HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-03-18, Page 3*Ultie4 'ligStAL, Thursday, Mardi 1.8tb, 1954 THE WORK OF MERCY NEVER ENDS Ibdl iso long as there Is human suffering then so bog does the Charter of the Red Cross require to be honoured by the work of Mercy. You know the need, and how great it is. Please help generously. KEEY REDC $5,422,850 is needed this year Local Campaign Headquarters and Telephone Number STARTED CHICKS 200 Liiiht Sussex Pullets 3 weeks old, 225 New Hampdhdre mixed and 150 Barred Rock pullets 2 weeks old; 500 light Sussex mixed and 2D0 light Sussex pullets 1 'week old. These Chicks are priced to clear. — Newhauser Hatcheries, 81. King Sit., London; Phone 2-0383. Clearing Auction Sale Of Real Estate, Household Effects and Misc. IItems. On the premises, in the Village of Zurich. o'nposite the Lutheran Church shed. The under- signed Auctioneer is inetru:eted to sell b viabllr 'tinction ort SATURDAY, MARCH 20th Commencing, at 1.30, earn. sharp. - Real' Estate '= Consisting of Lot • 'Vol. S. 178, in the Village of Zurich 1 -5th acre of land on which is situ- ated a two storey" solid brick house, full basement, 3 -piece batty with hard and soft watersystem, new furnace, built-in cupboards, new roof on house and garage. This property is in the best of condition. Terms 10% on dav of Sale, balance in 30 days, sola, subject to a reason- able reserved. WI Household. Eii`ects — 6 -piece din- ette suite, 3 -piece living -room suite, complete 4 -piece, bedroom suite, 2 - piece 'bedroom' ` ?suite, wardrobe, tri - light lanvps, table." lamps. Good Cheer toil and wood range, Servel electric refrigerator, Sunshine electric rang- . ette, electric washing machine, iron- ing board, 2 'electric irons, kitchen and diningrggm dishes, various mir- rors, rocking -chairs, kitchen table and chairs, mats, quilts and comtor- tors. electric heater, baby crib com- plete with mattress, (-ft. step lad- der, lawn mower, garden. tools, num- erous sealers, crocks, 3:ton c>,estuiit coal, etc., etc. The above named furniture all in new condition. • Teams Catch Wm. Farrell, Prenrietot; R. F. Steric. C1oia: Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, Farm • tachinery:St Her lehola rtaects, Mt Lot 10, Con. 3, Tucker•" th T'ownshiu. The under- signed A„nt;nneer is instructed to sell ;by nt 1i^ Anetion, on H.R.S., first fee,o ateet11 of 'i arnondville, on T1fl p;11AY, MARCH 23rd. At 1 p.m. the following, A full line of .Farm Machinery in- cluding Model F. Case Tractor, fully 'equipped; International 2 - furrow plow ; Case Tractor Disc; Case inan- tue spreader. Case 7 -ft, cut inowert :Case 10 ft Packer; side rake. A111 above machinery is like now. I( -unit single milking machine. • 40 head of Cattle including 10•,. cows, fresh or due to freshen; 28 pigs, co .r-i'tinr of 18 sows , and a pure bred English York. Hog.: ;`ening—•Cash No reserve, as the farm isespi.d. A. C.- Levey, Proprietor. E. P. Chesney, Clark. Harold Jackson, .Auctioneer: ;St:. Joseph .& Blue Water Area (Unf•t n t lthis interesting item. y of u a1 o was crowded- out last week.) The Storm--- The snow Storm of .the past "week has passed away from this district. iPresumeably to' ailbtherj-'clime; it is tthe general belief that not in the hast half century, did these Barts witnes- eed such a winter topile up snow: the boarder, .who had planned on. With the modern snow* vehicle, in u spending the week -ends with relati- e ru,hed and Mowed the 1 few daze. hadup by 1 h ,,. ti were clot 1 •'nc. y, and Fr re ;�nocv in all directions, grvin�, again �arr.ow filled roads, awaiting the busy foul' miles befog ° youth of today, who had to till spent free access to the tourist. 0 eve thorn sonic Kind test for nig near f0 , , All of may seem ha1•tnful to 'ttxr ,o, as may' The' was thei:now sages tg 1 (1 r vert' imwirin and perhaps prem.'s& quiet fireside meditating. rite' pnst stoi mt week .'nf passage ways. While others tool( they reach a di:4tihutinl, centre. �1 A �vto '•c �:.c,n pa...„ to;t(lc.t< are zio>,+.:...;, Xrrs,be ae blessing for` ,°ni tttluar-O\vt object 'n Ilts; tractors and be be 5 ilio !greater chances oil 1111 swathe appointments; j traCtOt"� Colrl(i be si lxli , togs y,.„�, -5,7: A., ..... .,,, e encs in B C developments lams T LAKES to moving at vel0 me1nical p ROM hectic c Cir • • • g . new in. - ii the , new factories .. the Arctic Circle, , . products Canada new p fauns ii on to the pacjfic, dustries • ' . from fertile arch • • • resources, more food �,,aters js on the m urces, bar fish from teernjng does reso le er oyjng more its trelnett le over... t111s r its i a story p progress . • • . more people nessinl, of pro benefits of Vetter ljving-- fasliio exciting a story adv, the most than that of any is the story of Canworld more exciolei T story in the eacitinf, othecnationintheW°Cana{tarld ts today! ACCoss the land, dank of ahead, hand in Since 181 the with are marching rhythm of the moved ahead hand, to the y -he hammer IViontreal has every walk of life the drill, Canadians to dustries and motor, with great in and the machine. with fan d iron ore deposits in Vast uranjurn in private citizens ' d lumbermen vital els, lishensten an manufac- labrador • ' • the West • • •• with mecchancsalicies the East and to ' . and eta -le ip petting . oil fl alt in tuners ort to w• • • new pros oil flooding its support dt e]awort - the far north • ' ' the pipe while Canadian from the arajries and mote pre size and nature. catty of every it ts worth - lines to mountain- ClOn5 metals •' 'MY BANHV r0'2 NItLION CANADIANS BANK_ OF MONTREAL eaetQ :,.7i4de 64,4 Ifsouha • ar rhe B of a sayse fyou a aney � 11 , fest s2t2ess ecco :elope), in od for Ca ,t t; oxbro assured r ur2t bra°the a°Y ort °oda. �reula bar to sIII ea e of eposi sly` as Pros, perir Osrhar .0 the R "k's f rrog your excirhe 11'•' • 'thaod 1� haareol pp• 600 og Ory I. the xr page ?Pith ra d ! v a R`or d' e -02osr MOVING AHEAD WITH CANADIANS 1N EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 SP -1'16S ta DO YOU KNOW? Hydro's expansion program will mean an increase 'in dependable peak capacity from 1945 to 1956 of 144,;. 'What time do Hydro's customers rise in the morning? What time does the average housewife do her cooking? Thci and 'Many otir�r facts about, your use of W ..ctricity ace doia'.v 1 to the power supervisors at Hydro's main o:.'ce ..• . 24, hours a day, 7 days a v.cek, Ontario Hydro power supervisors isors r cg:Iaate the supply of power so that your demands are met, at any time of the day.or night, the instant you, "flip the switch.” The Poser Supervisors are among the over 400 trades and skills of Hydro's team' of 19,639 employees working for YOU. Information con�e:rning Ontario Hydro can be obtained by wri rig your Hydro Chairman, 620 University Avenue, Toronto. on the Highways and Byways, try- ing to reach a planned destination; they were rebuked by the stubborn winds and blowing show, impairing completely visibilty, and nothing re- mained for the willing tractor and his .pilot, to return to his stall where minutes previously was put in action to undergo a. planned trip. Again, week -end Visitors from different Can- adian points, and r'ts well. from across turned their vehicles and returned homewards. Food and other necess- aries of life was beginning to be much short cut,, and already much uneasiness.prevailed in this neighbor- hood. We have been told by reliable authority that in our neighbouring concession, it had come to the point of food necessity, and hust young hien responded to the call, taking in their possession a large sack suffic- ient to pack enough food for to fare e. - the family through the stormy per- iod. Off tthev went facing the teut- ipus, with filled pack on back. But with courage and hearts filled with 'hop'e they returned to their place of abode, none the worse. 17ail allot par- cels were stored high in post ofL o" and places of distribution,• due to the impossibility of the snail earlier to deliver thein. all ,of that caused di appointment ointment to' the citizens, who an- xiously awaited their reading script from' the surrounding and other pafttt5. t the past week brought. The Storni of l inits tease, Clio. •' C1e51p • sista t11eX Oil 0 disappointment of he flourishing' s a�5 yr The Ontario Society for Crippled Childrenia in association with the District Service Clubs, held sixteen crippled children's clinics throug'l;rut the province last year. Over thirteen Sthu`i- dred and fifty crippled children artter•ln 1 these clinics. wn '°bove is a Sault,' tad retail tile Kir.laud £.lotto District ' it'1 11r. William Mu t'arcl of the lioepi 'al for Sick Children's stair' in Toronto. \ `t :1111 E tstet Seal Campaign ctioneor•ed by the Society will yen until April 1 `tth, wind has an ohjeetive of halt a million dollars for the p, oyip4.. e, then the frequent visit. They too to the average person; when not bQ deprived of that privilege. Those snow storm they hit you other ways.. veered i young Hien had put their ,e a: 1,1;' 1I ,t, and the iiia tractr n tractors at work, and they scrota lie' tory of your life, you will be cone heard from afar•,'nti`ring and sr�trxt- vinced that you are daily bunting a- ing, to blaze a teat l on e to l; sarnie time to reach their de,4titln' ion. But ail = surpriee to you and (t 41a. \ i� Hee in vain. T112'11'1'ore, f,Tr the gltl r d, t to•,. '1t. c•a:T do 1whatn ofa, •n t 4' -lonely il , i r, �,i l and n1a lad. it their limnee -,r `1r' ,.,n r ",r,, alive i thcl '1 the future list in r.` for ' TflO i; iht adwav •aillat trims wlrinli •,1\, , creates az ..pu.,tall ,A. ,+. ,"`” .,�•1.[•Mp �q'•."YP"tN +,M'•'yV"ifq yy�'Y•5 �.,1'H, 'A 4vi �U:,hV\ih ,1 V,:.» 14,11,,,;',1v.;',..5 5 _ 1 .Li , •5� `, ltlil�+: .-._tX=: v.v .:.NI{ '„alu l:.Vlti• ..",erNY',.•......, ,. ^ .\ Y 1