‘14 4 ^e' FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES • etie a * WE WIRE ANYWHERE 0 * • 4 • 4 24 Hour Service — Dashwood. Tel. • 70W • • **************************************************** 1 HIE II'S Superior Store' THE SET *F DISHES DRAWN APRIL 17th. WAS WON BY ROY ERB, R.R. 2, ZURICH, No. 08074. THERE WILL BE ANOTHER DRAW ON MAY 29th. FOR ANOTHER SET. FREE CHANCE WITH EVERY $5.00 PURCHASE. THIS IS A WORTH WHILE SET TO WIN. GET EVERY CHANCE POSSIBLE ON THE NEXT SET! • SEE OUR GROCERY SPECIALS ! Visit our Large Grocery Department and take advantage of the Various Specials on Sale from time to time. Weekly Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Greens. LET US SERVE YOU ! Phone 140 - C. H. THIEL - Zurich member of CNIB's home teaching staff, has been helping a blind, deaf brother and sister at Dungannon; a lady on a farm north of Goderich, and a boy at iSeaforth. The ,Seafo-eth boy is receiving pre-schoor training in preparation for his foemar edu- cation. Miss Miller, who is armee, completely blind herself, is attached to the St: Catharines CNIB office. She is spending two weeks in Huron County on this visit, teaching :braille handicrafts and other .skills to co- unty Wind. Huron Co. gave $5,400' The spring clean-up season is again to CNIB's operating fund campaign here, and we are all out with the early last fall, $1,500 from County rake and hoe when dry enough and Council grand, $3,900 by pubTin suh- shaping up our lawns and flower .scription. beds, as well as the gardens and shrubbery gardens. But after ale is: put into fine" and tidy canchnon rt is very discouraging to have the pub - Ne hi general walk along and dump their empty cigarette boxes, candy bar wrappers, cleenexes, and scrap, papers from every rescription right on the newly cleaned teams, when they could be carefully be deposited' i -n a proper place, and thereby sav- ing a lot of unnecessary work in pee- king them up by the innocent to have your places looking tidy., Mr. Citizen, please try and practise this .and deposit your waste pepers, etc. in a proper peace, other than the. roadside or lawns, Thanks It • Presentation help the White Cmoss Services for needy children. Mental Hearth, now when their problems are just begin- ning; children who cannot play-. The outsiders; "the unhappy ones", the' "shy ones", they need your help so that: their school days may be truly hnippy days. Your pennies wile help. The amount collected in all. was ViS.,9,6. This being a prodect of -the Zurich Women's Institute. . Clean- Up — Keep Clean! .. :The Voice of Temperance We moderns are influenced. tremen- dously by percentages. We want to know what per cent of people own cars, what per cent own television eets, etc. But there are other pen. tents that deserve more attention than most of us give them. Then could be called vital statistics, for they have to do with our gravest so- cial menace, the drink problem. is say that two per cent of adult Can- adians are alcoholicsmay not seem staetling. But that means that mere peoplethan live in Hamilton areeor have been, absolute slaves to alcohol. More than 70 per cent of adult Can- adians drink. Drink is responsible for more than 45 per cent of alt set bus traffic accidents on Ontario high ways. The Chief Justice of one of our Canadian Provinces has declared that 75 per cent of the serious even - es of violence coining before hien Had Neighbourly Party Neighbours and .friends about 40 in number of the Babylon Line, gathered Wednesday evening of last week at the home o± Mr and Mrs. Herb Desjardine, Zurich, to honour have alcohol as a contributing factor. them along with Mrs. Henry Wolper 13y their -own admission 89 percent -of land Mr and MIT Elroy Desjardine to all criminals under detention in Can- a farewell party, as they left their ads have been drinkers. Convictions faxen home on the Babylon where. for drunkenness in Canada between they had lived many years and made. 19•34—the year when beer rooms a host of friends and good neighbours were (legalized in Ontario -and 1049e The address was read by•Mrs. Edwin increased from 20,000 to 76,000 or Regier, and the presentations were 165 per cent! A world-renowned ece made by Mre. Arnold Merner. t. elitist and physician, Dr. Andrew C. Walper reoeived a vase for flower Ivy of tire University of remoise, hal plant; Mr and Mrs Herb Deseardlue declared, 'We have NO evidence on a puree of money; Mr and Mrs El - the basis of past experience to indic- roy Deeardine a Silver aread tray. atethat the teaching of moderation All replied with many thanks for the education, namely, to reduce tee frionds. The evening was enjoyed httetheee and kindness or their will achieve the objective of alcoh al theleg eumber of eleoholics, to reduce the with 'games and somal chats. Delia. number of accidents and to decree bolts lunch was served and the please ase the•huntan misery due to divoeeee, ant evening was brought to "A,dian" vice, crime and novelty which Arlo wishing all of them health, happiness from the coneataption of tdeho11e with success in their new hornee and, beverages" Aeivt. business Zuni& for Ott to tome' ...•••••••••••••.• M.Atit.941[01%.....aoum.414Ma.upummuoda*,..aft NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR AP'POINTMENTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORIVLo, STEINBACH Prop. • Single Copies 5 Cents. Subeeription in Canada, $2.00 a YeU Subscription U.S.A., Year $2,5a. RAG RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made te Order — Seth 0. Amann, ZIA*, Ont. Phone 128. $80. INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LORNE S. EILER LOCKER SERVICE - ROE FEEDX WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL A. G. HESS Phone 10 — HENSALL, ONTs 4111.11111311.1111Millt 106....eoureevesseeamiesesees 01110419 ommeetotosesseesseesse • • • • 0• • • • • • • Day and Night Service oiaero-Res '69 atesoessoessees..00 *Isike' eou:scebese*. s(gtottaltt-1. ItUttrat Attn* Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS 0 0 0 1 zuRiews Grocery Store We are ever at your service with the best linea obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as - Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL ITIENNO, OESCH gia Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. assaaleliffeniettate Phone 1:65 Cold Weather Needs MEN'S FELT SHOES AND RUBBER OVERSHOES ALSO MEN'S LINED SMOCKS SPECIAL PRICES TO CLEAR MEN'S CASHMERE OVERSHOES tGIVE YOUR LAYING FLOCKS THE VERY BEST! I BIG - THREE MASH and PELLETTS Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Hand! THE BLAKE STORE L Schwartzentruber, Prop. Phone 1147 4..1 1 1 1 1 1 • 4 .40