HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1959-09-02, Page 1No. 35—First With The Local News
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COUNTY HONOURS: Fifteen girls, members of 4-H
clubs in Huron County, received county honors certifi-
cates Thursday, in recognition of successful completion
of six 4-H club projects. Front row, from the left: Carol-
ine Ross, Seaforth; Lynda Tiernan, Dashwood; Mary Jane
Hoffman, Dashwood; Mary MacGregor, Seaforth; Helen
Rader, Dashwood. Second row: Sharon McBride, Kippen;
Ruth Jarrott, Kippen; Joan Westcott, Hurondale; Carol
Becker, Dashwood; Margaret MacGregor, Seaforth. Third
row: Antoinette Van Den Hengel, Seaforth; Eleanor Keys,
McKillop; Connie Eckert, Seaforth; Freda Hunt, McKil-
lop; Cathy Eckert, Seaforth. (Beacon -Herald Photo)
Sixteen Cot my 4-11 Girls Get Award
For Completing Six Club Projects
Fifteen girls received county
honors awards at a 4-H Garden
Club Achievement Day held in
Seaforth Thursday morning and
afternoon, in the assembly hall
of Seaforth Collegiate Institute.
Each of the 15 had successfully
completed at least six 4-H Club
projects. In addition, a sixteenth
girl, Carole Schade, Dashwood,
who was absent Thursday, is to
receive an award.
Girls receiving the awards were
Carol Becker, Mary Jane Hoff-
man, Helen Rader, Linda Tiernan,
all of Dashwood; Joan Westcott,
Hurondale; Ruth Ann Jarrott,
Sharon McBride, Kippen; Fred
Hunt, Eleanor Keys, McKillop;
Connie Eckert, Cathy Eckert,
Antoinette Van Den Hengel, Mary
MacGregor, Margaret MacGregor,
and Caroline Ross, all of the Sea -
forth district.
The Achievement Day program
was conducted by Mrs. Ian Mc-
Allister, RR 1, Zurich, former
home economist for Huron, assist-
ed by Miss Bette Tillman, Clin-
ton, succeeds Mrs. McAllister in
A leader's certificate, for con-
tributions of time and effort to
4-H Club work in Huron, was pre-
sented by Mrs. McAllister to Mrs.
W. L. Whyte, leader of the Sea -
forth District 4-H Garden Club.
Special third -year projects were
shown and explained by Donelda
Lostell, Kippen; Marjorie Papple,
Seaforth; and Marilyn Taylor,
Clubs taking part in, the Achieve-
ment Day were Crediton, with
Mrs. Lorne Hodges and Mrs. A.
Attfield, leaders; Dashwood, Mrs.
S. Baker and Mrs. A. Kuntz;
Elimville, Miss Ruth Skinner and
Mrs. Norman Jaques; Grand Bend,
Mrs, Don Hendrick and Mrs. Nola
Taylor; Hurondale, Mrs. A. Moir
and Mrs. H. Dougall; Kippen,
Mrs. John Sinclair and Mrs. Ross
Chapman; McKillop, Mrs. James
F. Keys and Mrs. Gordon Papple;
Seaforth, Mrs. Gordon Elliott and
Mrs. G. MacKenzie; Seaforth
district, Mrs. W. L. Whyte and
Mrs. J. Broadfoot.
Elmore F, Klopp Honoured;Retiring
As Sunday School Superintendent
At a special evening held in the
church basement last Thursday
night, the Sunday School teachers
and officers of St. Peter's Luth-
eran Church honoured Elmore F.
Klepp, upon his retirement as sup-
erintendent of the Sunday School,
after 26 years of faithful service.
Before holding the position of
superintendent, Mr. Klopp was a
teacher for many years.
Rev. W. Paul Fischer conduct-
ed a service of gratitude on be -
Mitchell -Zurich
Series Postponed
For Time Being
The playoff series between Mit-
chell and Zurich for the Huron -
Perth baseball championship has
been postponed indefinitely, due to
the fact that Zurich had to start
their OBA Intermediate B play-
offs against Hanover this past
Saturday. Mitchell is also slated
to start their series in OBA In-
termediate C playoffs this week.
At the time the series was dis-
continued Zurich was leading
three games to one. Last Wed-
nesday the two teams started a
game in Zurich, and it had to be
called off in. the third inning due
to darkness and rain. At the time
the locals were leading the game
7-1, and they may have been able
to finish the series there and then
had not the game been called
The following night saw tale
two teams try again to play the
fifth game, but rain stalled the
proceedings in the first inning.
half of the gathering, and also
presented Mr. Klopp with an al-
bum of honour.
Mrs. Ernie Laidlaw, secretary
of the local Sunday School, read
an address to the retiring super-
intendent, and Glen Thiel present-
ed him with a gift, on behalf of
the Sunday School.
Mrs. Ed Datars was in charge
of the program, which followed,
and she presented Mr. Klopp with
a hand -drawn scrap -book, depict-
ing his life history in church act-
ivities. Ron Klopp showed a num-
ber of slides, which he had taken
on his trip to New York. and a
short entertainment followed.
Council Meeting
Changed to Friday
The regular monthly meeting of
the Hay Township Council, which
was scheduled to be held in the
council chambers this past Tues-
day night, has been postponed un-
til Friday, September 4.
Reason for the change was
made necessary due to the fact
that both the reeve and deputy -
reeve are away on business.
Advance sale admission tic-
kets for the Western Fair in
London are now on sale in
Zurich, at the office of the
Citizens News. The tickets
come in strips of two, for one
Only holders of these tic-
kets are eligible for the five
car draw awards which will
be made in front of the
grandstand, on Saturday
night, September 19.
More Work Being
Done At New Park
Funds Are Needed
This past Saturday saw another
work bee staged at the site of
the new Community Park. More
fill was drawn in and levelled off.
At a meeting of the Park Board
last Friday night it was decided
to try and locate more funds
which they could use to draw fill
and make other improvements.
It is quite probable another
work bee will be held in the near
future, and anyone- -who wishes
to donate trucks, tractors or time.
should contact the chairman of
the Park Board, Carl Haberer.
o -
N ew Teacher Will
Address First
Meeting Of I ions
The regular fall term of the Zu-
rich Lions Club will begin next
Wednesday, September 9, with a
dinner meeting at the Dominion
Hotel. Guest speacker for the oc-
casion will be H. Ralph Latimer,
B.Sc.. Parkhill, who will be tea-
ching industrial arts in the Zurich
school this year.
Mr. Latimer will speak to the
members of the Lions Club on the
subject, "The Overall. Plan and
Details of a Community Park".
He has had considerable archi-
tectural and engineering exper-
ience in the Army, where he has
served as a Major. In addition
to this he was a member of the
city of London Planning Board
for two years, and has already
designed and planned a number of
community parks, including the
one which the Parkhill Lions Club
are now working on.
The Lions Club will again be
meeting every first and third
Monday, this year, as in past
years. President for the cominig
term is Lloyd O'Brien.
Second Game
ith Hanover
Here. Tonight
Tonight, Wednesday, the
Hanover ball team will be
here for the second game in
their best -of -three intermedi-
ate B, OBA playoffs. Last
Saturday in Hanover, the loc-
als were victorious by a score
of 24, so baseball fans can
be sure of seeing a top notch
hall game.
One. of the Hanover players
IS Douglas "Red" Theander,
who is well known to all
sports fans in this part of the
country, having played for
the Zurich team for two
years. Manager of their club
is Bob Zister, who is a
former star of the Listowel
senior ball club.
Game time tonight will be
5 p.m.
The winner of this series
is slated to play the winner of
the Tillsonburg-Milton series.
which is being played this
Damages Heavy In
Friday Accident
Murray 'Pridham, 21, Mitchell,
was admitted to South Huron
Hospital, Exeter, on Friday night
and later released, as a result of
a rear -end collision on Highway
84, two miles west of Zurich.
Two cars, driven by Clarence
Cronin, 25, Dublin, and Robert
Kells, 21, Mitchell, were travel-
ling west when the Kells vehicle
crashed into the rear of the Cron-
in car. Pridham was a passenger
in the Kells vehicle. Dr. A. W.
Klashen, Zurich, treated the in-
jured man, and had him transfer-
red to the hospital.
According to OPP Constable
D. M. Westover, of the Exeter
detachment, damages are esti-
mated at $650. He stated charg-
es are pending.
Plans Being Finalized For Fall
Fair, Better Parade Prizes Offered
With the date for the Zurich
Fall Fair only a little more than
three weeks away, plans are be-
ing finalized for various depart-
ments of the show. The Seaforth
Iligh School Girls' Trumpet Banti
have been engaged to lead the
monster parade, and also provide
afternoon entertainment,
All prizes for the parade this
year have been increased, and
many more entries are expected
than in previous years. Special
prizes will be given for the best
school in costume, the best decor-
ated car, best business float, best
freak float, best decorated bicycle
and best decorated tricycle.
Good Entertainment
A top notch variety show has
been booked for the first night I
Application To Incorporate Zurich
Sent To Ontario Municipal Board
A by -late was passed at a special meeting of the trustees of
the Police Village of Zurich on Monday night, requesting the
Ontario Municipal Board to approve the incorporation of Zurich
as a village. The request has been forwarded to the O.M.B. by
the solicitor for the trustees, Elmer D. Bell, Q.C., Exeter.
The solicitor has been preparing the details of incorporation
for some time now, and was present at the Monday night meeting
to have the final by-law approved.
If the Municipal Board feels everything is in order to have
Zurich incorporated they may approve the application as is. They
may also call for a public hearing at some future date in Zurich.
It is the hope of the trustees that all necessary details will
be finalized before nomination time rolls around, so extra ex-
penses for another nomination later will not be made necessary.
As an incorporated village there will be a reeve and three or
four man council, with the reeve becoming a member of the
County Council.
of the fair, on Saturday, Septemb-
er 26, featuring the Kansas Farm-
er, and his troupe of eight.
This show will be presented in
the arena, with plenty of seating
space available.
The prize list for the annual
fall fair are being printed now,
and should be ready by the end of
this week. There are numerous
changes in this year's book, with
new classes being added and prize
money being increased in many
cases. In the domestic science
classes exhibitors do not have to
bring their entries in until Mon-
day morning, and the amounts to
be paid out have been increased
so as to encourage new exhibitors.
A midway is again being lined
up to operate at the fair on both
Saturday night and Monday.
-high Schools Ready For Opening,
Victor Dinnin Among New Teachers
This year the enrolment at
South Huron District High School
Exeter, is not expected to see
much of an increase, There will
probably be a few more than the
612 figure of last year, but not
enough to warrant the need of
a new classroom right away.
Victor Dinnin, a former prin-
cipal of the Zurich Public School,
will. be joining the staff at South
Huron this fall, and will be teach-
ing English and Mathematics.
Two other new teachers will help
to round out the staff for the
conning term. Cecil Wilson, a
former teacher at South Huron,
will return to teach English, and
Ron Bogart, Shedden, will be an
insructor in agriculture.
At Clinton District Collegiate
Institute, numbers of enrolment
are unknown. Principal E. A.
Fines, in hospital at London for
the past week, is expected back
by opening day on September 8.
The CDCI Board is waiting re-
ceipt of tenders on the addition
for which plans were made this
spring. Estimated cost was $326,
000 and S. B. Coon and Sons, Tor-
onto, who built the original school
in 1927 and the addition in 1955,
are architects hired for this pres-
ent structure.
New teachers include Bruce
Johnston, Don Mills, mathematics
and Kenneth Clynick, Meaford,
physical training; R. St. John,
Sarnia and R. R. Williams, Tor-
Teachers Changed In Some Schools
For Opening Day on September 8
With the re -opening of district
schools next Tuesday, September
8, many schools will see changes
in the teaching staffs. Here in
the Hay Township School Area
there is only one change, that of
the industrial arts. The new
teacher for this department is
Ralph Latimer, Parkhill.
As soon as living accommoda-
tions can be found Mr. Latimer
will be taking up residence in
Zurich. The complete list of teach-
ers is as follows:
Hay T.S.A.
2 - Charles McQuillin, Dash-
3—Mrs. Margaret Deichert, RR
1, Zurich.
4—Mrs. Phylis Deichert, RR 2,
7—Principal, Mrs. Greta Laven-
der, Hensall; Mrs. Doreen Oesch,
Miss Olive O'Brien, Mrs. Mary
McNaughton, Mrs. Audrey Haber-
er, Mrs. Carole Kyle, Mrs, Nor-
man Siebert, Ralph Lathner.
8 --Mrs. Ruby Neeb, Zurich.
10 -- Mrs. Freda Norminton,
12 --.-Donald O'Brien, Zurich.
U15—Mrs. Idena V. Desjardine,
RR 3, Parkhill.
Seperate School
While all the work in the new
Separate School in Zurich will
not be completed before opening
day, the classrooms will be far
enough advanced to receive clas-
ses, The enrolment is expected
to reach between 90 and 95. At
a meeting last Monday night the
tender of Victor Hartman, RR 1,
Dashwood, to operate the school
bus for the new school was ac-
Separate School teachers are,
James Carry, principal; Miss
Mary Shea and Mrs. Evelyn Mc-
Stanley Township
In Stanley Township the list of
teachers for the corning school
term is as follows:
Area Schools: 1 ----Mrs. Marion
Powell, RR 3, Clinton; 6—Miss
Jean McKellar; 7 --Miss Joanne
Robinson, RR 1, Varna; 10 ---Mich-
ael Hallahan, Blyth; 14- --Miss
Rosalie Mollarci.
Township Schools: 3—Mrs.
Marie l3eatty, Varna; 4E—Mrs.
Mina Talbot, RR 3, Bayfield;
4 ---Mrs. Anna Scotchmer, Bay,
field; 5 --Mrs. Grace McClinchey,
Brucefield; 8—Wilbert Fralich,
Bayfield; Mrs. Vina Parker, Bay-
field; USS9— Mrs. Margaret
Horner, RR 2, Zurich.
Stephen Township
In Stephen Township there is
only one change in staff for the
next term, Mrs. Joan Mitchell
replaces Mrs. Wilma Desjardine
at SS 10.
A transportation tender has
been awarded to Exeter Coach
Lines to bring children from the
Stephen area to the Zurich school
for Home Economics and Indust-
rial Arts.
Stephen Township: 1—Mrs. Jes-
sie Carter, RR 1, Clandeboye;
11—Stanley Haist, RR 2, Dash-
Stephen School Area: 4—Miss
Marion McLean, Exeter; 5—Mrs.
Ruby I. Molitor, Crediton, Mrs.
Addileen Morlock, Crediton, Mrs.
Glena D. Tripp, Centralia; 6—
Mrs. Ada McDonald, RR 3, Ailsa
Craig; 7—Donald Finkbeiner, RR
2, Crediton; 10—Mrs. Joan Mit-
chell, Grand Bend; 14—Mrs. Ver-
na M. Hicks, Centralia; U16—
Douglas A. McCaw, Dashwood,
Mrs. Adah Webb, Grand Bend;
Mrs. Letta Taylor, Dashwood.
Hensall Village
At Hensel', principal Robert
Reaburn expects an increase of
about ten in enrolment, bringing
the total close to 200.
Mr. Reaburn's staff remains
the same. He will teach grades
seven and eight; Mrs. Mary M.
Haugh, Brucefield, five and six:
Eric Mansfield, three and four;
Mrs. Mabel Shirray, RR 2, Hen-
sall, two and three; Mrs. Beryl
Elgie, RR 3, Kippen, one; Mrs.
Helen Scone, kindergarten (part-
Huron County
Crop Report
(By D. G. Grieve, assistant
agricultural representative
for Huron County)
"White bean harvest in the
county has started with yields
lower than usual due to the blight.
Recent wet weather has hampered
the completion of grain harvest
and curing of second cut hay in
some parts of the county. Pros-
pects for high yields of grain corn
are very good,