HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1959-04-08, Page 12PAGE TWELVE
MYSTERY LADY—The honour of being the "Mystery Lady" at the gala opening
of Rader and Mittelholtz Hardware last week went to Mrs. Henry Adkins, RR 2, Hensall.
Mrs. Adkins won the prize for having the greatest number of buttons on her clothing,
and was presented with a steam iron by two of the clerks in the store,
ns Miist lholtz
and Carol Fischer.
Two Petitioners Ask To Be r' eleased
From Pi •• ns For 10 char , ,. e Drain
Drains continue to present a
problem to the Hay Township
Council, it was revealed at the
regular meeting of council Mon-
day afternoon. Two petitioners,
who had signed for the Ducharme
Municipal Drain, have asked to
have their names released from
the petition. At the same time it
appears the work of the engineer,
C. P. Corbett, Lucan, is not satis-
factory to members of the coun-
cil. It was suggested by several
councillors that the township try
and engage the services of a dif-
ferent engineer.
One of the parties who has ask-
ed to have his name removed from
the drain petition is Joseph Miller,
who presented his case to the
council at the meeting. He claim-
ed he is being discriminated
against by the engineer, in that
his assessment on the drain was
much;higher•than any of his neigh-
bours. He said that when he ask-
ed the engineer 'the reason for the
difference on the assessment he
was told, "Somebody has to pay
for these drains." The other pet-
itioner who has asked to have
their name removed is Mrs. Emma
Schilbe, Council members agreed
with Mr. Miller that the situation
did not seem right. After discus-
sing the matter further it was
decided to seek advice from the
township solicitor in regards to
the legality of allowing names to
be removed. After this advice is
furnished they intend meeting
with engineer Corbett.
Other complaints have been re-
ceived by council members about
the length of time it takes to
have drainage work done after
the petition has been signed. In
some cases it has been two years
'or more before the work is com-
pleted, mainly due to the slowness
of reports corning back from the
Two other township xesidents,
Edison Forrest and Gordon Troy-
er, appeared before council with
a request to have ditches cleaned
out in front of their property.
lrn�, rtant Aucti in Sale
Of Valuable Real Estate, Farm
Implements, Household Effects &
Miscellaneous Items, on the prem-
ises, Lot 7, Concession 7, Stanley
Township, 2 miles north of Hills -
green, or 3 miles south of Varna.
The undersigned Auctioneer is
instructed to sell by Public Auc-
tion on
Huron County
Crop Report
(By D. H. Miles, agricultural
representative for Huron County)
"Snow is rapidly disappearing
—land is firming up very quickly.
Dry areas are beginning to appear
in the southern part of the county.
Too early to assess wheat and hay
and pasture winter damage.
Both were promised that the sit-
uation would be looked into in the
very near future, when the council
takes their annual tour of the
township roads.
By-law to Enforce
Residents To Use
Township Dump
A by-law to enforce the "No
dumping on Township roads" and
the use of the Township dump
by non-residents of Hay was pas-
sed by the Township council at
it's regular monthly meeting on
Monday afternoon. A fine, not to
exceed $50 will be levied against
anyone violating this law.
Members of council reported
that residents of Hensall, Zurich,
and other surrounding areas have
been using the dump, which is
maintained by the Township of
Hay, solely for the use of town-
ship residents. There have also
been reports of dumping rubbish
on the sides of the road, near the
Signs are to be erected at the
dump, which is situated on the
Parr Line, south of the Zurich
road, advising people of the by-
law, and what the penalty will be.
Notice of the enforcement was
also ordered to be placed in the
local paper.
Clearing Auction S,=+.le
Of Livestock, Case Tractor, White
Thresher, Farm Implements, Feed,
Grain and Miscellaneous Items, on
the premises, Lot 11, L.R. East,
St. Joseph, on Highway 21, 4 miles
west of Zurich.
The Undersigned Auctioneer is
instructed to sell by Public Auc-
tion on
Tuesday, April 14
commencing at 1 o'clock sharp
Cattle: White Durham cow, with
calf at foot, fresh two weeks; part
Polled Angus and Jersey cow, with
calf at foot, fresh one month; part
Polled Angus and Holstein cow,
carrying second calf, due sale day;
part Angus and Durham cow, due
time of sale; Durham cow, with
calf at foot, fresh 3 weeks; part
Angus and Jersey cow, with calf
at foot, fresh one month; part
Angus and Hereford cow, due sale
date; 2 Durham heifers, rising 2
yr. old, in market condition; Here-
ford heifer, rising 2 yrs. old, in
market condition; 4 yearling heif-
ers. Cow are all hand milked and
extra good producers.
Tractors and Thresher: Case `D'
Standard Tractor in A-1 condition;
Case "V" A" Standard Tractor,
completely equipped with hydraul-
ic 2 -row bean scuffler; White
thresher, 24x42, completely equip-
ped with shredder, grain blower,
used one season, in brand new con-
dition; 130 ft. endless drive belt,
like new.
Farm implements: McDeering
15 -run double disc fertilizer drill,
like new; John Deere 8 ft. binder,
like new; Cockshutt 3 -bar side
rake; 3 -drum steel roller; Inter.
8% ft. spring tooth cultivator with
extensions; McDeering 33 -plate
double disc, like new; Inter. 3 -fur-
row plow, on rubber, like new;
Deering 5 ft. cut oil bath mower;
Inter. tractor spreader in new con-
dition; 3 -section spring tooth har-
rows; dump rake; 4 -section diam-
ond harrows; 3section diamond
harrows; Inter. hay loader; rubber
tire wagon and rack; Letz 101
inch grinder; set of scales; fanning
mill; racks for pickup truck;
wheelbarrow; 2 -row scuffler and
puller for tractor; sling ropes; new
34 ft. extension ladder; single
plow; single scuffler; emery; Cy-
clone seeder; chains, forks, shovels.
Grain & Feed: 300 bus. Rodney
seed oats; 1,000 bus. mixed grain;
a quantity of bean straw.
No reserve, everything will be
sold. Terms—Cash.
Alvin Walper, Auctioneer
Alvin Rau) Clerk
Saturday, April 18
commencing at 1.00 p.m. sharp
Real Estate: Consists of Lot 7,
Concession 7, Stanley Township;
99 acre farm, of choice clay loam;
8 acres mixed bush, remainder
under cultivation. 17 acres fall
wheat, 35 acres fall plowed; has a
well built stone dwelling, 2 barns,
drive shed and •hen house, small
orchard, never -failing water sup-
ply. Land all rich clay loam.
Terms of Real Estate: 10% on
day of sale, balance in 30 days.
Sold subject to a reasonable re-
serve bid.
Farm Implements: Massey Har-
ris binder, 6 ft. cut; Inter. mower,
6 ft. cut; 2 -section spring tooth
harrows; 4 -section diamond har-
rows; 13 hoe grain drill; Cockshutt
11 -run fertilizer drill; M -H bean
scuffler; chicken brooder; 4 range
shelters; set of sleighs; steel wag-
on and rack; McDeering hay load-
er; set of sleighs; fanning mill;
butcher kettle; quantity of wood;
walking plow; grindstone; 2 -wheel
trailer; stoneboat; quantity of
hay; crosscut saw; carpenter tools;
shovels, forks, chains, and other
miscellaneous items.
Household Effects: consist of
dining room table and chairs; an-
tique rockers; wicker rockers; day-
bed; 2 chest of drawers; kitchen
cupboard; 2 Quebec heaters; sew-
ing machine; settee; 2 complete
bedroom suites; small stands; cen-
tre tables; fireplace equipment;
organ; numerous lamps; kitchen
clock; sausage grinder; dishes; kit-
chen utensils; sealers; pictures;
coaloil stove, etc., etc.
No reserve, everything will be
sold. Terms—Cash.
Mrs. Lloyd Bender, Administrator
for the Estate of the late
Mrs. 'Thelma Workman
Alvin Walper, Auctioneer
Extensive Auction Sale
Of Livestock, Tractors, McKee
Harvester. Complete line of Imple-
ments, Feed and Miscellaneous
Items, on the premises, Lot 26,.
Concession 12, 114 miles west of
Zurich and 11/4 miles north.
The undersigned Auctioneer is
instructed to sell by Public Auc-
tion on
Monday, April 20
Watch for complete list of this
outstanding sale in next week's
EARL THIEL, Proprietor
Arvin Walper, Auctioneer
Extensive Aucti in Sale
Of Livestock, Auto, Truck, Trac-
tors, Combine, Farm Implements,
Grain, Feed and Miscellaneous
Items, on the premises, Lot 22,
Concession 4, Hay Township, 2%2
miles west of Hensall, V2 mile
north, or 4 miles east of Zurich.
The undersigned Auctioneer is
instructed to sell by Public Auc-
tion on
Wednesday, April 15
commencing at 1.00 p.m. sharp
Cattle: Brindle cow, fresh two
months, with calf at foot; Holstein
cow, fresh one month, with calf at
foot; Holstein cow, carrying third
calf, due first week in May; Hol-
stein, carrying third calf, milking,
due in June; part Durham & Jersey
cow, fresh one month, with calf
at foot; part Holstein and Jersey
heifer, fresh one month, with calf
at foot; Durham heifer, due first
week in June; part Hereford and
Durham heifer, rising 2 yrs. old;
Holstein steer, rising 2 yrs. old; 2
Hereford yearling heifers; Holstein
yearling heifer; part Hereford and
Holstein steer, rising 2 yrs. old.
Hogs: 5 York sows, with litter
ready to wean by sale date; 3 York
sows, averaging 225 lbs. each; 12
stockers, averaging 130 lbs. each;
York hog, 2 yrs. old.
Auto: 1953 Meteor Sedan, green
in color in A-1 condition; 1949
Mercury half -ton pickup truck;
Allis Chalmers "WD" standard
tractor, equipped with 45 kit, all
newly overhauled; Allis Chalmers
Standard 'B' tractor, equipped with
hydraulic 2 -row scuffler; Case
Combine, 6 ft. with power take -off,
in good condition; Gale forage har-
vester, equipped with corn and
hay attachments in A-1 condition.
Clearing Aucti n Sale
of Real Estate, Farm Implements,
Hay, Household Effects, and Mis-
cellaneous Items, on the premises,
Lot 17, Conecssion 4, Hay Town-
ship, 2%2 mites west of Hensall, or
33/4 miles east of Zurich and 3/4.
mile south, on
Friday, April 17
at 1 p.m. sharp
Real Estate: Consists of Lot 17,
Concession 4, Hay Township, 100
acres of choice loam land, 2 good
wells, large bank barn 72'x48'; 2 -
storey brick house and garage.
This farm is in excellent condition
with about 95 acres of tillable soil,
30 acres being seeded out.
Terms: 10% of sale price, day of
sale, a part mortgage can be ar-
ranged, immediate possession; for
further particulars contact Fred
Beer, Hensall, phone 178W. Sold
subject to reserve bid.
Implements: W. C. Allis Chal-
mers 'tractor with scuffler and
bean puller; manure loader, 7 ft.;
McDeering stiff tooth cultivator;
2 -furrow Cockshutt plow; 3 -section
lever harrows; 4 -section drag har-
rows; 3 -drum roller; M -H binder;
mower; rubber tire wagon; grain
box (nearly new) ; seed drill; feed
cooker; fanning mill; Hergot grain
sower; 2,000 lbs. scales; bag truck;
electric fencer; lumber; scrap iron;
forks; shovels and numerous other
Quantity of baled hay.
Household Effects: Chesterfield
suite; bedroom suite; oak dining
room suite; piano; tables; cup-
boards; Quebec heater; new annex;
Clare -Jewel kitchen stove; table;
lamps; tri -light lamps, etc., etc.
At the same time there will be
offered for sale the furniture and
antiques of the late Wm. Dignan
estate, consisting of dishes, clocks,
cherry rocking chair, hand carved.
picture frame, toilet sets; 8 good
kitchen chairs. One of the first
Osborne sewing machines made,
nearly 100 yrs. old, and numerous.
other articles. Terms—Cash.
FRED C. BEER, Proprietor
Ed. Corbett, Auctioneer
Farm Machinery: Inter. 3 -furrow
plow; Buehler 9 ft. cultivator on
rubber; John Deere hammer mill;
Letz 101/2 inch grinder; Allis
Chalmers 7 ft. power mower;
Woods corn picker; Allis Chalmers
corn picker; Allis Chalmers side
delivery rake, with power take -off;
Bissel 32 -plate tractor disc; 3 -sec-
tion Otaco folding harrows; 4 -sec-
tion diamond harrows; 18 ft. grain
auger; heavy duty rubber tire
wagon, equipped with combination
grain and forage harvester box;
Cockshutt tractor spreader; 13 -run
McDeering fertilizer drill; 2 -wheel
trailer with steel box; 2 circular
saws; tractor tire chains; Smalley
grain blower; Case 5 ft. one-way
disc; Allis Chalmers hay baler;
tractor snow plow; J. K. silage
blower; 'B' Allis Chalmers tractor
used parts; M -H bean puller; 33
ft. extension ladder; heat houser;
large galv. tank; electric cattle
clipper; 130 ft. endless belt; colony
house; 3 -drum steel roller; set of
sleighs; maple syrup equipment;
large quantity cedar posts; port-
able emery; 100 ft. plastic hose;
electric bean cooker; oat roller;
11/4 h.p. electric motor; 11/4 h.p.
electric motor; M -H cream sep-
arator; 8 milk cans; large quantity
scrap iron; forks, shovels, chains,
and other miscellaneous items.
Grain and Feed: 150 bus. Rod-
ney oats; 50 bus. Climax timothy
seed, choice quality; quantity hay
and corn.
Also many miscellaneous items
and household effects.
No reserve, as the rarm is sold.
Alvin Walper, Auctioneer
Leonard Erb, Clerk
Clearing uCtion Sale
Of Valuable Real Estate and
Household Effects, on the premis-
es. 220 Andrew St., 1 block east
of Sunoco Service Station, third
house south, in the TOWN OF
The undersigned auctioneer is
instructed to sell by Public Auc-
tion on
Saturday, April 11
1959, commencing at 1.30 o'clock
p.rn., sharp
Real Estate --Consists of Part
Lot 77, 220 Andrew Street, in
the Town of Exeter. 3/4 acre of
land, on which is situated a frame
house, covered with asphalt shin-
gles. Modern one -storey dwelling;
with living room and dining.
room: 3 bedrooms, kitchen with
built-in cupboards, 2 -piece bath
room, and large utility room; has
full basement with newly installed
oil furnace. Also small garage.
This is a very desirable home in
good state of repair, and best of
garden land. Inspection invited.
Terms of Real Estate: 10% on
day of sale, balance in 30 days..
Sold subject to a reasonable re-
serve bid. NOTE: Terms can be
arranged on real estate by contact-
ing executor before day of sale.
Household Effects: Consists of a
complete dining room suite; ex-
tension table; chairs; buffet; china
cabinet; davenport; occasional
chair and rocker; 3 oak rockers;
chairs; kitchen table and chairs;
centre table; stands; GE refrig-
erator, like new; Wingham cook
stove; 2 -burner electric rangette;
2 complete steel bedroom suites;
dressers; commodes; pillows;
quilts; Simplicity electric washer,
like new; electric iron and toaster;
gas iron; kitchen cupboard; elect-
ric tea kettle; silverware; glass-
ware; kitchen utensils; quantity
of sealers; mantle clock; ladder;
wheelbarrow lawn mower; garbage
can, etc., etc.
No reserve, everything win be,
Mrs. Lyle Simpson, Executor of
Estate of late Bertha O'Brien
Alvin Walper, Auctioneer
Garnet Hicks, Clerk