HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-01-21, Page 1• ZURICH- Establiehed 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MC , HERAL. ING, JANUARY 21 19 5 4 ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZT.m ag — ONTARIO .... d1 ,V. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR mm.—.Divine Services. t�11:16 a.m.—Sunday School. 7:30 p.m.—Vespers. Everybody Welcome to all Services EMIlrILANUEL EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zwick Ontario REV. H. E„ ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist U .DAY SERVICES. -- 10:00 a.m. — Divine Worship. 1.1:00 a.m. — Bible School. '7:30 p.m. — Evening Worship Welcome at all Services—"Conii tan with as and was will do the* wood." Nunn. 1O129. WHY PAY Reckless Driver Rates If you're a careful driver you can set remarkable low rates with State Fame Mutual, the Company that dared to be different. State Farm's careful drivers matte Weir own km Auto Insurance Rates. KEN ETUE, District Agent Phone 78 r .111. Zurich, Ont. Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor— Albert Martin SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 a.m. — Sunday School 11:00 a.m. -- Worship Service 8:00 p.m. — Bible +Meeting WEDNESDAY, '8 open. Prayer Fellowship (in the homes) YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US! Aldon Theatre GRAND BEND Friday, Saturday Jan. 22-23 CONQUEST OF COCHISE (:Color) John ,Hodiek Robert Stack PROWLERS OF THE EVERGLADE'S Tuesday, Wednesday Jan. 26-27 WAR OF THE WORLDS • (Color) Gene Barry A. Robinson Progressive Euchre Are You Suffering From Headaches.? so have your 'Eyes Examined witrls, *Ii'';f yates't,M tbera ' aln ,;' u43"114fat A. i+.. COLE;.. OPTOMETRIST FIs OPTICIAN '401 B ca NT. 1 od '01a'sses at .abile Prices In the Community Centre, Zurich -.x On Thursday, January 28th At 8.30 pan AdiriieSio i -50e FREE LUNCH Everybody Welcome Sponsored by. Zurich CWL. : ,44...-...................*** ,......44.....4.04........... ♦ • V: HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME . , e 1Funeral Director -- Private Car Ambulance e Member of Ontario Funeral Association e Ns ,HOLDER OF ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFI- : - CATE .-.- PORTABLE OXYGEN EQUIPMENT • -I ,HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT — INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN a • FRESH'B°LO@�EILS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES etes -;a. WE WIRE ANYWHERE • • -*24 Hour Service -- Dashwood. Tel. 70W Vr. '*****4'!'e'O.A*0***.0.408.*...®...A®M.®®®..***0*®.*®00 T IEL'S Su nor Store Fr zen Food.s Bird's Eye Frosted Fords FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE 'PROM - 'VEGETABLES - FISH, - ETC. SEE OUR GROCERY SPECIALS T. Visit our Large Grocery Department and take 'advantage of tie Various Specials on Sale from time to trnie. Waley Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and LET US SERVE YOU I Greens. ... „.rre,-„..,.,,;tion. ,...,.-.n.—...,. Phone 140 C. ,FL THIEL - Zurich Lyric Theat Phone 421 - EXE. ry •1707AS'Y/ Friday, Saturday Jan. 22431 Kansas Pacific 'Sterling Hayden (Eve Miller A pioneer railway story with action and plenty of thrills. Monday, Tuesday J'an The : Star Bette Davis Sterling Heyiden Reminiscent of a Star is Boit' story of an agingstar who lost popularity and wealth and tries perately to stage a comebaac' . ,,, Wednesday, Thursday Jan Invasion U. • S. A. Gerald Mohr. Peggy Castle „ and on the same prograrxi”. • BRIGHT ROAD Dorothy Dandridge •nor Hay ,Council ax>.: on- Monday ev- ng, in the intol its of the Tele - one system Had Annual M, etine The annual meeting of St. Peter's therm 'church Was held on Tuesday ening, it being started off with a gregatioonal supper of which a odly number ;attended. The con- egation hada very good and pros- rous year both financially as well spiritually.. All the organizations ar •the church made good ;progress d have nice surpluses on hand to art the new year. The Pastor, Rev. • W. Heimrich presided at the pub- o meeting and the officials whose eun of office had expired, we're re- ected sfdr another term. NOTICE ANNUAL MEETIN OF 'THE Zurich Agricultural So"cif Will be held in the Town :Hall, Zurur ,Qn FRIDAY, JANUARY 29 At .Two o'clock, pm �,, Business Receiving FSnan4, `l:_ port, Election od Offices, l PIease be present. at this meet and boost for the welfare ;.of, Society. Theo. .Steilibach;` President. E. F. Klapp, Secy-Treas. Hockey News Zurich Flyers Stop Byron 'Last Wednesday evening, January 3, on the Zurich ice the Zurich Fly - :ars banded Byron their 18th straight 'defeat by winning 8-6 in a Cyclone eague game here. Doug O'Brien, ;Boger Fortier and Joe Masonville 'collected two each to lead Zurich' ;scorers, while Junior Barash and Don Hesse tallied singles. Johnston bag- ged two for Byron while Henry,Dean Darling and Lacher scored' for the visitors. There was a fairly good at- tendance; the ice being good and an interesting game was witnessed. 5 penalties were ]landed out„ one in the first period! and •four in the second. Barash: Sparks: Zurich Victory Zurich edged. Hens;Ii 5-4 in a nip and tuck ganne,.• .cyclone •Group fix- -hire on Zerich ice en Friday night last with a very lavage attendance of enthusiastic fate from near and far. Barash wits. .two !goals and an es- ,'sist, paced the winners on the attach. ',IAMf.i; iY tr•' eseored•.ib. ;,,. , < . _ ., he ,u'4h�e�'tt•;vo goai3 were y In loving memory of • a da Yunlblut in the first and Fortier in Mother, Mrs. Samuel McBride, who the third. There, were 12 penalties, passed away January 20th, 1940.` and the referee was kept quite busy 'Your ipreserrce is ewer near me ,and things straightened out, and thumbing the prayers to the cooler. Tonight, Wednesday the locals play the Exeter team,:,: iie)i game, owh g to the mildness of tile;: weather, will likely be played at Exete:r'' arena. Lions Club News Your love remains with me yet You were the kind of a mother Your roved I noes would never forget. —Eiver'reniembered by her daughter Reta . : Farm Forum The regular Farni Forum mreeting :was held at the bailie of Mr and Mrs' Delbert. Geiger with 28 anembers'and visitors present. The topic for the evening was ``The Farm Price Trend' Mr. Delbert Geiger. introduced -Mr. Gerald Montgomery, Agric. Repre- sentative ` of - Huron County:,,wh.o ad- dressed tate n'group. He expressed the ideas that we could cut product-. ion cost by increasing the 'caryimg capacity of, pasture for livestock by increasing the fertility of the soil 'by using the free soil testing service. Also by the use of the good seed =br pasture and gra+itr. Before the grOtie went into discussion we watched Rey Jewel's prb.graln on television The next meeting will be held at Mrs.. s. Roland Geiger's with Mr, Cliff Pep- per leading the -discussion on "Stop, Look and Listen." .-Mrs. Bert Iclopp led the recreational period. "The Qteen," closed the ,program. The Voice of Temperance • At the local Club supper meeting m the Dominion House ,aMonday ev- ening a fair attendance was present. A motion by. the. Di/netters' meeting appointing Lee Willerb in place of Earl Thiel for athietine vr..s adopted. January is themonth for new mean- bers, and the Club was askea to look Around for any one: interested to be- come a Lion.. Thenrdrtutes of the last meeting were read by Secy., George Deichert,. and 22 buttons were pres- ented at that meeting to members who had perfect. attendance during the year:. The guest sj.aeakes, Rev. Mr. Renner et Bayfield was introd- uced by Eton. Russell Grainger, who gave a very interesting an helpful address on Competition vs. Co-oper- ation: Tile' speaker said he feels somewhat like a Daniel of old being thrust in a, den: of Bone, but these he was• with were very harmless. There are two' contrasting rorces banded and annexed together for each of these. classes. Competition 'sterns, back to the days of the cave- man, when he had to protect his ex- istence against eneiny forces, and it make eententian, gt.arrels and even— tually wars. :Human being have netn learned to work together for good;. At schael we learn to try to 'Seat the. ether fellow in classes and anhet ;cs.. A11 sports are primarily competition,. beat the other fellow is the object. in ,business; if we undersell our coati petttior we gain thee trade but less a reRso? able profit on our g,+aods., Neinin 2,000 years ago .a Galaljeen carpenter advocated ro. pea atj•om,, not 60211maa1.1 Single Copies 5 Cents. Subscription in Canada, $2.00 a Yellen Subscription U.S.A., Year $2,50, NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH • Prop. RAG RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made to Order — Seth 0, Amann, Zuric „ Ont. Phone 128. Morning ose A SMART NEW PATTERN 11V DINNERWARE 66 PIECES. SERVICE FOR 8 ONLY $47.50 SEE IT IN OUR WINDOW SEVERAL NEW BREAKFAST 32 AND 38 PIECE SETS $9.95 A. G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician 1,lue.c INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LORNE S. EILER, LOCKER SERVICE - - ROE FEEDS WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 -- HENSALLv JNit„ easessia•••edsees se easee• ••••®•saps • • • tot$ frit • • 3 0Anal 0 tit Licensed Embalmer anti Funeral Director ector Private Car 'Ambul'ance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent WERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Huron ,County is one of the largest "dry" areas in Ontario. We of Huron' would do well occasionally to recall the story of the long struggle against. drink that , ogle fathers and grand, fathers fought for nearly half a cen- tum'. Hullett Township adopted Local Option in 1905, one of the first muni cipalities in the Province to do eceBy 1913 3 townships, 2 villages and, 3 towns. in Huron remained in th+a `wet" • column; dun to 1914the The CanYpereent ada'1`elii- liand'icap. tperance Act was carried with a ma- jority ne- coin retition, Which during that tat e allof u,l is This set wiped out hue created a world cif neighbourhood all legal outlets for the sale Stand i Aleut net of brotherhood, All eliir;sses In Our urony. ed strongly lii'.Lh incl, in anded themselves'together TWO their 1924 Huron voted strong Iy in favour l objectives, churches, lodges, acid ser- Telephone: ..aag Day and Night S' e Res. 89 -• or 122, Zurich • • •• • •••••a••a••••••m.••o••••*as•••••••••oa••••••p••ms a ZEJRICWS Grocery Store 1 t I of The Ontario Temperance Act,' In the latter year, 'when Ontario voted to retain the O:I".A, by a majority of 34,051, Mere bran one third 'of this came from Huron, to be exact 1,1,+945. The Courto have frequently compli- mented our 'Cognty on its compare - ()vie fry eedorte t!roni crime. That Is not surprising, The more freely liquor flows, the busier are 'the Courts. «'.6% of all. criminal rases in my court involved drink" declared n Judge of thirty nears' e::perienc ,'Let us in Huron hold fast to wee proud position, v'. temperate atittty. 1 vice Clubs are .el'osest to cooperation. In the eitiee .meny new targe enue- ches are bercra; built not to eo-operate oee with another, but rather in com- petition, The Lions code of Ethics; is basad on, the Ten Commandments of old. The speaker pleaded 'vit f the. Lions to attend the church of their choice and `they will be all. the Setter for it, Rev. Renner was than- ked for his fine address by Won Ivan Yt.ntolut. A draw was t.ben taken for a picnic ham, which tam won by ,''re visitor, John Robi;tEni of the Go - ;;hen lienorth, a sFn Fa We -"ye ever at your service with the best lines, obtainable of FRESH, GROCERIES ARI Fresh Vegetables,. Fruits in Season as well, a Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE. US A CALL , 1Xrai.OIESC W2 Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone o 65 • 'th"y'F' MEN'S Coli. Weather Needs FELT SHOES AND RUBBER OVERSHOES ALSO MEN'S LINED, SMOCKS SPECIAL PRICES TO CLEAR MEN'S CASHMERE OVERSHOES . GIVE YOUR LAYING FLOCKS THE VERY BEST! BIG - THREE MASH and PELLETTS ,Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl rol in BLAKE srr i , .41, E. Schwartzentruber, Prop, Phone 11-97 'PPAINIESIVIIIMPIPIPOPKIMPROVIVPORP7lBTit r,