HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-01-21, Page 4rk' '; • .1 • MUM IN osrrootio ZURICH HERALD Jamar 21st, 1954 CANADIAN APPROVED PURE-BRED NEW HAMPSHIRE - PURE-BRED LIGHT SUSSEX - PURE-BRED WHITE ROCK -- N. H. X L. S. CROSSBREDS -- N. H. X B. R. CROSSBREDS and our Popular -- THREE WAY CROSS - W. R. X H. S. ...there's ree* a difference • • • • ' • ' ' • Oratrelikti;:if • • There's a -Pioneer in your past. There's a Pioneer in your future! FOR INFORMATION AND PRICES ON PIONEER AND SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAWS SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER: RADER & MITTL-EFIO-LTZ. Phone 63 :atrial FOUR IMPORTANT WORDS I-10, every one that thirsteth, come -ye to the Waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat. Isaiah 55: I a. GO ye into all the world, and preach 'he gospel to every creature. -WOE is unto me, if 1 pre-albs:not -the gospel, I Corinthians, 9: 16b. Mark 16: 15 !tO 1 am with you alwayr, -even unto the end of the world. GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGER Matt. 28: 20,b. Box 50, R. R-. - "Zu±idh; 'Ontario Clearing of Radio and TV Sets DUE• TO DEALERS IN THE AREA, 1 'HAVE BEEN NOTI- PlED:EY ADMIRAL CO. OFFICIALS THAT 1 AM NO LONGER AN AUTHORIZED DEALER TO SELL OR SER- VICE SETS AND T. V. l• I AM HAVING A CLEARANCE SAL -TO -CLEAR SETS AND STOCK AT GREATLY RE- DUCED -PRICES. 1,-4-954 --1-7." Table Model T1822X. List $269.95 Sale $187. --21''Table Model T2215X, Demonstrator, .. List $399.95 Sale $279.00 1-4.0" -Westinglkouse, console, used as demonstrator, List P. $499.00 Sale P. $149.00 1.--Aotatic -Booster List P. $42.80 Sale P $28.00 1-Arophenal Antenna., List $38.00, Sale P. $21.60 1 -Adel ,Mantel 'Radio, List $46.95, . Sale P. $34.50 1-.9ew.gi 'Mantel (lock Radio, fully automatic), Reg. $58.46, Sale P. $44.00 COMPLETE LINE OF T.V. SERVICE Tugs. 1-1952 17" COMBINATION TV. and RADIO, LIST P., $409.95, New Picture Tube $265.00 ST, .,JOSEPH SERVICE STATION mcTOR FORtlfER, PROP, GRAND BEND Maxiari Pearls+, Maxim (Mike) Peariso, 63 of G. :Bend died in S. Huron Hospital on Jan. 16th, he was a native of Port Huron, but for many wears conduct - • a garage business here, retiring year ago, he was unmarried. Surv- i'r'ng is a brother, Alex of G. Bend. The funeral was held Tuesday from the Roffman Funeral Home, Dash. wood with interment in C, Bend ce- :tr .7.ery, Rev. W. Smith offieiated. liomso Bttirui.4 1 • • to. r Experience its OIG CAR luxqry..,its 3 -way smoother ride, GET NO -SHIFT DRIVING WITH HY-DRIVE Dodge offers the lowest priced and simplest no -shift driving you oan obtain -you just shift into high and go. Here's a feature which will keep your car "young" for many years -make it worth more at any time. ADD FULL POWER STEERING MR EFFORTLESS STEERING AND PARKING , All driving becomes easier and safer when you add Full Power Steering, now avallable,difiall''''. Dodge Models at moderate cot. You'll find out that all lower-priced cars are NOT "just about the same"? when you drive a 1954 Dodge. Feel how the steadier; softer, more level Dodge ride takes, you over any road in big -car luxury how this finer, smoother Dodge hugs the highway and takes the curves in stride. Here's big -car stability that makes long trips less tiring. And if you've never driven a Dodge before, you'll be amazed at the comfort of chair -high seating -which also' allows You an unobstructed view of the road- wonderfully safe all-round vision and the eager response of the famous dependable Dodge engine. Road-test the 19.54 Dodge -discover the difference for yourself.. "TFttrui...'.6'c DODGE ° i` ' . I Hensall Motor Sales mi Hensall, Ont. FARMFOR SALE FARIM .PROPERTY In Township of Hay; being Lot 5, Concessions 12, 13, consisting of 150 acres, more or less, on whIch is situated a well built two-storey frame house with all mod- ern conveniences. -Lap..ge bank barn; and pig stable, water pressure sys- tem throughout with never:failing water supply. ProdUctive loam land, exceptionally well drained; 0 acres of mixed bush. Property is very suitably located being one mile north of Dashwood. First farm south of sohOol. Convince tiourself by seeing this fine +farm. Immediate spring possession. Aaron E. Oestrdielcer, Owner, or contact Alvin 'Walper, Auctioneer, Dashwood, Ont. Green an elderly Widow, lived alone . in the house. • • DASHWOOD Miss Gertrude Diesenthol was ple- asantly surprised wheb about ,eight, of her friends gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs Geo. 1Gossrman on the occasion of her birthday, the evening was spent in watching TV and chatt- • ing and somel ovely gifts were given. • Mr and Mrs IM. Doilgall of Hen- sall and Mr and Mrs Elgin Rader and • family spent Wed. eve vAth Mr and Mrs. Ervin Rader Week -end visitors with Mr and; • • Mrs Mervyn Tiernan were their, daughter Nancy, and the Misses Jane' Campbell, Kay Cole. .Suzanne Sher- wood and Jeanette Woelfle all of the U.W.O., London. Mr and Mrs Mervyn Tiernan at- tended the furniture show in Toronto+ last Wednesday. Mr and Mrs Wm. Haugh and Mr.; and M. Ervin Rader and family ment Thursday evening with Mr and, Mrs. Elmer Rader. Mrs. Effie Kleinstiver returned, af- ter spending a few weeks with her' daughters in 13Owmanyille. and Will- owdale. Mr and 'Mrs John Rader entertain- ed the former's father and wife, Mr and MrS :Louis Rader, it being his father's birthday. Mr and Mrs Harold Jeffrey and Mrs. Wand :Brown of Exeter, spent, I. day with Mr ad Mrs Louis Rader Zion Ladies AM held their regu- lar meetinr or Wed. Say. 13, wttlithai -rPgiden4. Mrs. iM. Merrier ht the -hair. After scripture leSgon and Inyer Rey, Hignell smite " The 1 0 9 9 • • 0,11, Jan. is fire destroyed the main ;part of a two-storey frame house kiwned by Mrs. Cyrus Green on the main highway, just north of the 1B/tell-tier Hotel. Damage was estimat- ed at .$4,00+9, partly covered by in- surance, Cremen fought the fire for four :hours and managed to save an !adjoining back kitchen and furniture, The fire started while a repairman VMS attempting td xe-light an oil furnace. He ran next ;door to get a , fire extinguisher and when he return- ,.*(Ald not get in the 1-tonee, Mrs' . %,*,. • Setunon on the Mount.. 15 new tea towels were donated to the' kitchen supply. "Thank You" cards and don- ations were received and read for the 25 Xmas. bones sent ot.t. It was ,decided -to. hold a (box social in Feb- ruary with ,GrOup 3 with Mrs. Ed. Isiadiger as convenor. D'ashwood Womens Institute aneet on Thursday, January 26th. FOR BETTER BUYS IN BEDDING, SHOF AT the sign of better • Hying all over Canada... • sheets.. blankets.. pillow Mips made right... here in Canada Leng-wectring luxury 1* the big feature this winterl That's Tex- made's big boon soyour budget! See the beauty of Tex -made, cur- rently in your favorite storeFeel the comfort - buy It - wherever you see the Tex -made sign. • Canade, lives better with Texi.madell fe 4.; STANLEY TOWNSHIP • Mr. George ,Coleman of Seaforth, ,celebrated his 86th birthday. at the home of Mr and Mrs. Elgin 'McKinley Goshen. line Saturday evening last, when about 35 children, ,grandchil- dren and great grandchildren gather- ed to do.him honor. Miss Rachel Johnston, Varna, is at ,present under the doctor's care. Her manly friends wish her 'a speedy re- covery. • FOR -SA'LE . • • New barn, 1Sx26t. Would double garage or chicken barn, agar moved. Phone 112, Ferd Habereerla : 't WANTED MEAT HORSES Z3 c a. ?aunt Also bush horses, must be leavil in good.-comlition. Appley, to Raz. Scottihnier,. Phone r 24; Bayne* Collect. For Sale JANUARY SPECIALS Used 123i" Table Modeil T.V. with new picture, tube and. all. gone over like new, only $150.00 • Used 7" Portable T. V., like new $100.00 1953 Motorola Console, walnut cabinet, brand new. This ice, DeLux 'model $549.00, now $449.00. $100.00 Savings. 1953 .Pye T. V., table Model in walnut, brand new sells at $358.00 now $278.00. A saving of $70.00. Rollie's Telivision Grand Bend With Three year's handling Televisions, I have Chosen First Admiral T. V., as they are the largest manufacturers of T. V. in the continent. Second - Motorola T. V. being the world's largest. excitisi‘ve. Electronics manufacturers. Third - I have chosen Hallicrafter as they make the me,ito, prescious makes of T. V. and Radio, and are leaders in Elect- ronic parts of both fields, military and civilian. And the Fourth - Pyi T. V., made first in England 15 years ago, Admiral Motorola Hallicrafter and Pye are all being made in Canada, creating work for our own people, why buy work for other countries. We have as many as 54 models to choose from on our floor.. For better pries come and see us. Why listen to your radio when you can see it on Telivision. • We are discontinuing space heaters, and have four dift. erent sizes left in stock, Quaker and Lloyd 20 to 25% off list price. You can't miss this offer. .• Rollie's Telivision and Appliances ALSO HANDLE Refrigerators, deep freezes, Washing Mach- *I ;nes, clothes dryers, electric Stoves, small appliances such at Elec. Irons, Toasters, Elec. Kettles, Etc, Bicycles, Tricycles, Wagons, Sleighs and Tobagans, Skates. We also have a large stock of Rifles and Shot Guns of various makes. A large stock of Ammunition for the Hunters. OR BETTER PRICES TRY ROLLIE'S TELIVISION Phone 78 Grand Bend