HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1959-04-29, Page 3WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959
APRIL 23 — MAY 2
Eveready Magnetic Flashlights—Only $1.99
Extra Values
Only $1.75
• BROOMS --first quality --99c
Long -Handled Shovels—$1.99
• Sunshine Roller Skates
Reg. $5.50 for $4.95
ideal for woodwork, furniture and floors
2 Half Pints for the Price of One Plus 1c
Rader & Mittelholtz Hardware
Phone 63 — Zurich
"See Us for Your Plumbing, Heating, Eavestroughing"
Two Year Old Has
First Experience
Driving a Truck
Two year old Howard Neeb, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Neeb, RR
3, Dashwood, found out last Tues-
day afternoon how easy it is to get
in an automobile accident. It hap-
pened in Zurich.
While his father went inside a
store in the village the youngster
decided to turn the key in the ig-
nition of their pick-up truck. The
motor started and the vehicle shot
ahead into a parked car, owned
by Wilfred Corriveau. Damage
amounted to about $100.
OPP Constable George Mitchell,
who investigated, said they would
not lay charges against the child.
"We feel the boy , is too young to
loose nine points in the demerit
system," grinned the constable. "I
doubt if he ever will do it again."
Curtis Neeb, a three and a half
year old brother of Howard's was
also in the truck at the time of
the crash. No one was injured.
Over 800 registered nurses ser-
ve as volunteer instructors of the
Canadian Red Cross Home Nur-
sing Courses in communities th-
roughout the nation.
Eckel -Harburn
A lovely spring wedding was
solemnized at Hensall United
Church on Saturday, April 25, at
7 p.m., in a candle light cere-
mony, when Geraldine Elinor Har-
burn, Hensall, and John Walter
Eckel, Varna, exchanged marriage
vows before the Rev. Charles D.
Daniel, in a floral setting of pink
and white snapdragons and green
ferns. The bride is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Harburn,
Hensall, and the groom's parents
are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eckel,
Miss Greta Lammie provided
traditional wedding music, and
soloists were Mr. Lloyd Walden
and Miss Donna Walden, Blyth.
Given in marriage by her father
the bride wore a floor -length gown
of lace and nylon tulle over satin.
A fitted lace bodice featured a
scalloped sabrina neckline and lily
point sleeves. A crown of pearls
and sequins held her finger-tip
silk illusion veil and she carried
pink roses and green ivy.
Mrs. Charles Eckel, Hensall, was
matron of honor wearing blue
chiffon over taffeta with matching
feather headpiece. Bridesmaids,
Mrs. Cecil Pepper, Hensall, and
Mrs. Keith McBride. Zurich, wore
identical gowns of pink chiffon ov-
er taffeta with matching feather
headpieces. The trio were iden-
Your bank manager is easy to meet
—and a good man to talk things
over with. Not just because he knows
a lot about banking, but because he
can be counted on to apply that
knowledge and experience to your
particular need.
To him, banking is more than dollars
and cents, more than figures in a
ledger. To him, banking is the
opportunity to work with people—
through bank services to help with
your problems, your hopes and plans.
That is what he has been trained to
do. That is what he likes to do.
You'll find he's a good man to know.
How Can 1?
Q. How can I make a substitute'
for baking powder?
A. It is well to remember that
two teaspoons cream of tartar
and one scant teaspoon of baking
soda are equal to three teaspoons
of baking powder.
Q. How should chamois gloves,
be washed?
A. Chamois gloves should not
be wrung out after washing. Squ-
eeze them in the hands and press:
in a dry towel. Pull into shape
and hang to dry in the open air.
tical corsages of white roses and
pink sweetheart roses.
Darlene McBride, Zurich, was,
flower girl daintily frocked in.
white organdy eyelet over blue
silk and carried a nosegay of white
porns and pink sweetheart roses,
Keith Harburn, brother of the
bride was. ring bearer.
Charles Eckel, Hensall, was his
brother's groomsman, and Cecil
Pepper and Keith McBride ush-
A reception for 50 guests was
held in the church parlors. For
receiving the bride's mother wore
a grey fitted suit with pink hat
and accessories in pink and black.
The groom's mother chose a blue
coat over a pink dress with white
accessories, both wore corsages of
white and pink sweetheart roses.
The bridal table centered a
three tier wedding cake flanked.
with spring flowers. Serving were
four cousins of the bride the Miss-
es Donna Walden, Blyth; Norma
Harburn and Catherine Harburn,
Staffa; Marlene Brodhagen, Strat-
For a wedding trip to Northern.
points the bride wore a pale blue
cotton lace and satin dress, tur-
quoise chemise coat and white pic-
ture hat and matching accessories,
with which she wore a pink rose
They will reside on the groom's
farm near Varna.
Out of town guests attended
from Detroit, Auburn, Blyth, Staf-
fa, and Stratford.
The Evening Auxiliary catered
for the wedding.
Prompt Action
"I must commend the police for
their prompt action when they got
a complaint. ,There was no dily-
We quote our Huron County ma-
gistrate .in disposing of a charge
under the C.T.A.
This is high praise for our police
and at the same time serves again
to prove that the C.T.A. has teeth.
In this case the fine was $100 or
thirty days in jail. Other recent
offenders, hailed to court for sec-
ond offences, have been given jail'
Dozens of bootleggers and bottle•
club proprietors in Huron County
have been put out of business in'
the past few years. Our Crown
Attorney and police are to be very
heartily commended.
Huron County
Temperance Federation
There Will Be
Every Friday Night
At The
Old r;r a Bayfield
10.00 -- 1.30
Music By
Grant Edighoffer
And His
Melody Masters
With Vocals byJo Ann,
ADMISSION: 75' Cents