HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1959-12-09, Page 2PAGE TWO ZURICH cit vn4 'NEWS PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING at ZURICH, ONT., for the Village of Zurich, Hay Township, and the Southern Part •f Stanley Township, in Huron County. A, L.;;�,� ' QUHOUN HERB TURKHEIM her Business Manager PRINTE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, CLINTON, ONT. Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Member: CANADIAN WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION Member: ONTARIO WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION Subscription Rates: $2.50 per year in advance, in Canada; $3.50 in United States and Foreign; single copies, 5 cents. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1959 IT'S YOUR SHOW N EXT MONDAY NIGHT is the nomination meeting for the Village of Zurich, at which time candidates will be selected for the position of reeve ancI four councillors for the newly incorp- orated municipality. It will be the first time in history that Zurich has ever nominated a candidate to represent them at the Huron County Council. We hope there will be a good turnout at the meeting, and the people will choose candidates for their council whom they might be proud of. After men have been elected to office is no time to start complaining about the job they are doing. If you don't approve of the way the trustees have been conducting vil- lage affairs, the nomination meeting is the place to voice your opinion. There is one thing we don't approve of, and that is to hear people complaining about the public officials they have selected to represent them, after they have been appointed. If you are not satisfied, Monday night is the time to speak up. Remember, nomination meetings are your show, and only amount to what you make them. ZURICH BECOMES INCORPORATED VILLAGE (An Editorial in The Huron Expositor, December 4, 1959) CONGRATULATIONS to the people of Zurich who on Jan- uary 1 will become residents of the incorporated Village of Zurich. At that time the community becomes separated from the Township of Hay and will be erected into a village. Since its founding, Zurich has had an identity of its own which has been recognized over a wide area and enhanced through the years as a result of contributions its citizens have made in many .spheres. In the world of sport, particularly, the name Zurich has been a byword. While it has made an enviable name for itself in the past, the community at the same time has been a part of Hay Town- ship. The present move will now permit it to act on its own in municipal matters without reference to the township. That it is well able to handle its own affairs was recognized by representatives of the Ontario Municipal Board, who met in Zurich recently to consider the application for incorporation. The board, learning of the high standard of municipal service provided the citizens and recognizing that there was no outstanding indebtedness, praised the trustee board for its efficient adminstra- tion. Commenting on the proceedings to incorporate, the Zurich Citizens News emphasized the co-operation that has existed be- tween the township and the village during preliminary discussions, and the broad support that existed among residents for incorpora- tion. With such a background of agreement, the incorporation may well be the foundation for a• greater Zurich. Certainly every good wish for the future is extended to the people in their new status as ictizens of an incorporated village. MOST PRESSING NEED THE CONTINUING slump in the number of new immigrants entering Canada is nothing to cheer about, On the contrary, it should be causing us the greatest concern. Last year's total number of 125,000 was bad enough, repre- senting as it did a decline of no less than 160,000 from the (admittedly exceptional) level of 1957, but it is already apparent that we,have done even worse in 1959. We shall be lucky, indeed, iwe end the year having taken in as many as 105,000 newcomers. Such a figure will be the poorest in a long time and, since we lose an estiarnted 40,000 persons each year to the United States and other countries, means a net gain of immigrants over emi- grants of hardly 65,000. The quick answere to this disturbing situation, of course, is that we have only in recent months emerged from a brief epriod of recession and Iarger-than-usual unemployment in which it was clearly desirable to put the brake on immigration. But what- ever validity this argument may have had in 1958, it had none in 1959. In any case, the underlying assumption that immigrants will seriously worsen unemployment has been disproved time and again. An unemployed Canadian can be forgiven for thinking that the more immigrants there are, the less likely he is to get a job, but in actual fact the exact opposite is true. For the most part, immigrants cause new job opportunities to be created by stimulating demand and increasing national wealth. (Industry) HARMONY • HARMONY . . . a word of hope. Harmony in music brings inner warmth, a feeling of good order and a sense of well-being. Discord results from a lack of clear thinking, ill -chosen com- panion notes and the superficial use of rules. Life is similar to music. Our thoughts, our companionships, When so much discord seems evident among the nations of our rules of Iiving—bring harmon yor discord. the world, Christmas brings a renewed challenge and an opportun- ity to replace discord with harmony in the hearts of all people. For the .angels sang on that first Christmas, "Peace on earth, good will toward men." The words of an old Christmas proverb seem more significant today than ever before: "If there is righteousness in the heart there will be beauty in the character. If there is beauty in the character there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation there will be peace in the world." (Canada Trust Bulletin) Tiemdn's Hrdware Plumbing Heating 0 Electrical Work Oil Burner Service SALES and SERVICE COAL and CEMENT PHONE 8 DASHWOOD 7-tfb ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1959 40 YEARS AGO DECEMBER 1919 W. H. Pfile, of the 14th conces- sion, was recently appointed as agent for the Willys Overland Mo- tor Company. O. Dart, who has assisted Mr. P. Bender with the cobbling busi- ness, returned to his home in Cal- gary, Alberta. The Ladies Aid of the Evangeli- cal Church shipped this week to the poor in New Ontario a large box of useful clothing, bedding, etc. Municipal clerks have been noti- fied by the Provincial Department that a new system of registering births, marriages and deaths will be inaugurated at the beginning of the new year. Melick and Braun have installed a pipeless Hecla furnace in the residence of Mr. Louis Weber. They are also installing one for W. C. Wagner. Fairly good sleighing was spoil- ed by the thaw on Tuesday, but since then it has turned decidedly cold. A test was recently made for three daysby a local farmer to find out which was more profit- able to use, a cream separator or the old system of . milk pans. The result was a profit of $2.40 more with the separator system. On Wednesday night of last week fire destroyed the dwelling house of Mr. James Boyce, in St- anley Township. 25 YEARS AGO DECEMBER 1934 Mrs. Rev. E. Burn, who spent a pleasant few weeks visiting her children in New York city, has re- turned home and had a splendid time. William Jarrot, Hillsgreen, en- tertained the members of the Hay council to a supper last Friday evening, and needless to say they had a real good time. Mr. Jarrot, who happens to be the mayor of his town; gave the boys the key to his city, and let them do as they please. The police trustees of the vill- age interviewed the council of the Township of Hay at their meeting on Monday night, on the matter of forming a fire area surrounding this village. , On Monday was a big nbit day for the Zurich hunters, when they journeyed to Crediton and shot 180 rabbits. David Fuss and Leroy O'Brien were high men, each having shot 11. While passing the hotel in Zu- rich the other day, a horse driven by Colin Hudson fell on the road and before it could be released it kicked itself clear, breaking the shafts aivd damaging the buggy. Miss Ethel Hess is visiting with her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) L, Kalb- fleisch, hi Elmira. A hole was blown out in the boiler at Geiger and Son's flax mill in Hensall, but no one was seriously hurt. OIC',, YEARS GO - CO 0 BY A a E 15 YEARS AGO SUGAR and SPICE DECEMBER 1944 Members of the Exeter Lions. Clulb enjoyed a banquet in the Dominion Hotel, Zurich, last Thursday evening. The various beekeepers of Zu- rich district are attending the An- nual Convention at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto, this week. The local farm forums are be- ing asked to discuss the matter of -a skating rink in Zurich, and re- port their findings. The most feasible suggestion is the using of one of the large church sheds, as neither one is being used to any great extent. Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Kalb- fleisch and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston motored to Toronto last Monday, on business. While Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Geoffrey were on their way to Windsor from Zurich last week, Mrs. Geoffrey had the misfortune to injure her ankle in London, She was given medical aid before go- ing on to Windsor. William McAdams, who has been employed at the Howard Klopp service station in Zurich, has severed his connections with that firm, and has purchased the milk delivery business in Hensel]. Warden Fred Watson, reeve of Stanley Township, played host to over 100 the other night, when the annual warden's banquet was held in Goderich. Mrs. Gordon H. Johnston and daughter returned to their home in Thornloe, 10 YEARS AGO DECEMBER 1949 A delicious turkey dinner was enjoyed last Friday evening at the newly opened Monetta Men- ard's dining room in Exeter, when the children of Mr. Charles Fritz celebrated their father's 81st birthday. The arena is practically all closed in now, and it takes men of determination to be up on the roof putting on the metal in dile weather. Ronald Raine, Delaware, enjoy- ed the weekend with his friend, Donald Oke, in Zurich. The Unique Farm Forum • met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Merrier ter discuss the topic, "As others see us."` Quite a number of Stanley resi- dents attended the Federation of Agriculture banquet in Varna Hall last Thursday evening. Donald Gainer, Dashwood, is in a London hospital, where he is undergoing treatment. Robert Hoperoft, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoperoft, Dash- wood, was successful in running for a member of council in the Town of Port Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gerom- ette, of the Goshen Line, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ducharme, on the Bluewater Highway. Increased Egg Production Will Lower Prices for Producer, Warns Fieldman (By Jr. Carl Hemingway) The price of eggs has been a return to the very lively topic of discussion for as 15 cents. the last few weeks. About the end of October eggs were quoted up to 49 cents. They dropped to as low of 23 cents in November and are now about 30 cents. Last week a salesman for a hatchery called at my home and proceeded to tell me what a good price eggs wiuld be next summer and fall and urged that I order day-old pullets now to take ad- vantage of the scarcity. He show- ed me that the number of eggs going into incubators for egg pro- duction was tdown over 37 percent. Let's look at some facts: The production of eggs in Canada is now established for the next eight months. Apparently we can look for reduced production after that time but can we be sure? If this salesman is successful in persuad- ing present egg producers to con- tinue at the present level and should happen to sell layers to even a few broiler producers who have empty broiler houses then the production will be just as large next summer and fall as it has been this year. In this ease the price will not be attractive. Rather than encouraging pro- ducers to load up it would seem 'to me that a cut of about five percent by everyone would ensure sufficient production for our mar- ket and probably return a fairly reasonable return. Apparently it was the imports from the United States and the threat of further imports that dropped the price to 30 cents in November so we cannot expect high prices regardless of our re- duction in production. I have been told that the export market will return about 25 cents Grade A large to the producers fora reasonable quantity. If there are too many to sell as shell eggs and we are forced to break and sell melange this portion could producer as little The other factor is the price of feed. In the past year and one half oats have risen from 67 cents to a high of 81 cents per bushel on the Winnipeg stock exchange. Oats on the Chicago market are quoted at 66 cents. How much can Canadian oats rise before im- ports of grain are possible from the U.S.? I don't propose to offer the an- swers to these problems but would give a word of warning that what might be a good decision for you to make as an individual might be a bad one if your neighbours all make the same decision. 0 Counter Cheek Books at The Citizens News ROCK of AGES AND EVENTID-E MEMORI LS INQUIRIES ARE INVITED T. PRYDE and SON EXETER Clinton Pone 41 IBJ 2-6606 ea.forth 573 (By W. (Bill) B. T. Smiley) I'm getting a bit weary of hear- ing -- people say they're sick of Christmas. It's becoming fashion- able' to emit such sentiments as: "It'sso darn commercialized" or "Christmas is just a big pain in the neck" or "I don't enjoy Christ- mas any more, I'm absolutely worn out", * * :4' Piffle and poppycock. It's not Christmas that is commercialized, it's our society. Don't bet there won't be a sharpie out there sell- ing souvenir buttons or cold drinks on the day of the Second Coming. • It's not Christmas that's a big pain in the neck. It's some of the so-called Christians who celebrate it—worrying, complaining, grab- bing, sweating, pushing, whining— in a perfect frenzy of self-interest as the glorious day approaches. r• r * For myself, I find Christmas, and the weeks approaching it, a demanding but exhilarating ex- perience. Each Christmas season -around our house, presents a chal- lenge that brings out the best in me. And don't anybody, please, say the best is none too good. * '4: * Reason is that each year, just about the time other people are beginning to wrap gifts or ad- dress Christmas cards, we're plunging into The Project. Most people do their major overhauls in the spring. For some reason, we get into the most stupendous domestic upheavals just before the festive season each year. It's not my doing.• The old house looks pretty good -to me. But the Chief Engineer goes into some sort of frenzy about the first of Decem- ber, every year, and we're for it. * * One year, it was a new sink in the bathroom. By the time we were through, we had a complete new bathroom, and a bill for over $500. Another year she decided we'd sand all the floors, and we still have humps and hollows in the hardwood to show for it. Still 'another Christmas, we got into the painting, and when the family would meet at meal -time, it look- ed like a war -gathering of Apach- es. 4: a: 4, During these periods, living with the old Trouble 'n Strife is like living with a cobra nursing a hangover. That's why I look on the annual Project as a challenge. It'sa sort of combination between Custer's Last Stand and the ilharge of the Light Brigade, in domestic -terns. * * * And when the toilet lid finally goes down without squeaking, when the last snarl of the sander fades, or when the last spatter of paint is being turpentined off, I know that Christmas, and peace on earth, and goodwill toward the kids and me, are practically upon us. This year, moved by who knows what obscure feminine balkiness, she crossed me up and went on a painting and cleaning jag in Oct- ober, two months ahead of sched- ule, and there we were, facing December with nothing to do but get ready for Christmas, like nor- mal people. * The thought of it completely un- nerved me, and I knew she'd be upset by all the peace and quiet in the weeks before Christmas. So, I decided to build a chimney. I'm happy to say it worked. We've been in a normal state of alarm feels it's more like old times. warfare, for weeks, and everybody and confusion, chaos and open 4:* * I had quite a time getting a man to build it. Finally found the right fellow, but he was en anoth- er job this week and he had to go deer hunting next week. Then he needed a few days to get organiz- ed after the hunt. By this time there's a foot of snow on the ground, and the chimney experts, who suddenly seem to make up half the population, are telling me nobody but a dam' fool would build a chimney in that kind of weather. * * * Then the mason said he could- n't work with wet bricks, and it was raining or snowing every day. I'll bet we're the only people in the country who entered Decem- ber with a pile of bricks, about the size • of Buckingham Palace, sitting in the laundry room dry- ing out. Between the men coining in to get water for their mortar, and the dog coming in to get dry (that's where he sleeps), and that mausoleum of bricks confronting her every morning, the Old Girl was about ready to have herself bricked off into a quiet cavity in the cellar or someplace. * a+ :k However, the Project cleared the air, as they always do. We have the longest chimney this side of Pittsburgh. That makes hr , :..., 0000_ h he h three .:,rtrrineya G�, t,_. 913S@, an I hope Santa Claus doesxl't get into the wrong one. One chimney will drop him right into the bath- room. And if he jumps into my new one, he'll drop like a stone about 50 feet and into the furnace, and that will be the end of Father Christmas. Business and Professional Directory AUCTIONEERS DENTISTS ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service that Satisfies" Phone 119 Dashwood INSURANCE For Safety EVERY FARMER NEEDS Liability Insurance For Information About All Insurances --Call BERT KLOPP Phone 93r1 or 220 Zurich Representing CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION HURON and ERIE DEBENTURES CANADA TRUST CER,T!FiCATES 6% — 1 to 3 Years 53/4% a— 4 to 5q(/�Yllears /� J. O � . HAp�IYIERER Authorized Representative Phone 161 -- Zurich LEGAL W. G. Cochrane, B.A. BARRISTER and SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Hensel! Office Open Wednesday and Friday -Afternoons EXETER PHONE 14 DELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTEZS. SOLICITORS NOTARIES PUBLIC ELME ER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V. L UGHTal\t, LLB, Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoon EXETER VTR Phone 4 DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoon Phone Exeter 36 DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON 814 Main Street South Phone 273 -- Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons DOCTORS Dr. A. W. KLAHSEN Physician and Surgeon OFFICE HOURS; 2 p.m. -5 p.m. Monday -Saturday Except Wednesday 7 p.m. -9 p.m. Monday and Friday Evenings ZURICH Phone 51 G. A. WEBB, D.C.* 'Doctor of Chiropractic 438 MAIN STREET, EXETER X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each 'Weekday Except Wednesday Tues. and Thurs. Evenings, 7-9 For Appointment -- Phone 606 FUNERAL DIRECTORS WESTLAKE Funeral Home AMBULANCE and PORTABLE OXYGEN SERVICE Phone 89J or 89W ZURICH HOFFMAN'S Funeral & Ambulance Service OXYGEN EQUIPPED Ambulances located at Dashwood Phone 70w Grand Bend—Phone 20w Attendants Holders of St. John's Ambulance Certificates OPTOMETRY J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST 8EAFORTH: Daily except Monday Phone 791 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Wednesday. 9 a.M. to 12 noon. 4LiNTON: Monday Oniy Phone HU 2.7010 Thursday evening by a»pointment