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Zurich Citizens News, 1959-04-29, Page 5
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 ZURICH Citizens NEWS The Needle -Point (MRS. NORMA SIEBERT, PUPPY LOVE SOMETIMES LEAD TO A DOG'S LIJi Iii A Busy Person's Prayer Slow me down—Lord! Ease the pounding of my heart by the quiet- ing of my mind. Steady my hur- ried pace with a vision of eternal reach of time. Give me, amidst the confusion of my day, the calmness of the everlasting hills. Break the tensions of my nerves and muscles with the soothing music of the singing streams that live in my memory. Help me to know the magical, restoring power of sleep. Teach me the art of taking minute vacations—of slowing down to look at a flower, to chat with a friend, to pat a dog, to read a few lines from a good book. Remind me each day of the fable of the hare and the tortoise that I may know that the race is not always to the swift; that there is more to life than increasing its speed. Let me look upward into the branches of the towering oak and know that it grew great and strong because it grew slowly and well. Slow me down—Lord--and inspire me to send my roots deep into the soil of life's enduring values that I may grow toward the stars of my greater destiny. Let's Garden Now Now, more than at any time of the year, we appreciate the grow- ing things. How we long for the grass to turn green and the flow- ers to blossom again. You don't need to wait until the ground dries out, you know, to satisfy this long - B.A., Woman's Page Editor) ing. If you store your vegetables away in sand or leaves, as many of us do, (I fancy the ones you buy would have seen too varied experience to grow for you) as you peel your carrots or parsnipsor beets, slice the growing end off and put it in a saucer of water on the window sill above your sink. Here it will get plenty of sun- light and you will remember to water . it every day, as it must stand in water. In three or four days you will have a hardy little garden patch to gladden your heart. Arrange it with little china figures or flowers for your dining - room table and you will have a centre your guests will compliment you on. Last year when I house cleaned my cold cellar, I moved away a box and looked in amazement, A cabbage had rolled behind it. Its outer leaves were dried and shriv- elled but bursting out of its centre was a sprout of such fragile yel- low as to rival the daffodil which it resembled. I picked the little thing up and could not bear to throw it out. So I pulled off a few of the shaggier leaves and gave the lovely little vegetable a place of honour on my best silver tray on the television set. There the little Cinderella gladdened my heart for three weeks or more, feeding on its inner self and re- quiring no water at all. Contrary to my expectations it didn't rot or smell. It merely developed before my eyes, though all its stages,. from leaves to dainty yellow flow - MAIM MY SERVICE London and Toronto TO ZURICH DISTRICT Hog Assembly in Zurich—TUESDAY & THURSDAY Hog Assembly in Hensall (at Sales Barn)—TUESDAY CEMENT t R s SAD GRAVEL, FILL & TOP S �i. iL AGENTS FOR PARISIAN LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS PHONE 186 ZURICH HENSALL PHONE 88r7, KIRKTON RUSSELDALE LETS 6 'fi DANCING AT La''E ATER DAA CELAN Opening it's Second Season on Friday May 1 Music Supplied by DESJARDINE'S ORCHESTRA Modern, Rock'n'Roll, Square Dancing —DANCING 10 to 1.30 — OPENINO SPECIAL: TWO DOOR PRIZES I ---Brownie Starflash Camera 2 -----Electric Clock ADMISSION: 75c JOIN THE CROWDS ers and finally seeds. At this time its supply of food ran out so I had to discard it. But truly, I never enjoyed a plant more. So enjoy God's beauty where you find it, even if your friends do think your taste a bit weird at times. Wash-up for Polisher Brushes Before removing from polisher mark each brush so that it can be returned to its own spindle. Stand brushes in lukewarm water two thirds of the way up the bristle for half an hour. Wash in warm (not hot) water with mild soap— don't use a detergent. Rinse in warm water. Work bristles into upright position with hands and let stand with bristles up, until completely dry, Pure lamb's wool buffing pads may be washed in lukewarm water water with an absorbent towel. and mild soap. Rinse and pat out water with an absorbent towel. Do not wring. Dry at room tem- perature away from direct heat. Several times during drying, work leather backing into shape, Questions and Answers I have been asked questions on etiquette from time to time but have hesitated about including it in my column, being no Emily Post myself. However I have decided to make this offer—What I am not absolutely certain about I shall try to obtain the information' you ask from a reliable source. These Are Questions Asked Recently Question 1.-- -If one is invited to a trouseau tea is it necessary to take a gift? Answer—No it is not necessary, but a small token gift is gracious. Question 3.—If a neighbour who is not a close friend is holding an open house on their 50th annivers- ary, must one take a gift? Answer ---Not necessarily ---but a small token gift is gracious. Question 3. --Upon what occas - PAGE FIVE Grannie Turkhei es Recipe Box Correction Please Last weeks recipe for "Quick Cup Cakes" should have read: 1 cup white sugar 2 eggs 1 cup thick sour cream. with 1 teaspoon soda dissolved in it 2 cups flour with 1 teaspoon baking powder and a pinch of salt, PADDY BUNDLES (Mrs. Clarence Heintz) 2 cups flour % teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons shortening 4 teaspoons baking powder 2 tablespoons sugar V4 cup milk 2 or 3 apples, peeled and chopped Sift flour, measure, and sift ag- ain with salt, baking powder and sugar. Rub in shortening. Add milk to make soft dough. Roll out '/z inch thick. Sprinkle thick- ly with chopped apples. Roll up, slice in one inch lengths. Syrup:1 cup corn syrup or maple syrup; 1 cup boiling water, butter, cinnamon. Heat syrup and water in fairly deep pan. Lay apple pieces in, and dot each one with butter. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Bake in hot oven till golden brown. FRUIT JUMBLES 1% cups chopped dates % cup chopped walnuts ions is it proper to wear a hat? Answer—You wear a hat on any formal occasion before 6.00 p.m. Question 4. ----About how soon be- fore the wedding should one hold the 'trousseau tea? Answer .-- Approximately o n e week. George R. Hardman Attending Will Help Y 0 U Wolk =;nd ork Better WITHOUT PAIN! DAY, 4°,AY 4 t Y IL' BCH Sii Phone 130-J 10 a F,•. to 8 p.m E ST .! Zurich You'll Be Happy With "MIRACLE" Tc,,l.Up Time and WE'RE HEADQUARTERS for TRUE TEMPER TOOLS Garden BOW RAKE Strong bow con- struction stands rough use. Teeth tapered and curved to rake clean. 5' fire hardened han- dle. Onl9' y $1 °75 Low Priced GRASS SHEAR Quality at a low price. Sturdy, cadmium plated blades cut clean with an easy squeeze action. Only $2.25 Also BROOM RAKES, WEEDERS, SHOVELS, FORKS, Etc. SEE OUR VARIETY! Still Time To Buy!! HARDI-GREEN MIXTURES AND PERMANENT PASTURE MIXTURES TIMOTHY, CLOVER i,nd ALFALF ,. 1 Stade & Weido Hardware PLUMBING, HEATING and TINSMITHING 1 egg white % cup icing sugar Vanilla or almond flavoring Beat egg white stiff, fold in half the icing sugar, mix the balance of sugar with the dates and walnuts. Combine egg white and fruit. Drop by teaspoon on greased cookie sheet and bake about 12 minutes in 350° oven. A DIFFERENT SALMON SANDWICH For a different sandwich filling use: '/s cup of finely diced cucumber 1 cup mayonaise and combine with the canned salmon, SHRIMP SALAD Use equal parts of mayonnaise and chili sauce, add a little horse- radish and some diced green peper, combine with deveined shrimps and serve on lettuce cups. THIEL'S AYLMER CHOICE CREAM CORN 3 TINS 35c AYLMER HALVES RFACES TINS 35c KAM LUNCHEON MEAT 45c 12 OZ. TIN AYLMER TONATO KETSUP 2 BOTTLES 39c FISHERMAN COHOEFANCY RFD SALMON 35c Tin SHANKLESS SMOKED PICNIC HAMS . . 39c IbN, MAPLE LEAF BOLOGNA .. 29c Ib SPARE RIBS . 39c Ib, For FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES See Superi r :l',d Thursday In The Lond©n Free Press NOTICE Commencing May 1st This St re Will Be Open Wednr sday Afternoon, Friday And Saturday 'Evening