HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-03-11, Page 3'e
4 &mei ‘7eiteieedeit
• It would be passing strange, and
what might be termed a reverse play, 1f
a renaissance in lacrosse should be in-
spired in this year of grace by the fair
sex. And yet, it's possible.
Here is Canada, we don't associate
lacrosse, marked as it is by hard check-
ing,tfor girls. As played in these
Dominions, lacrosse so place alady.
But in England, it's quite different. While lacrosse is
played to a surprising extent by the male athletes on the
other side, it is also a very popular game among the girls,
to the point that a team of English women players is due to
tour the United States this year, starting this month or next,
while a male American team shuttles to England.
Possibly one of the reasons for dislike of vigorous body
checking in British lacrosse (and this dislike applies to
hockey, too) is that it has been developed primarily as a
woman's game.
St. Leonard's School, St. Andrews, Scotland and Princess
Helena College, England, were the first British girls' schools
to take to lacrosse after Queen Victoria had many years ago
watched a game between teams of French Canadians and
Iroquois Indians.
The schools did so because it was considered an ideal
and rhythmic recreation for young ladies. "Lacrosse" it
was stated, "had movements based on the natural body
movement, and both sides of the body are brought into play."
Its development was hampered by prejudices against the
participation of women in sport, which no doubt was typical
of the Victorian era, but following the collapse of most of
such prejudices through events of World War I, lacrosse for
girls began to establish itself.
By 1930, there were national associations flourishing in
all four countries of the United Kingdom.
And today, the game rates the third most popular of all
women's team games behind netball and field hockey, with
its own "international", Strange, isn't it, that the mother
country should in recent yearshave taken with more favor
to Canada's own national game, than we in Canada!
Your comments and aupgedions for this column will be w.lconsed
by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert Nouse, 431 Yong. St., Toronto.
Well, it ltoks very much as
though. the ancient and hallowed
wort of cricket is going to get
a bit of a face-lifting; and we
can imagine the shudder pass-
ing through the frames of those
purists 'who love to recall, over
their port, how the Duke of
Wellington said that the Battle
of Waterloo was won on the
playing -fields of Eton. (Per-
sonally, we. always thought the
Duke was misquoted and that it
was the "bargain basement at
Eaton's" he recommended as a
training -ground f o r war, b u t
never mind that.)
Anyway, cricket is going to be.
jazzed-up,to a certain extent,
and we do not refer to the fans;
down in British Guiana who
Recently showered a cricket um-
pire with pop (we hope) bottles;
find here we digress once again
to wonder why It is all these
bottle -heavers, in any line of
Mort, are always such rotten
The fact of the matter is that
cricket, over in England, has for
Buckets Gal -ore — Hitting the
hoops for a six -game average
of 41.3 points, 16 -year-old Vel-
ma a Liming 1$ the pride of the
gals at Easton Higlt School. Vel-
arra is the high -scoring forward
In the school's feminine quintet,
some time been troubled with a
slight attack of the shorts. The
folks over there, who hold the
game in such reverence, just do
not turn out in paying quanti-
ties. There are some seventeen
counties in English big-time
cricket and, until last year, more
thana dozen of them were in
the habit of finishing in the red.
* * *
Last year the Australians
visited England, and proved to
be such box-office draws that
gate -receipts s n a r e d. As an
example: Warwickshire had an
average attendance of around
8,000 at their 14 regular games,
yet in one match against Aus-
tralia the turnstiles clicked to
the tune of almost 42,000 paid.
But, alas, the Aussies will be
elsewhere occupied this Summer,
and the lads who back the clubs.
have been looking gloomily at
the prospect of further deficits,
So now a group of business men,
who love cricket but think it
could do with a bit more ginger,
have come forward with an
offer of Trophies and Cash. And,
far from being soundly spanked
and sent to stand in a corner,
those making the offer have been
warmly welcomed by the
Powers -That -Be.
o *
As everybody knows—(we just
learned it a couple of seconds
ago) the Marylebone Cricket
Club is recognized as the holy -
of -holies in cricket, and if any-
body would be likely to frown
on such innovations it would be
the M.C.C. Yet here is how Mr.
Ronald Aird, secretary of that
august body, looks at it:
"The M.C.C. does not recog-
nize prizes for cricket but,
speaking personally, I imagine
-that anything which will infuse
life into the game at the present
time must be a good thing. This
news could not have come at a
more opportune moment"
And now for those awards;
they haven't got around to call-
ingthem the "Vezina Trophy"
or the like, but that will prob-
ably come in time. But, we note
with approval that the sponsors
have had the decency to offer
the cash in the form of the
classic "guinea" rather than the
plebeian pound. Just a slight
touch of "Old School Tie" but
welcome for all that.
1—A silver trophy and 100
guineas to the batsman making
the fastest hundred.
w *,
2—A silver trophy and 100
guineas to the bowler taking
most wickets in any one inning.
ornioney back
Very first use of soothing, cooling, liquid
D.D.D. Preicriptlon positively relieves raw
red Ptah --caused by eczema, rasher+, scalp
irritation, chafing—other Itch troubles. Grease-
,ase, etainieet. 43c trial bottle gnuet satisfy Or
mo v back. Ask es MAX.:
your druggist to
Blind Wrestler — Guided by a belt attached to his "seeing-eye,08
Ted Lennox works out in the school's gym. Despite the fact that
he is blind, the 20 -year-old psychology student has scored well
in collegiate wrestling bouts, tipping the scales at 157 pounds.
In the event of a tie the better
average will decide the winner,
e 4 *
3—A silver trophy and 100
guineas to the fielder; other than
a wicketkeeper, with the highest
number of catches during the
4—A silver trophy and 100
guineas to the wicketkeeper with
the highest number of dismissals
during the season.
And now the question is—will
the awards draw customers? We
sincerely hope so! Otherwise—
well, we'd hate to think of a
Flagpole Sitter outside Lord's!
Transform A House
Positive Colors
Decorators now are treating
bathrooms and kitchens as full-
fledged rooms — no matter what
their size. Fast disappearing is
the notion thlley must look like
clinics -in order to be efficient.
Color is banishing that antiseptic
appearance and becoming as im-
portant as comfort and conveni-
Paint can accomplish more in
bathrooms and kitchens than in
any other rooms in the house
since the areas are small, none
anal amounts of material and
labor are involved.
• A Canadian paint company has
just introduced a fresh Jalette
of positive 'colors guaraniteed to
cure the inferiority complex " of
any bathroom or kitchen suffer-
ing from a severe case of faded
Each of the 17 co-ordinated
colors harmonizes with all the
others. So anyone can select a
color scheme for a bathroom or a
kitchen blindfold, if she wishes,
and still win the approval of a
professional decorator. The col-
or card also shows how most of
these shades can be intermixed
in equal parts to obtain a second
palette of adventurous colors.
Real red figures prominently.
in the color card under the names
of Peking red and cherry red.
This would dispel the old wives'
tale that red is too hot for kit-
chens. On the contrary, red is
the color which probably gives
the greatest decorating value per
painted inch when used with in-
telligence and taste.
Green tuns the gamut from a
cool, clean sea spray through
Chinese jade to a rich, dark ever-
green. Sea spray would make "a"'
beautiful backdrop for those with
burnished copperware they wish
to show off to advantage. Or, a
color scheme composed of ever-
green and shell pink would do
much to conceal the ageof a
bathroom or a kitchen.
In the blue family there is
cadet blue, Dresden blue and sky
blue, which, decorators these days
are using alongside chestnut
brown or jersey' cream with such
eye -delighting results. Orange as
an important decorating color is
represented with a flaming Tam-
pa tone to blend successfully
with pearl grey, white or sea
spray as suggestions. Among the
other shades that sing with vital-
ity and decorating value are .tur-
quoise, chartreuse and buttercup
A newly -painted bathroom may
call for a new stock of towels
since they are such good accent
colors in themselves.
The color -scheme of a kitchen
should be an expression of the
homemaker herself because she's
the one who must live with it all
day as she prepares a grand total
of 1,095 meals a year.
Haw Can I ?
Q. How can I clean pewter?
A. Pewter may be cleaned by
using any fine abrasive such as
the cleaning powder and soaps
which are advertised as non
scratchers, or whiting and any
fine steel wool and oil. - Wash
carefully_ in clean, hot soapsuds
afterwards, rinse and dry.
Q. What can I use as a sub-
stitute when wax is not avail-
able for a floor that is to be used
for dancing?
A. Powdered borax may be
used, and will prove a good sub-
Q. How can I remove a grease
spot from wallpaper?
A. This can often be removed
by dipping a flannel rag into
alcohol and rubbing gently, or
by applying flour and allowing
to remain until it absorbs the
Q. How can I remove choco-
late stains from fabrics?
A. Soak the material in cold
strong borax water for half an
hour. Pour boiling water through
and wash in the usual manner.
For stains on silks, or other non -
washable fabrics, sponge with
chloroform. (CAUTION: chloro-
form is an anesthetic).
Q. How -can I clean steel which
has become very rusty?
A. First rub with a cut onion
and leave -fora day. Then polish
it with paraffin, or turpentine
and brickdust, whichever y o u
happen to have on hand.
Q. What is a good tonic for the
liver? -
A. Drink the juice of one-half
a lemon in 'a cup of hot water
the first thing. in the morning.
Q. How can I remove a heat
stain from a highly -polished
article of furniture?
A. Apply the following in
order, using a separate cloth for
each: Kerosene, a 1 c oho 1, and
sweet or linseed oil. Rub the
last in well until the spot is no
longer visible.
Q. How can I prevent the dry-
ing out of children's rubber
A. A little glycerin rubbed
over the rubbers before putting
them away will keep the rubber
from drying out, and they will
also wear much longer.
Q. How can I make a ' fine-
grained sour milk cake?
A. When making a sour milk
cake, dissolve the soda in the
milk and whip with an egg
beater. This will assure a fine-
grained cake.
Q. ]How can I snake apple balls
for a garnish?
A. Cook one -inch apple balls
until tender in sugar syrup
colored red or green. Use them
for touching up appetizers,
salads, or dessert, or for garnish•
ing roast or vegetable dishes.
Alternate the colors when deco-
Sampler. In Columbus, Miss.,
James C. Pidgeon got a divorce
after he testified that his bride
drank excessively and threatened
him with a knife during the one
day they lived together.
Protect sone BOOKS and CASH from
FIRE and THIEVES. We have a size
and type of Safe, or Cabinet, for any pur-
pose. Visit :so or write for nrice. etc, to
Dot, w,,.
145 Front St. ;E„ Toronto
Establisher) 1855
avorite anocdotee, recipes and experiences can earn money for you.
CLE WRITING FOR BEGINNERS" will show you how to
editors. For your free copy write to L. TURNER -Literary
es, 252 Gainsboro Rd., Toronto 8, Ont.
Ftedll0 0111101414
FOR thirty years we have hatched chicks
from our own breeder flock only, Thar
have gained a reputation for high Pm -
duction and large eggs. Popular light
colored Columbian Rocks and damp. X
Columbian Dross, Mao Barred Rocks and
Golden Necked hams. X Rooks. Canada
Accredited, Illustrated price fiat. Rea-
sonable prices, Hyde Park P'arm, Dundas,
FOR maximum milk production you
wouldn't think of boring Poll Angus.
For maximum else production you are
Just as foolish if you buy dual purpose
breeds, Buy R.O.P, Sired egg breeds,
White Leghorn(, .White Leghorn X
Rhode Island Red, Rhode ]:eland Red,
Rhode Island Red X Barred Rocks, Light
Sussex X Rhode Island Red, Rhpde
Island Red X Light .Sussex, they eat less
and lay more than dual purpose birds,
For broilers we have lot generation
Nichols New Hampahirea, Turkey Poults,
older pullet*. Catalogue,
CANADIAN Approved Chicks bred for
, egg production—if that is what Your
markets derirand. Large eggs from breed
or cross specially selected for that pur-
pose, Not 'any' breed but the breed or
Groes that gives you ,the production you
want. Get otir complete list, Bray
Hatchery, 120 John N. Hamilton.
YOU want result,—and you will get
results if you raise Chicks from our
dual-purpose strain. We ' hatch Barred
and White Rocks, New Ptampehires and
three good crosses bred for eggs and
meat. Write for folder. Held'( poultry
Farm, Box "W", Fisherville, Ontario.
BROILER Growers: If you want dual
purpose and egg bred cockerels at low •
prices we have them, but we are cure you
will be further ahead to purchase meat
type Nichol New Hampehires, everyone
guaranteed from let generation stock.
Special Introductory price on Nichola.
82.89. Grey. wine, green with borders;
% size $2.48. Unbleached flannelette 10
yarde $2,49. Flannelette bundles match-
ed 25 yards (5 pounde) 05.00, Printed -
Plain broadcloths 28 yards $4.89. Wool
coating -panting 56" wide, yard 01.89
Circular cotton underwear pound (5 yards)
88c, Wool plaids 3 tot yard ends, 6
pounds $2.38. Checkered flannelette yd. 44e
Order C.O.D. Refunds, MRS. SCHAE
relief. Your Druggist sells CRESS.
FOR Sale! Lead -Zine 60 Ton Flotation
Mill and Imine. Located in Wisconsin,
U,S.A. Write or Phone: W. Thiel, 7304-
38th Avenue, Kenosha, Wisconsin.
AFRICAN violets, Special collection
five named varieties, all different, our
choice, $8.60 prepaid. Remit by money
order. Collectors write for list. Mar-
garet L. Cleland, 1168 River Road,
Niagara Falls, Ontario.
SUPERIOR Large Gladiolus Bulbs, Two
Dollars per hundred. LaSalle Glad Gar
dens, 9999 Seminole Street, Windsor.
FIXTURES to equip a full modern Retail
Food Market. One 14 ft. Service Meat
Counter: One 11 ft. Self -Serve Counter;
One 7 ft. Self -Serve Counter; One 7 ft.
Hussman Deep Freeze Counter; One
Toledo Meat Scale; one Toledo Fruit
Scale; One Dellcator; One Electric . Meat
Saw; Two 3 -department National Cash
Registers. Many other things. For in-
formation, write Vern Jantzi, 8892 'Moor
Street West, Toronto 18. or phone
BElmont 1-4421.
A good 009912 of all classes of live stock
(420,414 bead of cattle during the Year
1968) at Toronto market. attract, a large
number of buyers, large and small, each
Week. 'These men supply the necessary
competition to ensure full market value
for live stock offered. Place your stock
on the open competitive market where
all interested buyers may bid for it. Let
our experienced salesmen and assistants
represent you to make sure you receive
the highest net returns. Coneign your
live stock shipments to McCurdy & Mc-
Curdy Limited, Ontario Stock Yard,,
BEAUTIFUL Registered Collie Puppies.
for Pete, show, or breeding; stud service,
Loch Rahnoeh Collie Kennels, 1000 Byron
South, Whitby.
HAVE you anything needs dyeing or clean-
ing? Write to us for information. We
are glad to answer your questions, De-
partment H Parker's Dye Works Limited,
791 Yonne St. Toronto,
335 Elgin, Ottawa
$1.15 Express Prepaid.
BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes
and weeping skin troubles. Post'e
Eczema Salve will not dlsaPpoint you.
Itching, scaling. burning eczema acne,
ringworm, pimples and foot eczema, will
respond readily to the etainlees odorless
ointment regardless of how etubborn or
hopeless they neem.
r atcE $2.50 PER JAR
Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price
889 Queen St. E., Corner of Logan
One woman tells another. Take superior
"FEMMIINEX" to help alleviate pain, dis-
tress and nervous tension associated with
monthly periods,
80,00 Postpaid In plain wrapper
WILL to -day,
yourself. Full— easy -
to - understand directions
enclosed with each BAX
WILL FORM. Used by over
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years try stationers and dept. stores.
Only 25c, or if unobtainable locally
send 30c for postnge paid Bax Form.
"No ,testate Too Small"
Great Opportunity Learn
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Thousands of successful Marvel graduate/i
America's Greatest System.
Illustrated Catalogue Free
Write or Call
868 Moor St. W., Toronto,
44 King St., Hamilton.
72 Rideau St., Ottawa,
ASHAMED to remove Your hat? Kap
dandruff, thinning hair or (potted hald-
neae made you look older and unattrac-
tive? What you need is LUXUL HSO
grooms, Scientif!golly compounded to
stimulate the growth 08 new healthier
hair and keep the :calp clean, 'LUXUL'
made with LANOLINE for over 20 years,
$old under our MONEY BACK GUARANI.
TEE. Get yours today and give Your
scalp the break It needs, Enclose $1,50
for Regular size, 12.75 Large Economi-
cal size. L. & P. PRODUCTS (CANADA).
P,O. BOX 12, WINDSOR, Ontario.
RRE you nervous about taking drugs?
We have the remedy for 900, write for
information on our remedies, Health
& Mappines( Co„ Korb Specialists, 348
Pape Ave„ Toronto 8, Ontario.
BECOME a bookkeeper, stenographer, or
typist. Leesons 50e. Canadian Corres-
pondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street,
EARN Money at home with your Type-
writer or Sewing Machine! Write today
for Free details. Carl E. Edwards,
8915-C — 12th., Des Moines 13, Iowa.
SPECTACLE Repairs! Air Mail, Lenses
duplicated came day. L. P. Trottler.
Optician and Optometrist. 1654 Mount -
Royal St. East, Montreal.
LAND of Opportunity! Buffalo, New
York; Tuecon, Arizona; Norfolk, Vir-
ginia. Help, Wanted columns Air Mail-
ed $1.00. E. McRae. 22 Evans, Williams-
ville 21, New York, U.S.A.
02.00 Guaranteed Dandruff Control, Free
trial pair hosiery for everybody. Orders
guaranteed one year. Agents samples.,,
Kent Agency, 621 Genesee Street, Buffalo.
New York.
,SN' OFFER to every Inventor --List or in-
ventions and full information sem tree.
The Ramsey Co„ Registered Patent Attnr-
neYs .278 Bank Street. Ottawa
Attorneys. Established 1890 600' UM -
vomit, Ave.. Toronto. Patent, all countries.
01.0.0 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe
personal requirements. Latent Catalogue
Included. The Medico Agency, Box 124
Terminal A. Toronto, Ontario
Y am an arthritic sufferer who has been
bopelesely crippled for nearly seven
years and suffered terribly. I am now
finding relief and am confident that if
the wonderful results obtained to date
are any indication, I will be walking
again within joie months. I am so grate-
ful that anyone who wishes to write to
sue may do so, as I would gladly inform
you how I found relief. Please send
stamp for reply. Mrs R. Dowdall, P.O.
Box 05, Vancouver 1, B.C.
APPEAR Taller Instantly! "MAN
LIFTERS" give added height at once—
non visible, Inexpensive, comfortable,
Box 1762, Fargo, North Dakota.
'TOBACCO Eliminator — A Scientific
guaranteed remedy for cigarette addic-
tion. Quick Sure — Permanent. For
free booklet write C. King Pbarmacal
Corp. Ltd., Box 205, Walkerville, Ont.
#W <3
If life's not worth living
i8 may be your liver!
09's a !acts dt takes tap to two pinta of Lives
bele a day to keep your digestive tract in top
chapel If your liver bile is not flowing freely
your food may not digest . . gas bloats up
your stomach ... you feel constipated and
all the fun and sparkle go out of life, That's
when you need mild gentle Carter's Little
Liver Pills. These famous vegetable pills help
stimulate the flow of liver bile. Soon your
digestion starts functioning properly and you
feel that happy days are here again! Don't
ever stay sunk.Always keep Carter's Little
Liver Pills op and. 0571 at your dntegict,
Farmers attention—Consult your near.
est Harness Shop about Staco Hornets
Supplies. We sell our goods only
through your local Staco Leather
goods dealer. The goods are right
and so are our prices. We manufac-
ture In our factories: Harness Horse
Collars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blankets
and Leather Travelling Goods, Insist
en Staco Brand Trade -Marked Goods
and you get satisfaction. Made only
42 Wellington St. E., Toronto
— Write for Catalogue -
0111.1.11111.1111•1•11111.1•000 .1.1=1001•160331•Matilira....
EAT Alinai
If you have trouble with plates
that slip, rock and cause sore gums
—try Brimnrs Plastl-.Liner. One
application makes plates It meet'
without powder or paste, because
Brlmms Plasti-Liner hardens per-
manently to your plate. It relines and refits loose
plates in a way no powder or panto can de. Even
on old rubber plates YOU get good results six
months to a year or longer. YOU CAN EAT
ANYTHING! Simply lay soft strip of Plastl-Liner
on troublesome upper or lower. Bite and it
molds perfectly. Ease to use, tantalum, odorless,
harmless to you and your plates. Removable as
directed- Plate cleaner included, Money back if
not completely satisfied. If not available at your
drug store, send 51.60 for rellner for 1 plate,