HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1959-03-25, Page 11v `WEDNESDAY, 1V,CARCH 25, 1959 ZURICH Citizens NEWS PAGE ELEVEN St .JOSEPH'S---DD.YSDALE .(A9.,. FRED DUCHA Entertains Friends Last Tuesday friends and rela- `tives gathered at the home of Mrs. Valerie Cantin, where she had pre- pared a very delicious dinner. In- -eluded in the company were: Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Denomme, Mr. and Mrs, Dennis Charrette, and Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Jeffrey. _after the meal was over there was the usual chit-chat, reviewing past incidents, and the odd joke. In "the early afternoon the company left, thanking Mrs. Cantin for the great welcome she had given them. Master Freddie and little Miss Elaine Ducharme, of the Bluewa- ter South, were Friday last visit - ,.ors with their grandparents. Andrew Ducharme spent a few days in London the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ducharme, ,of the 14th concession, were Sat- urday last visitors on the Blue- RME, Correspondent) water Highway, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ducharme. Last Tuesday evening, St. Pat- rick Day, a very enjoyable time was spent in the Parish Hall, where a card party, sponsored by the Catholic Women's League, was held. Suitable prizes were award- ed to the whiners. There was al- so a draw for a quilt, which at- tracted much attention. It was won by Jerome Ducharme, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ducharme John N. Denomy Last Saturday in this Parish Re- quiem High Mass was celebrated for one of the most highly respec- ted citizens, in the person of John N. Denomy. The church was fil- led illed to almost overflowing capacity, which showed the high esteem the parishioners and others in the surrounding district held for him. Mr. Denomy was one who had a ATTENTION - FARMERS MILK . EGGS , CREAM , POULTRY WE PAY TOP PRICES O'BRIEN'S PRODUCE Phone 101 -® Zurich loom tto,:- Proven CONCENTRATES for POULTRY, HOGS and CATTLE TRUCK LOAD LOTS OF GRAIN AT LOW, LOW PRICES COMPLETE FEED SERVICE M. DEITZ and SON Phone 154 - Zurich 7,000 Reporters At Work During Farm. Safety Drive Approx. 7,000 people in Ontario now form a well organized team of Farm Accident reporters. One of these reporters lives in. your neighbourhood. There are 191 Farm Accident reporters in Huron County. The Ontario Farm Accident Survey extends over a period of one year, from March 1, 1959 to February 29, 1960. An accident which happens during this year is reportable if there are any doctor or hospital bills, if the time lost exceeds a total of two hours or if property damage exceeds $25. Everyone is asked to assist by reporting all accidents to their area reporter. charming personality, and who had made many friends in the years he had been in business at Drys- dale. Being of courteous dispos- ition he will be greatly missed by his neighbours and friends. He and his wife Adeline were the parents of four sons and two daughters. After the Mass the re- mains were laid to rest in the ad- joining Parish Cemetery. On behalf of the community we offer our deepest sympathy to the bereaved family. 0 '59 Highway Plans Include Work On No, 21 Highway Listed in the recently issued brochure for the capital program of the Ontario Department of Highways for the year 1959-60, is the new Maitland River Bridge, CNR overhead and CPR subway north of Goderich. Length of the project is 1.3 miles, and includes grading, culverts, granular base. Other parts of the Highways program in the Stratford. District includes 16.2 miles from Stratford to Milverton; 11 miles from St. Joseph north to the Bayfield Riv- er along the Blue Water Highway; 7.5 miles east of Wingham to within four miles of Bluevale. WESTINGHOUSE BUY FOR YOUR HOME NOW - AT WONDERFUL SAVINGS!! Dryer Model D-112 COME IN AND SEE OUR DISPLAY OF THIS FINE MATCHED SET Washer Model L-112 PLAN ON SEEING OUR Westinghouse Display AT THE HOME IMPROVEMENT SHOW IN THE COMMUNITY CENTRE, ZURICH THURSDAY AND FRIDAY APRIL 2 and 3 (Afternoon and Evening) GINGERICH'S SALES St SERVICE ZURICH - Phone 34 SEAFORTH - Phone 644w1 Farm Accident Survey Areas Named For Zurich District in Safety Program These are the reporters working for you in the Ontario Farm Accident Survey for 1959. To discover which reporter you should make your reports of acci- dents to, locate your farm on the mop above, note the number in that area, and then check with the list below. HAY TOWNSHIP: 1. Mac Denomme, Zurich 2. Harold Deichert, Zurich 3. Jim McAllister, RR 1, Zurich 4. Irar Desjardine, Dashwood 5. Arnold Merner, Zurich 6. Wilfred Mousseau, Hensall 7. Lloyd Hendrick, Dashwood 8. Carl Oestreicher, Dashwood 9. Elmer Rowe, Exeter. STANLEY TOWNSHIP: 1. Fred Gibson, RR 5, Clinton 2. Victor Taylor, Brucefield 3. D'Arcy Rathwell, Brucefield 4. Alex McBeath, RR 3, Kippen 5. Ivan McClymont, RR 1, Varna 6. Mae Coleman, RR 1, Zurich 7. Lee McConnell, RR 1, Varna 8. Bob Peck, RR 1, Zurich 9. Les Amstrong, RR 3, Bayfield 10. Allen Armstrong, RR 1, Varna 11. Anson McKinley, RR 1, Zurich 12. Ted Dunn, RR 3, Bayfield 13. Harold Erb, RR 2, Zurich 14. Reporter to be appointed 15. Reporter to be appointed. STEPHEN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. TOWNSHIP: Roy Morenz, Dashwood Lorne Devine, Dashwood Lloyd Eagelson, Dashwood Donald Kestle, Dashwood Earl Neil, Exeter. BLUEWATER CONSERVATION CLU ANNUAL MEETING TOWN HALL, ZURICH FRIDAY, APRIL 3r 8 PM FREE MOVIES ON OUTDOOR SPORTS, ETC., BY THE CARLING CONSERVATION CLUB Young And Old ®- - Everyone Welcome PLAN TO ATTEND Refreshments Will Be Provided 12-13-b