HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-04-01, Page 9,SUPPLEMENT PAGE ZURICH HERALD Thursday, April 1st, 19544' eepar ator;• 2 elsctrie fencers, John Registered -Shorthorns De0ke power take its es pt ihp; forge, bbawer, anvil, 5Q(eedap. chick brood - DISPERSAL SALE et, grass seeder, 'k mels, chains, rorks 1 shovels, '•and many articles too num- Of Real Estate, Livestock, Tractors Brous to mention. f Threshing machine, Impleents, Hay, Hay ea Grain — 400 bushels h - Grain and Household Effects, on the choice Beaver seed oats, of �b cloverr tpremiees (South Half of Lot 12, Con. els :mixed grain; quantity of 14,HayTwp., 13'� smiles wet of seed, 2ha50 balesnt secondycut loosealfalha and clover hay; quantity of hay. Dashwood and 3 miles north. Household Effects — Harriston The unersigned Auctioneers have kitchen range, coal and wood; cir- received instructions 'to sell by public culer heater like new; kitchen strove, Auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL bureau, kitchen cabinet, 2 dressees, 71th, 1954, commencing at 12 o'clock wash stands, leather rocker, 2 couch - p.m. sharp the following: es, etc., etc. Real Estate — Consisting of 55 No reserve, as the farm is sold. acres, 'being West Half of Lot 10, This ,being an extra large sere, sell - Con. 16, Hay Twp. All tillable Iane, ing will start sharp on time. well drained, never failing water Terms — Cash supplee An ideal grass farm. Edward Stire, Proprietor. Teams of Real Estate — 10% on Stade & Weido, Clerks. day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold Alvin Walper & W. S. O'Neil, subject to a reasonable reserved bid. Auctioneers. Livestock — Reg. Shorthorns: 9 Clearing Auction Sale cows, 8 open heifers, 7 small calves, Shorthorn Bull, sired by Klaymor in- Of Horses, •Cattle, Hogs, Hens, Im- demnity. The herd carries many plem:ents, Hay and Grain, and House - leading !blood lines. Catalogues av- hold Effects. The undersigned Auct- ailable. ioneer has received instructions to Grade Cattle — Part Jersey and sell by eublie auction on Los 13, Co. Hereford cow, fresh one month; Hol- 8,Stephen Twp. 134 miles west of stein Bow, carrying third calf due at rediton and 5 -8th mile north, ox: time of sale; 2 steers part Holstein TUESDAY, APRIL 6th. and :Durham, rising two years old; ,Commencing at 1:00 p.an. Sharp - Durham yearling steer, Durham Horses — One work team, 10 yrs. yearling steer, Durham heifer, Here- ford calf. Cattle will be offered for of Cattle — Durham 'Cow, 3rd calf, sale at three o'clock. due ,March S0; aged Holstein cow, Horses —Black Percheron team, due May 28; 2 choice Durham cows; true and reliable. dire in July; Polled Hereford milk - Hogs — Choice York Sow, with lit- ing; Durham cow, 5 yrs. old, milking, ter of twelve. bred; Jersey cow, milking, bred; Poultry — 125 Rd. Is. Red year Durham. (Market steer; Durham mar- ling Hens. ' t ket heifer; 2 Hereford Heifers, 14 Tractor and 'Threshing Machine — mons. gold; 4 Hereford yearling eaiv- 77 Oliver Standard Tractor, live take es; 3 ,Hereford calves, 3• mons. old, - off fully equipped; 66 Oliver row Also 5 choice 'Durham Steers, av- •crop tractor, live power take -off fully eraging 8.50 to 900 Ls, each. equipped. Both tractors in A-1 con- This is an exceptionally fine lot of dition. good oows, all T.B. tested with no Threshing ,Machine — Waterloo reactors. Belle City, all steel Thresher 24x40 Hogs --7 choice Stockers; 9 pigs, on 'rubber,straight blow. Used two 80 -lbs, each; 2 sows, due 30th May. Masons. Hens — 175 yearling mixed Hens. Implements — McDeering 3 -furrow Hay and Grain — 150 'bales hay, plow on rubber, MD. 8 -ft. spring goo busoad h mixed ns fsed oice rae mixed hay, tooth cultivator, 'Mel). double disc, Dan laments — Allis grain. r 'C" 13 run •fertilizer drill; MoD. 7 -ft. cut p binder on ruhber; McD. corn binder tractor, new rubber; Wiard hydraulic on rubber, 1VIcD. '7 -ft. power take -off plough for tractor; 24 -plate Otaca mower, Oliver side delivery rate on tractor disc; 13 springtooth M. -H. rulbber; McD. 10 -ft. weeder; McD. tractor cultivator; 4 -section drag drop heard hay loader; McD. horse harrows; land roller; 6 -ft. M. -H. drawn manure spreader on robber; binder; 6 -ft. Inter. avower; ,M -.H. side M -H. 15 -inch cutting box equipped rake; Maxwell hayloader; 'dump rake; with 2 sets of pipes; M -H. horse rubber tired wagon, manure spreader drawn bean 'scuffler and puller; 1- M -H. horse drawn scuffler; 2 -row horse, scuffler; IM -H. dump rake, De- walking ;plow; single -horse stuffier; ering mower, 5 -ft. cut; 3 -drum steel 11 -run fertilizer disc drill, turnip land roller; 5 section diamond has- seeder, set of sleighs, buggy, cutter, rows, 3 -section diamond harrows, 2 black .& tackle, 'can!'t-hook, saws, nec- rubber tired wagons; 2, 16 -ft. racks, kyoke, hay fork, fanning mill, root h plates Th pulper, i/r h p motor, Intern cream duty hotplate, kitchen chairs and taele; mantle clock, toilet sets, table oilcloth; gas lantern, crocks, bea- stead's, tubs, 'boilers. All articles to be sold as owner has sold farm. Terms — Cash Joseph Finkbeiner, Proprietor Garnet Hicks, 'Clerk. Alvin Walper, Aucioneer. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate, Livestock, Tractors, Combine, Valuable Farm Macihinery, Hay, Grain and Household Effects. On the premises, Lot '210, N.B. Con Hay Twp., 21/ miles north of Zurich 6 miles west of •Kippen. The under- signed Auctioneer is instructed to sell by public Auction on FRIDAY, APRIL 9th, At 11 3 0 am. sharp: harrows; 2 -section steel pole; 3 -sect- ion diamond harrows; 5 -section har- rows; Inter. drop head push bar; hayloader, like new; rubber tired wagon, 16 -in. tires; '21 all steel farm wagons; 2 -section diamond harrows; land packer, 7 -ft. grain binder in good condition, air compression out- fit complete with hose; heavy duty tractor chains, to fit 28 or 38 -inch c wheels; 2 -wheel trailer with sto k rack; 2,030 -lb. .cap. 'Scales; tutting box, 1:6 -ft. flat rack; forage harves- ter box to ,fit 16 -ft. flat race; power emery and saw; various electric mot- ors; 22 calibre repeater rifle; 500 cap. Warner chick Brooder; Electric cords, chicken feeder, hog scales, pig crates; water bowls, Jamesway oil brooder stave; quantity of lumber, logging chains, 50 electric fence posts; heavy, jack, block and tackle, ele:tri.c fencers, dynamite drill; gas barrels, extension ladder, milk cart, (sag truck, chains, forks, shovels, etc. 1 John Deere Forage Harvester, Real Estate — Consisting of 50 with new style hay pickup. acres of land, being East Half of Dairy Equipment — Woods vac - Lot 28, Con. 10, Hays Township. All rime pump with new half-h.p. eiec- good loam land. 24 acres plowed and tric motor; Universal Stainless Steel newly drained. Balance in pasture. single unit; 1 Sunge Unit new; 10 -gal Small orchard; has a neverfaiiing cans; electric water heater; 26In80-1b. milk -national water supply.> Terms of Real Estate — 10% on cream separator, milk cart. day of Sale; balance in 30 days. Sold Hay,. Grain and Feed — 200 bush. subject to a reasonable reserved bid. Live Stock: 'Holsteins — 14 �co�w 7 yrs. old, fresh three weeks with .call at foot; cow 7 years old, fresh three months, rebred; 2 cows, 5 yrs. old, fresh 2% months, rebred; caw, 5 yrs. old, milking, due October 6th; 5 heifers fresh, 3 to 5 months old all rebred; 2 heifers due to freshen in Sept; 3 heifers in calf ; Guernsey heifer in calf; 4 heafers one year old; �8' heifers 2?t months old; pure bred Holstein Bull, 18 months. old, from: Artificial Breeding.• This is 1ari exceeitionally good herd of Holstein cattle. Al T.B.'tested and va"cinated. Pigs — York ,Sow, carrying third litter, due May 5th; purebred sow. bred 10 weeks; York sow, bred 7 weeks; 10 chunks 'averaging 100 -lbs. each. (Poultry — 250 Red Rock pullets 12 weeks old; 150 Red Rock Cock- erels, 12 weeks old. Tractor, Farm Machinery, Etc. Tractors — 1949 ,Cockshutt e0 Standard tractor, equipped with cab, live .power take -off, starter, lights and creeper transmission; F. 12 Inter- national tractor equipped with power take -off and pulley;; 1948 Ford trac- tor completely equipped and step- up transmission, also additional items fpr Ford or Ferguson tractor; hydra- ulic jack, utility bucket, belt, .pulley, power take -off extension and shield, drill markers and Ferguson 7 -ft. pow- er take off mower; isprmg tooth cultivator and row crop attachment. Combine and Machinery — A4li= 'McD. +grinder 11-,umc p a es. • e , e - , above named implemeaxlts all like new separator, sling ropes, shovels, pails, Chalmers "60" •con pietely equippers, • Speed jack, 210 -ft. endless belt; 40 -ft. set of double harness, 10x10 colony with grain tank, scour kleen, leen endless belt, pr. bob sleighs; Clinton house on skids, feeders and water and clover sieves, straw shredder, hft rou h 1 ether, show also pick-up and wind rower; John mixed grain; 200 bushels Clinton oats; quantity cob corn; 400 bales hav; barrel molasses; 100 -lbs Inter- natinal mineral 'conditioner; quan- tity red clover seed. Hou.eehold Effects, Etc.• — G. F. 8 -tube radio, small radio; Fess oil heater like new; Gilson electric wash- er; 2 chrome .kitchen chides, 2 beds, complete with springs and mattress; Coleman ]!amps and lanterns, coal - oil hen ter, etc., etc. Good Collie dog, one, year old. Ow- ing to the large list of articles to be offered, Sale will start sharp at 11:30 a.m. Refreshment booth on grounds. Teems — Cash Alfred Ropp, Proprietor. 7;r"in ,Gingerich, R. F. Stade, 'Clerks. Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. BORN — McClinchey - In Clinton Public Hospital, on 'Saturday, March 20th, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank eeCiinchey, Zurich, a son. Have Special Services The Special Gospel Services with Evangelist Urie Bender of Baden, are., held in the Zurich Mennonite church this week are well attended, as inspiring 'messages are given to proclaim God's word. Every evening at 8:0e, with exception of • S'aturday .evening. Agricultural Office' News G. W. 4Montgomery March 27th. Most of the snow disappeared with the heavy rains earlier in the week. Farmers report light runs of sap to date. All classes of livestock appear •fanning mill; '2000-1b. cap. platform fonts, quem y g . Scales; 2 -wheel trailer, gravel box, fence, iron and cedar posts, block Deere hammer will with five sieves• , to be in good condition with ample ladders, 2 large water tanks, 500 wood, ash and maple; blacksmith 50 -ft. endless •Hammer Mill belt, like feed supply still left in storage. Jr. cedar posts, various sizes; quantity anvil and tools, bee supplies, extract- new; Smalley grain and forge blow- Farmers in the County feel highly, • of wood, cedar and hardnvooa; root or, wax press and foundation mill; er and 40=ft. pipe; Allis Chalmers honored that one of their members pulper, Stewart horse clipper, Ketch- water barrels, milk can and pails; power take -off; side delivery rake in bhe person of Robert Allan, Bruce um 20Ie Tattooing outfit; 2 heavy copper kettle, spinning wheel, shot- and tedder, Cockshutt 13 -run power field has been selected as a member. seel .chains, 2 light chains, 2 sets of gun, and many other articles. lift fertilizer drill, like new; Inter. of the Overseas delegation. 4-H.; sling rope's•, quantity of lumber, bag Household Effects' — Studio couch, 3 -furrow plow, like new; Fleury ills- organization meetings have been at- trucla, bag holder, 2 sets of harness, like new; kitchen range, Douchess; sel 30 -plate tractor disc; Inter, No. tended and indications point to al crate; sap buckets, spiles,eM-Htcrean en ; oil space heater�i2-burner heavy tooth harrows;p3-section spring tooth this muchlarger enrolment in the County