Zurich Citizens News, 1959-12-02, Page 6PHONE 59 — ZURICH "Your Christmas Store" sfPYrmrler 'r Y17M&iry, i ts'X39ai-Pr 4`16et'r3iD011461147 ' 'k t i Fk17 i3b7 t r We Have GIFTS for EVERY MEMBER of the FAMILY! FOR HER DUSTERS and DRESSING GOWNS n in Nylon and Ray -Vella (the wonder fabric that wears and washes beautifully) — Priced from $6,50 to $10.95. LINGERIE—Slips in Kaybar, Cotton, Crepe & Nylon, $1.98 to $3.98 GOWNS & PYJAMAS—Flannelette, Cotton, Nylon, Rayon — from $1.98 to $4.75. NYLON HOSE—in gift boxes, three pair to a box, 60 gauge, 15 denier, sizes 9 to 11 .... $2.25 LOUSES --Fancy Cottons, Frilly Nylons, Terylene and Crepe, sizes 32 to 44 .. . $2.98 to $4.98 FOR HIM CURRIE MATCHED SETS—Tie and Hank. Only $2.50 set SOCKS and TIES . _ . .. from $1.00 up SPORT SHIRTS — DRESS SHIRTS — wide assortment of sizes and styles. Priced from $3,50 up BILLFOLDS, BELTS, CUFF LINK SETS, SWEATERS, JACKETS, Etc. FOR THE HOME Flannelette, Nylon and Viscose, Wool Blankets, Spreads, Scatter Mats, Bath Mat Sets, Bath Towels; Rayon, Linen and Lace Tablecloths; Tea Towels, Fancy Linens, Tea Pots, Glass Beverage Sets. VIiSiT YOUR FRIENDLY CHRISTMAS STORE FOR A LARGE VARIETY OF ITEMS AT POPULAR PRICES BrXA,.tYrtr7J:YDGLN7JCUP2:1 mregotzi P f -v gtrw-tiveAvatemtvve..a41we SANTA CLAUS SUITS We now have two Santa Claus Suits for rent; Red Corduroy with all the trimmings; make reser- vations now for home, school, church, service club, etc. a�n r ; � r2r2r�t f 7srlta tl�tD'rWMr 'iDMIRa c' Gctscho Bros. PAGE EIGHT PERSOALS Mrs. Leroy Thiel is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Cavin ]','inions and sisters, Miss Ethel, motored to Goderich, one day last week. Earl Thiel, who has been a pat- ient at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, has returned home. Mrs. Anne Turkheim has re- turned home after being a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. R, J. Kalbfleisch, Detroit, spent several days last week with rela- tives and friends in. Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. William Hess, Woodstock, were weekend visit- ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hess. dr Give "that BuLOVA difference l I M Ilttla as 4 a week Miss America Youth and beauty ere cap- tured with this 17 Jewel watch with beautifully matched expansion brace- let. ”8.78• Fine Selection of: —WATCHES —CLOCKS —COSTUME JEWELLERY —CHINA —ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES --BAROMETERS and BINOCULARS Miss Meda Surerus and Miss Jean McKaig, Toronto, were weekend visitors with relatives and friends in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Schultz and family, Brantford, were Sat- urday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mose Erb. Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Gemming and family, Rochester, spent with mem- bers nd ..� velVITte Thanksgiving of their family in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Soper and family, Straffordville, were week- end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gingerich. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Zehr and family were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Zehr. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Pulford and sons, London, were weekend visitors at the home of their par- •ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Haberer. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Witmer. Dei•rcit, were weekend visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Earl Thiel, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Meyer, Mount Pleasant, Mich., were visi- tors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Haberer. Robert Truss, and daughter. Jean, Vancouver. B.C., were visi- +nrq with their relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Thiel, of town. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoffman and son Harty, Dashwood. were "isitors at the home of Miss Anna Hess, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Grob an'd Mr. and Mrs. Newell Geiger sp- 'nt Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rowe, in Bolton. Robert Manson has left for Midland. where he will spend nme time with his uncle. W. P. Manson. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Erb. Mrs. Mary Manson and Mrs. Sol Gin- gerich attended the funeral of a relative, Mrs. Jake Meyer, at Kit- chener on Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. Don Oke were weekend visitors in Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. William O'Brien, Jr. While there they attended a meet - Ina of the Cystic Fibrosis Founda- tion. Miss Marion Yungblut, London Teachers' C.olleee, was a weekend visitor at the home of her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Yung - hint. Ed. Brenner and Mr. and Mrs. L. Cook. Kitchener. were Tues- day visitors at the home of their O Just a $1.00 purchase entitles Q you to a draw on a Ladies' or Gent's Automatic -wound Wrist Watch. 0 HESS the Jeweller ZURICH ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS mother, Mrs, Mary Brenner and daughter in Zurich. Miss Pearl Wurtz, who has been at Exeter for a few weeks, has returned to Zurich and is getting nicely settled in the apartment arranged for her in the former Fritz borne, now owned by Harold Zehr, Mrs. Adelbert Smith, Donald, Edward and Margaret were week- end visitors in. Blind River with Ralph and Gerald Smith, and their families. Returning home with thein was Donna Smith, who has spent some time in Blind Riv- er. Corporal and Mrs. Robert Fish- er and family, who have been in Germany for the past two years, have returned to Canada, and are visiting at the present time at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fisher. After 30 days leave Corporal Fisher will return to Camp Gagetown, N.B., where he will be stationed. Arnold Stinnisen, Seaforth, cal- led on Zurich friends one day last week. The Stinnisens were former residents of Zurich, moving to Goderich from here. Just recently they moved to Seaforth, where Mr. Stinnisen has been appointed as representative of the Sun Life Insurance Co. Mum Shower Held Here For Bride -Elect . A miscellaneous shower, in hon- our of Miss Joyce Fisher, bride. elect of this week, was held in the Lutheran church basement last Friday night, with a number of friends and relatives from the dis- trict present. Mrs, Earl Heywood, an aunt of the bride -elect, read a presenta- tion address, and gifts were pres- enteds Fisher byRuth Ann to Miss Fleischauer, Grant Heywood and Richard Fisher. The honoured guest was seated in a chair decor- ated in pink, white and blue. Misses Donna Fisher and Pat- ricia Heywood assisted the bride of this Saturday to open the many lovely gifts she received. MOVED TO ZURICH Mrs, A, C. Meidinger, formerly of Hensall, has moved into the small, cosy home recently purch- ased from Charles Thiel. AT LONDON HOSPITAL Adolph KailbfIeisch, who a week ago was taken to the South Hu- ron Hospital, Exeter, has since been removed to Victoria Hospi- taI, London, where he is taking treatment. 'frA +Its'.-.-rettt"��Ayi�'�hl�.0„G'n ]'iCw.i"q"cliA. �%:' ��titi�'.4�•=11'"4',H.t ^'+.ii VxS 'niaYllTCw*i%'c�>"..1•w .•R9f67/u! .f p 1, 6 ANNOUNCING the New .. . PARISH SUPPLY CENTRE Goshen Street North (Opposite Earl's Barber Shop) OFFERING RELIGIOUS GOODS FOR HOME AND PEW Bibles, Prayer Books, Missals, Rosaries, Crucifixes, Statues, Pictures, Christmas Cards, Religious Greetng Cards, Relig- ious Gifts suitable for Weddings, Anniversaries, First Com- munion, etc. PARISH SUPPLY CENTRE ---A non-profit organization set up under the patronage of the Catholic Women's League as a service and convenience for the people of the sur- rounding area. Hours: Saturday p.m. ---2.00 - 5.00 7.30 - 9.00 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER' 2', 195 Church Directory St. Peter's Lutheran Church Zurich Rev. W. P. FISCHER, B.A., Pastor Mrs. J. Turkheim, Organist SERVICES Sunday? Oeo, 6- 10,00 a,m,—Worship Service 11,00 a.m.—Sunday School WE WELCOME YOU Your Spectacles Broken? Don't Worry — Bring To A. G. HESS JEWELLER and OPTICIAN We can duplicate or repair it promptly. Why take it out of town. Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor—A. MARTIN Services Wednesday, Dec. 2- 8.00 p.m.—Prayer Fellowship; Series: "Rewards of the Christian" --Alvin Gingerich. Dec. 6-- Sunday, e . 7.30 a.nr---The Mennonite Hour, CHML. 10.00 a.m.—The Sunday School, 11.00; a.m.—The Worship Service You Are Invited Emmanuel Evangelical United Brethren Church "Rev. A. M. AMACHER, B,A., El.i)„,, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch. Organist Thursday, Dec. 3- 8.00 p.m.—WSWS and Ladies' Aid Meeting. Sunday, Dec. 6- 10.00 a.m,—Worship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School 7.30 p.m.—Evening Service You Are Welcome The Gospel according to you You are writing a Gospel A chapter each day. By the deeds that you do, By the words that you say. Men read what you write, Whether faithless or true. Say! What is the gospel According to you? Whether therefore ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. -1 Cor.10” 31. Zurich Mennonite Evangelism Committee f . .. :��.., ..-.� •r��-,; �-f*.. ,,;K. ..?5. ,,h. � rt.,. Iffg47.`..,r 04j i; r1-�-�e -' TASTY TREATS GOR A Aylmer F;.,nicy Cream tyle CORN 4 this 49c ler 111, his Thursday Friday Satur Aylmer TOMATO SOUP Save I 4 tans 39c THIS WEEK'S ASSORTED .� QUICK QUAKER OATS Ige, 3 lb. box 39c ay LIQUID JAVEX Large 32 oz. bottle 25c 1 Lb. Packages Special Feature: COOKIES 3 for 89c SIZE VA.LitTES1.. BACON RIND ON — SLICED lb. 49c By The Side --- ---- Ib. 47c FRESH GROUND HAMBURG 2 lbs. for 79c PEA-MEALED -- BONELESS COTTAGE ROLL FRESH PORK PICNICS Ib. 47c mrtmaan lb, 37c BANANAS SPECIAL 2 lbs. 33c HI KIDS SANTA'S COMING TO OUR STORE WITH A FREE GIFT FOR EACH CHILD. Friday Evening, Dec. 18 7.00 to 10.00 p.m. THIELS SUPERIOR Food Market A Good Place To Shop — Top Quality Groceries — Low Prices Every Day PHONE 140 ZURICH 7-0 .-W-`