HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1959-09-09, Page 4PAGE FOUR ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Mrs. ,:.' H Igen and Mary, Lon- f Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Gibbons don. w e weekend visitors with and family. Woodbridge, were relative 3r. Zurich. holiday weekend visitors with re- ' latives in this village. Mr. end Mrs. J. Modeland, Sea- forth, spent Sunday with Mr, and! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Soper and Mrs. Chris Heist. family, Staffor•dville, spent the holiday weekend with relatives in Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence How- i this district. aid. London. were Sunday visitors with 1•]r. Henry Howalcl. ! Edward Deiehert, Sarnia, has been spending his vacation in Zu- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thiel, To- rich, with his parents, Mr. and ronto, visited with friends and re- I Mrs. Victor Deichert, latives it Zurich fee past week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pulford, Mr. and Mrs, E. Kaufman. Scar- ; London, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob boro, were weekend visitors with " Oxland, Kitchener. were holiday relatives in Zurich. I visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Rev. and Mrs. Albert Datars, j Haberer. Tavistock. were holiday visitors ' Rev. and Mrs. Cyril K. Gin - in Zurich with Miss Ann Datars i gerich and family, Willowdale, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Datars. ' / were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mr. arc', Mrs. Donald Manson Mrs. Jake Gingerich, and other and family. Toronto, were visit- members of the family. ing relatives in Zurich and dist- Miss Mary Louise Fritz left on riet over the weekend. Friday for Toronto. where she will Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Koehler' resume her teaching position in and family. Kitchener, were week- Home Economics at St. Clair Jun - end visitors with relatives in Zu- ror High School. rich. Danny Regier, son of Mr, and Norman. Koehler. Toronto, who j Mrs. Bill Regier, Dashwood, spent has been staying with his aunt I a few days visiting at the home and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard of his grandmother, Mrs. G. Far - Erb, has returned to the city. I well. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bowden I Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Schilbe, and Jeff. Toronto. were weekend j Mr. and Mrs, Donald Hesse and visitors with Mrs. Anne Turk- heim. Henry Weiberg and Jake Fisch- er, Dashwood, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thiel. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MacKinnon, London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kalbfleisch and Mrs. M. MacKinnon. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Siemon and family. Kitchener. were Sun- day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Turkheim. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Percy, St. Catharines. were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jul- ius Thie. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brisson and family. St. Thomas. spent the holiday weekend with relatives and friends in Zurich. Mr, and Mrs. William Merner and family, London. were holiday visitors with members of their family in this district. Hugh Clausius has accepted a position with the Hay Municipal Telephone System. and commenc- ed work with the firm last Mon- day. Lct trF Give Your Hair BEAUTY: Phone 223 ZURICH, NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hess en- joyed the weekend at Schwanega camp, in the Parry Sound district. Sister Elise. Massachussets, sp- ent a few days recently at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Corriveau. Mr. Ed Kalbfleisch, who has been a patient in South Huron Hospital, has returned to Zurich, and is spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Brokenshire. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thiel and Mary Ellen, Carole Fischer and Miss Mary Mae Fischer, along with friends from Kitchener, sp- ent a day at the CNE in Toron- to last week. Mrs. Theresa Hartman and sons Michael and Robert, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hart- man and family. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lary Hart- man and sons, in London. Harold Koehler and Ted Not- ley, Toronto, were in Zurich over the weekend. Mrs. Nancy Koehler and Dianne Koehler, who has spent the week in Toronto, re- turned home with them. Mrs. L. Lesso, Bridgeport, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Giller, Mrs. M. L. Weber, Elmira, and Miss Mar- ie Snider, Kitchener, were recent visitors with Mrs. Rose Merner and Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Merner: Mr. and Mrs.. Elton Bender and Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Gingerich attended the Ontario A.M. Christ- ian Nurture conference which was held in the community centre, New Hamburg, this past Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Bryce Mack was in Toron- to last week. where she met her mother-in-law, Mrs. W. Mack, Crediton, who had attended the ACWW convention in Edinburgh, Scotland. and returned home by sesnannwrovrammemeenmaxameemaireentsmatormarmArmasettlimeacered plane. 0 0 0 m 0 0 O 0 n - •T �s` :u ".,?,..:,,y },to-:, s• Standard LUNCH PAILS WITHOUT THERMOS $L45 Kiddies LUNCH PAILS 60c LUNCH PAIL with Thermos -- $1.50 to $3.95 THERMOS BOTTLES $1.00, $1.25, $1.95 EX Wrist Watches $8.95, $9.95, $10.95 DON'T BE CAUGHT WITHOUT COAL HAVE US FILL YOUR BIN NOW — — AT SPECIAL PRICES Stade & Weido Hardware "'Numbing --- Heating -- Tinsmithing" PHONE 92 -- ZURICH MR. AND MRS. THOMAS FRANCIS SLOAN were married in St. Boniface R. C. Church, Zurich, on Satur- day, September 5, 1959, by Father C. A. Doyle. The bride is Mary Eileen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Smith, Zurich, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Sloan, Dublin, The couple will reside in Cobourg. (Citizens News Photo) Support Asked For CNIB Campaign Opening Saturday This coning Saturday, Sept. ember 12. marks the beginning of the annual tri -county campaign of the Canadian National Instit- ute for the Blind This year- $6,- 000.00 is needed to continue the CNIB's 4R service program to the 71 blind men, women and" child- ren in Huron County. Rehabilitation, recreation. resi- dential care and research provides the blind with effective means of junior Fanners, 4 -fl Members Compete at Fair Some 279 Junior Farmers and 4-H Club boys will take part in judging competitions at Western Fair next Monday, September 14, the opening day of the fair at London. This is an all-time rec- ord number of boys, states E. D. McGugan, general manager of the fair. Boys competing are from ten counties. There are 91. junior boys, 163 intermediate and 25 senior in the competitions, Over 118 girls from the same counties will take part in the 4-H Homemaking program, also on Monday. All boys and girls and their leaders will be guests of the fair at dinner Monday night and also the grandstand performance. The London Branch of the Cana- dian Bank of Commerce will pre- sent gold watches to the top win- ner in junior, intermediate and senior competitions. The bank will also present 12 valuable foun- tain pens to other winners. Oxford County heads the boys' list with 78 entries, followed by Middlesex 59, Perth 47, Lambton 28, Huron 27, Elgin 19, Norfolk 7, Bruce 6, Kent 5 and Essex 3. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMI;ER 9, 1959 Campaign Show Returns of Cancer Huro : Over Top Final campaign returns of the Huron Unit of the Canadian Can- cer Society indicate the county's objective for 1959 was exceeded by over $2,000. Treasurer Mrs, Beryl A. Harp- er, Goderich, announced this week contributions Totalled $15,- 263.75. Objective for the unit., now in its second year of opera- tion was $13,000. An additional $806.20 has boon raised this year through the pur- chase of in memoriam cards, boosting the total county fund to $16,069. The cards, available at funeral homes throughout the county, recognize contributions made, to the society in memory of deceased persons, "We are most grateful for the support we have received from the citizens of Huron in our fight against one of mankind's most tragic and baffling diseases", coping with their tragic disability. Rehabilitation means adjustment to the shock of blindness, reading material in Braille, talking books and employment. Recreation in- cludes picnics, club activities, camping and games such as checkers. cribbage boards and playing cards adapted to Braille. Residential care is available at the modern one -storey district home for the blind located in London. Research has resulted in the establishment of the farm counselling service, and the Eye Bank of Canada for the restora- tion of sight. These 4R's are ser- vices vital to every community. E. F. Wheeler, CNIB District Field Secretary reports that many volunteer workers in Huron, Middlesex and Perth counties are ready to launch the appeal. Cam- paign chairman for this area is Mr. J. E. Bannister, Zurich, man- ager of the local Bank of Mont- real. Everyone is asked to support the 4R service program of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. 0 BIRTHDAY PARTY Members of the Kalbfleisch family met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pepper on Sun- day, to honour Mr. Ed Kalbfleisch on the occasion of his birthday. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Buehler, Waterloo, were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sol- omon Baechler, 0 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wismer, Madison, Wisconsin, have recent- ly announced the engagement of their daughter, Eleanor Rose, to Dr. W. Ross Datars, son of Rev. and Mrs. Albert Datars, Tavi- stock. Miss Wismer is a graduate of Waterloo College, and has been employed as Student Counsellor at the Lutheran Student Associa- tion of the University of Wiscon- sin, Dr, Datars received his B.Sc. and M,Sc. from McMaster Univer- sity, and his Ph.D. in Solid State Physics from the University of Wisconsin. DRIVER'S LICENCES A N iD MOTOR VEHICLE PERMITS Will Be Issued Here Effective Im :!edi:tely ZW1CHV:'IETYSTORE said Mrs. Kenneth Johns, RR 1, Woodham, chairlacly of the unit. Contributions by districts to the 1959 campaign were; Exeter, $4,194.46; Goderich, $4,854.54; Seaforth, $2,687,70; Clinton, $2,- 203.30; Wingham, $1,527.25; Blyth $2(39.50. A grant of $500 was re- ceived from Huron County Coun- ell. In memoriam contributions to date for the year are: Goderich, $332.25; Exeter, $192.25; Seaforth, $150,85; Clinton, $125.35; Blyth, $5,50, WHY OO ALL THAT WRITING? When A Rubber Stamp will do it faster, easier, and who knows? may- be neater, too. Order one at the Zurich Citizens News Delivery, Within 10 days. CHECK THE LABEL -- HAVE YOU RENEWED? r re Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor—A. MARTIN Services Wednesday, September 9- 8.30 p.m.—Prayer Fellowship— Matt. 7 -Asa Steckle. Sunday, September 13- 7.30 a.m.—The Mennonite Hour CHML — September Theme: "Drinking - Distinction or De. lusion." 10.00 a.m.—The Sunday School. 11.00 a.m.—The Worship Service. We Invite You To Worship With Us MOVE TO ZURICH Mr. and Mrs. Ervine Gingerich and family, Ailsa Craig, have moved to Zurich, and are living with Mrs. Gingerich's father, Mr. Chris Erb. 0 Rev. and Mrs, A. Martin attend- ed the Mennonite General Confer- ence at Goshen, Indianna, from August 25-27, where the former served as a delegate of the Ont- ario Conference. While there they called on Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Schrag, and Mr. and Mrs. James Peachey, formerly of Zurich dist- rict. ireetory St. Peter's Lutheran Church Zurich Rev. W. P. F I SC H E R, B.A., Pastor Mrs. J. Turkheim, Organist SERVICES Sunday, September 13- 10.00 a.m.—Worship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School WE WELCOME YOU Emmanuel Evangelical United Brethren Church Rev. A. M. AMACHER, B.A., B.O., Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist Wednesday, September 9- 8.00 p.m.—W.S.W.S. & Ladies' Aid Meeting. Sunday, September 13- 10.00 a.m.—Worship Service. 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School. Rev. R. C. Copeland, London, will present Temperance mes- sages at the Church Service and at Sunday School, All are welcome. A Glorious Experience - I "Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered"—Psa. 32: 1. —To know that one's sins are forgiven. —To have peace with God and within oneself. —To hove daily, meaningful fellowship with God. —To be able to live calmly in the present and face the future with confidence. "He that covereth his sins shall not prosper, but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy." —Prov. 28: 13. "The Blood of Jesus Christ cleonseth us from all sin." I Jno. 1:7. Zurich Mennonite Ev ngelism Cor ,,ittee THIEL'S' SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET Weekend Meat Specials FRYERS, 2 - 31/2 lbs. - 39c Ib1 ACON, Sliced - .53c Ib. PIEAMEAL D COTTAGE POLL - 49c Ib. Swire Your Gash Tapes At 0 St; re For FREE CHINA C. H. Thiel -PhoneI4O Zurich Ona.