HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1959-06-17, Page 8PAGE EIGHT ST. JOSEPH'S—DRYSDALE (AL. FRED ®UCHARME, Correspondent) turning home this Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Papin- eau, Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Papineau, Windsor, spent the weekend at the former's sum- mer home on the Blue Water highway. Holy Name Rally On Sunday five of the neigh- bouring parishes met at St. Jos- eph for a Holy Name Rally. All parishes were well represented and all members renewed their pled- ges. The day was nice and cool, and many of the adjoining parish- es took advantage of the outing to meet with old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Fournier and boys, London, are on a week's vacation and left on Monday for a trip in the north, where they ex- pect to stay for few days, near some fishing stream. Bean planting is almost comple- ted in this district, but we are told grub has to some extent des- troyed the plants and some fields may have to be worked over. Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Ducharme, new arrivals in the community, spent the weekend in Amherst - burg, attending to business mat- ters and calling on friends and re- latives. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sararas of the Bluewater south and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jeffery left last Saturday for a motor trip to north- ern Ontario, following along the Georgian Bay. They also visited at the Martyr's Shrine in Midland, and other places of interest, re - Sugar and Spice ZURICH Citizens NEWS (Continued from Page Two) or a wife wanting to go 'tor a drive. He made the decisions. If he just wanted to sit on the ver- andah and recoup for the coming week's struggle, he did. *Usually, we went for a picnic. But there wasn't any nonsense about Dad doing the cooking on an outdoor grill. Mother made the lunch, and Dad would sit on a stump, in his Sunday best, gazing with dignity and a certain amount of distaste, at nature. After lunch, he would recline on a blanket, in the shade. He was relaxed, that man. Another reason for his unquest- ioned head - of - the - house status was that we didn't argue with him. The most I would dare was an "Aw, Dad ." But today the old-fashioned clip on the ear for lippy kids has become a symbol of psychological disturbances or something. Now you have to dis- cuss everything with the brats. Today's father can get into a 20 - minute argument with any kid ov- er the age of five, at the drop of a suggestion. And come out wh- impering. * :Y * 'Twas ever thus. The world is going to hell in a hot -rod, which is considerably faster than the pro- verbial wheel -barrow. And I can hear my kids telling theirs, 30 years from now: "You children should show a little respect for your father. Why, when we were kids, we woudn't dare disagree with our Dad. He was the boss and no two ways about it. You kids get away with murder these days... . gr. and Mrs. Matthew Duch- arme and Mr. William Ducharme, Jr., motored to Chatham last Sat- urday to attend a Garden Party, given by the Ursuline Sisters, on their grounds. There was a large attendance, and prizes were given to the winners. Election Comment At last the long awaited election day of June 11 is past, and like many important events that come and go, in a short time will be for- gotten. For some it meant con- tentment and honour, a span of life they will be asked to devote their time for the welfare of the charge entrusted to them. All parties in the field of run- ning were honourable; naturally some had the gift of speech to en- tertain their listeners, and with more charming personalities. Nev- er -the -less, those who did not possess these gifts are not to be condemned for they too meant well. Those elected to rule will be ex- pected to dispense for the next term of office their full time and ability, regardless of creed, colour or political belief. Others who have met with dis- apointment are not to be fore- saken for no one knows what the future holds for them. They did perhaps not have the issue to at- tract public attention or perhaps did not have the point that ap- pealed to the voters. But regardless of it all the world and all its business will carry on as usual. Let us be grateful for the great franchise which this country gives us, of nominating our own candidates and casting our ballots for the party of our choice. In that we can all say we are winners. BLAKE (Mrs. Amos Gingerich Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Abner Weber and family, Wallenstein, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Menno Steckle and family. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich, were: Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gingerich, Miss Gloria Gingerich, graduate nurse of K -W Hospital, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. William. Steckle, Bayfield. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Corriveau and family were: Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly and son; Mr. and Mrs. Chester Louck- es and daughter, and Andrew Cor- riveau, all of London. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schwindt and family, Baden, called on Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gingerich one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Steckle and Melvin Gingerich, spent Sun - The Citizens News Sells Counter Cheek ooks FATHER'S DAY - SUNDAY, JUNE 21st tsre ,ri a r�: NCU -. i7 l' G/ :5 ,r.?r,; . fig;;: ry 9 f > S P TI9 11 T • 6 •T COATS — JACKETS — SKIRTS BUY HIM A NEW Forsyth - - Terrylene Shirt - - - - the shirt that's easy to wash SEE OUR WIDE RANGE OF Trousers, Swim Suits, Socks, Belts All Make Ideal Gifts For Dad. JUST IM.._... E FOR FATHER'S DAY - 5 Dozen Beautiful NEW TIES $1.50 each Reg. price $2.00 FOR ONLY THEY'RE NEW!! - - THEY'RE EXCITING!! Men's BIKINI Briefs made of 100% stretch nylon Assorted Colors — Nationally Advertised at $1.98 FOR ONLY $1.65 SEE THEM NOW Gctscho Bros. Phone 59 -- Zurich "The Store With The Stock" O'Brien's Plumbing Heating and Tinsmithing Phone 156 -- Zurich day evening at Nairn, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gingerich to Kitchener on Sunday evening, and Miss Gloria Ginger- ich returned with them to resume WEDNESDAY,. JUNE. 17, 1959 her duties at K -W Hospital. Mr, and Mrs, Abner Weber and Family, Wallenstein, spent Satur- day evening with the latter's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gingerich. aarIMOISIM116 meisozweirozairniiiMINIABONIOMINKEIROMOSIIIIMISSORIMINIIISHY LET'S ALL HAVE A PICNIC!! Yes, It's Picnic Time Again and WE HAVE JUST WHAT YOU NEED! SMALL & LARGE EARVQ'S with ar without motor & spit V Gladstone Sets Bor'B'Tools i/ Hats & Aprons L/ Cooler Chests CHARCOAL, BRIQUETTES, Etc. The Ideal Gifts for Father's Dayl Hamburg Grills i/ Lunch Baskets i/ Thermos Jugs ice Poks FIRE STARTER See Us For Your SCREENING! Copper, Green, Galvanized, Plastic, Nylon, Fibreglass We also have several sizes in ready made Screens Rader & Mittelholtz Hardware Phone 63 — Zurich "Where Your Buying Dollar Goes Farther" nfflvers i r i Come In today and see a revolutionary demon- stration of the fastest freezing action known. In just 2 minutes you can actdhally feel the difference and see how Revco keeps foods fresher, keeps operating costs lower. 1 Fare s vc FREEZE CD -'F36-112.5 Cs. Ft. 1.1ohts 437 Pounds of Fm:sen Frock 20%oFF UP TO $200 TRADE-IN VALUE ON YOUR OLD FREEZER You save when you buy it! Now you can own a freezer with Revco superior design and performance for the lowest cost per cubic foot ! You save when you own it! The exclusive Revco all -aluminum liner with aluminum tubing bonded to it saves you up to 39% on electricity. Plenty of room to freeze and store. FREE! FREE — 52 -PIECE STAINLESS STEEL SERVICE FOR 8 — Value $29.95 WITH THE PURCHASE OF A NEW REVCO FREEZER GINGERICH'S SALES & SERVICE ZURICH—Phone 34 Phone 585-SEAFORA'H