HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1959-12-16, Page 7WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1959 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE SEVEN USED SKATES 35 Pair of Boys and Girls Skates—To Sell or Trade All Repaired, Sharpened, Reidy To Go EXPERT SHOE AND RUBBER REPAIRING BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS—For The Whole Family 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE GIVE US A CALL PFILE'S SHOE STORE PHONE 29W — DASHWOOD 50-1-b Tiernan's Hardware • Plumbing I • Heating • Electrical Work • Oil Burner Service SALES and SERVICE COAL and CEMENT PHONE 8 . DASHWOOD 17-tfb Buy Christmas Seals and Fight Tuberculosis — Still an Enemy Although tremendous strides have been made in the tuberculosis field over the past ten years, it is important for all to realize that it is still a major health program, warns Hon. M. 13. Dymond, M.D., Minister of Health, For the first nine months of this year, there were 118 deaths from tuberculosis in Ontario. More dramatically, this indicates that one person dies from tuberculosis every second day; in fact, one new case of tuberculosis develops every five hours. In 1957, more people died from this disease than from all other infectious diseases ... excluding influenza. Although the force of tubercul- osis has been diminished as a le- thal enemy of mankind, says Dr. Dymond, it is a long destructive illness, which undermines the so - k<` 1 If you want AP to please a "handy" Iran • • • Disston Hand Saws -8 pt. $10.85 Vise Grip Pliers, 10" size $ 3.95 0 ,Handyman Plane $ 7.95 0" Handyman Chisel Sets -4 sizes $ 9.65 4 - Black & Decker 61/2 " Utility Saw $49.95 Bernz-o-Matic Torch Kit $ 13.98 Stanley Bit Brace $ 9.95 0 0 FOR THE BOYS .. . HOCKEY SKATES, HOCKEY STICKS HOCKEY EQUIPMENT TOYS FOR THE CHH-DREN! St de & Weido Hardware 1 "Plumbing — Heating -- Tinsmithing" PHONE 92 -- ZURICH clal and economic structure. It is always a struggle to save people from untimely •deaths, hut, if we are to prevent these deaths, the disease itself must be fought. There will come a time, I am sure, when tuberculosis will have been banished from the earth. There will be a time when young couple can bring their children into this world with no fear of their being exposed to this fright- ening disease. Great efforts towards this end are already being made by the County and District Tuberculosis Associations throughout the Pro- vince. Your purchase of Christmas Seels indirectly support their mass chest X-ray surveys and tuber- culin programs. Your local asso- ciation deserves your wholeheart- ed support, he concluded. GET A NEW FURNACE FOR $475. You don't have to put up with that old furnace all for only 5 hours. Oil, Gas, and . Coal and Wood winter. Install a new one now and be without heat Models. A standard installation for 6 -room bunga- low only $475 completely installed. Pay for it on your fuel bill. Gingerich's SALES & SERVICE ®® a Free Estimates PHONE 34 =Maui eamitiMINIMMINIM WE STRAIGHTEN ®Eta OUT FAST! SA .+ruu maw"' is FIRST AID TO BATTERED CARS! Have you rust spots and bruises on your car? Give your auto a new lease -on -looks with our expert paint job. What a fabulous difference it makes! The Cost? Less Than You Think. Very Fast Service, Too! DESJARDINE AUTO SUPPLY PHONE 38 — ZURICH "PROMPT REPAIR SERVICE TO ALL MAKES OF CARS" GRANNIE TURI.HEIM'S « Fecipe Box » CHRISTMAS CAKE (Mrs. Joe Swartz) % ib. powdered sugar 1/2 lb. butter 1/2 lb. flour (2 cups) 6 eggs % pint wine 1/2 pint brandy 11/2 teaspoons mace 1% teaspoons cinnamon 11/z teaspoons nutmeg 1 lb. raisins 1 Ib. currants 1/4 lb. each of orange, lemon and citron peel 1/4. lb. each of candied pine- apple, cherries & rhubarb 1/2 1b. dates 1/2 lb. figs 1 lb. nut meats Steep spices in wine and brandy overnight. Grease large angel food pan and line with paper, which should also be greased. Bake in a slow oven for two hours. (This cake has taken many prizes). * * * UNBAKED CHRISTMAS GOODIES (Mrs. J. Turkheim) Into a buttered saucepan put: 1 cup brown sugar 1 egg (slightly beaten) 1/2 cup fine cocoanut 1/ cup chopped nuts 1/z cup cut maraschino cherries 1 cup chopped dates 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon almond flavoring 2 teaspoons juice of maras- chino cherries. Cook this over low heat until it thickens. Cool mixture, then form into balls and roll in fine cocoanut or in finely crushed peanuts. Keep in refrigerator. * * * CRANBERRY BREAD (Mrs. Joe Swartz) Sift together: 2 cups flour 1/ teaspoon salt 1% teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon soda 1 cup sugar Grate rind of 1 orange, put juice of orange and 2 tablespoons Cris- co in cup, add enough hot water to make cup. Add: 1 beaten egg 1 cup cut cranberries 1 cup chopped nuts Mix all together. do not overmix. Bake in greased loaf pan for about 1 hour at 325°. When cool, wrap in saran wrap and store in refrigerator, where it will keep well for weeks. Brien s Plumbing Heating and Tinsmithing Phone 156 --- Zurich DAD'S COOKIES (Mrs. Emma. Schilbe) % cup butter 1/2 cup lard 2 cups brown sugar 1 cup cocoanut 2 cups flour 2 cups oatmeal 1/2 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt Mix above ingredients as for pie dough, then add: 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 eggs Mix well. Roll into balls, the size of a walnut, put on baking sheet and pat down. Bake at 350°. CHRISTMAS SNOWBALLS 1 cup butter 1/ cup fruit sugar 1/ teaspoon vanilla 1a/4 cups flour (all purpose) 1/s cup chopped nuts Beat butter until creamy, add sugar gradually and continue beating until mixture is light and fluffy. Then add vanilla, flour and nuts and mix well. Shape dough into small balls and place on un - greased baking sheet. (If dough is too sticky to handle, chill in refrigerator for a few hours be- fore shaping it into balls). Bake in 350° oven for about 20 minutes. Remove from cookie sheet and cool on wire cake rack. As soon as cookies are cool, roll each in icing sugar. From the outside, the distinctive styling tells you this is all Buick. Inside, a new feeling of quality explains why this is Buick's A11 -Time Best. And for the • engineering -minded, the craftsmanship that is apparent in even minor details, gives a new meaning to pride of ownership. Check the features illustrated here. Then see your dealer for the complete story. `tea ... Md it's AIR-FLO ALUMINUM BRAKE DRUMS upfront are finned to allow a continual flow of air to pass over hot drum surface. TURBINE DRIVE TRANSMISSION ...no gears –just turbine bladesthatadjust automatically. S BUICK EL2cTRA 4 -Door Hardtop timebest! COIL SPRINGS at each wheel retain their elasticity for the life of your Buick. WILDCAT ENGINES with hard wearing, light weight alloys, provide a new efficiency and performance. ewe MIRROMAGIC INSTRUMENT PANEL gives you instrumentreadings through an adjust- able tilted mirror. BODY BY FISHER means craftsmanship that makes the 1960 Buick's All -Time Best. BOX GIRDER "K" FRAME gives you unmatched security and protection. THE TURBINE DRIVE ELJIUtL 60 PEARSON MOTORS LIMITED, LURIUI, ONTARi A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE For the best in drama see "General Motors Presents" weekly. Check local TV listing for time and channel WOW Charlie bought A Christmas tree That was dry As it could be! He didn't put The trunk in wafer— He didn't even Know he ought 'er! He didn't check The lights before He strung them round The free—the door! On Christmas Eve, While smoking, he Set fire to the Christmas free! He burned it And his residence, ce , And lost his chance For Christmas presents .. . 'Cause Santa couldn't End his trip— Fire had ruined His landing strip! Christmastime brings extra fire hazards! Remember to take extra precautions. Best wishes for a happy accident -free holiday! CIA CO.OP;ERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION OFFICES IN BELLEVILLE, GUELPH, HAMILTON, LONDON,OTTAWA, OWEN SOUND, PORT ARTHUR, SARNIA, SAULT STE. MARIE, TORONTO AND WINDSOR