HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1959-07-29, Page 7a WEDNESDAY, JULY .29, 1959 1111110113n Zurich Lumberkings Clinch First Place With 64 Win Over Dashwood The Zurich. Lumberkings prac- ed Trushinski, and then Wilson tically clinched the Huron -Perth baseball league title on Monday night when. they edged the Dash- wood. Tigers in Dashwood, 6-4. Zurioh has only two games left in the regular schedule, one with Dashwood in Zurich tonight, Wed- nesday, and the other with Mitch- ell Lincolns in Zurich this Thurs- day night. Lefty Claude Tessier held the Tigers to five scattered hits throughout the contest. He struck -out five Dashwood batters, and gave up only four `bases on balls. The Kings jumped on the com- bined offerings of Iry Ford. and Steve Mitro for nine hits. Be- tween them they walked four .Zurich batters, and struck out five. John Wilson was the only mem- ber of the 'Luniberkings to hit safely more than once, He had two singles, one in the :first and one in the third!. Zurich exploded for three runs in the first inning on three hits. Lead-off batter Doug O'Brien worked a base on balls, as did .Bill Craig. Danny Trushinski lined out a single to score O'Brien and then Yungblut drew a base on balls, Arn Meyer's doubl scor- a VISIT THE Real Living Santa June 19 to Thanksgiving Fun For All The Family CHILDREN TO't4 YEARS'FREE 9.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Sunday: 1..00`to 6.00 p.m. SANTA'S VILLAGE .Braceb.ridge, Ont. 24to30b came through with his first single to score Yungblut. Two successive singles by Doug O'Brien and Bill Craig in the second produced another run. In the third Yungblut led off with a single, was sacrificed to second by Jerry Bell and then scored on John Wilson's second single of the game. The final Zurich run carne in the fifth, when Danny Trushinski reached first after be- ing struck out, on an error to the Dashwood catcher. He stole sec- ond, was sacrificed to third by Jerry Bell, and then scored on a wild pitch. Dashwood scored two runs in the first on one hit, added one in the third on a single hit, and them shoved one more across the plate in the sixth on two errors. ZURICH AB R H E Doug O'Brien 2b 3 2 1 0 Bill Craig cf 2 0 1 0 Danny Trushinski ss 3 2 1 0 Bill Yungblut, 3b 1 2 1 0 Jerry Bell rf 1 0 0 0 Arn Meyer if 2 0 1 0 John Wilson c 3 0 2 0 Don O'Brien 1b 3 0 1 4 Claude Tessier p 3 0 1 0 TOTALS 26 DASHWOOD AB Genttner ss 3 Ford, p, 3b 4 Hayter, 3b, cf 2 Mitro, cf, p, 2 Doucette, c, Lightfoot, 1b, 3 Ratz, 2b 2 Denomme, rf, Webb, If, 3 TOTALS 6 R 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 9 H 0 1 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 4 E 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 25 4 5 2 R H E Zurich 311 010 6 9 4 Dashwood 201 001 4 5 2 Claude Tessier and John Wil- son; Irv. Ford, Steve Mitro (1) and Wally Doucette. ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Two New Members of Lumberkings Two more new members of the Zurich Lumberkings roster this year are, left DANNY TRUSHINSKI, who holds down short-stop position, and right,CLAUDE TESSIER, a southpaw pitcher. Danny hails from the town of Walker- ton, and has been active in various phases of sports in that district. Besides having played considerable baseball in Walkerton Danny played minor hockey there, and Tater played junior hockey for the Chesley Colts, where he .was judged one of the most valuable players. He works for the local branch of the Bank of Montreal. Claude Tessier calls Hull, Quebec, his home. He came to Goderich last winter to play junior hockey in that town. Before coming to this section of the country he played considerable baseball in Quebec. Claude works for the Dominion Road and Machinery Company in Goderich. (Citizens News Photos) Canadian fine paper output for 1958 totalled 254,068 tons against 1957's 252,086 tons. S4' s new at th Mutual Guaranteed insurability— toi meet your future requirements ' A new Mutual Life option guarantees you the right to obtain extra life insur- ance later on—up to $90,000 additional insurance, without medical examina- tion. Your insurability can be priceless —ask your Mutual Life of Canada man about insuring it. Automatic payment of premiums ...save time, postage and m,oneyi You write no more cheques ... Mutual Life's new automatic plan takes over. A Mutual Life extra! Your monthly pre- mium is less than if you pay monthly the usual way. Lower rates for women! With a deep bow to the ladies, The Mutual Life now provides you with insurance at lower premiums than for men — and recognizes that you are younger, madam, than your years. Your proven ability to live longer means real savings for you — from The Mutual Life of Canada. • Group insurance — for 5 or more employees Really comprehensive coverage at re- markably low Mutual Life rates —life insurance, hospital, surgical, medical expenses and income while laid up — plus health insurance and maternity benefits for dependants—all integrated with government plans where in effect. Talk it over with your Mutual man. A Mutual Life policyholder enjoys the most modern services, the most attractive savings in life insurance today. Get protection at low net cost'from The Mutual Life of Canada—the company with the outstanding dividend record. 1869 ninety years of leadership in mutual life insurance -- 1959 G , A /,„/ice, / ,, A i, r ? ' r y r mo/iA Phone: 93 r 7, Zurich ML -96C Representative: ALEX J. MASSE, R.R. 2, Zurich, Ontario We Have: shorts and shirts, skorts and skirts, blouses and hose, and fancy clothes; jackets and ties that please men's eyes, stretch sox, too, in red, white, and blue; many fine shirts of terylene and cotton none of which can be forgot- ten; swimsuits and jeans for everyone's means. But now we've come to the end of our tale. By Jove, you guessed it, We're having a SALE. offeammimunozommemmii Everything Reduced 25% L a d i e s. Bathing Suits, Play 1. Clothes, Shorts, Slims, Sleeveless Blouses, Print Dresses. VREMSWANNIIIIIIMMOIMINIIMNION G ir I s° All Cotton Sun Dresses, Jerseys, Shorts and Tops. anurassemmusememuss Sport Shirts (Long and n' Short Sleeved -- All ` Reduced 20%. Cotton Jerseys — assorted colors — small size, reg. 1.25 — SALE PRICE 98c. Boys' Jeans — summer weight, reg. 3.95 — SALE PRICE 1.95. BLUE JEANS—Extra Special! 9 oz. denim 3.19 pair or 2 pair for 5.98 Me . SPORT SHIRTS — on Bois sale at only 98c SALE STARTS on THURSDAY, JULY 30 FOR 2 WEEKS GASCHO ROS. Phone 59 – Zurich "The Store With The Stock" PAGE SEVEN Triple By Pete Masse Gives Kings 8-4 Victory I ver Mitchell Lincolns Pete Masse, big right -fielder of the Zurich Lumberkings, smashed out a three -run triple in. the sixth inning to lead the locals to an 8-4 victory over the Mitchell Lin- coins incolns in Zurich on Wednesday night, The 400 -foot drive landed on the back edge of the race track in deep left field. Arn Meyer, ace right-hander of the locals pitching staff, held the heavy -hitting Lincolns to seven scattered hits. Only once, in the fifth inning, was he in any kind of trouble, when the visitors jumped on him for three of their hits, and scored two of their runs. He struck out ten Mitchell bat- ters in the eight -inning contest, and walked only three men. Doug O'Brien and Bill Yung- blut led the locals hitting attack, each getting three hits in four times at bat, one of Yungblut's being a double in the seventh. Jerry Bell had two hits in three times at bat. Joe Murphy was the only Mitchell batter to hit safely more than once, going two for four. In the first inning Doug O'Bri- en led off with a single, reached second and then third on an er- Da ny Trushinski Top Zurich Batter With .500 Average With the regular season in the Huron - Perth Baseball League nearing completion Danny Trush- inski is still the leading batter on the Zurich Lumberking roster, with an average of .500. Follow- ing close behind Trushinski with .472 is Bill Yungblut, who has gained considerably in the past two weeks with his terrific hitting power. John Wilson holds down third position with a comfortable .462 average. Complete figures for the entire team are: Danny Trushinski 34 17 .500 Bill Yungblut 46 17 .472 John Wilson 26 12 .462 Jerry Bell 36 16 .444 Doug O'Brien - 40 13 .325 Bill Craig 43 13 .302 Don O'Brien 30 7 .233 Arn Meyer 32 7 .219 George Parker 15 4 .280 Bruce Moir 8 2 .250 Pete Masse 18 4 .222 Claude Tessier 8 1 °125 ror to the right -fielder, and scor- ed on a wild pitch. In the sec- ond Jerry Bell led off with a sin- gle, advanced on Wilson's sac- rifice, and scored on Arn Mey- er's single.. Two successive singles by Doug O'Brien and Bill Craig, followed by Don O'Brien's base on balls, a single by Bill Yung- blut and a sacrifice fly by Bell pushed two runs across for the 'Kings in the third. The big rally came in the sixth: Bill Yungblut and Jerry Bell both singled, were moved to second and third on Wilson's sacrifice, and then Masse came through with his towering drive to deep left -centre, to account for two runs. Masse scored later on Geo- rge Parker's single. MITCHELL AB R. H E Colquhoun, 2b 4 2 1 0 Westman, c 4 0 0 0 Rohfristch, cf 3 0 1 0 Wallace, ss 3 1 1 0 Sadler, p 4 0 1 0 Coveney, 3b 2 0 0 0 Murphy, rf 4 1 2 1 W. Pauli, lb 3 0 0 0 R. Pauli, if 4 0 1 0 Totals 31 4 7 1 ZURICH AB H E Doug O'Brien, 2b 4 2 3 0 Bill Craig, cf 4 1 1 0 Don O'Brien, ss 3 0 0 0 Bill Yungblut, 3b 4 1 3 0 Jerry Bell, 1b 3 2 2 0 John Wilson, c 1 0 0 0 Pete Masse, rf 3 1 1 0 Arn Meyer, p 3 0 1 0 George Parker, if 3 1 1 0 Totals 28 812 0 R H E Mitchell. 001 021 00-4 7 1 Zurich 112 004 Ox -8 12 0 Bob Sadler and Charlie West - man; Arn Meyer and John Wilson. O'Brien's Plumbing Heating and Tinssnithing Phone 156 — Zurich ATTENTION ®- FARMERS MILK EGGS CREAM • POULTRY WE PAY TOP PRICES U'UT IEN'S PRDUCE Phone 101 Zurich SEASON IS HERE Aluminum Rotary Food Presses $4.25 • FRUIT JAR FUNNELS HOUSEHOLD SCALES CANNERS PRESERVING KETTLES $3.25 — $3.75 Buy . . Harvest Time! PLYMOUTH ` RED TOP BINDER TWINE Stade Weido ardware PHONE 92 -- ZURICH "PLUMBING — HEATING -- TINSMI'li HING"