HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1959-03-25, Page 9WEDNESDAY) MARCH 25, 1959
(Blyth Standard)
Police are investigating a break-
in at the Belgrave Co-operative.
' The thieves stole tires, milking
Machine and a battery. Total val-
ue was placed at $250. Provincial
"Constable Robert Lewis said the
thief or thieves gained entrance
through a side door in the mill the immediate future it was an W
the branch Thursday. The hall, of
cement block construction, will be
80 feet by 40 feet, and will be lo-
cated on the lot which the Legion
has owned for a number of years
at the corner of Main and Huron
Streets, north of the bowling
and made their way in the store
section. The breakin was discov-
ered by an employee.
(Huron Expositor)
Seaforth Legion will commence
construction of a Legion hall in
pounced following a meeting of estern Ontario Counties Pressure
Brings Compensation For Rabies
(By J. Carl Hemingway)
For about two years the Ontario with the Canadian Federation has
Federation of Agriculture along been seeking compensation for
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40 thiadv. .004t 40
livestock lost by rabies. Apparen-
pparently it was the efforts of the Feder-
ations in Bruce and Grey Coun-
ties that supplied the "straw that
broke the camel's back". About
a month ago these organizations
met with their county councils to
ress this request further to gov-
A delegation went to Ottawa
and presented the suggestion that
county, province and federal gov-
ernments split the costs. As a re-
sult we now have the announce-
ment that compensation will be
paid on the basis of 40 percent
by the province, 40 percent by the
Federal and 20 percent by the
county. The responsibility for ad-
ministration is left with the Coun-
ty Council.
Robert McGregor, president of
the Huron Beef Producers is to be
congratulated on the very success-
ful bus tour to Ohio which he ar-
ranged. In spite of most unsatis-
factory weather Monday morning,
March 16, only one was unable of
make it and we were fortunate in
picking up a spare at the last
The farms we visited were very
similar to Huron except that land
is valued at 500 to 600 dollars per
acre. The foundation of their
feeding is corn. In the feed lots
cattle are being fed all the corn
silage they will eat plus from E
to 15 lbs. per head per day of shell
corn. The standard silo is 20 ft.
by 70 ft. for corn silage; smaller
ones are used for the high mois-
ture shell corn. At one place a
10 x 70 silo is filled from 56 acres
of silage corn and a 16 x 60 silo
is filled from 84 acres with shell-
ed corn.
All silos are equipped with un -
loaders and the feed is distributed
mainly by an auger system,
though some of the large set ups
use unloading wagons to take the
feed to the mangers.
Marketing is a serious problem
for them though in the area we
visited there were from eight to
ten outlets for their cattle. The
number going to terminal mark-
ets is decreasing and it was felt
that too many' cattle were going
direct to plants.
One load of cattle which would
be about half "prime" and the re-
mainder "choice" were delivered
to Archibald from Chicago mark-
et at 30 cents. In examining the
carcasses we were of the opinion
that top red brand would equal
their "prime." We were told that
it was necessary to heavy -feed
steers for 10 to 12 months to ob-
tain "prime" quality. We can get
red brand with a somewhat shor-
ter feeding period. The quality of
the feeder cattle is very similar
to our better cattle.
In hogs again, corn is the basis
of their feeding. The carcasses
we saw showed a much softer fat
and only a small percentage of
them would grade B-1.
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