Zurich Herald, 1954-03-18, Page 1URIC !Established 1900 •ERALD ZURICH, ONl'ARIO THURSDAY MORON G, MARCH 18 1954 Church Directory ST. PETER'S ,Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH - ONTARIO - tiltEV, E. W. HEINRICH, PASTOR all a.m.-Divine Services. 11:15 a.m.---Sunday SchooL 7:80 p.m. -Vesper. Everybody Welcome to all Services EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL . UB. CHURCH ZURICH - ONTARIO Rev. H. E. Koppel, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist • SUNDAY SERVICES - 10.00 ami. - Divine Worship. A 11:00 am. - Bible School. 7:30 p.m. - Evening Worship • Welcome at all Services - "Come ''then with. no and we will do thee o.d.". Num. 10:29. - Zurich Mennonite Church • Pastesr- Albert Martin SUNDAY SERVICES: • 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School • 11:00 a.m. - Worship Service 8:00 p.m. - Bible Meeting V/EDNESDAY, 8 pan. -Prayer Fellowship (in the homes) YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP Are You Suffeeir' kg From Headaches? • -. If ••.h/#•••70•TIP:r1.101Wine*"with St234.90048tasd at A. LtoLt; R. OPTOMETRIST &carrectat. • GODE11101 ONT.; Geed ,Glasse• Esnoilable 'PAM Special Gospel Services EVANGELIST Urie A. Bender BADEN - ONT. AT Zurich Mennonite Church MARCH 27 APRIL 4 Prayer Service :at 7:30 in. COME PRAYING AND RECEIVE A BLESSING "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled." .Matt. 3: 6. IN .MEMORIAMS --In loving memory of my dear father, Samuel McBride, who passed away two years ago, March n , 1952. All his cares and heartaches ended. All his trials of life are passed No more tears or sorrows ever He has found sweet rest at last He is with his Lord and Saviour And is walking lay His side Ever in his love abiding. •-Ever remembered by his daugh- ter, Reta. Aldo)]. Theatre GRAND_____. BENI) Friday, Saturday March 19-20 TUMBLEWEED Technicolor 'Audie Murphey. Lori Nelson. Dogs Expensive Olull Hunted, hounded and pursued by the guns of hate -mad town and the fury of the Indian warpath. Selected" Short Sukjects. ... • . --. - Tuesday, Wednesday March 23-24 Bad For Each Other Charlton Heston' Lizabeth Scott He takes your life in hie hands, but you'll never Meet the 4ghost surgeon's world, forced into the medical shado:w , Cube and Scouts to Meet "S At Port Elgin dogs are more ex- ensive to keep in the community. •. e Council hiked the license fee to p for the first male, $8 for each ad- itional male and $8 for each female. Is At Hospital S Mr and Mrs Clarence Shade and aughters, 14th Con., motored to London to visit the former's mother, kis Wm.rSchade at Victoria Hospital Where she is a patient. We wish her speedy recovery. • for money. Newsreel, Cartoon HOCKEY.'! • Mons BI• )s.et meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary •and "HERE'S:,. • , the Cubs and Scouts is to be held the home of 3Ins. Whitney 13rok- s Shire on Thursday, March the 18th er •4k, 8.00 p.m. All mothers of Cubs and Scouts are welcome to these rheetinga-Mrs. Harold Thiels Secy. NG 0 „re gpoilitdo 7,trei:s"wPietallearn of the passing• of Mrs. Edmund Walper of the Bronson line, who has been a patient at the South Huron Hospital, Exeter, the past few weeks. At the moment no arrangements have been Made. The death taking place at the bespital oh Wednesday afternoon. Mrers• Walper was in her 72nd year. AT Geiger - In loving memory 01 ST PETER'S PARISH HALL Roland Geiger who passed away sud- denly four years ago, March 18, 1950 Four years have passed, but memor- • ies stays As near and dear as yesterday. Deep in our hearts a memory is kept Of one we loved -will never forget. What would we give to see his smile To sit and talk a little while, This little tribute true and tender, Is just to show that we remember. -Lovingly remembered by the Horner Family. loving memory of our , dear sMbute Violet IsleaniSisrltoSAI tie i**1154itiVigO4'04,011.0,%x, Away the *beautiful 'hills of God •By the valley of .test so fair, iSometimes sore day, we know not St Joseph, Ont. (FRENCH SETTLEMENT) FRIDAY, MARCH 19th ; At 9.00 p.m. sharp $250.00 be given in Gash Prizes 15 Rounds at $5.00 each 4 Specal Rounds. 3 Rounds of $25.00 each. And one Round for $100.00. . Special Rounds 25c a Card, ors3 for 50 cents Adznssion - $1.00 Everybody Is Cordially Invited • --Ever remembered by daughter, LylSona-Mage,...ga#.-#44-:4040 Infant Operated On 'es The five weeks old infant son of Mr, and Mrs. Ken Etue, of the Blue Water Highway, north of Drysdale, ItaS rushed to:the Children's Hosp- ., .1; London, a very ill child where :Was x-rayed and revealed that an r had formed just below Its li stomach, closing the passage. A ialist Doctor from the Sick Karen's Hospital, Toronto was im- ely, rushed to London, and „epe litih'eiehlitt,--an'd the -belt .sof Single Oopies 5 COM& w Subscription in Canada, oo a Tow Subscription U.S.A., Year *2.50. NORMA'S BEAUTY SW:WM POR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH . POI% RAG RUGS and CARPETS On a New Iliddern Vocen. Made to Order - Seth 0. Amami, Zarb*, Ont. Phone 128. BUY THE GIRL OR BOY •A FINE WATCH FOR CONFIRMATION 3 SPECIAL VALUES; 02t30 $29.50 $39.50 17 JEViTEL SHOCK RESISTANT WATERPROOF EXPANSION BRACELETS Smartly Gift Boxed 'Fully Guaranteed A. G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician Shie �a INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LORNE S. EILEa LOCKER SERVICE - ROE PERIM WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 • - HENSALL. aseeeseseeees••••••••••• ••••••••••sawsowioeeewas NEEB-asIii losing ot metior.s, ihopee are entertained for As recov. dear father William Neeb, ..who pass-iery. Truly medical science is most ede away two .years ago, • March 29,Isvonderfid \ in this modern age. 1952 when• . , ••,... e will meet our loved one there. • ••••••••• ••••••••••••••a•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••_ T.- -HAMM? HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME f' Funeral Dire;itor Private -Car Ambulance • • • • * Member of Ontario Funeral Association • • HOLDER OF ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFI. C.ATE - PORTABLE OXYGEN EQUIPMENT • .HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT - INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN • 2, FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES..: ' WE WIRE ANYWHERE • • • • 24 Hour Service Dashwood., Tel. 70W • • • • 0•44•••••••••••••••••4111411411•4••••••4••414".••••••••••••• • • THIEL'S Superior Store NOTICE WE ARE OFFERING TO THE PUBLIC , FREE OF CHARGE 1 , 132 -PIECE DINNER SET ' EACH MONTH'FOR THE NEXT "MEE MONTHS. FREE CHANCE. WILL BE cm, rwAyrirti EVERY PURCHASE- - OF $5.00 114 MERCHANDISE FROM OUR STORE. COMMENCING MARCH 20th. 411.11.111~somemoommor.• SEE OUR GROCERY SPECIALS Visit our Large Grocery Department and take, advantage of the Various Specie:is on Sale „frau • • time to .time. Weeldy Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Greens. LET US SERVE YOU ! Our lips cannot tell how we miss. `Our hearts cannot tell what to say, • God alone knows how we miseshim, In a world that is lonely today. As angels keeps their watch Rp there, Please God, let our dear Dad know , That we downhere do not forget, We love and miss him se. -Ever remembered by daughter Lyle. .Mae, Son Earl William, and Mother and Dad Adams. I Our Many Thanks ANNOUNCEMENT Mr and Mrs Solomon iGingerich of Zurich, are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter, Dor- othy, to Mr. Leonard Bowman, son of Mr and Mrs. Michael Bon -man of St. Jacobs, Ont. The wedding to take place an April 3rd, 2:30 o'clock Zurich Mennonite Church. Mr and Mrs WT11.. F. Braun, of Forest, Ont., announce the engage- ment of their daughter Barbara Jean, to Mr. Paul Postain, Jr., son of Mr 'and Mrs Paul Postain, of London. The wedding to take place in Forest, Saturday, April 3rd.. -- • BORN ' At the Farwell Nursing Home; Zur- ich on March 13th, to Mr and Mrs. LeRoy Thiel, a son, Howard Earl. A brother for Linda, a grandson for Mr and Mrs. Geo. Thiel, Zurich, and Mr. and Mrs Dodges, London. .• • At the Farwell Nursing, Home, Zurich, on March 14th to Mr and Mrs. Napoleon Bedard, a seri, Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Zurich, announce the birth of, a speaker, was the Agric.. Representat- .daughter at S. Joseph's o 1 • Wesivish to extend our many thanks to ;:oureseell known citizen of Zurich, Mr. Oscar'''. Klopp, vsho is spending these.deld winter days with our piles of SkinnY Florida. r. 'IClopp sent a shipment of the luscious or- ange and grapefruit to his children here in Zurich, who were so good to send a treat over to the publisher of the Herald. And as we were enjoy- ing part of ..one large orange this morningswe were imaginatively thin.k- ing the the . lovely sunshine they must be having these days, and while' we also have sunshine, but with it a very cold temperature around the freezing mark. Again we say thank you! Oscar for the nice treat. . Lions Club News • The regular supper, meeting was held on Monday eve. March 1,5th at the Dominion House, , with a fairly good attendance. Although tae Lions seemed to have forgotten their us- ual prornptneSs, as they semed. to be dwindling in rather than come ali in a body.. The rather short but in- teresting meeting got , under way with Lion Ed. Gascho, president in the chair, and after a few strokes with the gavel, and songs led by L. Alvin. Walper, the Secretary George Deichert read the minutes of the last Executive meeting, and also of -the last supper* meeting where the guest ;London, March 11th, 1954. The. Voice of Temperance An editorial hi a sepeist issue of the, United ClUirth Obsiver, although too long to quote in full, is well worth giving in part. Twenty years ago crime in •Ontario was at. a very low figure.-Aceording to 'Cleyernment sta- tistics for 1933 the ratio of populat• - ,ion per 1000 committed for trial was 1641 and. sentenced to prison, 4.14. In 1934 there, -was' an improvement; • 5.91 continitted, 3.32' convicted, in this year the Government. announced 'selves too old or for other seasons a . lan for open sale of beer. Ne'-hve found it necessary to be off , p , jerrontgomery of Clinton, who spoke ; on soil and tonservattom, At this meeting Mr. John Robinson of the Goshen mirth, became a Lion 1be was" accepted into menibership, i'itishber' (if Lions volenteered, te.at- tends LVdiStrict zone Meeting at Exe- ter 9n March 19th. • In three weeks the losal.:clubas aS in general it *ill be a night in honor (if former charter member whO sera be ihetted to attend and be guests. We taile told there are. about nine in the 'Zurich Club svhii•lhave thought them - isissisis* s*et*Ia ron•••••••. LicenssJ Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car 'Ambulance Service Hospital, Bed and Wheelchair for Rent - owERs Aa bedAtOst Day and Night Service • Telephone: Res. 89 - or 122. . Zuria esmosessomasesioisearowsesseasemmantsesessopassamoseaseass =111110111111111. 4111011111101111111111ni the crime record from new on. . tn 1936, the ratio was 6.52 and 4,3. By 1939 the figures wera 9:31' and 17.45. The Second World War years saw a :slight' levellipg off bo 6.89 and 5.01 in 1945. But after the war again the crime figures mounted. In 1946 they syete .7:17 and 5.27. By • 1951, double figures were reacher - 10.51, dou- ble figures were reached -10.19 and 8.86. "Thus according to the Gov- ernment's own figures, crime which was steadily on the downward grade previous to beer rooms, has been bra h u de ever since and is now at - • .Photee 140 C. H. THIEL - Zurich . L the highest figure ever • reeorded the. rooster. We, hope they will all Come to this meeting, and feel quite at home With the Clieb. A special speaker will be on hand. After the closing of e'the meeting a number of the boys gave a helping hand to the addressing of the Eastei Seal Cam- paign Fund material. The public like in former years' are asked to re- spond to this worthy ca,use, which is so much financed just in this way. Service Clubs are doing all this work absolutely free of charge, so svon't Von contribute eieur bit, thanks we 00.'-Adae. . Itnow yeti .0... zuRiews Grocery Store We are ever at your service with the best lines obtainable of 'FRESH GR All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well a• s Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in suppl3r, GIVE US A CALL !ENO Zurich • PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 Cold Weather Needs MEN'S FE14, SHOES AND RUBBER OVERSHOES ALSO •MEN'S LINED SMOCKS PR ICES • MEN'S CA.SHMEIRE OVERSHOES • • • GIVE YO UR LAYING -FLOCKS THE • VERY BEST! BIG THREE • MASH and PELLETIS Good Supply of Fresh..Groceries always on Handl THE BLAKE STORE E.Schwartientruber, Prop. Phone 1147