HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1959-06-24, Page 4ZURICH Uitlzens PAGE FOUR AIIMMILIMMENIEWORMMOVIEWOMEMI Bank 'of Montreal Develops New Consumer -Finance Customer Loans Development of a new form of insured loan. Special Feature The B of M plan includes a special feature which Mr. Hart referred to as "ever -ready credit". Under this provision, the consumer may arrange for a standby pers- onal credit, based on his income and commitments, and available for his use at any time. He is thus free to make purchases at will and issue cheques on the spot up to the limit of his prearranged credit. "The bank's new plan will by no means be restricted to loans for the purchase of items normally bought on instalments, but will also be readily available for many other purposes such as medical and dental bills, education expenses and vacation costs," Mr. Hart said. "Neither", he added, "will the plan be confined to purely family pur- chases, but will be equally at the disposal of the single person." consumer -finance loans by the Bank of Montreal, providing fac- ilities for Canadians to consolid- ate all of their credit -buying und- er a single life -insured loan, with a single monthly payment, was an- nounced by the bank's president, G. Arnold Hart. Mr. Hart said the system would be known as the "Bank of Mont- real Family Finance Plan". It went into operation at all of the bank's 781 Canadian offices on June 15. Personal loans under the new .arrangements will be made for practically any purpose in amounts up to $3,500, while repayments will be scheduled over periods up to three years, where required. Such loans will be automatically life - insured. Many of the loans will be made on an unsecured basis, although chattel mortgage and other types of security may be taken where such collateral is normal. The main consideration in making loans will be the customer's ability to repay, without hardship, from regular income. Interest will be six percent a year on the actual outstanding®®fin balance, plus a charge to cover -o Birds Make N eat Job of Distributing i\'ails the cost of processing and service, Mr. Hart explained, adding, "The overall cost to the customer of a loan under the new plan is lower than generally prevails for con- sumer -financing in Canada and is particularly attractive for a life - 0 (44 O`Brients Plumbing Heating and Tinsmithing Phone 156 — Zurich A mystery has been solved. For clays Thomas Westlake and his son Gordon, were puzzled by the row of new staples and the odd roofing nail found on the driveway be- tween the latter's house and the gate on the Blue Water Highway, Stanley Township. Each day they'd find some laid neatly in rows just as if a child had set them for the car tires. There were never any in the grass at the side of the driveway. After about a week it was found that the starlings were building in a pail hanging up in the drive shed about 50 feet from the house. It was about a quarter full of staples and roofing nails. No doubt the sharp points jabbed the female's breast as she made her nest, and so she or her mate took the offen- ding articles out only to discover another! But it did seem odd that the nails were dropped in a row as a distinct hazard to tires. Was this an accident, surely not deliberately planned by the birds? AUTHORIZED +h\`7 DEALER Take advantage of the off-season in the heating business to put your furnace in condition for next winter. Call us for FREE INSPECTION At no cost to you, well check your furnace for safety, economy and trouble. If it's o.k. we'll tell you so. Minor repairs can be made now at much lower rates. Or, if a new furnace is needed we can help you select the ANfHES furnace best suited to your needs. Remember LOW DOWN PAYMENT — EASY TERMS RADER & MITTELHOLTZ HARDWARE PHONE: 63 — ZURICH WE SPECIALIZE IN SUNDAY DINNERS 4,00 to 7.30 p.m. DINING ROOM CLOSED EVERY TUESDAY EVENING Dominion Hotel PHONE 70 ZURICH "You Are a Stranger But Once" i NEWS Furniture Presents To Departing Minister and Wife (By our Hensall correspondent) Presentation of a chesterfield suite, twin desk set, and lazy boy chair, were made to Rev, Charles D. and Mrs. Daniel by the con- gregation at the Hensall United and Chiselhurst churches at a fare- well gathering at the United Ch- urch on Thursday evening. The address to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel was read by James Taylor and presentation by Joseph Ferguson. Mrs. Daniel was presented a corsage by Mrs. Dave Kyle. Mr, Daniel, in expressing appreciation for the gifts, stated that he would carry with him happy memories of his ministry here, and left a challenge for the young people to carry on the traditions of their fathers. Mrs. Daniel, who spoke briefly, invited members of the congregation to visit them and see their gifts at their home in Inger- soll. Mr. Daniel, who has been in the Try the Zurich Citizens News For Fine Job Printing ministry for 44 years. and who has served both congregations for the past four years, is retiring to Ingersoll. P, L. McNaughton, ch- airman of the Board of Stewards was chairman, and gave the chair- man's address. Steve Kyle read scripture pass- ages and Rev. Daniel offered pray- er. A program was enjoyed, con- sisting of a vocal duet by Mrs. Pearl Passmore and Mrs. William Fuss; vocal solos by Eric Ross, Chiselhurst, and Mrs. Carl Payne, and a reading by Miss M. Ellis, with the accompanists Miss Greta WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1959 Lammie and Mrs. A. Ross, Luncheon was served by memb- ers of the Evening Auxiliary, Wal- ter Spencer extended courtesy re- marks to the Evening Auxiliary for the delicious lunch. FETE'S FLOWERS Phone 130 — Zurich Flowers beautifully arranged for Weddings, Funerals, Etc. At Prices Everyone can afford "Flowers Wired Anywhere" REGISTRATION DAY All pupils who will attend Grade 1 of ZURICH PUBLIC SCHOOL in September, are requested to register at the school, in Room 1, on Thursday, June 25, between the hours of 2.00 and 3.30 p.m. The school nurse expects to be present to speak to the mothers of the beginners during the same period. 24-5-b Greta J. Lavender. Principal NA E IT twzittf4 • BANK OF MONTREAL rui &Wu Tel 0 0 —co vain— !nonce om f' finance Plan Bring all your personal credit needsundervone roof. ,......,........,:,,, `` with a low-cost B of M life -insured loan • rl r ....4----'1'14.06,3006,4$ 74.06,, jam ' Ate'!'• There's no better, sounder, more convenient way to finance your purchases for your home and family than the new Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan. With it, you can plan your purchases and meet unexpected opportunities and emergencies under one single comprehensive plan. Read these four good reasons why — whether married or single — you should use the B of M's Family Finance Plan. See if they don't add up to better living for you and your family. O AU loans aro automatically life -insured. Should you die before your loan is repaid, your debt to the Bank will be cancelled. O Monthly repayments can be extended up to two years—or even three, if need be. This means that FFP can be tailored to suit any salary. O You can betrow up to $3,500, depending ors you income, to buy the things you want for your home and family, or to meet emergencies. O Planned repayments help you run your income — Instead of letting it tyro you. Almost any reasonable purpose may be financed through the Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan — including vacation, school and college expenses and so on. The Bank of Montreal will gladly advance the necessary cash as long as you can afford repayments without hardship. Whether you are a B of M customer or not, this modern low-cost way to get the things you want for your home and family is available to you. Why not talk to the people at your neighbourhood B of M branch today? 'MY Mil tr TO 2 10111 1011 CAIAOIAI! BANK OF MONTREAL ea4eada4 9i V444 Zurich Branch JOHN BANNISTER, Manager WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OP LIF! SIMCE 1017 rt+•nc