HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-04-15, Page 341, Tuesday afternoon. The old ,house . Thursday, April 15th; 1954 on the" farm "of Delbert Geiger, West -- bf town took fire and burned to the hl'Xrs. Jahn Gallana1� was at Lon -(ground, there was no one living in the house at present, it was however 44lon on Wednesday, visiting with her lhueband who is a patient at the hos- tal, having undergone two operat- ens, but is doing nicely. Mrs, Roy Lamont is a patient in ondon Hospital for eye trouble. The .Canadian textile industry ifeeoduced the special sleeping bags Sped recently bI? Ibhe suecesaful Ht. Everest olimilbers.-•-Can. Facts. In 1952 Canada (produced more than a hundred million dollars worth gold, nickel, zine, petroleum and nasal. -•-+Can. Facts. When Painting To avoid the nusiance of getting taaint on your hand and arm when You are painting a ceiling or other .'thigh places, punch a hole in a paper plate and fit the paint brush."lian ile through it. Fires were making their rounds on used for boiling maple syrup. About 500 acres of land in the Pinery were over -run by fire on Tuesday after- noon The Ipperwash :military fire ;fighters were called on the job and did much to control the blazing ibushl ands. YOUTH GROUPS MEET A very, successful interdenomina- tional youth fireside, "Operation', Friendship," was held in the Sun- day School rooms of Carmel church, Hensall, Sunday eve. last, following the church service, when 50 young people from four. . district churches with their minister", met for a pro- gram of fellowship and inspiration. Following several Bible quizzes, re- presentatives of each society took part in the. program. The Y.P. League from St. Peter's Lutheran Church, WE ARE NOW TAKING CONTRACTS FOR 1954 CONTRACT EARLY ACREAGE HAS BEEN PHONE 24 NNY FOR at the _ '::114 GREATLY REDUCED MiDing C HENSALL, ONT. The purchase of fertilizer is sometimes a headache. Because the need for it usually comes at a time -when there are a lot of expenses and little income. Avoid that headache this year. See your SUV fl p' °+B of M manager about a loan. Repayment my ill terms are-easy—suited toa farmer's require- ments. Drop in at your nearest B of M branch today, or as soon as convenient. AN K OF MONTREAL ea,e4da'4 Vvc4t 3"'a.e1e WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE aNIMIIIIIMMIROMMCININIIIMIS•111.111.111112% 1817 AO 10• elp Worthy a this �or hC 1 r.F :•:%+I.MY v.•I co •.f 4 5• irf, /: 4,4 at _ F f lz a tf 14 4:4 bwite you -60 t9ke tot a c: and mile 3rd mile TAKE THE WHEEL and relax on wide, comfortable, chair -high seats. Because you, sit higher, you enjoy an unobstructed view of the road. Note, to the linearious Dodge inte)'10I' appointnieiitd. 5771: . •."...� ..#fi'.••isY.^',''3'�'ii2�3f::<Y.r::.tt`•rr''`'. 4th mile HURRY UP A HILL or along an open highway. Zip away from a atandstill. That way you will feel the flashing reserve of power that makes the beautiful Dodge the action car for '54. TEST ITS EASY HANDLING next . . . around corners, through traffic, in tight spots. Pressure you exert on the steering wheel is multiplied i1 times to make urning easier. .. • 5th mile rS •.4::. qCv. � y:r .yy f nex W CHECK FOR 4EXTR? VALUE .. . the "big car" feel and perform- ance that is yours at such low cost. Take the 5 -mile trial soon in the big Dependable Dodge, now "at your dealer's. HEAD FOR THE BUMPS you ordinarily would avoid. Feel how Oriflow shock absorbers, unique spring suspension and low centre of gravity bring you a steady, level ride that's 3 ways smoother. Nearby are 5 miles of road you drive often. Why not drive them in a new Dodge ... and see the difference. We know you'll enjoy every mile of the ride. And we're sure that the more you learn about the new Dodge, the more you'll be impressed by this great car. Your telephone call will bring a Dodge to your doorstep for a 5 -mile trial. Call us soon. Before you buy anywhere, ask your Dodge -DeSoto dealer what extra value he can offer on a new or used car. I ANUFACTURED IN CANADA BY CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED HENSALL MOTOR SALES HENSALL - ONTARIO Zurich, were .present and their min- ister Rev, E. W.. Heimrich, presented a very forceful message on the theme "As the Father has sent me, so send I you." The Carmel Y.P. Society host group, took part in the program and served refreshment: at the close. The program was part of a nation- wide observance which is under the sponsorship of the National Young People's Committee of the Canadian Council of Churches, whose aim is to foster a greater spirit of unity and .fellowship amongst Christian young people.. Ministers present were: rev- erends Norman McLeod, Kippen; W. J. Rogers, Hensall; E. W. Heim - rich, Zurich; and J. B. Fox, minister of Camel Church. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, in the VILLAGE OF HENSALL On SATURDAY, APRIL 17th. At 1 o'clock, .p.m. Kitchen table and China Cabinet, chairs, clocks, 2 radios, dining room table and chair;, antique walnut pie crust table, sofa bed, 2 occasional chairs, kimode chair, settee end chairs, rocking chairs, 3 beers, springs and mattresses; 3 dressers and chest of drawers, set bathroom scales, wash stand, basin and pitchers, trunk, Ed- ison phonograph, Thor electric wash- ing machine, dishes, bedding, fruit and fruit jars, tools, 2 ton stake Dodge truck, '37 model; 100 -ft. garden hose, and other articles too numerous to mention. Also a power lawn mower. Terms --Cash Property. is Estate of late Thomas Butt. Auctioneer — Harold Jackson Clerk — E. P. Chesney. Executors --- John and 1ioy Butt. Solicitors --.- Elmer Bell, Exeter. .CATTLE —'Hereford Cow, 7 yre old, recently freshened, with calf at foot; Holstein Cow, 6 yrs. old, fres- hened with calf at foot; Holstein Co.v 7 years old, due May lst; Holstein Heifer, recently bred; Holstein Heifer 10 :months old. Clearing Auction Sale Of Real Estate, Household Effects, and Min. Items, on the premises, in THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 17th, Com - PIGS --- 7 pigs, 4 months old. menGing at 1:30 p.m. sharp: POULTRY and Equipment — Real Estate — Consists of Lot Vol 465 Sussex X New Hampshire Hens, S. 107 and 148 Village of. Zuri'h, one year old, laying; large colony 5 rangon which is situated a well built two - House; 2 Holland Electrrc range 'storey solid white brick dwelling,very, (500 chick capacity) ;e steel- nicely located. House has full base- terd; feed troughs and drinking roue- ,•lent, furnace, modern kitchen with' tains. I built-in cupboards; 3 -piece hath, hard ; undersigned Auctioneer is instructed iMPLEMENTS --• 1I -H. Clipper, wood floors throughout. Good sized � to sell by public auction on selfspropelleci Combine, with pick-up garden, very suitable for a building' WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21st, and scour cleaner; 1949 Ford Tree- lot; fine lawn and shade trees. At 1 o'clock p.m. sharp tor (A 1 condition) : 1942 Pori Terms of Real Estate — 10%. on i Horses — Good reliable work team Tractor (recently overhauled) ; Ford day of sale; balance in 30 days. Sold mare and gelding. Hydraulic front end loader; tractor subject to a reasonable reserved bid, ( Cattle —Ayrshire ,cow, fresh one shish scraper; 2 Ford, tractor plows; Household Effects— Gerhard Imonth; 'Holstein heifer carryrng her Dearborn buck rake; Ford cultivator Heintzman piano, like new; 3-islece Second calf, due sale date; Hereford with pulleys; i?iessell Tandem Wise; chesterfield suite, occasional chair; heifer, carrying second calf, due M H. tractor manure spreader (near- q ,ale date; Holstein cow, fresh one ly new) ; set of tractor chains (near_ anti ue dining room chair; modern ly rely) ; ,DI -Ii. lido delivery rake; style 3 -piece bedroom suite, 2 heel I month; part Durham andHereford M -H. 1.3 -disc fertilizer Drill; tractor room suites, complete with sprmgs . cow fresh 3 weeks; part Hereford bean puller. M -H. Blizzard power and mattress, dining room table ',t'ith;and Holstein cow, with calf at foot; cutting box; circular :saw; AT -''.1. six matching chairs; kitchen table;blolstein cow with two calves at ,Mower, 5 -ft. cut; 1I -II. No. 1.1 Eine- and chairs, China cabinet with coat -foot; Durham cow fresh, with call tric cream separator (nearly retic?; bination book case; Goad Cheer kit at foot; part Hereford and Holstein Woods 2 -unit milking. machine; then range like new; 2 couchet,lecu- with calf at foot; Durham cow elec Woods electric il grain grinder; "Burl,, g ass cupboard, chest of dowers, to- ilet; d„Q ,round sale date; part Durliazn andtpi;ze�;aRradletllettbl>nzrtitire lc t �'r set, electric lamps, anti,Iue chair and Hereford heifer with calf at OAnj 2 flat racks; wagon grace 1,a�: rocking chairs, electric beating bi,ulF�font; fi rolled Hereford rows with Pioneer chain saw; power lawn mow- ket, washing machine, ourner 1o' calves at foot; 11 Iieteforcr yearling er; 2 -wheel trailer and stock rack; plate, Westinghouse, radio, 'V6'11itc+' teers, Durham yearinig heifer. This set of heavy flock and tackle; 3- sewing machine, mantle cloctit, dishes, I is an exceptionally good herd of section drag harrows; hay rope pole glassware, silverware, linens, quilts, I cattle, all T.B. tested with no 1'e- comfoltens ruge, :clot., Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm, Vann Stock, Implements,' and feed, of the Estate oi' the late:, Wilbur R. Nott,. From Lot 4`4, Concession 1, Tuekersmith Town- ship. 21,', miles south of Clinton, on No. 4 Highway. The undor,igned Auctioneer has re- 'ceived instructions to sell by Public Auction, on the premises, on TUESDAY, APRIL :20th, 1954 Commet ring at 1 pall. sharp. • i 714514,E rt ,.t: 'Yrow'n Saddl' Horse. Fileani'd W. 1�:11i'�'', A.ustinnn,,, . jack; '�utter, forks, shovels, 1') ,il„r ; that: kitchen ut- chains, milk cans milk pail, ,:ui ensils, trunks, picture• culrr mature i Hogs ("tinier i' IIk sow with numerous other articles' frames, step ladder, gatrletl t.nnls, ± ,"orlc weanlingpigs. 1 Ilitter of 12; 1+'ARM -.- At the same place at lawn. mower, f, ton ehe Implements . llt,c..ite , strut, co:,l; to — ?il 8 p.mi� 100 -acres (more or lees), of many articles too numerous to MOD - this 15 -Tun drill; Inter. 3 -furrow nares choice clay loam. Farm will be „il- tion, row bottom tractor plow: 3 section ere>d far ,ale subject to t 1eseltcc1 Col nld 1 lettii( Sire^shi,l ,;° 1,1e, I,lia1„n„ci 11,!1.1.0 ,t,, 3 rection ...spring hid and other Conditions of ,ale- (1 t1 in new condition, Ii<t, ,pedal .tttacrir , this farm i situated 1 stoney '- menta. ;tooth harrows, rubber tired wagon roomed frame dwellinr; with :i-i:1"�•e , a'erm; Cash I't"1d rack, (teen grain grinder 8 lap. bath 1•oom, an h bank barn /Mean', lstate of the lite john 1'.eksiein. eleet.ric m:++,dz tont 1n11per, ti, 80-111, 18x30' with pre sure syetem in barn ; . Samuel Ilendricic, call. n implement shed 1:8x24': a one-enr • Lloyd Hendrick, Executors. g'alage. Alsn on this farm are ' Ll 1+. Statde, Cl'ri-. acres hardwood hush, and a newt- , thin Wolper, Auctioneer. falling ovate,° supply. ^ TERMS of Fermi-- '10 v4 clown, • on Clay of sale; '10"� to 30 days, wide i silk cans.; Clinton f„Inning 81(11 !equipped with electric motor; Viking i electric cream separator, like new, Hay lied (linin .• .:'. 500 b •ies of good quality Tiny; 500 bushels of .,. atnton seed l r Cio•tt AUCTION SAl .,. NOTE,t. o to +• t 1 rltre 'istt further particulars on day of toiled Mortgage availabice upon a.r a11t;•'• of valuable i,ivestock, I,tveatock. Ina- of items to be offered, remn,luler• of :m.ent. plements, flay, (.rain mid Misc.. tie u,< sale will be he13 t . date. On Slut pl'enli.'n •. Lot 17, ("on. 7 Term= . • ("a: t Frankerrer 'laroi, Q, (T.r;solicitorSf„„• Stephen Twee t 14, rtnlle north of Harry Trick, Proprietor. t 1. •t,t.�.y,, creation . or :, • _. yenta west trrcl l t'. elarnet 1'Iick.;, (''1orl-. the 81, 'i'lt” Ai, ill Wnlper, Auciinnee:'•. tllilt`s smith c,1 iii"�;v i;.