HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1959-09-30, Page 6f PAGE SYNC. MB} R 30, 1959 WEDNESDAY, EP ST' ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS ______ CT R Farm- '�� G r ;yen People le Who i Hay Mutual Fire In .; i Live In Country To Prevent Fires Eternal vigilance, as eery smart and prudent farmer o fire preven- tion.is the p' tion, Otherwise, the fruits of months of toil and the profits of years may vanish. For every Canadian, and par- ticularly for the thousands now enjoying suburban or country liv- ing, without the "round -the -cor- ner" protection of a civic or full- time fire department, what the firewise farmer does to avoid giv- ing fire a place to start is worth a hard look: 1. Lightning. See that the rods are well and truly grounded. If their use has an insurance bene- fit, it is imperative that the instal- lation complies with provincial regulations. 2. Gasoline. The smart operat- or never re -fuels a hot motor; spil- led gas can go "boom" in his face. The same goes for a power 0 0 snrance Company Gives Report On Losses For Year 0 lawnmower; if the iel°ge complete srthe County kids like tofrmteiass figures and facts brought forth his year. Of this type of fire 90 again this year to prove Canada's percent should be preventable. fire losses are the highest in the June, July, August and Sept - world and that the loss of lives hay - We cannot be is greater than the loss by polio. The period when harvesting, lace: proud of these facts. ing and threshing takes p Although our local community Perhaps not all, but a great many cannot be charged with many of these losses, could be prevent - deaths from fire it can neverthe- ed. May and November are the less accept a huge loss in dollars, lull periods. We should use these The gross loss of one local coin- months to carry Fusin before e ven- pa,ny, the Hay Township Farmers' tion programs, the Mutual Fire Insurance Company, summer season is upon us and which insures throughout Huron second before the winter heating County, for the seven year period se The story andacost does not end on. 1951 to 1958 exceeded $410,000.00; enough money to build a good siz- here. The cost to one company ed school. Losses included light- alone was $410,000. How much ning losses which admittedly are did other fire insurance compan- less preventable than losses from Youieo1msay y think hrouthe companies lost hout the county. other causes. Of this loss over $200,000 was some of their surpiemiumsactually Haw 0 barn fires and $57,000 was incur- they lost your premium rise in red on dwellings and their con often did your p tents. There were 33 major barn the past years? Total insurance losses and 18 major dwelling loss- premiums have doubled on many es. Charts compiled by this comp- classes of insurance. any which show the number and How much more was lost over amounts -of losses in each month and above wfhator. the Agfire h ns mnce of the seven years show that Dec- policy paid ember, January and February more could have been lost if we cost the largest portion of the were not blessed myith the remark - dwelling losses. This is the period able services of several local fire of heating system fires, chimney brigade units. fires, etc. In recent years some fire in Can you prevent their occur- hanc�£rnies hinspected rence in youhome. It is our pre- tv- r sfor fire Out diction that at least ten families of 21 mutual companies who have or the while you doze it a. hazard k, see that they 3. Matches and smoking.circumstan- ces Nt to be tolerated in anyfields. around a barn or dry Warning signs on the subject are available freely for the asking from a variety of sources, Tshe owner who puts them up and es that they are heeded, rates a bow from the volunteer fire brigade. There's nothing more frightening (and harder on t h e neighbors' nerves) than a grass fire out of control. 4. Electricity. The "do-it-your- self" amateur is asking for trouble when he works in this department. an expert or e gameet efor the wz h the job. And play insisting, too, power commission by on a final inspection. DON'T lear- ad all have shown inspection decreasograms es in their direct losses. If they were able to decrease losses by fire in- spection programs maybe you can prevent your house from being Know peration Of Extinguisher; Is Good Tip Given If you have a fire extinguisher in your home but don't know how to use it properly, you're living in a fool's paradise if you rely on it to do a job in emergency. This is a straight -from -the shoulder warning by one of the nation's senior fire prevention of- ficers. Some tips: Read the instructions on the housing of the extinguisher and bone up on them at intervals. Know what the extinguisher is capable of doing. Some types are ineffective in certain situations. Know what these are. Because extinguishers in gener- al have a short operating time, there's no point in starting yours going when you're 50 feet away from close ine onr the Bblazee its effect may be lost. Some types need re -charging every year. If the re -charging is done on the premises, treat the wife and kids to a demonstration of how it works. A final reflection by this auth- ority: Fire extinguishers are a fine first aid but call the fire depart- ment first. No matter how small the fire, even a waste basket, the depart- ment would rather arrive and find that you have in the meantime mastered it, than have you take the chance of seeing it get out of hand or of re -kindling later. LET THIS HAPPEN! CHECK YOUR FARM BUILDING NOW! E T KOPP CO-OPERATOR'S INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Phone 93 r 1 — ZURICH LIFE -- AUTO -- CASUALTY SICKNESS and ACCIDENT INSURANCE viy,.vymwu 10 one of the many which will porn in. Huron County this winter or your barn from being added to the list next summer. More im- portant, you may prevent: the death of one of your loved ones. WirailliSMONSMOSSINIONSIMIRMIMIMillaMr C Stands For Safety On °, E Farm andome sismemour ABC has a special meaning to the fire services. In the field of fire prevention it stands for Al- ways Be Careful, the symbol safety from fire which has ben n distributed to every part Can- ada. Also to the fire fighter, Class A fires, Class B. fires and Class C fire respectively describe fires in ordinary materials, flammable liquid fires and electrical fires. in more ofalphabet: Class f the ealatomic g takes fires involving radiation hazards. Costs High; Nobody Wins Fire Notes For Young In heart To Prevent Danger Firecrackers and picnic bonfires are wonderful attractions for the young of heart. But both entail dangers that stand thinking about. Firecrackers are no longer something for small children to play with. Displays should be strictly supervised and in any case subject to local ordinance. As for bonfires on the family outing, let there be adult ideas about the manner of start and stop. The bonfire out of hand can become a tragedy. By Having Fire Estimates of the cost of fire protection to citizens of Canada: Fire department annual opera- tions --$53,000,000. Capital equipment, buildings, etc.—$200,000,000. Citizens also paid (1958) $181.9 millions in fire insurance prem- iums. By and large, you set your own insurance rates. Nobody wins by fire. NATIONAL FIRE PEYENTION WEEK Is October 4 to 10 A reminder that each of us is responsible for Fire Prevention every day of the year! Just a moment's careless- ness . . . and lives can be lost! . . . The work and beauty of a lifetime destroyed! It is your duty to help stop fires before they start! SPONSORED IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST EZRA WEBB President BY NAY TOWNSHIP FARMERS' 'MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE C0 HEAD OFFICE: ZURICH AGENTS: WILLIAM HAUGH, CLARENCE PARKE REGINALD FLACK Secretary -M a eager A FOR DEPENDABLE HEAT All Winter Long Call LORNE E. HAY Locker Service—Rue Feeds Phone 1(1 (Collect) Hensall • 1 The ZURICH FERE BRIGADE mss ready to fight fire AFTER it starts But you can tackle the job BEFORE it gets under way. Prevent Fire By Eliminating The Causes: 1. Matches In Children's Hands Don't let children have matches! 2. Junk In Attic, Closet or Cellar. Just get rid of it! 3. Cords On Irons, Heaters Don't use ordinary extension cords oars irons, heaters! 4. Overloaded Electric Circuifs Have your wiring system checked. 5. Frayed Electrical Cords Replace them now! 6. Smoking In Bed Don't! 7. Chimneys That Spark Clean them out — Get them fixed! 8. Cigarette Carelessness Make sure your cigarette is out! g Flammable Cleaning Fluids possible. Be extremely careful—Avoid using them if p THIS APPEAL SPONSORED BY THE VILLAGE OF ZURICR. ON BEHALF OF THE ZURICH FIRE BRIGADE IT COULD TOUCH YOU ! PREVENT FII With Ordinary Care 9 OUT OF EVERY 10 FIRES COULD BE PREVENTED DON'T GIVE FIRE A PLACE TO START GIVE US A CALL AND LET US SAFETY -CHECK YOUR HOME NOW "BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY" FAULTY WIRING MAY FATAL FIRES! A few dollars and a few moments of your time is all it takes to keep your electrical system in check. Have your wiring inspect- ed and repaired right away. S' BREED IT'S FATAL TO BE FORGETFUL ABOUT FLAWS IN FLUES! Fire can travel the route of heating -air . . . along floors, up walls . . . and in a matter of minutes, your home will be ablaze. Have us check your heat- ing system to -day! GINGER'CH, SALES SEAFORTH ZURICH