HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1959-04-01, Page 8PAGE EIGHT ZU•RIOH citizens NEWS GINGERICH`S SALES AND SERVICE H T 3 e Improvemeni Show is T ursday and. Friday Annual Show I3ecoming More Popular Each. Year — Now Open Two Days The third annual Horne Improvement Show, sponsored by Gerald Gingerich, in co-operation with his suppliers, will be ,held in the Community Centre, Zurich, this Thursday and Friday, April2 and 3. The Show will be opened to the public on both afternoons and evenings. The afternoon show will commence at 2 o'clock and the evening performance will get under way at 8 o'clock. The entire show is free of tluill the crowds with his magic tricks. Other entertain- ment will feature films, short plays and singing, by local talent. Free refreshments will be served. Last year's Horne Improve- ment Show drew such a large charge, and everyone is ex- tended a hearty invitation to attend the affair. The feature attraction of the entertain- ment will be the performance of Dicky Dean, the famous young magician, who will Farm Union To Hold. R'"anel Discussion, April 6 An interesting panel on "verti- cal integration" will be held in Seaforth District High School on Monday evening, April 6, with distinguished agriculturists taking part. Sponsor is the Huron Dist- rict of the Ontario Farmers Union.. Moderator will be Vaughan Doug- las, far mcommentator at CKNX radio and TV. Taking part in the panel will be Dr. Hopper, econom- ist at Ontario Agriculture College, Guelph; Gordon Hill, Varna, presi- dent of the Ontario Farmers Un- ion; William Harvey, Goderich, the district supervisor of the Unit- ed Co-operatives of Ontario; Law- rence Nesbit, Auburn, past presi- dent of the North Huron Junior Farmers. Everyone is welcome to attend this event. 0 - BLAKE (Mrs. Amos Gingerich Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Allen Schwartzen- truber and family, New Hamburg, spent Sunday in the vicinity. Mrs. Lizzie Oesch was a Sunday guest with Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Oesch and family. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gingerich and family spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Sam Gingerich, in Zurich. Easter guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oesch and family were, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gingerich and fam- ily, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ging- erich. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ginger- ich spent Wednesday in London, at Victoria Children's Hospital, with their infant daughter, Elaine, who is progressing very good after her recent illness. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich were, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gingerich and Norma, and Mr. and Mrs. William Steckle. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Zehr, Kit- chener, spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Erb and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Jantzi, Bad- en, accompanied Mr. Simon Jan- tzi, New York, to visit the form- er's daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Erb. 0 G S .EN LINE Mr. and Ma's. Jack Mills, Lon- don and Mr. William Mills, Car- lisle, Saskatchewan, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Robinson. Weekend visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Will Robinson, Byron, whose children spent the week with their grandparents. Irvin Keys, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Keys, had his tonsils remov- ed last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peck and family spent Friday evening at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Snell, Londes- boro, who were celebrating their 41st wedding anniversary. Carolyn Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Robinson, had her tonsils removed last week. Kenneth Armstrong, Montreal, spent a few days in the neighbour- hood, visiting his father, Mr. John Armstrong, who is still in the hos- pital at Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Clare McBride and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Orval Rapson, in HensalL Also there for the weekend were Mr. and Mrs, Murray Milton, To- ronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald James, London. crowd that the sponsor decid- ed to extend it to the two days, including the afternoons. SEE THE THIX DEMONSTRATION AT Gingerich's Third Annual HOME IMPROVEMENT SHOW Thursday & Friday, April 2 & 3 Community Centre, Zurich YOU WILL WANT TO SEE ITTSRHRGH PAINTS On Display At Gingerich's Third Annual HOME PROVEMENT SHOW SELFT1 011 lialitY Community Centre, Zurich APRIL 2 & 3 Thursd++ y & Fridpy (Afternoon & Evening) EXTRA SPECIAL PRICES ON PITTSBURGH DURING AND AFTER OUR SHOW erkk is 1aIs rvkke we 34 Zurich — PIum, 585 Seed rth WAS ERS and AVERS USE Afternoons: 2 p.m. Evenings: 8 p.m. SC/ARFE'S AMAZING JELLED EXTERIOR PAINT • Avoid all the mess of ordinary painting. Scarfe's THIX won't spatter you—won't drip on the ladder or on brickwork—won't run on window panes. THIX needs no mixing or thinning. Flows on easily—covers beauti- fully. Gives a finish you'll be proud of for years. In all popu- lar colours — at your Scarfe. dealers. Try it. Guarantee double your money back if Scarfe's xs k4f • 3H1X blisters when applied, as directed sr RS3r•94sx XTERIOR 1. FREE! FREE! FREE! Ask to try the new Thix paints and you will receive a ticket on 5 gal. of paint free, any colour, quantity, or type for the Lucky Ticket Holder. Phone HOME IMPROVEMENT SHOW SPECIAL THIX EXTERIOR WHITE ONLY $3.95 Gallon �s gerieh LES & SERVICE 34—Zurich Phone 565—Seaforth R•/zusR4,ai ',NMI: att. . • }W`,S N pL .,SkYc4. lYf.' 'i vommemeognimarammosmorsioaismansomsmosam INVITES YOU T MU ME SEE THEIR FINE DISPLAY OF RANGES EFRIGE,4 TORS • GINGERICH'S 3rd ANNUAL HOME IMPROVEMENT SHOWCOM UNITY CENTRE, RSDAYICH Ertel FRIDAY afternoons & evenings, 2-8 p.m. F R E E—F R E E—F R E E APRIL 2 and 3 GIFTS — REFRESHMENTS — ENTERTAINMENT — DOOR PRIZES FREE1 HATS &BALLOONS For The Children ENTERTAINMENT ] BY LOCAL TALENT w SEE DICKY DEAN The Famous Magician �� Pz�C�.� S SALES & SERVICE ZURICH — SEAFORTH SAVE $$$ During Our Home Show