HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1959-05-13, Page 7WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1959 :s:'1. N;s xemd„ ZURICH Citizens NEWS PAGE SEVEN CLASSIFIED RATES: 25 words or less, 50c the first week, 35c for repeat advertisements. Lar- ger advs.: 2c a word the first week, then 1%c for repeats. Cards of Thanks, In Memor- iams, Engagements, same as above, Births, Marriages and Deaths, No charge. FOR SALE BALED HAY—about 200 bales. Apply to Amos Gascho, phone 97 r 11, Zurich. 19-b SIMMONS SPRING filled matt- ress and springs, full size. In good condition. Phone Zurich 88 r 11 19-b ADDING MACHINES — Smith - Corona, full keyboard model, spec- ially priced at only $99.50. Apply to Citizens News Office. 15-x REFRIGERATOR and 2-BURN- er electric stove, both in good con- dition. Apply at Zurich Citizens News office. 19-b YOU CAN OWN A HOME for as little as $250 down and low month- ly payments. Colonial Homes Ltd., Clinton, Ontario. HU 2-9600. 19-20-b CANADA PACKERS GARDEN fertilizer, sheep manure, and grass geed. Buy your requirements ear, ly. M. Deitz and Son, phone 154, .Zurich. 15-tfb. FIVE COLLIE PUPS—about six weeks old, brown and black. Only $2.00 each. Apply to William Koehler, hone 89 r 17, Zurich 19-20-p RUBBER STAMPS. The Citizens News can fill any of your needs in rubber stamps, stamp pads, etc,, phone 133 Zurich, or drop into our office. 12tfb. PRINTED CO1TNTER CHECK BOOKS and CONTINUOUS FORMS Z[JRIOH CITIZEN'S NEWS 33-ttb SANILAC SEED BEANS, eligible for registration at 9c per lb. They were World Champions at Royal Winter Fair and yielded 46 bushels per acre. Contact Bob Allan, Brucefield. 19-20-b TYPEWRITERS and ADDING MACHINES Everything for the office ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS 33-tfb FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE USED McKEE HARVESTER — like new. Also a small two -wheel bicycle. Apply to Louis Thiel, phone 67, Zurich. 19-b EBERSAL FARM elevators, for information see: Amos Gingerich, at Blake, phone 79 r 12. 17-x USED WEED SPRAYER — with 30 ft. boom. Priced reasonable for quick sale. Apply to R. K. Peck, Zurich, call Hensall 696r2. 18-9-p McCORMICK DEERING 6 ft. mower, in good condition. Inter- national horse scuffler, in good condition. Purebred Holstein cow, carrying second calf, vaccinated, bred to Milestone unit bull, due in six weeks. Apply to Russell Oesch, Varna, phone Hensall 687 r 23. 19-20-p GEORGE WHITE farm machin- ery, custom made weed sprayers, and hog feeders. Apply to Amos Gingerich, Blake, phone 79r12, Zurich. 12-x 1952 MODEL MASSEY-HARRIS 44 row crop tractor with new power lift, ,p.t.o., belt pulley, in excellent condition. Can be seen at Roy McBride's farm, 3 miles north of Zurich. Also the follow- ing equipment can be bought with the tractor: 3 -furrow rubber tired Massey plow, 10 ft. Massey disc harrow, 15 -disc fertilizer tractor seed drill, 8x/z ft. rubber -tired I.H.C. tractor spring tooth cult vator, 3 -section Gray harrow. Would show this equipment any weekend. HUGH McBRIDE, Lon- don. 18b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 18 WEANLING PIGS, seven weks old. Apply to William Deitrich, phone Zurich 96 r 7. 19-b 44 WEANLING PIGS, priced right, Apply to Cornelius De - Groot, RR 2, Zurich, phone 80r11, Zurich. 19-p LIVESTOCK WANTED OLD HORSES WANTED AT 31/ac lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once. GI'LBER.T BROS. MINK RANCH, .phone col- lect, Goderiah, 148334 or 148331.. LOST and FOUND PAIR OF GLASSES—in the nor- th-west corner of Zurich. Reward offered. Kindly leave at Citizens News Office. 19-p THREE SMALL YEARLINGS — one white steer, one grey steer, and one hereford heifer, lost from the farm of Lloyd McBride, on the Town Line, last Thursday. Please notify Roy Lamont at Zurich. 19-b PROPERTY FOR SALE CARDS OF THANKS I wish to express my apprec- iation of thanks to all those who sent cards, flowers, letters and treats, and who visited me while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London. Special thanks to Rev. T. J. Pitt. — CLARENCE PARKE. 19b I wish to express my sincere thanks to all my friends, relatives, and good children for the flowers, cards, treats, and good wishes, also for the prayers offered by Rev. Carl Bennewitz, and to the doctors and kind nurses at Clinton Public Hospital.—MRS. HENRY CLAUS- IUS. 19-p We wish to thank all our friends, neighbours, and relatives, for the lovely flowers and cards sent to our dear father and husband, Mel- vin Overholt, while he was a pat- ient at the hospital. Also for the flowers, sympathy cards, and many acts of kindness during our ber- eavement. Special thanks to Fath- er I. J. Poisson, the Catholic Wo- men's League, and all others who helped in any way.—MRS. MEL - VIN OVERHOLT and FAMILY. 19-p MODERN FIVE ROOM home in Zurich. Three bedrooms, living room, and kitchen, in excellent condition. Single story, only a few years old. Apply to Citizens News Office, or see L. Brisson on week- ends. 15-tfb. MISCELLANEOUS FILTER QUEEN SALES AND service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Reconditioned cleaners for sale. Bob Peck, RR 1, Zurich. Phone Hensall 6961.2. 18-20-22-24tfb FLOOR SANDING, PROMPT and efficient service; or rent our sanders and do it yourself. This is the time of year to have your floors refinished. Charles H. Thiel, phone 140, Zurich. 14-tfb DRY CANING and LAUNDRY Service. Call Earl Oesoh's Barber Shop. Pick-up and delivery every Monday and Thursday. Brady Cleaners and Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 22-tfib WATERLOO CATTLE BREED- ING ASSOCIATION "Where Bet- ter Bulls Are Used". Supply arti- ficial breeding service for all breeds of cattle. If phoning long distance, simply ask for Clinton Zenith 9-5650 If it is a localcall, use our reg- ular number— Clinton HU 2-3441 For service or more informa- tion, call between: 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. week days, 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday evenings For cows noticed in heat on Sunday morning, do not call until Monday morning. The quality is high and the cost low. NOTICE WILL THE party who borrowed our wire stretcher last fall please return it to us now, as it is badly needed. Thank you. Hensall Dis- trict Co-operative, Zurich branch. 19-b kN TAKE MY TIP AND PLEASED YOU'LL BE: DRIVE TO TOWN — SEE T.C.C. TRUSTY WAS RIGHT - IT SURE WAS FAST THOSE PILED -UP BILLS ARE PAID AT LAST. THEMORAL'S PLAIN FOR ALL TO SEE,,, "WHEN YOU NEED CASH SEE tax: co TRANS CANADA C Sir .NS CANADA CREDIT ORATION LIMITEID HE SQUARE, PHONE 797 OOH ERICH, ONT. Need Cash for Farm or Business Expense? If you need money for farming, fishing, or similar purposes, see Trans Canada Credit. Loans over $1,500. may be arranged for seasonal, extended or monthly repayment. Smaller loans arranged on naontbly plans over 20 and 30 mouths. Callus today. COMING EVENTS STARLITE DRIVE-IN THEATRE MAY 15, 16 and 17 (Sunday Midnite-12.05) "King Creole" Elvis Presley -- Carolyn Jones 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY —Rain or Clear— FIRST SHOW AT DUSK NtalnalanellOWINE BLUEWATER DANCELAN PRESENTS DANCING EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT MUSIC BY: Desjardine Orchestra MODERN — ROCK'N ROLL SQUARE DANCING 10.00 p.m. to 1.30 a.m. ADMISSION: 75c JOIN THE CROWDS BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE Clinton, Ontario Featuring the Largest Wide Screen in Huron County Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given that all Creditors and Others having claims against the Estate of JAMES GEORGE RANNIE, late of the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, and Province of Ontario, Retired, who died on or about the 27th day of January, 1959, are re- quired to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of May, 1959. And notice is further given that after the said date the Executors will proceed to distribute the est- ate having regard only to the claims of which they shall have notice. Dated at Exeter, Ontario, this 4th day of May, A.D. 1959. W. G. COCHRANE, B.A., Exeter, Ontario, Executors' Solicitor. 18-19-b WOOL THURSDAY and FRIDAY May 14 and 15 — Double Feature — "THE MONTE CARLO STORY" (Colour) (Cinemascope) Marlene Dietrich -- Vittorio DeSica "REBEL IN TOWN" John Payne -- Ruth Roman (One Cartoon) Any Government Deficiency Pay- ment will apply only on prop- erly graded wools, Secure the utmost by patronizing the organization that made this possible. SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario Obtain sacks and twine without charge from RUSSELL MANSON ZURICH. ONT. or by writing to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada 16-7-b SATURDAY ONLY—May 16 — Double Feature — "TANK BATTALION" Don Kelly -- Ed. G. Robinson, Jr. "HELL SQUAD" Brandon Carroll -- Fred Gavlin (One Cartoon) SUNDAY MIDNITE and MONDAY—May 17 and 18 — Double Feature — "THE CAT GIRL" (Adult Entertainment) Barbara. Shelly -• Robert Ayers „INVASION OF THE SAUCER MEN" Steve Terrell -- Gloria Costello (One Cartoon) TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY May 19 and 20 "THE REVOLT OF MAMIE STOVER" (Colour) (Cinemascope) (Adult Entertainment) Jane Russel -- Richard Egan (Two Cartoons) UdISIERMINIMINAMMEIZEIMMIIMMININIMINI Zurich WI To Hold Family Night All members of the Women's Institute are asked to bring their families to the meeting on May 14, in the Town Hall, at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Matthews, Grand Bend, will show movies on Africa. Non-members of the Women's. Institute who would like to see these pictures are cordially in- vited. Showing of the pictures will be- gin at 8.45 p.m. Township of Stanley Applications Wanted For Position Of Coerk-Treasurer Applications will be received until 12 o'clock noon, Monday, May 18, 1959, by the undersign- ed for the position of Clerk - Treasurer of the Township of Stanley with duties to com- mence as soon as possible. Ap- plications are to be plainly marked "Application for Clerk.'! Harvey Coleman, Township of Stanley, R. R. 1, Zurich, Ont. 18-9-b