HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-02-25, Page 7THE Calved SPORTS COLUMN 4 &melt 9e/flew** e Lightning, that vagrant and unpredict- able thing which isn't supposed, by theory, to strike twice in the same place, may fool the hockey folks this year. At the end of the 1938-39 hockey season, Montreal Canadiens finished sixth in a 7 -club league. They managed to scrape into the play-offs, but were quickly ousted. It was a bad year for the French-Canadian team, except in one instance: the League's leading point -maker, with 24 goals and 23 assists, was Hector "Toe" Blake, battling left wing, And for his services in out -pointing such greats as Apps, Schmidt, Cowley, Bauer, Schriner, Dillon and Drillon, he won the Hart Trophy, as the player most useful to his team. As these lines are being penned, there seems to be devel- oping a feeling, perhaps sentimental, that once again a member of the League's lowliest club should be very carefully consid- ered for the coveted award this season. For it is believed that Elwin Ira (Al.) Rollins of Vanguard, Sask., the ."Thin Man" who guards the Chicago Black Hawks nets, has an excellent chance of winning the award. Last season, Rollins was second , only to Detroit's Gordie Howe in the voting for the "most valuable player to his team." And if any player has filled that description this season the player is Rollins. The Hawks have never been known as a defensive -minded team in the postwar years, and manning the nets for them has been too much to handle for several outstanding goalies, like Boston's Sugar Jim Henry, Harry Lumley, now with Tor- onto, and ex -Bruin Frank (Mr. Zero) Brisnsek. And when you discount the 24 goals scored against Chi- cago in four games Rollins missed earlier this season, you get a true picture of his value. Two other goalers, including former rookie award winner Jack Gelineau, tried' to stem the tide, but ha vain. Tall, slim, poker-faced, Rollins is lightning -fast with hands, feet and stick, has perfect reflexes, a keen eye. It was the goaling wizardy of Rollins that carried Hawks, last spring, to their first play-off berth in six years, and forced Canadiens, ultimate Cup winners, into seven games in the semi-finals. The Hart Trophy award was made before this series, and Rollins might otherwise have won it. But lightning may strike twice, and a member of another lowly team may edge more prominent stars out of the "most Valuable" award. Your comments end suggestions for this column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yong* St., Toronto. Calvert DISTILLERS LIMITED AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO ..PLAIN HORSE SENSE.. By BOB ELLIS Rome, Italy Here in Rome the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has its headquarters. In one of the ultra- modern buildings that Mussolini put up for one of his government departments, a thousand people of a dozen `different nationalities collect and co-ordinate all infor- dation on production and distri- bution of food products in all con- tinents. It is here that we gathered some of the facts and figures necessary to get a picture of the situation in Europe. Increased Production Agricultural production In North. Western Europe 'has in- tireased by about two per cent snnually since 1950 it has kept pace with the increase in popula- tion wince 1938 and in the United Ningdom considerably exceeded This result has been obtained with lower imports of animal Reeding stuffs and the index of production net of .imported feeds exceeds the index of gross pro- duction by about five per cent. In 1952-53 the production of cereals and sugar exceeded the average of the four previous bears, but the production of po- tatoes was lower and the weather was not generally favourable for pasture and other green fodder. We Deblurbing TV We used to dream about it and eventually it came true—the little device by which one is en- abled to sit snugly in one's -arm- chair and switch off the sales talk from a TV commercial. The makers of Blab -Off, the device in question, report high and mounting sales for their handy, humanitarian little gadget. Here is evidence of what Orte- ga y Gasset might call a "revolt of the masses" against the com- mercial drivel to which their TV gets mercilessly expose them. However, the announced aim of Blab -Off is not to kill commer- cials but to improve them. Ad- vertisers who give new facts, new ways to use their products, new items to enrich the lives of their hearers — these sponsors won't get blabbed off. But the unctuous and interminable ap- peals 't0 vanity and fear and false appetite—these can be re- duced to silent mouthings on the screen, to be ignored at will. Now the advertisers are ad- vertising Blab -Off, and the cycle is complete. Perhaps it proves that a free society carries within itself the remedy kr its Own Worst excesses. -From The Chris- tian Science Monitor. With an excellent harvest, the production of bread grains in most continental countries equal- led and in a few cases surpassed the prewar average. Except In France the output of coarse grains was generally greater than before the war. Italian Production. Down,. _. In Italy expansion of agricul- tural production has not kept pace with the increase in popu- lation. Most progress has been achieved in special products such, as fruit, vegetables, wine and in- dustrial crops, most of which are largely grown for export. A de- cline in the cereal area has not been compensated by higher yields, and coarse grain produc- tion in particular is considerably less than before the war. Live- stock production as a whole is not yet at the prewar level, but is approaching It for milk and eggs. A somewhat larger produc- tion of rice and sugar has been a feature of Italian agriculture in recent years. How far Italian production is lagging behind can best be judg- ed by comparing the average yield per hectare of the years 1948-52 with the average„ of the period of 1934-38. While Western Eur- ope has increased its production by. 15 per cent, Mediterranean production is down six per cent, In rice and maize—in spite of the first -mentioned larger pro- duction—they produced in 1948- 52 only 83 per cent of the average of 1934-38. Maize and rice are the most important staple foods of Italy. Italian Politics The low productivity and the concentration of land ownership in large holdings on which the peasants work either as share croppers or for very low wages, are the main stumbling block for the formation of a new govern- ment. The situation is clearly re- cognized by all parties. The parties on the extreme right want to maintain the sta- tus quo, those on the extreme left — Communists and Nenni Socialists—are aiming at totali- tarianism and within the Chris- tian -Democrats, party of the Centre, opinions are divided. Signor' Fanfani, leader of the social minded faction of the Christian -Democrats, wanted to go to it alone and has antagon- ized the three small parties of the old De Gasperi coalition, the Liberals, Republicans and Demo- cratic Socialists. There is still hope that the old coalition can be rebuilt. This column welcomes sug- gestions, wise or foolish, and all criticism, whether constructive or destructive and will try to answer any question. Address your letters to Bob Ellis, Box 1, 123 -,18th St., New Toronto, Ont. ,OR A Stx5ir SPORT.. Ctc A week or so ago, in poverty and almost forgotten, there pass- ed away one of the greates leath- er slingers, for his poundage, that ever crawled between the ropes Of a ring. He was 13attling Nel- son—and, if memory serves •'us aright, the Battling was nett. a nickname, but part of his right- ful moniker. We may be wrong, , but as we recall it, the Durable Dane's was christened — over in Denmark — Oscar 1Vlatthew Bat- tling Nelson, Of course, as we said, we night be mistaken -^ and if anybody wants to slip us return fare to Copenhagen, first' class, we'd be glad to slip over, and look it up. * 9• .4 But there's no mistake about Nelson's battling ability. He was. about as tough as they come, and the following tale — borrowed largely from Bill Stern's "FA- VORITE BOXING STORIES" — a must for every fight -fan's li- brary—tells of the deadly feud between Nelson and one of his great rivals, Jimmy Britt. :k * * The fighters were as unlike as they could be, Britt was young, handsome, intelligent, a smooth dandy who not only acted like a perfect gentleman but looked;the part in his Prince Albert coat and high hat. On the other hand, Battling Nelson, the Durable Dane, was a hardboiled, tough little man with a weazened face and a tangled mop of wiry hair that defied the discipline of a comb and brush. Nelson's idea of fashion consisted of turtle -neck sweater and a cap, One day, Battling Nelson, . at- tired in his tasteful ensemble of sweater and cap caught a glimpse of Jimmy Britt in his smart Prince Albert and shiny high hat. The idea of a prize fighter wear- ing a hat like that positively in- furiated the little tough guy. He determined on the spot to de- stroy Jimmy Britt together with his fancy clothes, slick manners, and, above all, his high hat. * . , It was inevitable that these two fighters meet in the ring. They came to face each Other in a crowded arena under the hot blue sun of a California sky. As Nelson glared across the ring at' ®atm Jimmy Britt, he could still see the high hat In his mind's. eye. . k * * When they met in the middle of the ring, Jimmy Britt looked into Battling Nelson's face and what he saw there sent a cold"t chill down his back. Nelson's eyes were those of a dead man, expressionless, terrifiying. Jim my Britt -shook off the feeling with difficulty. He had never been afraid of any man in the ring, and he would not let him- self be frightened now. * * As the bout began, Britt drew • murmurs of appreciation from the crowd for his superb boxing. He landed six times as often as the grim little Nelson, and his blows were hard and sharp. The Durable Dane shook them off and kept ploughing in. gq71,111511.01 Sweating It Out — Caryl Whit- tier Chessman, imprisoned au- t.hor of "Cell 2466, Death Row;' may be executed before his ;prison novel is published in July. :'described as a genius, Chessman is scheduled to die in San Quen- ttin's gas chamber on May 21 unless he gets a stay of execu- tion from the U. S. Supreme Court. He received the death sentence in 1948 under Califor- nia's "Little Lindbergh" law, for the attack_abduction of two women. Soon, Nelson's expressionless face was a mass of crimson jelly. With every blow landed by the clever Britt, Nelson shook him- self, and muttered in Britt's ear, "I'll lick you. You and your high 'hat." 4 * For fourteen rounds, Jimmy Britt cut Battling Nelson to rib- bons and the Dane kept coming back for more. Britt, at the end of his patience, and somewhat battered and groggy himself from the unending charge of his opponent, stopped boxing and stood toe to toe, slugging it out with Nelson. He began to realize that his adversary was determin- ed to destroy him, and that a beating was not enough for. the Durable Dane to take from the ring . in victory. The constant snarl of Battling Nelson, "I'll lick you, you with your top hat!" made Britt realize at last that 'Nelson was fighting him with ;.hate in his heart. * * .4 At the start of the eighteenth round, Battling Nelson tore into Jimmy Britt, showering him With club -like rights and lefts. The handsome, superb boxing :('.piaster, Jimmy Britt, went down. A hush fell over the arena. The i,s,idol of the crowd had crumbled efore the fists of the scrubby h little guy from the Middle 6st. * * * , - Britt's eyes were glazed as he I rolled over and tried to pick him- self up from the canvas. Nelson, a mass of bruises and beaten to a pulp himself, leaned over the .fallen warrior, snarling with hate. Britt tried desperately to pull himself to his feet to go on with the battle. As Nelson growled with animal satisfaction, Britt's head sank once more to the can- vas and the referee counted him out. Colourful Stage and Water Revue at the CANADIAN NATIONAL RISMEN ow THE COLISEUM • TORONTO • MAR.12 -MAR. 20,1954 AND THESE STAR STUDDED ACTS The 4 Philips 4( Ed Gillen it. Co. Vaughan Pipes & Co. Baudy's Greyhounds ty Patsy Hubbard <IZ The Nissans Y"sDon Promisee The Northern Guides That app•ailaa std almatf lomat' der SHARKEY-'THE SEAL PLUS 01H0 GREAT PRODUCTION NUMBERS iA;Q1hI THAT„I$ >pACK',ED WJ.IC;N 1HRIt'lS—BEAUTY 4AUGHTER WRITE NOW (Enclosing thequo or money ordor and get the best)' THE CANADIAN NATIONAL SPORTSMEN'S SHOW, THE COLISEUM • TORONTO PRICES—ALL EVENINGS AND SATURDAY MATINEES Res. Seals ---$l.25 Box Seals $1.75 plus Adm.lo bides,: Adults Mid Children 25n PULL production, lame imam when markets brim be priests. Alm tor those markets/ with Bray b`ebruary chicks/. Aek for catalogue, price list, Immediate delivery: wide choice breeds; creme, some started. Bray Hatcher3' (00 yoare'. experience), 120 John N Hamilton, T1U11'FL*X chicks, In a Mase by them- selves, Potentially the most profitable birds, Outgrow all others with less feed, Better market value, e*ecellent layers, Jews mortality, Folder, American Poultry Packers, 1765 Main East, Hamilton. These will give you top egg production, R.o.P, Sired White Leshorne, 111105* Leland Reds, Whits Leghorn X Rhode Island Reds, Rhode Island Red X Barred Rocks, Light Sussex X Rhode Island Red, Rhode Island Red X Light Sussex, They should lay at least 10% more eggs than dual purpose breeds. For brollere we have one bask—lst generation Nichol New krampshires. Also turkey poults. Started Chicks, Catalogue, TWEDDLFI CHICK HATCHERIES LTD, FERGUS ONTARIO Started Cockerel Bargains while they last, 0 to 7 week old White Rock, Light Sussex, New Hampshire X Light Sussex, White Rock X Light Sussex, New Hampshire, New I0ampshire X Barred Rock, Colum- bian Rock X New Hampshire, Barred Rock $25,95 per hundred; 8 to 9 week old $29.96 per hundred. Assorted heavy breeds, our choice 81.00 per hundred less shinned C.O.D, TWEDDLE CHiCI{ HATCHERIES LTD, F'ERGIJS ONTARIO RESULTS when you raise chicks from our dual-purpose strains, you'll get both eggs and meat. Our New Hampshirea are particularly good as layers and for broilers. Order early, Folder. Held's Poultry Farm, Box W. Fisherville, On- tario. BARRED Rocks — Still hard to beat for eggs and meat. Only eggs from our own flock hatched. Over thirty years per- sonal selection behind our strain. Send for price list. Tom Kenny, Shanty Bay. Ontario, BABY CRICKS FOR SALE WOULD you like to have lots of large eggs next summeer when prices are high? Deebank'e Fast Feathering Barred Rooke and the Rock cross -breeds — Redrocks and Legrocks — will produce them if you order early chicke. Onr other bred -to - lay strains are New Hampehires, Red Sussex, Hollywood Leghorns. Canadian Approved, live delivery and satisfaction guaranteed. Special February discounts. Price List, Deebanh's Poultry Farm. Dickinson's Landing, Ont. 6TOR SALE CRESS CALLOUS SALVE — Now Bet relief. 'Your Druggist sells CRESS. SUPERIOR Large Gladiolus Bulbs, Two Dollars per hundred. LaSalle Glad Gar- dens, 3999 Seminole Street, Windsor. Ontario, 614,000 FULLY equipped poultry farm, 20 acres sandy loam /soil, 900 Leghorn in full production, room for expansion water throughout. electric brooders, shelters, shed silo, 6 room house, 07.000 cash. Retail route Oshawa 9 milee Bowmanville, 6 miles on paved roads. To settle an estate. Telephone Bowmanville 2888, (Mrs.) A. C. Perry, Hampton, Ont. TURKEY POULTS — "Broad Breasted Bronze,” from March to July. Protect yourself with 10 yeara of experience In turkey breeding and growing. Order now for 1964 from Ivan E. Mullen, Addison, Ontario. CIR4IN saws. Repairs to all snakes of power saws and outboard motors. Rebuilt 18" Homelite, McCulloch. Mall machines priced from $160,00 available, Chain Saw Protects Ltd., Geraldton, Ontario, REGISTERED Clinton Oats will be available in 1964 for the first time from H. R, McKim, Dresden, Ontario. 17 ft. mahogany cabin outboard motor cruiser. For full particulars write Box 655. Aylmer, Ontario. MORRIS fl. PERCIVAL WESTERN Ontario's Foremost Farm Sales Agency. 225 Queens Ave., London. Send for list of farms for sale, (Further listings solicited.) BATTERY TROUBLES? One treatment of Ever -Charge the amazing battery chemical 1s a wonderful tonic for a sick battery. Ever -Charge charges battery in 10 minutes and automatically keeps it charged. Start motor, play radio, use heater, etc,, all you want; your battery will take it. Stop those harmfulquick charges. They not only harm your bat- tery but cost lots of mony. Ever -Charge doubles life of new or used battery. Enjoy greater power and easier starting regardless of temperature. For use in cars, trucks, tractors, lighting plants. etc. (Only one treatment required.) Full directions with each package. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Price $1,50 Postpaid. For immediate delivery write Ever - Charge. 94 Walpole Avenue. Toronto. LIVE STOCK SHIPPERS A good euppiy of all classes of live stock (420,414 head of cattle during the year 1953) at Toronto market, attracts a large number of buyers. large and email, each week. These men supply the necessary competition to ensure full market value for live stock offered. Place your stock on the open competitive market where all interested buyers may bid for it. Let our experienced salesmen and assistants represent you to make sure You receive the highest net returns. Consign your live stock shipments to McCurdy & Mc- Curdy Limited, Ontario Stock Yards, Toronto. Then came the roar of the crowd for the conqueror. Battl- ing Nelson was hailed as a king, swept up on the shoulders of his new admirers and carried tri- umphantly from the ring. * * * From this height, Nelson look- ed down on Jimmy Britt as the latter was being helped to his corner, `Let him wear his high hat now," snarled the new fa- vorite. "He'll never be the champion l" * * * Battling Nelson was right. Britt never did become cham- pion. Battling Nelson d i d, thanks to a feud that started be- cause he could not bear to see another fighter wear a high hat. SACRED RECORDS produoo reoorde for Canadian artietg and oan Pow offer a collection of Oleos tine renditions by Dere lie Mullen, the Mullen 1rotlrers and many others. Ito- mlttanoe of 06 will .bring 6 of these to You postpaid, 719111 refund 1f not en- tirely satisfactory. Records, Box 8000, Newmarket, Ont. 1"IXTU11LBFIS to equip .a full modern Detail Peed Market. One 14 ft, Service Meat Counter; One 11 ft. Self -Serve Counter; One 7 ft. 8e11 -Serve Counter; One 7 ft, .Hussman Dep Preece Counter; One Toledo Mat Sortie; one Toledo Fruit Scale: One SDelicator; One Electric Meat flaws Two 8 -department National Cash Resistors, Many other things. For in- formation, write Vern Jantzl, 18:12 Bloor Street West, Toronto 18, Or phone BElmont 1-4423. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE you anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. De- partment B Parker's Dye Works 'Limited, 791 Yonge St. Toronto. MEDIUM HIGHLY RECOMMENDED — EVERY SUF. FIRER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEUR- ITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 ELGIN, OTTAWA. $1.25 EXPRESS PREPAID. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you, Itching, coaling, burning eczema acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema, will respond readily to the stainless odorlees ointment regardless of how stuhborn or hopeless they eeem. PRICE 52.50 PER .13.E POST'S REMEDIES Sent Past Tree on Receipt of Price 889 Queen St. E.. Curlier of Logan TORONTO lr FEDIINEX * One woman tells another. Take superior "FEMINEX" to help alleviate pain. dis- tress and nervous tension associated witb monthly periods. 56.00 Postpaid in plain wrapper POST'S CHEMICALS 880 QUEEN ST. EAST 'TORONTO BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing. Pleasant, dignified profession, gond wages. Thousands' of successful Marvel graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 858 Bloor St. W., Toronto. Branches: 44 King St., Hamilton. 72 Rideau St., Ottawa, ASHAMED to remove your hat? Has dandruff, thinning hair or spotted bald- aesa made you look older and unattrac- tive? What you need is LUXUL HAIR & SCALP CONDITIONER. Grows as 1t Brooms. Scientifically compounded to stimulate the growth of new healthier hair and keep the scalp clean. 'LU=UL' made with LANOLINE for over 20 yga�s, Sold under our MONEY BACK GUARAN- TEE. Get yours today and give your Scalp the break it needs. Enclose 01.60 for Regular size, $2.76 Large Economl- eal size. L. & P, PRODUCTS (CANADA), P.O. BOX 12, WINDSOR, Ontario. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN &SWAP Bushnell 12 x 60 binoculars for old expensive violin. Box 144 Prelate, sack. BECOME a bookkeeper. stenographer, or typist. Lessons 60c, Canadian Corres- pondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. PATENT& AN OFFER to every inventor' -List o1 tn- ventione and full Information Bent free. The Ramsay Co.. Registered Patent Attrw. net's. 273 Bank Street. Oita wn i5ETHERSTONBAUGH & Company Patent Attorneys, Established 1890 600 Uni- versity Ave.. Toronto Patents ail enuntriee, PERSONAL 01.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe personal requirements, Latest Catalogue Included. The Medico Agency, Box 124 Terminal A. Toronto, Ontario. STOP SMOKING IF desirous of ridding yourself of CIGARETTE ADDICTION do it the easy way. Tobacco Eliminator carries a "satisfaction or money back" suarantee. For free booklet, write' ' C. King Pharmacal Corporation Ltd.,'"t. ox 803, Walkerville, Ont. RACE FANS: HORSEPUTER: Plaits the ones out front, circular free. VAN ERTS' SUPPLY RDG', Box 236, Winnipeg, Manitoba. FREE! Rare "Lucky Charm" included with your Horoscope for only a U. S. dime. Include Birthdate, (Month, Year). Rosemarie, Box 1287, Harbor, Oregon. FOOL Friends! Remail with United States Postmark. Write letter, seal, address, put in another envelope. with 25e, Leon Masnikoff, 924 Linden Blvd., Brooklyn, N. Y. "MIND YOUR MANNERS" by Claire Wallace. Famous 222 page boob pro- vides complete dictionary of Canadian etiquette arranged alphabetically. Only 65o postpaid. Do you know how to tip correctly, plan social events, dress for every occasion, write proper letters? Northern Book Service. Dept. 1413, 153 Metcalfe South, Guelph, Ontario. WANTED DEALERS wanted — To take orders for chleke and turkey Don Its for one of Canada's largest and long estehllsbed Canadian Approved Hatcheries. Good comm1ss'1bn paid. Send for full details. Box 111. 123 Eighteenth Street New Toronto. Ontario RELIEVED IN A JIFFY' or money back first rrcooling, liquid D.D.D. Presciption positively relieves raw -ed itch—caused by eczema, rashes, scalp .rritation, chafing—other itch troubles. Grease- .ess, stainless. 43c trial bottle must satisfy or moneyback. Askyour druggist for D.D.D. ON ISSUE 9 --- 1954 ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES CIGARETTE TOBACCO