HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1959-09-23, Page 3Heavy pastry: too much liquid. Use only enough to bind the dough together, about 2 table- spoons to 1 cup of flour. Solid, tough crust: too much handling. Mix dough lightly, pat gently into a ball, roll lightly and fit crust into pan loosely, never stretch it to fit. Soggy undercrust in two -crust fruit pies: The filling is probaby too moist. Thicken the juice of canned fruit with 4 tablespoons flour or 2 tablespoons cornstarch or 2% tablespoons tapioca before filling pie. Mix fresh fruit with flour, cornstarch, o r tapioca. Brush the lower crust lightly with melted butter before putting in your fruit. Insert short paper straws or macaroni into the upper crust to keep fruit pies from bub- bling over. Removing The Marks of Summer Cleaning solutions can be un- kind to hands. When you soak a stained article, use a potato masher to force the fluid through the fabrics. Foliage and Grass Stains For foliage and grass stains on washable fabrics, first try rub- bing soap or synthetic detergent into the stain. Then wash the garment. For a stronger treat- ment you can sponge the stain with alcohol First test on an in- side seam edge or other hidden part to make sure that alcohol won't effect the tdye. Always de - lute the alcohol for full strength alcohol can eat right through ace- tate rayon, for example. Use two or three parts of water to one part alcohol for acetate fabrics and all colored fabrics and never 'WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1959 Meyer-Haberer A quiet double ring ceremony took place at 7.00 p.m. in St. Pet- er's Lutheran Church, Zurich, on Friday, September 18, when Ar- lene Violet Haberer and Arnold William Meyer were united in marriage. The bride is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Haberer, Zurich, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Meyer, Harbor Beach, Michigan. The Rev, W. P. Fischer officiated. Given in marriage by her fath- er, the bride chose a waltz -length gown of French lace over satin peau de sore styled on princess lines. The scalloped neckline was accented by a tiny satin bow. White rosebuds held her veil of imported French illusion and she carried a white Testament crest- ed with white roses. Miss Renona Wakon, Mitchell, as maid of honour wore a waltz - length gown of blue embossed or - Sugar and Spice (continued from page 2) to put up my pipes; how .I begged the harassed coal merchant to get me a couple of bags down a to nto the house; how I rigged ke- shift to get the furnace going. It's all too humiliating, * * * That's why, if you ever hear me singing any paeans of praise to Septemiber, ever again, I want you to push me, gently but firmly, in front of a speeding hot -rod. ganza over taffeta. Bob Oxland, Kitchener, was groomsman. the bride For a wedding trip chose a brown worsted suit with gold and brown accessories. The bride is a graduate of Vic- toria Hospital School of Nursing, and the groom is attending Cent- ral Michigan University. The couple will reside in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Mrs. Wm.. A.11es A resident of Tavistock since 1899 following her marriage, Mrs. Catherine Alles, 84, widow of Wil- liam O. Ates, died Thursday morning at Woodstock Private Hospital. She had been in ill health for several months. The former Catherine Zimmer- man, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Christian Zimmerman, she was born in Hay Township on October 9, 1874. She was a mem- ber of Zion Evangelical United Brethren Church. Mr. Al.les died in 1953. She is survived by a son, Gordon, Toron- to; a daughter, Miss Edith, Tavi- stock, and a brother, Solomon Zimmerman, Zurich. The body rested at the Robert Krug funeral home, Tavistock, un- til noon, Saturday, September 19, when removal was made to Zion EUB Church, where the funeral service was held at 2.30 in the afternoon, with Rev. George Sim officiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Sweaters To Please The Girls Choose From Our Large Assortment of New BAN -I. ON Fabrics $3..96 Sizes 8 to 14 Matching Cardigans $4.96 (assorted colours) JUMBO KNIT Sizes 8 to 14 S5.95 (red and white) huU"1 Illll a1t���� � Pure Wool WHITE STOLES 2.25 : nd 3.50 SILK HEAD SCARF .... 75c up Plain Colours and Floral Designs NECK SCARF 75c up White and Assorted Colours T.V. SLIP-ONS stretch to your size, for lounging and T.V.-viewing—Only 65c pair With Genuine Foam Cushion Soles .... Only 98c pair Deluxe Model, Hand Crocheted Nylon, Washable, Cushioned Insole, assorted colours, of pair Only Gctsch.' Bros, Phone 59 — Zur'ch "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK" Oar Best Wishes To The ZURICH FALL FAIR O— The PAGE THREE Need1eoint (MRS. NORMA SIEBERT, E.A., Woman's Page Editor) The aim of religion is not to get us into heaven, but to get heaven into us. What Of The Fair Have you been guilty of making a remark something like this? "I don't think I'll bother going to the fair this year, the displays are always the same." If you have you should follow it closely by the following question, "What have I contributed to it?" Basil Edwards Public funeral services for the late Basil C. Edwards were held from the Bonthron Funeral Chap- el on Monday, September 21, con- ducted by his minister, Mr. G. C. Vais, who paid high tribute to the life of the deceased. Inter- ment was in Hensall Union Cem- etery. Bearers were: Ed Munn, W. O. Goodwin, George Armstrong, W. R. Dougall, Harold Elder, and Al- bert Shit -ray. Flower -bearers we- re: Harry Smith, Sandy Munn, Lorne Chapman, and Hugh Mc - Ewan. The late Mr. Edwards passed away in Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, where he had been admitted on Monday, September 14, with a heart condition. In his 82nd year, he was born in Hay Township, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Miller Edwards. He farmed successfully there most of his life, retiring to Hen- sall 14 years ago. He was a mem- ber of Carmel Presbyterian Oh - arch. Surviving are his wife, the for- mer Emily Morrison. 0 Like everything else, you will get more enjoyment out of the fair if you put something into it. In a community like this, famed for its cooking, the competion should be lively, instead of ]eft for the same contributors year after year. Many women in town make rugs and quilts, as well as croch- eting, etc., but they very modes- tly fee] they are not good enough to show at the fair. May I say, that if your article has an unus- ual pattern or if you have used an unusual method, you would be contributing a great deal to the fair, even it should fail to win a prize. We owe this to the fair board, who have given consider- able time planning this fair for you. Quite a number of changes have been made this year, and I feel sure that 'the fair board will ap- preciate any comment, favorable or otherwise. It is only in this way they can find out what the public wish to see and contribute. use alcohol on woolens. For stubborn grass or foliage stains, try a sodium perborate bleach. You can buy a box or can of sodium perborate powder from. the drug store in town, Moisten the stain and sprinkle with a small bit of the perborate, barely diluted. Then soak the entire garment in a solution made of 1 tablespoon of the sodium perbor- ate to one pint of water. Let soak several hours or overnight. Use cool water for wool, silk, and synthetics and hot water for other washable fabrics. Rinse well If the plant stains still remain, you can use a stronger solution of the sodium perborate on the stain and dip it into very hot or boiling water, Rinse well, and repeat if necessary. Tricks For Tender Pastry IF YOU, have been having trouble with your pastry lately, check the hints below: Tough pastry: too much flour, not enough shortening or over - mixing: Try using less flour in the dough and less when rolling the crust. If that does not help, add an extra tablespoon shorten- ing to your recipe and handle the dough lightly. Do not knead. Dry crumbly pastry: that burns easily—too much shortening, rol- ling the dough too thin. Omit 1 tablespoon shortening from your recipe roll crust to R inch thick- ness. Hay Council Hold Special Meeting re By -Law At a special meeting of the Hay. Township council last Tuesday night, a new by-law to compen- sate farmers for poultry killed by wild animals was passed. Compen- sation had already been given for loss of cattle and sheep, but the new regulation also includes poul- try. Application is being made to the Ontario Department of Highways for a subsidy on an additional expenditure of $6,000 in the road budget. A court of revision was held at the meeting on the Stewart, Web- ber, and Fifth Concession drains, and as no appeals were made the respective by-laws were passed. will be going in the wash tub any- way, soak it overnight in cool water. Work the stain between the hands to soften the fabric and loosen the fruit particles. After soaking, rub soap or synthetic de- tergent on the stain, wash it and then rinse thoroughly. If a trace of the stain remains, it may be necessary to use a bleach diluted in water. Avoid chlorine bleach, if there is any chance that the fabric has a resin finish, as many "wash and wear" cottons have. The sooner you treat the stain, the easier it is to remove. If pos- sible, apply water while the stain is still moist. Fruit Stains Summer brings the fresh fruit, too—and sometimes the family, in their first enthusiasm for tender rhubarb or juicy berries, are not very careful about their clothes. If a garment becomes stained by fruit, cool water may often be safer than boiling water for re- moving the marks from fabrics that will not water spot. If the stain is mostly on the surface, you may be able to sponge it off with a damp cloth. Or, lay the stained fabric, face down, on a pad of cleansing tissues or on an absorbent cloth and force water through the stain with an an eye dropper or small syringe to pre- vent as much as possible of the surrounding fabric from getting wet. FAIR .WEEK SPECIALS pi YOUR ESTINGHOUSE EALER LOW, LOW PRICES -- DURING THE ZURICH FALL FAIR Terrific Buys On SEE THE Westinghouse Refrigerators TRADE 'N SAVE ON Westinghouse Ranges Ask About Our NO DOWN PAYMENT PLAN NEW ESTIINGHOUSF WASHER and DRYER AT SPECIAL FAIR PRICES Top Qualify At Lowest Possible Prices 1114 ERICH'S SALES and SERVICE Phone 34 — ZURICH Phone 585 — SEAFORTH = If the fabric is washable and For table linens, try cool water first. If this fails, lay the stained fabric over a bowl, then pour boiling water on the stain fromabove. However, boiling water may damage some fabrics; it may remove some special finishes on cotton, shrink some synthetic wools and it may fade or affect the texture of silk. Thus, it's wiser to try the cool water meth- od first. Let Us Gve Your H it EW AUTY Phone 223 ZURICH NORMAS BEAUTY SHOPPE 1 L1T: T . ATTEND THE ZURICH FALL FAIR See the Many Wonderful Exhibits WHEN YOU WANT TO SEE "FURNITURE WITH STYLE" VSIT OUR STORE Features of the Furniture Show Are Now on Display NEWEST DESGS CI•IESTERFELD UellAll the "Famous Name" Makes DINETTE SUTES in a wide assortment of DESIGNS For the Latest in Furniture Styling, ETLAKE FURNITURE Phone 89J — Zurich When In Zurich GET YOUR HAIR CUT AT EARL OESCH BARBER SHOP Open Thursday and Saturday Nights -+•s a -m -*-0 ROCK of AGES EVENTIDE AND MEMORI ALS INQUIRIES ARE INVITED T. PRYDE and SON EXETER Clinton Iii 2-6606 Phone 41 Sea,forth 573 Ismemsnalsonsormatiesterianoesommemer COLD WEATHER AHEAD!! CHECK YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT eztOPPe"Wr"'LlFINIONF • LET US INSTALL A NEW CLARE HEM FURNACE "The Best Name In Heating We Carry A Complete Line Of STOVE and FURNACE PIPES, SPACE HEATERS OIL and WOOD STOVES Sade & Weido Hardware "Plumbing — Heating -- Tinsmithing" PHONE 92 — ZURICH