HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-04-15, Page 4RIGS w ONTARIO STANLEY TOWNSHIP +--4 T Oabsban WJVt,S. Entertain Goshen Wenren's Mission'ah• Soc- •iety held their Easter Thank"acering _An. the Church on April '70k. Guests • ere present fr'ore. Zurich,, Vrarna and Hilton., "Crown Him with Many ro� t a v s was a sung follzarftd with the 'devotional by Mrs. `'ley McBride, i4irs. Richard Robineen 'welcomed the �te'Item The ottettb from Zurich nciuding Mrs. 1Vi in chey, M r .s. nno Oesch, Mrs. A. :Melick Mrs. re. Ho•Ifwan, Mrs. IL. O'Brien, Mrs. 6 L Rader, Mrs. '1fV', Fritz and Mgt,. "acobe, accorr4 a'r1ied .by 'Mrs. MAWS IOesch, sank two numbers: "Thee% is Ila green Still far Away" and '" e..1 ve Wou tarried .in the Garden." The raver Was 'byY Mrs. Pitt of Varna. r . George "Sephenson played'. the Autoharp' tide she and Mrs. Ralph .Stephenson_ sang "Alone.' Mrs, ielare 11%cT3'iide, trumpet, toad Mrs. ,Nm. Taylor saxaphone, seil ay ed °`•Sweeterras the Years go bye" accom- -panned by Mrs. Bruce Keyes, Mrs. i lob :Taylor, Varna, gave +a, reading, iMrs. Jelin McKinley introduced the guest speaker Miss Stone'of Clinton, ,2iIrs. ,Elgin 'McKinley thanked every- ine who helped in any way. Mrs. fob Peck and Mrs. 1Vieivin Elliott hook up the offering and the meeting dosed with singing ".Abide with me." The ladies gathered hithe basement Which was decorated ,in Easter col- -Imre for a social half hour. w 4 4 A 9 4 4 4 9 • 4 4 4 • 9 • • • •• PR E ilk S DASHWOOD flan to see the Garitata prepared by the choir and .aeeksted by the Sun- day School Eastel.` Sunday evening in Zion Lutheran Church, Mrs. Carol ! estreicher, Mrs Mer- vyn Tiernan, and Mrs, Ervin Rader attended a district executive meeting' 'of the V' omen's Institute to the Legion i a11, Hensel', last :Shane's - day, Mr rand Mrs Glen Brown of Lon- don spent the week -end with the lat- ter's parents, Mr and Mrs, Vete. Wein Csevi +.rmaion Services largely attended 'Confirmation ►vice was held by Rev. L. Higinell h`ii Zion Lutheran Ch'urc'h tan Sunday 'when seven young people were con- firmed and one, Baihara Reder was baptised. Those..: why 'Were contlrmed were: Pauline Becker, 'Barbara Reder .Marie Salmon, Shirley Becker, Fred Keller, Jayne; 'Becke • and Donald Genttner. Following "Cdiifirmation services, Mr and Mrs H'ehry Becker enter- tained in `Slzirley's honour. The lat- ter's slater and her band, Mr and Mrs. Arlen Sdhtnidt, Platteville, Mrs. Lorene Nurse -and Lydia, Brantford; and Mr and `Mrs Frank Triebner, ffxeter. Ms and 'Itirlrs W. Clifford Salmon enfo rtained ' in Marie's honour with Wise .Annie Elliott; Mr and Mrs. MIRA Elliott, Mr and Mrs. Hubert Sa'lneon; 11VTr and Mrs. Norman Salm- on and Wayne; Miss Sandra Fields, Mrs, Robt. J. Scott and Barbara Ann and Miss -Pearl Elliott, all of London, Mrs. -Mary Martene, Gerald and Ed - Win `Dashwood, E I' �,• `TE E WEDNESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY April 14, 15, 17 Fixtures for Every R•oo;m'i1:✓1.7your House at a price YOU Can't Afford to Miss. Dining Room, Kitchen, -Bath Room, Bed Room, and Outdoor -Fixtures GLOBES - SHADES - HOLDERS Fluerscent Lighting , df `Every : Description From 5% To '25% OFF on ALL FIXTURES ..5.6Id during these 3 Days See Our Con zil to Stock on Display GERALD GINGERICH'S Heating - 'Lighting - Plumbing Electrical and Hatay airing - Phone Zurich 34 iVlassey - Harris HAVE RECEIVED A L ARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER `YOURS EARLY! AM TAKING Oi WivRS 'NOW FGR ANY MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY •REQlJll E, INCLUDING TRACT- ORS, THRESHING MAC1-13NES, cCOMBINES, ETC. "The Service An for Canadian Farm" lei' Shop 149 Oscar Klopp Res. 67 EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FARM NEEDS! 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 • • 4 0' •4 4 4 4 4 4 8 9 4• • 4 4 4 4 • • 4 • 4 4 • • i 4 4 • • • • • • 4 • • • •• •• T PIONEER ONE MAN POWER CHAIN SAW SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAW There's a Pioneer, in your past. There's a Pioneer in your future! FOR INFORMATION AND PRICES ON PIONEER AND SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAWS SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER: RA.D i R fit MITTLEHOLTZ Phone 63 -- Zurich ZURICH 1-1FRAL1 Mr and Mrs Lorne Genttner en- tertained in Donald's .kanour, the following guests: Mr and 1Mrs Bruce Lock)inrt, Parkhill; Mr and Mrs, Don. ald Lockhert, Aliso 'Graig _and Mr. and Mrs, George Maier Detroit. Mr and Mrs V, L, Becker enter- tained in Jimmy's honour, his grand- mother, Mrs. Henry Decker, Sr; and Mr and Mrs. Ed. Stire. Mr and Mrs Addison Tiernan and Charles and Mrs, Susan Merrier spent Sunday in Kitchener with Mr and Mrs. Elgin Merrier and attended the confirmation service of their daugh- ter Joyce. Mr and Mrs. Wm,. Kirk and leans ily of Preston spent Sunday with the latter's sister, Mr and Mrs. Lorne Becker and family. Mr and Mrs Thomas G. Henn and family of Zion spent Sunday evening with the latter's mother, Mrs. Mary Martene. Mr and Mrs. Duncan McCallum of London were Sunday visitors with "Vire. S`zisie Snyder. W. 1. Meet • Mrs Lloyd Eae•lesoneana her coins mittee were in charge of the March meeting of the Dashwood W. I. on Hoare Economics and Health. Mrs. Garnet Wildfong spoke on the motto: Health is Wealth - Let no Man be a spendthrift. Several selections on the accordian by Miss Shirley Guen- ther were greatly enjoyed. lays. Carl Oestreicher read tihe poem "Laueh- ter" by Edgar A. 'Guest; Mira Helen Nadiger and Mrs Mervyn Tiernan favoured with a duet. Guest speaker of the evening was Miss Pat Boug, Public Health Nurse, who .spoke on the Do's and Don'ts for children. Mr Hale assisted With films. Grandmoth- er's remedies Fere given in answer to "11 troll call. -.re new members were ens oiled, and -p-- •,1 -visitors were presentr,Yrrs Ervin li^1"n -Presided for the hnsin.-• ess. A do' "titan of $5.00 was voted to the Red Z'ross, Crippled Children's Fund and Co the purchasing of sew- ing machines for Koreans. Each convener react -!her ar'ival report; Ag- riculture and Canadian Industries; Mrs. Charles'iSnoll; Histo►.ial Research and Current Events - Mrs. Gordon Bander; Citizenship and Education - 11+1•rs; R. Miller; Home Economics and Health. TMrs.'Lloyd Eagleson; Com- munity Activities and Public Relati- ions, Mrs. -Harold Kellerman. -- After a dainty lunch the meeting closed .-With -'The Queen. HAD -DINNER MEETINGS The Huron Co-operative 'Medical Services 'held dinner meetings last week at Exeter, Clinton, and Wing- barn, in 'order to contact their 174. group secretaries throughout the co- unty. The objective of these meetings was to become better acquainted and •pass out valuable :information and instructions regarding surgical plan which is to 'be available to members of the Huron Co-operative Medical Services. Paul Meehan, Toronto, gen. secy., of Ont., was .guest speaker and stressed- the Importance vaf havinga well -{balanced plan • of protection for the investment made 'Good attendanc- es were registered and the meetings were a huge success. To Our tU:S,A. Subscribers At this 'time of year a goodly number of .our U..S°A, subscribers renew their subscriptions to the Herald, and to those sending by mail, we would ask you to send it by a Post Office Money Order, payable in Canadian Funds. If payment is made by Bank ;Cheque, Bank Money Order, or Express ay'. O., an addition -1 al 25 cents should be added to cover a exchange and discount. We are try -1 ing to keep down our U.S. subscrip-, tion rate, and With your co-operation we can do just this. Thanks ter- ald Publisher, is FOR SALE Red Clover, Sweet Clover and Timothy Seed., Good quality at rea- sonable prices. Apply Stewlart B1ack•• well o1• David i31a4kwell, phone 88 r 3, Zurioh; 88 r 8 Zurich, Parr Line.* PIGS FOR SALE A number of started pigs for +sale, -- Peter Gingerich, R.R. 2, Ph. Zuvich 97 r 3, 2t* FOR SALE 300 bales of hay, also 150 pullets, 3 months old. Apply to Zed Geoff- rey; phone 92 r 19. 2t* FOR SALE A number of small pigs for sale, ready to wean for quick sale --- Melvin Smith, Phone 82 r 10. 1t* FOR SALE A couple of tweed Sport Coats, for young ►men, medium size, en very good condition; freshly cleaned. Ph. 100 r 8, Zurich. 2t* FOR SALE 500 rales of choice mixed hay, tied with wire, souare. at 45c a bale. Apn1y to Henry ,Clausius. Phone 94 r 6 Zurich. 2t* i FOR SALE 5 Yorkshire Brood .Sows,' due in Mav; ..cows part Durham and Hol- stein. dee later part of April. Also R:^ 'e baled hay. red clover and tine- Of Farm Stock, Implements and othy. Apply to Alvin Gingerith; Household Effects,. at Lot 15, .Con. Thursday April 15th, 1954 he pleanenee --- arepeeemg 15 -run eer has received instructions to sett power lift fertilizer drill en rubber by Public Auction on in brand new condition; InternationalI TUESDAY, APRIL 20th. - 2 -furrow tractor plow; M-11. 7 -ft, I cut Binder, like new; McD. side de-; livery rake; M -H, 17 -tooth power lift spring tooth cultivator; Cockshutt tractor manure spreader, like new;, 3 -drum steel roller; ruibber tired wagon; hay loader; 16 -ft. hay rack; 4 -section diamond harrows, like new; horse drawn disc; dump rake; Oliver puller; Case' 2 -furrow s�c file and1 ez x aspu , "8" Hamnzerrnill and Sieves; 50 -ft. Hamnerznill belt, like new; walking plow, wagon truck; Clinton fanning mill; new steel water trough; iron kettle, potato 'sprayer, i2 steel barrels,' power band saw; one-horse scufrler; I 2 new cross -cut saws; Cyclone grass seeder, chains, forks, shovels, quant- ity of hay; 4 bushels clover seed: 1200-1b. cap. scales; electric fencer; DeLaval cream separator with elec- tric motor; Lester hand cream separ- ator, a nearly new -large oak barrel; circular saw, wire stretcher; reock & tackle; a Louden door track; Quebec heater, with good pipes; 90 4 -inch tile; set sling ropes and nnany artic- les too numerous to mention. No reserve, as the Farm is rented. Terns — Cash John Rau, Proprietor. Alvin Rau, Clerk. Alvin Wolper, Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale i Phone 90 r 6, Zurich. 2tc Clearing Auction Sale 10f Household Effects and mice. Items on the .nremises. K.S. Pt. , M. Res., -victoria Street, in the VILLAGE OF ZTTRICH The undersigned Auctioneer has re- ceived instructions to sell.by PuhTiic Auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 24th, 1954 !Comniene.ing et 1.30 n.ni. sharp: Household Fffer•ts —: Clare Jewel kitchen range, for coal or wood: arFir tment size, like new: Good Cheer ki+►,hen range, for wood or eoal, ap- artment size, .in brand nety condit- ion. Buffet, dining room table with 6 matching chairs, Antique style chest of drawers modern style steel bed complete with scorings and matt - Tess, 2 steel heels with springs and mattvess; dressers and commodes; 2 'hall mirrors, filing cabinet, daybed, like naw; centre table, kitchen table, with 4 matching chairs. tapestry rug ()x12: sideboard. rocking claire, Sneed nueen electric washing ma- chine. 2 -burner hot relate: carpet sweeper: ldtchen clock: glassware, silverware, antiaue dishes, mats, aunts, comforters. baby buggy, kit- chen utensils, garden tools, and many articles too numerous to mention. Terms — Cash Mrs. Peril Jeffreer, Proprietress. Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale Of 'r�T'rn �to'x ."'T+'tazas""" lidchiiiery Live - Stock, Hay and Minc. Itenns: it the nrernisee. Lot 110, Con, L. Rd. West, .Stanley Temp. - 4 miles north of Drys- dale or 4 miles south of Bayfield. Highway No. 21. The undersigned Auctioneer has received instructions to sell by Public. Auction on MONDAY, APRIL 19th. ,Con nencin.g at 1 o'clock; p.m. Cattle — Part Hereford and Dur- ham Cow. carrying second calf, due before sale nate; Holstein cow milk- ing: part Pnlstein and Dalthain Cow, milieing• with calf at ''foot: roan Dnrhewi Cow. free', one month. calf at -Prot• l)airha.m cow milking: Here- ford cow, carrying second kali'. due in Jn'ie: red cow, carrying t'air t calf due in Anril; blue cow, bred two months; 7 yearlings, Hereford and Durham: 4 Durham winter calves. Tractor — McDeering Super "A" Tractor • completely equipped with hydraulic lift and 4 -row Scuffler in guaranteed condition, used two sea - on s. 1, Stanley T- p., 23.¢ miles south of Brucefield, on No. 4 Highway, on TUESDAY, APRIL 20th. At 1 p.m. Sharp Horses -1 matdhed team of black Belgians, 1450 lbs. each; 1 brown gelding 1500 -lbs. Cattle -1 black cow, due time of sale; 1 white cow, due in e.pril; 2 farrow .cows, ready for market; 3 Polled Angus calves. Machinery—W.40 McCormick -D. 1954 'commencing at 12130 o'clock, p.m. sharp. Truck, Tractors and Combine, -- 1953 - .1953 International L 1-20 111ek-up, Truck; Waterloo "U" Standard #i;,^ model Tractor, completely equipped; McDeering "M"• Farmall Tractor;; Jubilee Ford Tractor, used 135 hrs, equipped ed with Dearborn 1 2 pmanures fork and loader; McDeering "H"' Farman Tractor. All tractors in new condition. M.H. 90 self propelled • 12 -ft, swath Combine, used one sea- son. Power Machinery — M -H, take -off' hay bailer; McD. 20 -run double disc ;Fertilizer drill; New Holland green feed harvester with hay and corn ate taehments; McD, blower with 40 -ft, pipe; McDeering No. 400 power taken off manure spreader; MMD. 3 -furrow tractor plow; .MOD. 4 -furrow tractor plow; iMcD. 10 -blade one-way disc; M -'H, side delivery rake in rubber; M -H. 10 -ft. stiff tooth cultivator; Uni-tiller 13 -tooth cultivator; John Deere 4 -row high speed corn planters, •McD, 6 -row beet and bean drill; Me -- D. 6 -row cultivator; 2 sets Finery - Bissell 38 -plate disc; 4 sets of 6 - section Cockshutt harrows, with threee sets of draw bars set Tatco 15 -ft. harrows, Fleury Bissell land packer 4 -section rotary hoe; Cockshutt 10 -ft, dump rake! ;McDeering (heavy duty rubber tire wagon; ,Service No. 00 Airplane tires 7 ton wagon; rubber tire wagon. All wagons equipped with beet and grain box and Hay rack; new bean puller, steel corn "V"; 3 heat houses, 2 sets of wheel weights. for iMcD. Tractors; ;2y 5z -lb grease. guns, 2 electric fencers; 2,000.1b. platform scales; rubber tire wheel barrow; 5 -bushel powed tako-off grass seeder; vice, drill press, blower, 2 sets of 12 wheel draw bar; chains, forks, barrels, and many articles tom numerous to mention. The above mention articles are all like new Convince yourself by seeing then on Tractor about 55 h.p.; Allis Chaim- day of S ers C. with bean scufFier and puller. Bel threshing machine 32-54, with 'cutter and elevator, 150 -ft, of -8-inch. DUE TO EXTRA LARGE SALE drive belt; 65 -ft. of 5 -in belts 1 Small - ley grain and straw blower; Intern. COMPLETE HOLSTEIN DISPER»: hay chopping machine (like new) ; Tntern. 15 -disc fertilizer drill (like SAL Will be held on .� new) ; Intern. 7 -ft. binder, 2 yrs. old; 8 -ft. Intern. spring tooth tractor cul- tivator (used 1 season) ; 8 -ft. Inter- tractor disc (good); Cockshutt sicse rake; 3 -section h. arrows, 5 -ft. 11icC. Deering mower; 3 -furrow Cockhutt tractor plow; dump rake; culti-packer 8 -ft; rubber tired wagon; large ?say, box; 2 16 -ft. hay racks; farm wag- on; grain box, 120 bus; Viking cream separator with motor; grain grinder With elevator; 3000 -ib. scales; 2 FRIDAY. -APRIL 21.-'l. ,+ 1 n'ei,,clY Shares.. 100. Resist-redsteins, fully adcreclited and vaccinal-. ed. Trani SirQ — Wonderland TTietortam ilr TMT, horn Marcy, R0. 19s1 • best reenrd of '7 nearest .Pane aavereeeing. milk 17.S5.8 -lbs: rat RRA • +Pst 2 76; tR Cows and Heifere with •'ew anhn '1s over five yeere of age: heavy stand; set farts sleighs nro- moulds for ,cement tile; 21 -inch and.dorms: eine ndderc. and e ^Teasing+ 30 moulds circular saw; drag saw; • em- "nifnrmity of type. Many fresh. Some cry ora and drip {-imp of sale ;• 19 ones heifers, box; McC-Deering manure spreader 116 'months d rcngry n from rino near to. e on rubiber (used two seasons) ; 2 o f tablcarrasna the blood lines Success - iron kettles; half barrel of No. 40 of notable sires k Rex edea.- t Pabst;; motor oil;. steel drums; land roller; Bust Regal Burka: Eyrabei:fet : 100, 8 -inch tile; 40, rod of new wov- en Rurke :Lad: 7 yearling 1rPifars; ", a en 'wire fence; 400 31/2 -inch tile; 12 Months old heifers; 2n. heifer calves; large end posts; natanbez df Iron posts production tests and blThis herd is high radkibfn 1t, mea. '3, 10.0 -ft rolls of snow fence quan- ood lines, City of rock elm plank, some lumber, Sale io tattle to he Kelsounder cover. 2 sets double blocks; 1 set of back Additional aitems to be sold on day n5 band harness and collars. `tile sale. Dairy equipment - 3 Grain — 200 tbusth of barley; 200 RO-Tb, milk cans; new 4 -pail Surge 'bush, of Cartier oats. Milker. Quantity of household effects. -Hay, and Grain - 3.000 bales mixed Terms —'Cash hay; 25 -ft. grass ensilage: 12 -ft. corn James Mustard, Proprietor. silage. „ ed 350 .hales straw; 400 bushels Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. gzairi. (Household Effects - Doherty piano Clark. '2i 'beds complete with springs and'E. P. Chesney,' Clark. mattress: 2' dressers, dining room table with 6 matching chairs; buffet; new Westinghouse clothes dryer elect china cabinet, 2 oak rockers, etc. etc. dies. Plan takenote otattendof .Separate Sale Rooth on Grounds. No reserve, every, thing will be sold, as owner is giving up farming. Terms -- Cash Raymond Forbes. Proprietor. Garnet Hicks, Clerk. Ed. Corbett. Rineman. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer, Ph.. 119, Dashwood, KIPPEN VIEW FARM Complete Dispersal SALE Of 100 Registered Holsteins, Valu- able Tractors, Truck,.... Combine, full list of power machinery. , . On, the premises, Lot 28, Con, 1, Hay Twp„ County of Huron; .2 miles north of Hensall, first farm south of !given. 35 miles north. of London,. No. 4 Highway. The undersigned Auction - Sports director of CFPL -Radio, reports the current happenings in sports throughout the world daily on his Sportscasts at 6:15 p.m. and 11:20 p.m. His sports anecdotes and guest inter- views maintain a high rate of listener interest. in addition, his play-by-play descriptions of sports events command a wide audience from an area within a radius of 60 miles around London. a. CASTS Ken Ellis"` •: Sports iSirea Of CFPt . Noetic