HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1959-04-22, Page 1No. 16
$2.50 Per Year -12 Paget,
HOW MUCH AM BID asks auctioneer Alvin Walper, as he prepares to sell an
antique three seated cutter at Earl Thiel's auction sale on Monday afternoon. Enjoying
the comfort of the seats are, left to right; Charles Hay, RR 1, Varna; Henry Fink-
beiner, Crediton; Bill Baechier and Stephen Gingerich, Zurich, and Alvin Wolper. Many
years ago the old time vehicle was used by George Thiel to transport mail and pass-
engers back and forth from Hensall to Zurich, where they would meet the train. In the
winter it was the only means of transportation in or out of Zurich. The cutter was not
sold, but kept by Earl Thiel instead, for a keepsake. (Citizens News Photo)
Township School Teachers Offered
Contract Renewals; School To Be Sold
At the regular monthly meeting
of the trustees of the Hay Town-
ship School Area last Friday night
it was decided to offer all the
teachers in the area a contract
renewal for the 1959-60 term,
which will commence in Septem-
It was decided at the meeting
to dispose of the school building
at SS 6, Hay, which is commonly
known as the Babylon school. E.
E. Wuerth has been engaged of
Huron County
Crop Report
(By D. H. MILES, Agricultural
Representative for Huron
Seeding operations are going
ahead rapidly in all parts of the
County. Land is working fairly
easily. Cool weather is retard-
ing growth of wheat and past-
remove all electrical wiring and
fixtures from the building, after
which tenders on the purchase of
the building will be called for.
Another item of business approv-
ed at the meeting was the pur-
chase of three large and three
small desks.
Luther Leaguers
Enjoy Social
Evening at Exeter
On Friday evening April 17, 21
members of the Luther League
met at the church before leaving
for Exeter for an April social. At
this social the Leaguers had a
choice of going to the show, or
going bowling. Ten members went
bowling, and 10 went to the show.
After the show and the bowling
was over the Leaguers returned
to the church. A sing song was
held while the lunch cornmittee
prepared a delicious lunch.
(Mrs. Russel Grainger, Correspondent)
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Talbot,
Sr., and Louise, were Sunday vis-
itors with their son and daughter-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Tal-
bot, Jr.
Miss Kathleen Talbot, Stratford
Teacher's College, is practice tea-
ching at Owen Sound this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hampton,
London, were weekend visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scotch-
m2r, on the Bronson Line.
Mrs. Russell Grainger and Mrs.
Bert Dunn, Jr., called on Miss
Rose Snowden, in the Queensway
Nursing Home, Hensall, last Sat-
Mrs, Tom Snowden spent sever-
al days last week with her broth-
er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
E. A. Westlake, in Bayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Turner,
Debbie and Stewart, and Mr and
Mrs, Cliff Stewart, Clinton, were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Millar, in Londesboro, the
occasion being Mrs. Millar's birth-
Caravan Social
Twenty-five young people from
the Bayfield Young People Soc-
iety, along with several visitors,
enjoyed a car caravan last Friday
night. Each car in rotation went
to various homes at which they
received further instructions at to
their final destination, which was
at the home of Anne Westlake.
Reg. Miller, Centralia, and his
carload won the prize. Games
and contests were enjoyed, fol-
lowed by a sing -song and a mes-
sage from Rev. Davidson, Clinton.
Jackpot Almost
Certain To Go
At Next Bingo
The jackpot at the weekly
cash bingos was only one num-
ber away from being won last
Friday night. Shirley Weido
was one number over the re-
quired amount of 59 calls to
win. the $80. This week, which
is almost certain to produce a
winner, will see the jackpot
set at $85, in 60 calls.
Winners last week were;
Mrs. William Forrester, Tom
Meyers, Wayne Decker, Shir-
ley Weido, Mrs. Albert Bad -
our, Elizabeth Johnston, Mrs.
Leonard Debus, Albert Hoff-
man, Mrs. Charles Thiel, Mrs.
Alf Reichert, Mrs. Wiliiarn
Hay and Harold Thiel.
With the winning of the
jackpot almost a certainty this
week, the largest crowd of the
year is expected to attend,
Contract For New Separate School
In Z. rich Given To London Firm
'urn Your Clocks
Ahead An Hour
Saturday Night
Everyone will lose an hour's
sleep this Saturday night, as
the time has again aproached
to turn the clocks ahead one
hour, for Daylight Saving
Time. to conte into affect. The
change is being made in prac-
tically every district.
While there is always some
confusion every year when the
time is advanced there is no
need for it if everyone advan-
ces their clocks when they go
to bed on Saturday night and
then forgets about the difffer-
ence in time.
A $53,000.00 contract for the
construction of a modern three-
room separate school in the village
of Zurich has been awarded to
the Ross Urquhart Construction
Company, of London, the lhwesi
tender, it was announced Satur,
day by Father Cyril A. Doyle,
secretary of the Board of Trus-
tees of RCSS No. 7, Hay Town.
Construction will begin within
the next ten days, and the build-
ing is to be completed by August
24. An enrolment of over 80 is
expected for September. •
Three teachers have already
been engaged for the new school.
They are, Mr. James Carey, prin-
cipal, grades 6-7-8, Miss Mary
Shea, grades 3-4-5, and Mrs. Ev-
velyn McKeever, grades 1-2.
Debentures for $65,000.00 are
being issued by the board for
building, furnishing, and the pur-
urchase of a school bus.
Zurich Lions Will
For Cancer Funds
Holding their regular dinner
meeting in the Dominion Hotel on
Monday night, the Zurich Lions
Club decided to stage a drive for
the Cancer Society in the village
of Zurich sometime during May.
Lion Jack Bannister and his Heal-
th and Welfare committee will be
in charge of the campaign.
Ivan Yungblut, George Deichert
and Wes Coxon, three former pres-
idents, were appointed by president
Delbert Geiger, to pick a slate of
Canvass Village
i rive During May
nominees for officers of the clul
tor the coming term. They wiil'ti
present their report at the next
meeting of the club.
It was announced by Doug O'-
Brien, chairman of the Ladies'
Nite committee, that the annual
Ladies' Nite would be held the
last meeting in June. An invita-
tion was received from the Park.
hill Lions Club to have a number
of the Zurich members attend
their Ladies Nite near the end of
this month.
(MRS. AMOS GINGERICH, Correspondent)
Sunday guest with Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Oesch and family were Mr.
and Mrs. Leroy Oesch and family,
Paris, and Mr. and Mrs, Ezra Kip-
fer, Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gingerich
and family spent Sunday with the
latter's parents at Baden.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Westbrooke
and family, Goderich, visited with
the latter's father, Gustav Bohn.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Amos Gingerich were Mr.
DONT SCRATCH! says Sondra Desjardine and Bob
McBride, as they show the baby 'coons found in a vent-
ilator at Bluewater Danceland. The children have not yet
decided whether or not to keep the `coons for pets.
(Citizens News Photo)
and Mrs. Kenneth Gingerich and
girls, and Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hey, Gode-
rich, visited with the former':'§
mother, Mrs. Mary Hey, also at-
tended the funeral of the former"$s
uncle, Philip Fassold, in Dashwood
Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Steck)*
were Sunday visitors with the
latter's parents, Mr .and Mrs. Roy
Gingerich and Melvin.
Melvin Alvine a n d Melvin
Blough, Holsopple, Pennsylvania,
were Sunday evening guests with
Mr. and Mrs, Amos Gingerich
They were members of the John.
town Pennsylvania Chorus, which
gave a very good program at Zur-
ich Mennonite Church on Sunday,
Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs.
David Oesch and family were, Mn.
and Mrs. Carl Oesch and fami/y,
Baden; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rader
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Guenther and family, Dashwood,
and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon 0esct
and David Carl.
Mrs. Melizza Geiger entertained
some friends from this vicinity is
a quilting bee on Saturday after-
fternoon and evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich.
accompanied by Mrs. Roy Ginger-
ingerich, spent Thursday at Milverton,
and Kitchener.
Birthday Party
.411 the girls of grade two, Zur-
ich Public School, gathered at the
Westlake home last week to hon.
our Elaine, (on her eighth birthday.
The time was.spent„p]aying plump
and singing.