HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1959-04-08, Page 5WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1959 TEACHER REWIRED ZURICH Citizens NEWS For Rural School USS No. 9, HAY and STANLEY in HURON COUNTY Duties to start September, 1959. Salary according to qualifications and experience. Applicants to state quali- fications and experience. Apply to: LEROY ERB, Secretary -Treasurer, R.R. 1, ZURICH, ONTARIO. 14-15-b SPRING FOOTWEAR Get Ready For Sucker and Smelt Fishing!! Hip Length Rubber Boots ONLY $9.95 We have everything you may need! Hydro City Work Shoes GREB Vulcanized Soles to Uppers Very Flexible Sisman Work Shoes And Scampers Oesch Shoe Store PHONE 130J — ZURICH PHONE — ZURICH DAILY SERVICE London and Toronto TO ZURICH DISTRICT Hog Assembly in Zurich—TUESDAY & THURSDAY Hog Assembly in Hensel) (at Sales Born)—TUESDAY CEMENT & ROAD GR ; „VEL, FILL & TOP SOIL AGENTS FOR PARISIAN LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS PHONE 186 ZURICH AffreirOME TR N P RT HENSALL PHONE 88r7, KIRKTON RUSSELDALE Tasty-Nu's Delicious ORANGE CAKE only 49t TASTY -NU BAKERY PHONE 100 — ZURICH PAGE FIV Grannie Turkheim's ccp a Box GERMAN SUNS 4 cups flour (sifted) 1 small teaspoon salt 1 cup white sugar 1 egg (well ebaten) 1 teaspoon soda 1/2 cup butter 1/2 cup lard 2 teaspoons baking powder Add flour, baking powder, and soda, salt, sugar, lard and butter, also egg (beaten). Mix with milk and roll out buns and spread with filling. Roll out and cut off in slices. Bake in a moderately hot oven. Do not put buns too close as they spread. Filling for Buns 1 1 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup flour Mix and spread on rolled -out dough above. APPLE PUDDING Peel and slice about 6 apples and put in pudding dish and sprinkle over them: 1 tablespoon flour, 2 tablespoons white sugar, 1/2 tea- spoon cinnamon, pinch of salt, then miv to crumble and cover apples with % cup rolled oats, % cup white flour, 1/2 cup brown sugar, cup butter, 1/2 teaspoon baking powder. Bake in oven 25 minutes at 350° F. MOTHER'S OATMEAL BREAD 1 pint oatmeal 1 quart boiling water Lard the size of an egg 1 tablespoon salt (even) 1/2 cup molasses 1/2 cup sugar 2 quarts white flour 1 yeast cake (prepare as directions say). Method: Pour boiling water over oatmeal, lard, salt, molasses and sugar. Mix well, when lukewarm add yeast and flour. Place in warm place, cover to keep warm, in morning knead on board until smooth and not sticky, let rise un- til light. Form into loaves, place in tins, let rise until double in bulk. Bake in over 375° F. about 40 minutes. Bake longer if loaf is large. * .. Y ANGEL FOOD DESSERT Cut centre from an angel food cake leaving enough shell to hold Mrs. Tom Meyers Presents Topic To Evangelical L. dies The WSWS and Ladies' Aid of Emmanuel EUB Church met on Thursday, April 2, with Mrs. Al- lan Gascho in charge of the meet- ing. Mrs. A. M. Amacher was the pianist. Mrs. Ross Johnston read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. Pears Melick led in prayer. Misses Elizabeth Johnston and Helen Grainger sang the duet, "To do my Father's will," accompanied by Mrs. Milton Oesch. Mrs. Thomas Meyers presented the topic, "The Christian and the Cross." "Why Easter? Why do people crowd church doors on Easter Sunday? Because Jesus Christ arose from the dead and is alive forever more. Christ lives forever in resurrection glory. The power of the resurrection began at Pentecost and continues in the daily experience of believers. The cross is costly. One cross will go unborn if we do not carry it. The cross cost God His Son. The cross is the most prominent sym- bol of the Christian faith. The Christian cross stands for love." Mrs. Delbert Geiger read the poems, "Each Easter Morning," and "It is Easter." The officers for the coming year sang, "God's way is the best way." An interesting playlet was giv- en on the 49th and the 50th States to be admitted into the United States of America, Alaska and Hawaii. Alaska is now the larg- est state in the Union, being twice as large as T.exas. Most of the people in Alaska live in the cities. There are more whites than nat- ives. TB is a serious problem. The natives were loathe to send patients to the hospitals at first, but that is changed now. The Methodists have a hospital 'and an orphanage, and are building a college at Anchorage. Hawaii is not just a new set- tled place. There is no race pro- blem here, Christianity demands complete dedication. We need to filling. Pinch the cut-out portion. of the cake into small pieces. To these add: 1 cup crushed pineapple 1 cup cocoanut 1/2 ib. marshmallows, cut small 12 maraschino cherries, chopped 1/2 pint whipped cream Fill cake shell with this and let stand overnight in refrigerator. Before serving, ice with an extra half-pint of whipped cream. 0 Parr Line Forum Members of the Parr Line Farm Forum, with every family repre- sented, enjoyed a turkey banquet in the town hall, Zurich, last Mon- day evening. For entertainment, Mr. and Mrs. Ian McAllister showed interesting colored films pertaining to the Calgary Stampede, canning of sockeye salmon, and raising of hogs to marketing and packing plant. Officers elected were: president, Keith Love; secretary, Ian McAl- lister. Winners of progressive euchre were: ladies, Mrs. Howard Ad- kins, Mrs. Gordon Love; gents, Gordon. Coleman, Dave Blackwell. "How Can IA/ Q. How can I prevent the ice - cube tray from sticking? A. Slip a one-half inch rubber band over the outer end of the tray and it will help to prevent this trouble. The band raises the tray so that the bottom does not come into full contact with the freezing chamber. Q. How can I sharpen a pair of scissors? A. By drawing the cutting edge back and forth on a piece of g?ass. Or, another simple method is mer- ely to cut a piece of sandpaper with scissors. Q. How can I dry out damp salt? A. If the salt in the shaker be- comes damp, put the shaker on the radiator or in the oven until salt dries. Q. How can I make a cleaning compound for washing painted walls? A, Dissolve one ounce of soap flakes in 16 ounces (one pint) of water, and add about three oun- ces of turpentine. Stir the mix- ture rapidly and apply with a brush or sponge. Q. How can I make spiced rhubarb? A. To make a delicious dish of the common rhubarb, when cook- ing it add a dash of cinnoman, a clove or two, and the grated peel. - O Catholic Women Elect 1-'fhcers The Catholic Women's League of St. Boniface RC Church, Zurich, held their meeting in the Town Hall, on Monday night, with 22 members present. The election of officers for the coming season took place, and resulted as fol- lows: President, Mrs. Jack Pearson; treasurer, Mrs. Lee Regier; sec- retary, earetary, Mrs. Louis Farwell; first vice - president, Mrs. Alphonse Grenier; second vice - president, Mrs. Alphonse Deitrich; third vice- president, Mrs. Edwin Regier. know what the religions stand for. The Hawaian Islands are lovely. The air is clean and rain -washed. The economy of the island is pros- perous. Rev. A, M. Amaeher installed the officers for the coming year. The president, Mrs. Delbert Geig- er, took charge of the business session. Mrs. Allan Gascho and Mrs. Ward Fritz were appointed delegates to the WSWS Conven- tion to be held at Pembroke. The following ladies were on the program committee. Mrs. Delbert Geiger, Mrs. Allan Gascho, Mrs. Pearl Melick, Mrs. Thomas Mey- ers, Mrs. Ross Johnstin and Mrs. Sylvanus Witmer. THIELS SPECIALS Thurs., Fri., sats —PEAS— STOKELY'S FANCY HONEY POD 2 tins 33c AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP 2 bottles 35c M V F F E T S 2 pkgs. 35c WHITE CROSS TOILET TISSUE 3 rolls 39c MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE Large 6 oz. jar .... $1.19 FRUITS & VEGETABLES CHECK OUR ADV. IN THE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES On Hand Next Week eat Specict PURE PORK Ll °tK SA SAGE ib. -39c Save On This Item! BONELESS -- TENDER HA !b© 69c LEAN -- MEATY Spar Ribs 711b. 39c LARD Special 2 abs. for 29c C. H. THIEL -- Zurich