HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1959-06-24, Page 11WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1959 ST. JOSEPH'S - 9411444.1441464111440/411011/444111415241 YSDALE (AL. FRED DUCHARME, Correspondent) Mr, and Mrs. Roy Aldrus and children, Detroit, were Sunday vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Avila Ducharme. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Ryder and children, London, spent the week- end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bedard, on this highway. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hartman and sons, London, Cyril and Mich- ael Hartman, Zurich, were Fath- er's Day visitors with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Duchar- me. Mr. and Mrs, Anthony Denom- me, Kitchener, were weekend vis- itors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noel Laporte, also cal- ling on other relatives in the neighbourhood. The Seasons Pass Already the days will again be- gin to shorten, and once again we will be headed for the late sum- mer, then fall, then the blustery winter months which we all dread to see come. With the passing of the seasons it adds to the years of our life. ZURICH Citizens NEWS Schools Unite On Tuesday evening two meet- ings were held in the parish con- cerning the uniting of the school sections. The idea is to put the two schools unaer one manage- ment. Buses will be in operation to pick up children, and if all is approved we believe it will be a satisfactory movement for all. Birthday Party On Sunday last, June 21, Louis (Bob) Masse celebrated his 35th birthday at his home. His par- ents and relatives, and a few friends gathered to wish him well. He was the recipient of many gifts of which he was grateful, and thanked all in a suitable manlier. Comments A few Sundays ago it was Moth- er's Day, a day set aside to honour and pay highest respect to a moth- er, and when children gathered and showed their love to mother. Last Sunday was also a day set aside to visit and pay the highest respect to their father, as loving children. Many had come from long distances, others came from INSIST ON THE BEST!! BUY "PLYMOUTH" RED TOP ALER TWINE ARE THE BUGS AFTER YOUR GARDEN? USE ®®KING" Bug Killer AVAILABLE IN ALL SIZE PACKAGES PLANNING TO PANT YOUR HOUSE?.. We Recommend SHERWIN-WILLlAMIS HIGH GRADE HOUSE PANTS IN A WIDE VARIETY OF THE LATEST COLOURS We Have A Paint Shaker For Your Convenience Stade & Weido Hardware PHONE 92 — ZURICH "PLUMBING — HEATING — TINSMITHING" Bronson. Line Et P Cemetery Holds Decoration Day The annual Decoration Day Ser- vice was held at the Bronson Line EUB Cemetery on Sunday, June 21. The Salvation Army Band, London, under the direction of Bandmaster Thomas Wilson, was in charge of the service. The Band played the following numbers: "True for ever," "Wol- longong Citadel," "In My Redeem- er's Praise," "Indomitable," "Sta- ple Hill," and "The joy of Salva- tion." Five girls played the tim- brels, and sang "Marvelous Gra- ce." Bandmaster Thomas Wilson played a Euphonium solo, entitled, " A starry Crown," and a coronet duet was played. "A better world," Senior Captain Fred Smith brought the message. The weather was ideal for the occasion, and there was a large congregation present. Graves were decorated before the service. abroad for the occasion. The title father was given to him inthe early ages, and later on by our Lord in this area. In fairness a father can not com- pare his tenderness to that of a mother. From the beginning it was established that a mother's heart is greater than that of a father. Nevertheless a father ranks high in society; he has been given honourable charges that are worthy of respect. He has the re- sponsibility of overseeing the wel- fare of his household, and for that he is expected to discharge an hon- ourable duty, since that trust was given him by God. 0 Sugar and Spice (continued from page 2) it's a chance to get the women reading all through the paper, and they cater to them. During the Tour, their circulation leaps, and the editors' ulcers ease. * * * But the minute it's over, the women drop the newspapers like a soiled diaper, and go back to reading cake mix recipes and mag- azine quizzes on "Is Your Husband the Right Man?", listening to soap operas, and watching third-rate TV programmes. * * * Never mind, girls. Far be it from me to spoil your fun. I don't understand it, but I won't inter- fere. I just want you to know that after the Queen waves that last goodbye, and you've wiped your eyes, you'll be welcome back, and we'll be here, maybe not as dashing as the Duke, but four- square, faithful, and ready for a decent dinner after all those weeks of eating snacks in a welter of newspapers. NEW 1'RACTIONSURE-GRIP by GOOD"EAR ast perfect tread toughest carcass ever ,Get more for your tractor tire dollars than ever! New Traction Sure -Grip combines the famous Goodyear Sure -Grip tread design with the toughest 3-T Cord carcass ever built! Goodyear's exclusive 3-T Cord is tough and resilient. It's triple -tempered, much as steel is tem- pered—gives you extra seasons of wear—resists breaks, reduces bruises to an all-time low. See us about this great new tractor tire: V� L BECKER and SONS DASHWOOD --- --- — — PHONE: 60-W NEST WISHES TO PEARSON MOTORS LIMITED FOR A MOST SUCCESSFUL CAR AUCTION V. L BECKER and SONS DASHWOOD PHONE 60-W l PAGE ELEVEN 14944117440144114142114 411141411114444344444=4414414411441444,44140414464114114144444114121041441111M41114.424444.444111144134844461414 NEWS OF DASHWOOD (MRS, E. H. RADER, Correspondent) Art Willert has returned home from St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, where he underwent surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Burke, Brampton, spent the weekend with Mr. Milton Haugh. Miss Martha Gossman, London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Keller. Mr. and Mrs. Lesllie Bucholtz, Kitchener, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Becker. Miss Pauline Becker and Arthur Rader, students at Concordia Col- lege, Alberta, have returned home for the summer months. Miss Shirley Haugh spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Car- men Eckmier, at Stratford. She returned home with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader and family, who spent Sunday there. Sunday School Picnic The annual Sunday School pic- nic of the EUB Church, was held held Friday, June 19, at River- view Park, Exeter. Following supper sports were enjoyed. Dashwood Dirt Daubers The second meeting of the 4-H garden club was held at the home of Lynda Tiernan, on Monday, June 8, with eight girls and the two leaders present. The meeting opened with the 4-H pledge, followed by the minu- tes of last meeting and the roll call, "One vegetable in my garden which requires thinning." Mrs. Sid Baker and Mrs. Arnold Kuntz demonstrated thinning and trans- planting. The next meeting will be at the home of Catherine and Joan Ra- der, The leaders discussed Garden Weeds and Insects with sub -topics Home Surroundings, Flower beds and Vegetable eating habits. Roll call for next meeting is one im- Garbage Pick Up ext Thursday Next week, due to the holiday, the garbage collection will be held in Zurich on Thursday instead of Wednesday. All persons using these facilities are asked to keep this in mind. provement I have made or plan to make in my home surroundings. Home assignment, (1) Check your vegetable eating habits; (2) Do page 11 in Member's Pamphlet; (3) Bring records and record book up to date; (4) Gardening care, thinning and transplanting; (5) Select and do projects to improve home surroundings. The meeting closed with a barbecue. Rader Reunion The annual Rader Reunion was held at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, on Sunday, June 21, with 159 gues- ts signing the register. Glen Koehler and his committee conducted the sports. Results were: children five and under, Randy Decker; girls eight and under, San- dra Richardson; boys, Ray Tay- lor; girls ten and under, Gail Rich- ardson; boys, Douglas Waiper; girls 12 and under, Donna Richard- son; boys, Wayne Decker; girls 15 and under, Barbara Willert; single men, Lloyd Rader; married wom- en, Mrs. Glen Waiper; married men, Wendell Gamble; three-leg- ged race, Barbara Willert and Gail Richardson; Wayne Decker and Brian Decker; dropping cloth- es pins in jar, Mrs. Art McCallum; best dressed couple (comic) Mrs. Wendell Gamble and Garnet Weib- erg; scavenger hunt, Colin McGre- gor's team; kicking ball, Mrs. Glen Waiper and Earl Rader; lucky draw, Alvin Walpher; gues- sing length of rope, Harold Rader; lucky plate, Susan Decker. Several special prizes were awarded: oldest person, William Rader (90 years); youngest baby, Jane Hayter, 12 weeks; most re- cently married, Mr. and Mrs. Art McCallum; oldest lady, Mrs. Cas- sie Palmanteer; youngest grand- inother, Mrs. Ross Richardson; longest married, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Restemayer (46 years); lar - guest family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Willert, with seven children; com- ing the farthest, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Prussner, Greenville, Mich. Glen Waiper, president, presided for the business. Mrs. Glen Wal - per, secretary, reported on last year's picnic. New officerers are: president, Clifford Weido; vice- presidents, Earl Rader, Ervin Ra- der; secretary, Mrs. Harold Rad- er; treasurer, Mrs. Ervin Rader table convener, Mrs. John Rader; sports convener, Ross Richardson. w e T eman s Hardware • Plumbing e Heating e Electrical Work e Oil Burner Service SALES and SERVICE COAL and CEMENT PHONE 8 - DASHWOOD 17-tfb fti:MK: :'xC'Jt;itn,10 `M;:;'i:•..,, :fi: C'��`.� ` ego:i iWr:.<7' :^fi' i�••.43:: :'::::i : r 5 K4:'F; a�::=e`l•.... n.... .n�Y..•. n.X: �.v.......AY . Y �• M 4.4 To heat the heat instil to now Don't wait. Insulate now and enjoy the grand comfort of a cooler home this summer . . . a warmer one, come winter. Batt, bag or roll, we've got the insulation you want . . at modest cost! Get Our Free Estimates Insulation • Lumber Wallboard Millwork Flooring nun- LUMBERIMfl$ D.RS S� PPBES 4144060444444044441414443414144.1441441444440411114114