Zurich Citizens News, 1959-04-08, Page 8PAGE EIGHT ZURICH Citizens NEWS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1959] • NEWS OF.. DASHWOOD (MRS. E. H. RAPER, Correspondent) Miss Connie Spellman, Kitchen- er, spent her Easter vacation with Mary Jane Hoffman. , Infant Baptized Wendy Eleanor, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Webb, Jr., was baptized on Sunday, April 5, in Zion Lutheran Church, by Rev. K. L. Zorn, Mr. and Mrs. coward Deters were sponsors. Hospitalized Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fassold, were hospitalized on Saturday. The former at South Huron, the latter at St. Joseph's, London, due to sickness. Robert Wein, Sudbury, is spen- ding a few days with his mother, Mrs. Herb Wein. Ladies Aid Entertains The Ladies' Aid of Zion Luther- an Church entertained the Sun- day School children at an Easter party on Wednesday, April I. Group 4, with Mrs. Leonard Sch- enk as convener, was in charge Gaines and contests were enjoyed and the children were treated to supper. Walther League Rally The Blue Water Zone Spring Rally of the Walther League, was held at St. Peter's Lutheran ch- urch, Stratford, with members from Zion Lutheran Walther League attending. The purpose of the rally was to interest the youth of the church in full time service as pastors, christen day school teachers, deaconesses, and parish workers. Entertain Newly Confirmed The Walther League of Zion Lutheran Church entertained their parents and the newly confirmed on Tuesday, March 31. The pres- ident, Ronald Merner welcomed them and in the absence of Pastor Zorn ,who was ill, showed a film on the Walther Leaguer. Brenda Becker explained the five point, system of the League, namely: worship, education, fellowship, service and recreation. Crokinole was. played, Mrs. Ad- olph Keller and Herbert Miller were winners, with Anne Marie Kraft and James Gulens consola- tion winners. Ronald Merner, Brenda Becker, Carol Becker, Diane Kraft and Anne Koehler conducted closing devotions in the church auditor- ium, centred around the hymn, "Take My Life and Let it Be." District Christian Education Rally A district Christian Education Rally was held at the EUB church on Saturday, April 4. Sunday school workers and youth workers from the EUB churches of the Stratford District, including Strat- ford, Milverton, Tavistock, Seb- ringville, South Easthope, Zurich, Crediton, Rodney and Dashwood met in the afternoon and evening. The guest speaker for the occas- ion was Rev. Stanley Forkner, Lansing, Michigan. Other featur- es of the program were discussion periods on "Sunday School Teach- ers, Youth Leaders, administration and Missionary Education." Mus- ical selections were given by the Rodney and Crediton groups in the afternoon and by the Dash- woodgroup in the evening. Officers of the rally are: Wes. Noack, Tavistock, president; San- dra Finkbeiner, Crediton, secre- tary; and Earl Eggert, Rostock, treasurer. The Dashwood ladies served lunch. Games were en- gaged in on the church lawn and side street before supper. 0 The births of more than 3,000 young Canadians are attended every year by Red Cross nurses at Outpost Hospitals and Nursing Stations in remote areas of the nation. Week End Specials ® Feature items Jim Dandy with Hawes Paste Wax 47c Fancy Green Peas --I5 oz. Tins 3 For 49c Quaker Oats—Instant, Quick 39c Dominion Brand Granulated Sugar -5 lbs. 43c Solid Heads New Green Cabbage -2 lbs. 17c G AIDS "Lucky `I °alar" Food arid. WITH THE NEW LOOK OF THE NEW SEASON mo"•4%k'•Qcttfi nGoF Cil OSE NOW From Our Complete Range CAMBRIDGE CLOTHES and HOUSE ;;F STONE Mede To ivlec sire $49.95 UP SHOAL VALUE ON Ready -Made SUITS CLOTHING AT "LESS THAN CITY" PRICES Gaucho Bros. Phone 59 Zurich "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK" Stanley Township Council Drafts By -Law To Licence Trailer Parks At their regular monthly meet- ing in the Township Hall, Varna, on Monday afternoon,.. Stanley Township council decided to draft a by-law to licence trailers and trailer camps in the township. The move was prompted by a request from the trustee board Conservation Club Plans To Puchase Land for Pheasants At the annual meeting of the Bluewater•'Conservation Club, held in the Town Hall, last Friday night, a five -man committee, made up of Neil Walker, Rollie Grenier, Albert , I3ess, Milton Deitz and Ferd 'Haberer, was appointed to investigate the possibility of pur-, chasing an acre or two of land so pheasants could be raised and locked up until the open season. It •was the feeling of the club that too many pheasants are being lost before the season opens. Conservation Officer Roy Bell- inger, Clinton, was present at the meeting, and suggested that the proposal was a good idea. He said the same plan had been ad- opted in other centres. Ferd Haberer was elected as president of the club for another year, while Len Sararas is secre- tary and Albert Hess the treasurer. ,Films were shown of hunting and fishing, and a lucky draw which was held produced the fol- lowing winners: Willard Buchan- an, Hensall, a Johnson Century spin casting reel; Ron Merner, Dashwood, a tackle box; and Ferd Haberer, Zurich, a hunter's lan- tern. About 40 attended the meet- ing. • o Almost 900 housewives and bus- iness women are volunteer memb- ers of the Canadian Red Cross Corps. of Bayfield Village. Reeve Harvey Coleman arm township clerk Fred Watson and Ernest Featherstone, chairman of the Bayfield board, were named to consult with town- ship solicitors on wording of the legislation. Mr, Watson pointed out after the meeting that the village has yet to collect any form of pay- ment for children of trailer fam- ilies attending school in Bayfield. On request of the Stanley Town- ship unit of the Ontario Farmers' Union, council passed a motion authorizing collection of union fees through township taxation, provi- ded the clerk is furnished with a list of members of the organiza- tion. The annual fee is $6. Councilors awarded to Levis, Contracting Co„ Clinton, the con- tract for crushing and hauling 6,000 yards of gravel this year. The firm had tendered 75 cents per yard for the job. ATTENTION FARMERS FOR SALE 1953 Oliver Self -Propelled Combine IN GUARANTEED condition, with about $600 worth of extra equipment. This machine is like new — will sell at a sacrifice price, Apply to: PETE MASSE, Phone 78 At Pearson Motors, Zurich 14p CONTRACT BARLEY WE WOULD BE PLEASED TO WRITE UP YOUR CONTRACT THIS YEAR FOR EITHER MONTCALM or PARKLAND Barley (FERTILIZER SUPPLIED) SEED GRAIN IS VERY LOW IN COST THIS=YIEAR. CHECK OUR PRICES BEFORE HAVING YOUR SEED CLEANED SEED DEANS ARE NOW IN GOOD SUPPLY. ORDER EARLY WHEN PRICES AND SUPPLIES ARE BEST ok Bros.: illingCo. Ltd. PHONE 24 HENSALL 14, 5, 6, 7-b Zurich Citizens News re,Ien a ele)-4;e6.&e €€;z#' e/We(4'12, Let us assist you with your plans for that all important wedding day. COME IN AND SEE OUR COMPLETE .SFT•FCTION OF • INVITATIONS • ANNOUNCEMENTS • INFORMALS • ACCESSORIES Your choke of various paper,stocks, type styles and sizes. ask for .. . kibta " r�.tiAT10J'll Select your wedding invitations, announcements and a&cttestoriess with complete confidence as to quality and eorrectnees of form. Nal ALSO HAVE PERSONALIZED WEDDING NAPKINS, MATCHES AND CAKE BOXES ZURICH Citizens NEWS Phone 133 Zurich