HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1959-10-07, Page 4PAGE FOUR Cancer Secrecy Reports Received; Officer and Conveners Selected A new educational slogan, sug- gested by an official of Huron unit, has been adopted by Ontario division of the Canadian Cancer Society, it was revealed at the an- nual county unit meeting in Clin- ton, September 25, Attractive new placards with the theme, "LIVE without fear of cancer through EARLY diagnosis" were displayed by Dr. J. Semple, Seaforth, chairman of the unit ed- ucational committee and origin- ator of the slogan. "We have put too much em- phasis in the past on the negative side of cancer. Our new approach is a positive one, assuring people that cancer can be cured if it is discovered early enough." The signs stress that regular medical check-ups are the most effective type of prevention. The new placards will be plac- ed on display by the various bran- ches in the unit. Seventy-six cancer sufferers in Huron were assisted by welfare sere -ices of the unit in 1959, re - i KOOLVE ported Service chairman Mrs. C. M. Beechler, Goderich. Branch committees have supplied pain -re- lieving drugs, house -keeping and home nursing services, transporta- tion and dressings to patients in all sections of the county. Total welfare expenditures ex- ceeded $2,000 according to a re- port from Treasurer Mrs, A, M. Harper, Goderich, Other costs in- cluded education, $665; campaign expenses, $660; overhead, $295. Remainder of the $17.750 raised by the unit was forwarded to provincial headquarters for re- search and other projects. A campaign award, recognizing "the generous service, co-opera- tion and interest" in exceeding its 1959 quota, was presented to the unit by provincial headquarters. Under chairman R. E. Pooley, Ex- eter, the unit raised over $16,000 in its April campaign which had an objective of $13,000. The award was presented to Mr. Pooley's wife, in his absence, by the unit president, Mrs. Ken - T IVO Aluminum Produces SH e Awnings and Verandah Canopies O Serf -Storing and Combination Doors and Windows Prime -Storm Windows for New Homes and Re -Modelling O Aluminum Porch and Step Railings CALL US FOR FREE ESTIMATES AND DEMONSTRATIONS TH S. H. WALKER Authorized Dealer Phone 553 (Collect) EXETER MAKE YOUR HOLIDAY DINNER COMPLETE with a SPECIAL FOR THE `'F."EEKEND 55c each Baked Fresh! Baked Fresh! Baked Fresh! TASTY -N" tAKERY Phone 100 — Zurich ust Arrived!! PERRY COMO SHIRTS All Sizes -- Assorted Colors only 6.95 Each NEW! For Winter 'en ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Dennis Aniacher Presents Topic At Evangelical. Youth Fellowship On Tuesday, September 22, the Evangelical Youth Fellowship held its meeting, with Gerald Mer- ner in the chair. Miss Edith Steckle acted as pianist. After the singing of the hymn, "I need neth Johns, RR 1, Woodham, who conducted the annual meeting. A report by Ross Merrill, CIin- ton, revealed cancer educational films had been shown close to 100 times in the county during the past year, Other educational pro- jects included booths at fall fairs and distribution of literature th- rough numerous depots. Mrs. Johns was re-elected pre- sident of the unit. Vice-presidents are Mrs. Josephine Chisholm, Goderich; Mrs. Harold Vodden, Blyth; Dewitt Miller, Wingham, Secretary is Mrs. H. R. Hall, Goderich and Mrs. Harper re- mains treasurer. Committee chairmen include: R. E. Pooley, campaign; Dr. J. Sem- ple, education; Dr. R. M. Aldis, Goderich, medical advisory; Jam- es Doig, Seaforth, extension; Ross Merrill, films; Mrs. Baechler, ser- vice; Mrs. J. G, Dunlop, Exeter, sub -service; Don Southcott, pub- licity. About 65 persons attended the annual meeting, All five bran- ches were represented. 0 BLAKE (Mrs. Amos Gingerich Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Allan Schwart- zentruber, Jacob and Bonnie, New Hamburg, attended the auction sale of Mrs. Rudy Oesch on Sat- urday, and spent Saturday even- ing with the former's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich. John Weigom, London, was a Sunday guest with Mr. and Mrs. John Zandwyck and family. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ginger- ich and daughters, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Steckle. Miss Pauline Steckle, nurse -in - training at K -W Hospital, Kitch- ener, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Allen Stec- kle. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weidrich and Lois, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bachert and family, spent Sunday at Wellesley, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gingerich and family, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gingerich and family. Rev. and Mrs. Ephraim Ginger- ich and family spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Rev. and Mrs, Simon Martin, at Mont- ville, Thee every hour." John Finlay read the Scripture lesson, and Gerald Merner led in prayer. Dennis Amacher p;•esented• the topic, "Eddiie's rude awakening,' This showed how a lad's careless- ness cost him a trip to California. Misses Elaine and Mary Grain- ger led in the singing of some choruses. The president, Miss Elizabeth Finlay, took charge of the business. Miss Norma Geiger gave the secretary's report and Miss Catharine Rader the treas- urer's report. On Sunday evening, September 27, the EYF had charge of the evening service. The EYF of Dashwood and Crediton were guests for the evening. Miss El- aine Grainger was chair -lady. Mrs. Milton Oesch and Miss Edith Steckle presided at the organ and piano. After a song service, Ger- ald Merner led in prayer and El- izabeth Finlay read the Scripture lesson. A duet was sung by El- aine and Helen Grainger, "The Lord's Prayer". Ronald Weber and Dennis Lamport, Crediton, played a trumpet duet, "Abide with Me", accompanied by Jean Krueger. Rebecca Steckle played an accordion solo. The message was given by Rev. A. M. Schlenker, Crediton. He spoke on the subject, "Why should I not do what I like". This question is often asked by teen- agers. Sooner or later we learn that we cannot do as we please in life. It depends on what you mean when you say, "Do as I like". Some throw off all re- straints." "Paul said he was free to do as he liked as God's man, He de- sired to be a servant of Christ. The thing you like to do will be in your purpose and goal, to do His will. Then you are free". "Why can't I do as I like". "There are three basic reasons. First, because of yourself Sec- ond, we can't do as we like be- cause of others. We are members one of another. Third, because of Christ. The love of Christ con- straineth us." After the message, a trio, con- sisting of Norma Geiger, Cather - Let Us Give Your Hair NEW BEAUTY Phone 223 ZURICH NORMA'S -� EAUTY S OPPE I inc Rader and Dennis Amacher, sang, "Speak My Lord", The Dashwood E.Y,F., accompanied by Mrs, 3. W. Gillings, sang, Who is on the Lord's Side?" Glen Greb WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1959 and John Finlay acted as ushers for the service. Rev, J. W. Gill - Inge pronounced the ;benediction. A fellowship hour was enjoyed in the church basement, Church Diree ory Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor—A. MARTIF'4 Services Thursday afternoon, Oct. 7— W.M.S,A. (Sewing Circle) Sunday, October 11- 6.30 a.m.--The Mennonite Hour CHML. 10.00 a.m.—The Sunday School 1100 a.m.—The Worship Service Monday (Thanksgiving) Oct. 12- 10.00 a.m.—Communion Service You Are Invited ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sar- aras, RR 1, Dashwood, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Marjorie Pat- ricia Marie, to James Irvin Love, son of Mrs. Pearl Love and the late John Love, RR 1, Varna; the wedding to take place on Saturday, October 17, in Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, at 12 o'clock noon. 40x ,, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred N. Meidinger, Zurich, announce the engagement of their dau- ghter, Virginia Ann, to Lloyd Thomas Denomme, son of Mr. and Mrs. Remi Denomme, Zurich, the wedding to take place in St. Boniface R. C. Church, Zurich, on Saturday, October 1.0, at 9.30 a.m. 40-x COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS (name them one by one) Bless the Lord 0 my Soul; and all that is within me, Bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, 0 my Soul, and forget not all his benefits. Psa. 105, 1, 2. B L S N St. Peter's Lutheran Church Zurich Rev. W. P. FISCHER, B.A., Pastor, Mrs. J. Turkheim, Organist SERVICES Sunday, October 11— a,m.—Worship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School WE WELCOME= YOU Emmanuel Evangelical United Brethren Church Rev. A. M. AMACHER, B.A., B.O., Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist Thursday, ctb8-- 8.00 p.mO,—Wo.erS.W.S. and Lad.. les' Aid Meeting Sunday, October 11-- 10.00 a.m.—Thanksgiving Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School 7.30 p.m.—Evening Service Let us show our thankful- ness to the Lord for all his blessings by attending church and worshipping Hire. We Welcome You Am I thankful for them? What could i have if God did not give them? Where would I be if God did not give them? Have I accepted them all? G God so loved the world that ha gave His only begone', $an that Whosoever belleveth in Him shuld not parish but have Everlasting Life, X _.. ..'j John 3; 16, 1 Zurichh Mennonite Evairogelis , Committee ttee AYLMER Fancy Pumpkin 37c 2 Lge. Tins .. MIX 'EM OR MATCH 'EM r„ FP MAPLE LEAF Mince Meat 41c Lge. 28 oz. Tin KOUNTY KIST KERNEL CORN or KOUNTY KIST PEAS 1.1 ht Weight NYLON SPORT JACKETS Assorted Colours and Sizes � Only $ Now Available in I I Colors KFUTHISLAND C . RD ALL TROUSERORSTED Regularly Advertised for $27.50 WE SELL THEM FOR ONLY 4o5iW Ali Sizes $24.50 For the Cold Days Ahead—Buy A TOMMY KNIGHT Orlon Pullover $7!95 All Colours and Sizes Only Gascho 'O Phone 69 Zurich 7 for $1.00 Weekend Meat Specials Boneless Tender Sweet THI HAMS 4 to 5 Ib. Average 69c lb. FRYERS 3 Ib. Average 39c lb� BACON Sliced 49c lb. HEINZ Tomato Ketchup 23c 1 ib. Pr~g, SWIFTS ALL SWEET Margarine 26c 11 oz. fsotalie Nescafe INSTANT COFFEE 6 oz. JAR Now Only Si Save 10e a Jon VEGETABLES 1 Wh.114'll; CEO BREAO a„ wv nnxRn- Try A Loaf ONLY 18c FREE CHINA AT OUR STORE By Saving Your Cash Slips Build Up A Complete Set m GRAPES 2 lbs. 29c CAULIFLOWER L9. Heads 19c TOMATOES Cello Tubes 19c L'S SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET