HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-04-01, Page 2p.
44.4 fatt7 Catio4
"Dear Anne Hirst: I am so up-
set I don't know what to do! I've
been married nearly 18 months,
and expecting a baby soon, sO
In a housewife for the time be-
ing. My husband served over-
seas, and is still in service, We
love each other dearly. But he
simply has no sense of money
'He is always wanting a new -
model car; he has had three—on
which I have had to make pay-
ments, as well as meet other
bills. Now he wants another,
though the present one will last
quite a while; he drives to and
from camp each day, and expects
me to help pay for gas.
"II he knows I've just got to
have something, he'll get if if
he has to borrow the money.
(He would lend his last penny,
and buy things that aren't neces-
sary.) All his life he's been
petted, and has money given him
by his people any time he wants
it. I feel •he will not appreciate
money till he has to work for it,
as I've had to do.
"We could have had plenty, if
he would have let me work be-
fore I became pregnant But
he says I can do that after the
Sew It In A Day!
baby comes. I feel my place is
at home with my child, don't
"I live at some distance from
my people, , and I just haven't
the money to see them when I
want to. There's nothing left
after I pay the bills.
"I am so upset! Please give
me some advice.
* How many parents are re-
* sponsible for the situation in
* which you find yourself to-
* day! Instead of inculcating in
* their sons the habits of hard
* work, regular saving, and fin-
* andel. stability, they indulge
* him like a child. Even your
4' husband's marriage has not
given him the sense of respon-
sibility that every self-respect-
• ing husband accepts.
* For over a year you have
* borne the brunt of his weak-
• ness, and it has not been easy.
* now, however, when a baby is
* expected, you will have to take
a firm stand, and make him*
" realize the need of living on a
▪ strict budget. He will shud-
* der at the idea, but he will
* have to admit its logic. •
* List monthly expenses —
* household, upkeep of the car,
* and other living costs. Add
* the estimated hospitalization
* charges and your doctor's fee.
* Balance these against:the fend-
.* ly income—and show your huS-
* band where he stands. It will
* be a shock, but it is one he
* needs if he is ever to stand on
* his own feet, and not crawl to
° his family- for continuous
* hand-outs. Tell him now how
* this habit has mortified you;
* every woman wants to be
* proud of her husband—and
* how can she be- when he will
* not take care of 'his own? .
His objection to your.work-
• ing earlier was a gesture of
* blind vanity. His complacent
* suggestion that you desert
* your baby for a position is as
* selfish, and reveals his ignor-
* ance of women and the sacred
• duties and joys of motherhood.
* Let us hope that the first
* sight of his son will awaken
* some sense of the responsibili-
* ties of fatherhood.
* Unless he is committed to an
* Army career, he should Pre-
* pare himself for more remun-
* erative work when his term of
* service ends.
* His acceptance of the respon-
* sibilities he must assume will
* be proof of his love wor you.
How wise are those 'engaged
couples who discuss finances be-
fore they marry! That is the
time to prepare for the responsi-
bilities of marriage . . . Anne
Hirst has ideas that will help
you face facts. Write her at
Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St„ New
_nen. re_
Hidegarde Wimmer, of Reit-
ira-Winkl, Germany, reading
through the family prayer book,
was surpilised to find a passage
written in her dead father's
handwriting stating "Whoever
reads this prayer book shall get
my money."
The rust of the passa.ge di-
rected thr• racier to a bid-
ing place in a barn where re-
posed a substantial sum of sil-
ver coins.
a as
4553 Tie,
Ta --20 10-42
Mtn '"? • iferrAkt
Look at the diagram—even a
beginner can whip up this honey
of a dress in a day! FEW pattern
parts, minimum details—a world
of style! Curvy neckline, fitted
bodice and flared skirt are so
smart so -o- flattering! Choose
rayon print, faille, cotton.
Pattern 4553: Misses' Sizes 12,
14, 16, 18, 20; 30, 32, 34, 36, 38,
40, 42. Size 16 takes 3% yards
39 -inch.
Thispattern easy to use sim-
ple to sew, is tested for fit. Has
cOmplete illustrated instructions.
(350) in coins (stamps cannot be
gaccepted) for this pattern. Print
Send order to Box 1, 123
Eighteenth St. New Toronto, Ont.
Stick an adhesive -backed pic-
ture hook to the edge of window
casing. Slip the curtain tie back
over the hook. No need to dam-
age wall or casement by pound-
ing nails.
Msynard A. Metrali. O.B.h., is appointed vice-president of traffic for
the Canadian National System succeeding John Pullen, who is retiring,
James A. Argo becomes deputy vice-president of traffic, Douglas I. Grant,
QC, executive assistant to the president. and Robert 1 Tarr. secretary
a the company
In announcing Mr. Metcalfe appointment, Donald Gordon,-O.M.G,
chairman and president of Ihe C.N.R., said, His wido and intimate
knowledge of railroading. as woll as Ins extensive and close association
with executives in business and industry in Canada and the United States
well qualifies him for his new cyst!' Mr. Metcalf, who has been executive
assistant to the president and ie -pr idea! for the put eeveri year,
Wood the railway in 1910. •
Teple-Treat Topper.—ImPorted from Italy is this innovation for
m lady's Easter bonnets. The hat, designed by Georgy Iturbide,
can be worn throe different ways, as shown above.
YAP' Ft,P,101
Last week I did' a complete
right -about-face in regard to
- Folk Schools. Heretofore I had
not been too enthusiastic about
this form of rural. education and.
culture. Since we already have
Women's Institutes, Farm For-
ums, Junior Farmers, . Night
Schools and various projects
sponsored by the Department of •
Agriculture, I thought folk
schools must surely be overlap-
ping on some of these various
rural activities. Now I find my
opinion was the result of ignore
ance as I had never before been
to a folk school to find out other-
wise. But I was away two days
last week and came home with
very different ideas. In fact it
was the most enjoyable two days'
I had had for a long them: So
now my criticism is not of the
folk school but of the number of
country people who fail to take
advantage of it—just as I failed
in that respect myself until this
However, I think the purpose
of felk schools is beco.ming bete,
next day a neighbour, braver
than I, drove her car and two
of us went along as passengers.
I suppose everyone, like our-
selves, is getting awfully tired
of winter. But cheer up, every
day brings spring a little nearer.
The birds are sensing its com-
ing. Starlings in increasing num-
bers are out in the yards and
gardens; crows flying across the
fields, juncos and bluejays more
in evidence, as are squirrels and
rabbits. In .spite of these har-
bingers of spring, late winter is
• not an attractive time on a farm
but, if you ever feel inclined to
grumble at ' your surroundings,
take gi* drive past a few of the
newest suburban subdivisions
• and you'll be thankful for your
home in the country. I came past
one such locality last week. — a
few miles west of Six Points
and I saw a woman fighting her
-way through the mud to a waits
ing car at the road. Never in
my life have I seen such mud
before. How people ever man-
age with small children I'll
never know.
ter known and as public aware-
ness of. their function increashesel
so, too, Will their ,populaizity ;..
ered-se,.: .,:. • • • •'- • '•••
. ,
In this cotintry the one held
last week was the biggest yet •
and I haven't a doubt but what
next year there will be., an even'
larger attendance. e•
*Well, you may ask, what is a
Folk . School? Strange as it • may
seem I still find it hardto ghee
a good definition. However, this
is how Mr. D. E. Stauffer, of .the
Ontario Folk School Council puts
it. "The folk school movement
is an ideal built on a foundation
of true faith in God, faith in de-
mocracy, and a belief that in
every community there is unlim-
ited talent, that can, and must be
used." That, I think, sums it Up
very well.
There is no age limit for those
taking part in folk school acti-
vities but every effort is matte
1) encourage interest and parti-
cipation among the young folk,
as being the future leaders in
community life. Thanks to the
generosity of rural families,
students enrolled for the four-
day course are generally guests
at a farm home, but in addition
to house -students every day ear -
loads arrive for one or more ses-
sions and all take an active part
in the discussions and entertain-
ment. • The keynote is friendly
informality. As a result there is
no discernible stiffness Or ner-
vousness at any of the gather-
ings. Living -in students have
various household duties before
the sessions begin and of course
there is plenty of fun, music and
, •
Backstage — Charlie the Chin-
chilla gets ready for a relax-
ing smoke after taking part in
the Chinchilla Show.
Modern Etiquette,
Q. Is "I know Miss Brown"
the proper thing to say when
being introduced to her for the
second time?
A. No; this sounds as if it
were trouble to make a second -
acknowledgment. It is better to
say, "I have already had the
pleasure of meeting Miss
• Q. When a man is in an ele-
vator in an office building, and a
woman 'acquaintance ante r.s,
should he remove his hat?
- A. He should lift his hat in
.'gveeting, hut it is not necessary
for him to remove it in an of -
fee elevator.
laughter. The theme for the Folk, - •
Is a inan ever privileged
School in this district 'was loca
history—an intensely interest s
ing and informative programme
from beginning to end. There
were also other subjeets given
by local talent—art and wild life
—plus short observation trips of
antiques and model farms. How-
ever, this is not meant to be a
press report—fer be it for me to
steal anyone's thunder, All I am
concerned with is putting myself
on record as now being whole,
heartedly in favour of Ontario
Folk Schools. If you who read
this column are no more enthu-
siastic than I was at one time
I can prescribe a mire, Take
yourself out next time a folk
school is set up in your locality
and you'll germ away, as I did,
completely sold on folk ch0015
and all they stand for.
One thing I Must admit . .
there Wee very little co-operetien
On the part of the Weatherman..
The weather was about as bad as
it had been any timeduring the
winter. Windy, cold, blowing
snow, and ice on thee tea&
had intended driving end taking
fri-ends with me. But I backed
Out - and we took a Wel Tife
• ,
to remain seated while being In-
A. No; he should always rise,
'regardless Of whether the other
the other person is a man or a
Q. Would it be all right for
a manss family to give an en-
gagement announcement party,
if the girl's family cannot afford
the expense of one?
A. °No, The man's family may
give a celebration party, but the
announcement must be made by
the girl's parents, and they could
do this very well through the
local new,sp,apers, .
Wien kidneys toil to
remove excess skids
sad wastes back.
&oho. tired 'feeling,
disturbed rest often
follow. Dodd'e
Kidney Pilln stimu••
late kidneys to
norrerd duty, You
fool bettor—sleep
bettor. Work better.
Get Dairre Att ony
drug store. Yon eau
• &Pend on 'Dodd's. 50
ISSUE 14 1954
You Can Learn
While You Sleep
Ramon Vinay, the Chilean op-
era star, was a very worried man.
With less than a week to go he
had to sing a role in "Carmen"
in 'Italian in the famous opera
house of La Scala, Milan, ard his
Italian was poor. He ' d a
heavy Spanish accent and Senor
Vinay feared he would be booed
off the stage by the hard -to -please
and excitable audiences. •
It was suggested to Vinay that
he have a recording of his role,
sung in Italian, played to him
while dropping off to sleep and
while asleep. Vinay thought the
idea fantastic, but was persuaded
to give it a trial. Within a week
he could sing his part without a
trace of a Spanish accent.
Ramon Vinay's experience is
but one in the new method of
learning while you sleep, which
is being more and more widely
used in America today. It is,
some scientists believe, a blue-
print for the future when school
for our grandchildren will not be
school in a classrooth but on a
spring mattress.
The ideas comes from New
Yorker Mike Sherover, who was
chairinan of a company that
taught people foreign languag-
es by recordings. Always inter-
ested in the problem Of learning,
he was impressed by a statement
of a doctor friend that we learnt
best when we were in a relaxed
state. We were most relaxed
when asleep, he reasoned. •
He experimented first with' his
small son, Charles. In the small
hours of the night while his son
slept, Father Sherover read over
the verses the boy had been set
to learn in school. It seemed to
promise results, but Father Sher -
over began to get circles under
his eyes. So he got a record-play-
er to stand-in for him at certain
hours of the night. Young Charl-
es learnt his poems faster than
he had before, so Sherover put
his idea up to the University of
'Carolina. Impressed, the Univer-
sity decided to test a group of
The students were told they
were being tested with the elec-
tro-encelphalograph which meas-
ures the waves of the brain, and
they went to sleep With the ma-
chine electrodes attached to the
skull. Nothing was said to them
about the experiment of learning
during sleep.
Actually, the encephalograph
was an essential part of the test.
Our brains give off different tiny
electrical waves when. we are
are away and when we are
asleep. The waves- when we are
awake are Siefert, sharp siad fast.
In sleep the waves are • slower
and lacking in pattern. When the
encephalograph recorded that a
student was asleep, a Miniature
gramophone, which had been
concealed in the pillow, began to
recite a list of fifteen short words.
It repeated them monotonously
over and over again, thirty times.
The next morning the students
who had been taught in their
sleep were tested, together with
a group which had not been
taught in this fashion.
The two groups were asked to
memorize the list of fifteen
words, while scientists stood by
with stop -watches. Those who
had been chanted to in the night
memorized the list In a quarter
less time than those who had not.
Other experiments also showed
the same satisfactory results.
The spring mattress school meth-
ods may mean a general speed-
ing up in all learning,
The system has possibilities,
too, in getting rid of bad. habits
such as nail-biting. At the col-
lege of William and Mary, Dr.
Lawrence Leshan made an ex-
periment to see if he could cure
twenty boys at a summer school
of this habit. While the boys
chewed their nails in their sleep,
the doctor's voice droned away.
"My finger -nails taste very bit-
ter , . My finger -nails taste very
bitter." The voice said the one
sentence "over and over for 600
times every night.
Results came after a month
when one boy had had enough
and stopped. Two weeks later
two others joined him, and a
week later Ave more stopped.
When the camp closed, eight had
lost the habit.
Another practical use of Sher-
over's discovery of ' learning
through sleep was made by iv
Hollywood director. He knew
that many actors and actresses,
being very busy people, could
not find time to read much more
than their own parts in a film
play. He knew also that for as
perfectly directed film he want-
ed actors and actresses who
knew every part so they would
feel the play properly. Not with-
out some trouble he persuaded
them to have a recording of the
whole story of a forthcoming
film played to them each night
for a week while they slept.
The result of the experiment
was a vastly superior perform-
ance by all members of the cast.
Another use of the technique
was applied in the case of a po-
tentially brilliant student who
persistently failed in his exam-
inations because his confidence
had been sheltered and he ex-
pected to fail. Every night for
a month while he slept a re-
cording implanted a positive at-
titude in the student's mind with
carefully selected phrases such
as, "You have nothing to fear.
You can pass this examination
The student . passed his next
examination brilliantly.
Beautify Linens
reame. 'malt
Ballerinas to beautify linens!
There are 16 embroidery motifs
here — three different sizes —
for dramatic arrangements on
towels, cloths, napkins, curtains.
Easy to embroider! Pattern
696 has 16 ballerina motifs Irma
3 to 11 inches tall.
in coins (stamps cannot be ac-
cepted) for this pattern to Box 1„
123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto,
Ont. Print plainly PATTERN
NUMBER, your NAME and AD-
SEND NOW for our new 1954
Laura Wheeler Needlecraft Cata-
log — the best ever! 79 embroi-
dery, crochet, color — transfer,
dressmaking patterns to send for
— plus 4 complete patterns print-
ed in the book! Ideas fOr gifts,
bazazar sellers, fashions. Send
25 cents!
His Spirit's Not Broken—Joe Diehl has been confined to a hospital
for more than 28 years, but he hasn't lot the time go to waste.
He has a basement cubbyhole where he spends his time re.
pairing. scissors, blood pressure instruments and other hospital
equipment. Diehl has been in the besnital Once 1925, when
he fell from a tree and broke his lx -c three 'zees,
ei • .!