Zurich Citizens News, 1959-11-25, Page 5W.L NESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1959 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE FIVE • ,100);:'Y sr'I:zr. "'MILL FI IT IN ui WANTADS'. 1 tr ff,. ; 0 'MASSIF/ED RATES: 25 words or less, 50c the first week, 35c for repeat advertisements. Lar- ger advs.: 2c a word the first week, then 1r/ac for repeats, Cards of Thanks, In Memor- iams, Engagements, same as above. Births, Marriages and Deaths, No charge. FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE GEORGE WHITE FARM Mach- inery, Ebersal hay and grain Ele- vators, Rotary Hog Feeders. Ap- ply to Amos Gingerich, Blake, phone Zurich 79r12. 30-tfx MINNEAPOLIS Farm Machinery, Twin Drulic Manure Loaders, Firestone tires. See us for a bet- ter deal. Emmerson Erb, phone 96r12, Zurich. 28-tfb FOR SALE SCOTCH PINE CHRISTMAS Trees. Russel Grainger, phone 60r3, Bayfield. 47x SIX SOWS - due soon. York and York X Landrace, also one Yorkshire registered boar. Apply to Walter Eckell, RR 1, Varna, phone Hensel]. 699 r 25. 47p SPRAYED APPLES, Macintosh, Snows, Russets, Delicious, Green- angs, Spies, Kings, etc. Apply to :Fred McClymont and Sons, phone Clinton HU 2-3214, oiie mile south of Varna. 39-40-1-2-3-p Two Apartment Houses Petting a 12% return For Sale Owing to the recent sudden death of my father, two apart- ment houses, one a 4 -unit, and the other a 7 -unit, within two blocks of downtown London, must be sold. Perfect investment for a retired farmer or business man. Terms can be arranged, no agents involy. ed. Contact: Jack J. Pearson I - . personally 'Phone 182 - Zurich i 45-b HELP WANTED WE HAVE an opening for one additional inseminator to work from our Huron County Branch at Clinton to begin early in 1960. Applicants will be interviewed :at our office in Clinton on Mon- day, December 7, at 1015 a.m. We would prefer if you would not apply before that date but appear Cattle Breeding Association in person at that time, Waterloo "Where Better Bulls are Used". 47-b :LIVESTOCK WANTED MISCELLANEOUS AUTOMOTIVE Glass - Steering - Body Repairs Lubrication, etc. For Quality Service, see DAVIDSON'S TEXACO SERVICE Phone 320, No. 8 Highway, Goderich 37tfb OLD HORSES WANTED AT 31/2c lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once. GILBER.T BROS. MINK RANCH, phone col- lect, Goderich, 1483J4 or 1483J1. WANTED TO FEED FILMS DEVELOPED, 8 exposure roll, double size 50c; 12 exposure roll, 70c. New film free if work unsatisfactory, Jiffy Photo, Box 222, Clinton, Ont. 39-tfb WANTED - CATTLE TO FEED, with hay and bean straw, have room for about 20 head. Apply to Eugene Ducharme, phone Zur- ich 73 r 10, after 6 p.m. 47-p FLOOR SANDING, PROMPT and efficient service; or rent our sanders and do it yourself. This is the time of year to have your floors refinished. Charles H. Thiel, phone 140, Zurich. 14-tfb FILTER QUEEN SALES AND service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Reconditioned cleaners for sale. Bob Peck, RR 1, Zurich. Phone Hensel!. 696r2. 18-20-22-24ttb 'WHITEWASHING -Anyone wish- ing to have their barns or hen- houses whitewashed, call Bill Wat- son, phone 37 r 19 Dashwood. Also grain or corn spraying. 21-tfb DRY CLEANING and LAUNDRY Service. Call Earl Oesch's Barber Shop. Pick-up and delivery every Monday and Thursday. Brady Cleansers and Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 22-tfb SEPTIC TANKS, Cesspools, etc., cleaned. Prompt service and rea- sonable rates. Del's Sewage Dis- posal Service, call Del Schwart- zentruber, phone 26 r 17, Dash- wood. 34tfb WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION SERVICE FOR ALL BREEDS OF CATTLE Farmer Owned and Controlled Call us between: 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. Week Days and 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday Evenings - at Clinton Zenith 9-5650 LOST and FOUND STRAYED - HOLSTEIN HEI- fer Yearling, brand on right hip, from Lot 11, 12, 13, Concession 7, Hay Township. Phone collect to Jim Moore, Dighby 4-7968, S axnlia. 47-8b LOST -HOLSTEIN YEARLING heifer, lost from west %, lot 16, concession 7, Hay Township. Should have ear tags. Please not- ify Oscar Tuckey, phone Exeter 174r2. 46-7-p BIRTHS GINGERICH-At South Huron Hospital, on Sunday, November 22, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Step- hen Gingerich, RR 2, Zurich, a son, Charles Stephen. DEATHS WURM-In Detroit, on Monday, November 23, 1959, Ada Clara Wurm, dear aunt of Mrs. Louise Reclinger, cousin of Mrs, Cath- erine Mackelburg, and niece of Elizabeth Webber, Zurich, in her 64th year. Born in Zurich. Funeral service at Fred Wood funeral home, 450 Plymouth Road, Detroit, on Wednesday, November 25, at 2,30 p.m. In- terment in Forest Lawn Ceme- tery. LOST - valuable, full-grown black and silver, male German Shepherd dog. Friendly disposi- tion, isposition, not harmful. Anyone having any clue as to the whereabouts of this animal, please call immediat- ely. Albert Martin, phone 76r5, Zurich, collect. NOMINATION CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank all my relatives and friends for the get -well wish- es, cards, visits and flowers while' shut-in for the last two weeks. Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Seth Amanns for their help and kindness. - MRS. HERBERT NEEB. 47p I wish to thank all my friends and relatives who so kindly re- membered me with cards, flowers, treats and visits while recovering from a car accident. Special thanks to Clara Jacobe and fam- ily. -PEARL MELICK. 47p 'PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN COM- PLIANCE WITH AN ORDER FROM THE ONTARIO MUNI- CIPAL BOARD A MEETING OF THE ELECTORS OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH WILL BE :HELD IN THE Township Hall IN THE GOSHEN NORTH Mrs. Clare McBride Correspondent W.M.S. The Women's Missionary Soc- iety of Goshen United Church met at the home of Mrs. Robert Peck on Thursday, November 19, with Mrs. Anson McKinley in charge of the program. Mrs. Roy McBride opened the meeting with the Call to Worship, with Scripture readings by Mrs. McKinley and Mrs. Bert McBride. The study period was on "Wo- men in Changing Africa". The business was conducted by Mrs. Bruce Keys. The roll call was an- swered by D. All were in favour of holding the December meeting a week earlier, which would be on December 10. Mrs. John Robinson gave the treasurer's report, and Mrs. El- gin McKinley gave a report on the Birthday Fund. A committee was appointed to get Christmas poinsettas for the elderly and shut-ins. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Roy McBride gave a report on the WA activities. They had a lunch booth on both days at the sale of the John Armstrong estate, and at the sale of Arthur McClinchey last: Saturday. The meeting clos- ed with hymn 378 and Mrs. Ro- bert McKinley and group were the lunch conveners. Village Of Zurich ON DECEMBER MONDAY, 14th, 1959 AT THE HOUR FROM SEVEN TO EIGHT O'CLOCK P.M. FOR THE PURPOSE FOUR COUNCILLORS FOR THE MINATING NVIL AGE OF ZURICH DIDATES FOR E AND FOR THE YEAR 1960. AND FOR THE NOMINATION OF SIX SCHOOLIBOARDBERS TO FORM A TRUSTEES FOR THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH. When a Proposed Candidate is not present, his Nomination Paper shall not be Valid unless there is attached thereto evidence in .writing Signed by the Prposed he consentaso idate satisf ctory to the Return- ingOfficer that s to beNominated. Ira Case A Poll Is Demanded, Polls Will Be Opened On: MONDAY, DECEMBER 21st, 1959 (Said Polls Will Be Kept Open From Nine O'Clock a.m. Until Five O'Clock p.m.) In the Two Palling Sub -Divisions of the Village as follows: :poll No. Polling Place D.R.O. Poll Clerk 3 TOWN HALL Leroy O'Brien Gordon Lorne Klopp 4 TOWN HALL Albert Hess DATED AT M, W. Drs kenshire, ZURICH, ONTARIO, Returning Officer. NOV. 24th, 1959 47 and 49-b Property For Sale MODERN RED RUG brick home in the village of Zurich, with all modern conveniences, adjoir..wing garage, ideal location. For furth- er particulars contact either Al- bert J. Kalbfleisch, or Ross John- ston, Zurich. 47-b anmettanewerfflremaloommorrommensolimermegosrtrtrommemenftwonitoentmetto WANTED TO BUY WANTED -GIRL'S WHITE ICE Skates, size one. Phone Zurichch 85r1. WANTED - FEED turnips. Call Pat Wild, phone Dashwood, 4047 HOUSE ORGAN, in goodoxplaying condition. Apply 4G b Zu- rich. This Christmas Buy Him an ELECTRIC RAZOR Wed At Varna Saturday Mr. and Mrs. H. Orval Schilbe were married in Varna United Church on Saturday, November 14, by the Rev. T. J. Pitt. The bride is Elinor Mae, only daughter of Reeve and Mrs. Harvey Coleman, Stanley Township and her husband is the youngest son of Mrs. Henry Schilbe, RR 1, Dashwood. (News -Record Photo) BLUEWATER BAYFIELD (By Mrs. Russell Grainger) We are sorry to report that Mr. Peter Duoharme, Sr., is at pres- ent a patient in St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, having undergone surgery there on Sunday night, With Mr. and Mrs. Peter Du- charme, Sr., for the weekend were their family, Mrs. R. Pela- deau, Mrs. P. Bedard, Mrs. J. Charuk, Mrs. J. Denomy, Louis, Leo and Peter Ducharme Jr., Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Seimon and family, Goderich. Peter Ducharme, Jr., who has been working in Windsor is stay- ing with his mother while his father is sick. Miss Clara Clark, Dresden, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gladwin Westlake. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gelinas, Michael, Gerrard and friend, Lon- don, spent Saturday with Miss Rose Snowden. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Heard, spent the weekend in Port Huron. --Philishave -Sunbeam -Bulova -Remington WE REPAIR ANY MAKE OF ELECTRIC RAZORS HESS The Jeweller ZURICH Private Sale HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Phone 123, Ward Fritz, Zurich, after 6 p.m. for appointment. n Furniture from my home purchased in Exeter, high grade and quality furniture. 3 piece gold chesterfield suite, foam rubber; 2 piece green chest- erfield suite, foam rubber, Ve price, $125.00; 5 piece walnut bedroom suite and mattresses and springs; 3 piece walnut bedroom suite, mat- tress and springs, 'includes book case bed; walnut desk and storage compartment; liquor oabinet and serving tray; medium size rug, wine pattern, like new; assort- ment of lamps, end tables, cur- tains and drapes; chrome break- fast room suite, coral and beige, new condition; TV set, as is $50.00; Phillips Combination Radio and Record Player, $95.00; Westing- house 4 burner electric stove, warming cabinet, $79,00; Imperial Loyalist maple desk, bed chester- field. B L A E Correspondent Mrs. Amos Gingerich Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gingerich accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Gingerich and Mr. and Mrs. Mel- vin Bender, Ailsa Craig, to Tor- onto, last week, for a few days, attending the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, Markham, visited with relatives and friends over the weekend in the community. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rader and family at Daswood were, Mr. and Mrs. Da- vid Oesch and family; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oesch and family, Ba- den; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stelck, Dashwood, it being the occasion of Mrs. David Oesch's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ginger- ich•and daughter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sch- wiindt and family, at Baden. Miss Edith Steckle and friend, Roy Martin, Wallenstein, were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gingerich and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Faber, Kip - pen, accompanied by the latter's mother, Mrs. Lizzie Oesch and Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Oesch, sp- ent Sunday with Mrs. Annie Kip- fer and Rose of Kitchener. Mrs. Lizzie Oesch remaining there for a few weeks. Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Steckle were: Mr. and Mrs. Peter Steckle Misses Esther and Rebecca Steck- le, Paul Steckle, and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich. 0 BAPTISMAL SERVICE A rather unique baptismal ser- vice took place in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, on Sun- day, November 22, 1959, when Rachel Ann, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. W. P. Fischer, Zurich, was christened, Present for the occas- ion were two grandfathers, who are both ministers, Rev. E. J. Fischer and Rev. H. Mosig. The ceremony was performed by the child's father, and the sponsors were Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Fischer. In another ceremony the same afternoon, Katherine Elaine Weida, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Weido, RR 1, Zurich, was christened, with Mrs. Lauretta Weido and Walker Carlisle as sponsors. - 0 RECEIVES DEGREE Miss Gloria Gingerich, a grad- uate of Kitchener -Waterloo Hos- pital in Kitchener, has received word that she has been successful in her examinations for her Reg- istered Nurse degree. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gingerich, RR 3, Zur- ich, and is a graduate of Rock - way Mennonite High School, in Kitchener. Zurich W.I. News There will be no December meeting of the Zurich Women's Institute. The next regular meet- ing will take place in January. This week is the time for the campaign: fer muscular dystrophy, which is being conducted locally by the Women's Institute. They have placed cannisters in the var- ious stores in Zurich, and will ap- preciate any donation which will help stamp out the dreaded dis- ease. Parr Line Farm. Comin Events EUCHRE PARTY ST. PETER'S PARISH HALL ST. JOSEPH Sulo., Nov. 29, 8 15 p.m. ADMISSION: 50c Lunch Served Sponsored by C.W.L. 47-p RECEPTI'N and DANCE FOR Mr. and Mrs. Orval Schilbe (Nee MAE COLEMAN) Saturday; Nov. 28 Community Centre, Zurich MUSIC BY Desjardine Orchestra EVERYONE WELCOME Forum The Parr Line Farm Forum met Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Jarrott, with the subject of the meeting, "Review Night". News was pre- sented on agricultural highlights in Canada and United States. Crop conditions on the prairies and losses of crops due to early snows were described. News came from the Dominion -Provincial Agriculture Conference and from Washington on surplusses in the United States. Mrs. Lovina Reich- ert will be hostess for the next meeting. Euchre winners were: ladies, Mrs. Ross Love, Mrs. L. Reichert; men, Morris Hoist, Stewart Black- well; lone hands, Mrs. Stewart Blackwell. TURKEY INGO in the Mt. Carmel Parish H -11 on TUESDAY, DEC.1 8.30 p.m. 14 Rounds for Turkeys $1.00 0 Consolation Prizes 0 DOOR PRIZE (TURKEY) ,,.0' 0 i ii. Sponsored by -"-' Mt. Carmel C.W.L. 46-7-b DANCE IN THE COMMUNITY CENTRE ZURICH! EVERY FRIDAY I IOHT ADMISSION: 75c Sponsored by the Zurich Lions Club H JOHN E. HUCKINS Chairman Huron Citizens Legal Control Committee FRIDAY 11:25 P.M. CKNX -- TV ZURICH LIONS CLUB FOWL BINGO hi The COMMUNITY CENTRE, ZURICH T':: urs., December 3 25 TURKEYS - $2.00