HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-02-25, Page 4ZURICH °WARIl:3 STANLEY TOWNSHIP Boron -- At .Scott Memorial Hosp- ital, Seaforth, on '.H'eb. 3rd to Mr. arid Mrs. Kenneth Etue, of the Blue 'Water Highway, Stanley, a son. In the !Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, January 30th, 1954, to Mr and Mrs Joseph Denomre, Zur- ich, a daughter. Mr and Mrs. Russell Erratt and i1r. and Mrs. Roy McBride have returned from their trip south to ;Florida. The public is invited to .come and learn how to improve their lawns and surroundings by seeing the film "Homme Beautification" on Thursday, April lst at 8.15 p.m. in the Varna Town Hall, sponsored by the Varna W. A. Mr John Harnwe11 of Goder`ch was a recent visitor in the Varna Mr and ,Mrs. Anson Coleman and Mr and Mrs Wilmer Reicl are spend- ing a few weeks in Florida. CONTRACT BARLEY WE ARE NOW TAKING CONTRACTS FOR 1954 CONTRACT EARLY ACREAGE HAS BEEN GREATLY REDUCED Cook Bros. Milling Co. PHONE 24 — HENSALL, ONT. • • 4 • • • • 4 cel McKinley's Baby Chicks CANADIAN APPROVED PURE-BRED NEW HAMPSHIRE PURE-BRED LIGHT SUSSEX PURE-BRED WHITE ROCK N. H. X L. S. CROSSBREDS N. H. X B. R• CROSSBREDS and our Popular THREE WAY CROSS — W. R. X H. S. PIONEER ONE MAN POWER CHAIN SAW SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAW There's a Pioneer in your past. There's a Pioneer in your future! FOR INFORMATION AND PRICES ON PIONEER AND SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAWS SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER: RADER & MITTLEHOLTZ Phone 63 -- Zurich Clearing of Radio and TV Sets DUE TO DEALERS IN THE AREA, I HAVE BEEN NOTI- FIED BY ADMIRAL CO. OFFICIALS THAT I AM NO LONGER AN AUTHORIZED DEALER TO SELL OR SER- VICE SETS AND T. V. 1* I AM HAVING A CLEARANCE SALE TO CLEAR SETS AND STOCK AT GREATLY 'RE- DUCED PRICES. So Why Pay More? 1.1954 - 21” Table Model T2215X, Demonstrator, .. List $399.95 Sale $279.00 1-10' Westinghouse, console, used as demonstrator, List P. $499.00 Sale P. $149.00 1—Astatic Booster List P. $42.80 Sale P. ...... $28.00 1—Admiral Mantel Radio, List $46.95, Sale P. , ... $34.50 1—Jewel Mantel (lock Radio, fully automatic), Reg. $58.40, Sale P. $44.00 COMPLETE LINE OF T.V. SERVICE TUBES. 1-1952 17" COMBINATION TV. and RADIO, LIST P., $409.95, New Picture Tube $265.00 ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION HECTOR FORCIER, •--- PROP. ?arrxeaagq. . HENSALI. Turvey - Ingram Daffodils and White satin mows formed the setting at the Hensall. United Church Saturday, ,Feb. 13 at 2:30 p.m. when Ruby Jean Ingram exchanged vows with George Wayne Turvey. The bride is a daughter 'ot 'Mr and Mrs John F. Ingram, Hensall and the groolm is a son of Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Turvey, Exeter. The Rev. W. 3, Rogers officiated.. Kennedy was soloist- and Kiss Greta Lammie was at the church organ. O. K. Artifice! Ice A largely 'attended meeting ' of Hensall ratepayers, held 'Wednesday. evening last in the Village Hall, en- dorsed a proposal for the installation of artificial ice in Hensall. arena. The vote was 83 in favor, with 13 oppos- ed. Reeve A. W. Kerslake .presided. It is expected that the Village Co- uncil will now prepare a by-i'aw cov- ering the issuance of $30,000 deben- tures an.d forward it to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval. Dis- cussion of the matter has been active in Hensall for some titne. Village or- ganizations, inchrrling Canadian Le- gion, 'Chamber of Commerce and W. Institute, have been pressing ror ap- proval. The organizations have indic- ated they would be prepared to raise $15,000 toward the cost of the in- stallation. SPRING SHOW PLANNED Hensall Spring Show wilt be held Friday, May 28, a meeting of direct- ors of the South Huron Agricultural Society held in Hensall. decided Or- ganisation :for the show was pro-' cPeded with and committees appoint-' ed to complete the organization _ for event. DASHWOOD Zion Ladies Aid meeting was the, quarterly missionary meeting. Rev.. L. Higinell spoke on the topic 'Mind- ful of Onr Sisters in India.' The visiting connnitt'e reported seven sick calls, five treats an 'I two flow- er plants sent. Cards of thanks were read and the busine carried out by the president. firs. M. Merner. Mrs Emil Becker entertained a- bout 20 friends and relatives Satur- day night the occasion being Emirs, birthday. The evening was spent in playing cards. Emil was the recipient of some useful gifts. After lunchall enjoyed television. Mr and Mrs Helmuth Messner of London spent the week -end with Mr and :Mrs Fred Messner. Mr and' Mrs Fred Youssi and son of London spent the week -end with the latter's mother, Mrs. Henry 'Becker; Sr. Mrs. Tim Poland, Alice and Paul of Frankford were visitors withher mother, Mrs. Cora Gaiser, Miss .Lois and Betty 'iGaiser, -sof Londe iii were also week -end visitors. Congratulations to 'Mr and Ma's. EEK 1 A • • • • A • • s ZURICH HERALD Thursday 'e!bruary 25th, 1914 T.he Army is the career for the young marts who wants to get ahead... who enjoys travel .. who can face up to adventure. It is not the place for the man who wants it easy.,. For there's a lot of training and hard work. But you benefit in new skills ... in financial security. And promotion comes fast for men with ambition and ability,. The Canadian Soldier is one of the best paid,, best fed, best looked after soldiers in the world. Front, the long term view, it's a career that offers mucht Chances for extra training and promotion, travel and: adventure, 30 days annual vacation with pay and financial security for you and your family,, In the Army you are important to Canada because you; are trained to defend our freedom. For your, future... for Canada's ... join nowt., To be eligible you must be 17 to 40 years of age;,• skilled tradesmen to 45. When applying bring birth certificate or other proof of age.. Apply right away - write or visit the Army Recruifine Centre nearest your homes. No. 1.3 Personnel Depot, Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont. No. 5.Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Bagot St., Kingston, Ont._ Canadian Army Recruiting Centre, 90 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ont, No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Oxford & Elizabeth Sts., London, Ont. Army Recruiting Centre, 230 Main St, W., North Bay, Ont. Army Recruiting Centre, James Street Armoury, 200 James St. North, Hamilton, Ont., AZO8W-O. SERVE CANADA AND YOURSELF IN THE ARMY' Listen to "Voice of the Army" - Wednesday and Friday evenings over the Dominion Network r.ser who were married, in arid Mrs Gordon Weiberg of r on Saturday. CEDAR TITLE? FORCED SALE? These alternatives .facing 'every home- owner may: well rob you of peace of mind. You,: can make certain there will be noneed to settle your estate by forced sale if you should die be- fore your 'Mortgage is paid in full. Yes, it can be done - quickly, inex- pensively l A (Mortgage Redemption policy 2nay4'be "Custom Made" to suit your particular requirements. I would appreciate an interview on this important subject. You will be un- der no obligation. T. Harry Hoffman NORTH AMERICAN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY A Mutual Company Phone 70-W — All' Profits for Policyholders Dashwood, Ont. s!� t SERVICE! We Offer The Best. In Delivery IN Times Of Trouble IN Helpful ' Aids In Custom Grinding and Mixing NO ONE TOPS Our Service For TOPS Also PURINA CHOWS Geo. T. Mickle & Sons Ltd. Phone . 05 I-Iex>,sall, Ontario 4. + +. 1 t .4 t 4 4 + + + + + For Sale FEBRUARY SPECIALS Used 1236" Table Modeil T.V. with new picture tube and all gone over like new, only $150.00 Used 7" Portable T. V., like new $100.00 1953 Motorola Console, walnut cabinet, brand new. This is DeLux 'model $549.00, now $449.00. $100.00 Savings. 1953 Pye T. V., table Model in 'walnut, brand new sells at $358.00 now $278.00. A saving of $70.00. Rollie's Telivision - Grand Bend With Three year's handling Televisions, I have chosen" First Admiral T. V., as they are the largest manufacturers of T. V, in the continent. Second — Motorola T. V. being the world's largest exclusive Electronics manufacturers. Third — I have chosen Hallicrafter "as they make the most prescious makes of T. V. and Radio, and are leaders in Elect, ronic parts of both fields, military and civilian. And the Fourth — Pyi T. V., made first in England 15 years ago. Admiral Motorola Hallicrafter and Pye are all being. made in Canada, creating work for our own people, why buy work for other countries. We have as many as 54 models to choose from on our floor, For better prices come and see us. Why listen to your radio when you can see it on Telivision. We are discontinuing space heaters, and have four diff- erent sizes left in stock, Quaker and Lloyd,20 to 25% off list price. You can't miss this offer. .. Rollie's Telivision and Appliances ALSO HANDLE Refrigerators, deep freezes, Washing Mach- ines, clothes dryers, electric Stoves, small appliances such as Elec. Irons, Toasters, Elec. Kettles, Etc. Bicycles, Tricycles, Wagons, Sleighs and Tobagans, Skates. We also have a large stock of Rifles and Shot Guns of various makes. A large stock of Ammunition for the Hunters. FOR BETTER PRICES TRY ROLLIE'S TELIVISION Phone 78 - Grand Bend Waterloo spent the week -end with their parents, Mr and !1Virs. Fred Weiberg and Mr and Mrs Victor Tyler. Miss Nancy Tiernan of London, spent the week -end with her parents Mr and Mrs Mervyn Tiernan. ,Mr and Mrs. Wm. Haugh and Shirley attended the funeral -of Dr. L. LeFond, in 'Pigeon, Mich., on W edn esdayL Mr and Mrs Elgin Rader and boys spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs.' Lloyd Rader. basement, never failing water supply best of garden land. Property very, suitably, located. Terms of real est.. ate --.1-0% on day of sale, balance in: 30 days, sold subject to a reserved bid. Household Effects — Diningroom table and 6 chairs, daybed, chest of - drawers, bureau, commode, kitchen table and 6 chairs, drop leaf taible,, end tables, lamps, steel bed with springs and mattress, 2 single beds with springs and mattress, various rocking chairs„ toilet set, Riteheta cupboard, kitchen utensils, 2 e1•ectrie plates, cradle, trunk, hall stand with mirror, centre tables, electric trout,. AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate and Household EfE- 2 congoleum rugs 0x9, like stevW, ects and :Mise Items on the premises curtains, sealers, crocks, cellar table Lot North half N.B. 18, Village of lawn mower, wheel barrow, 2 ton of Dashwood. The uadersi,gend Auction - articles coal, Arden tools,manly eer is instructed to sell by.public articles too numerous to mention Auction on Saturday, March 661,1954 Terms—Cash Commencing at 1.30 p.m. shai°p: Estate of the late Elizabeth Wntzel. Real Estate -- ,Consi4ting oi' 1 -5th Sam Witzel, T. H, Hoffman, Irxeod acre of land on which is situated a tttotba well$ rr 1t '2 -storey brick 'house, fo.'l Alvin Walper, Auctioneer.