HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1959-02-11, Page 5WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1959 Letter to the Editor DEAR EDITOR: This has, so far, been a cold steady winter, but spring must be just around the corner, as letters to the Editor are appearing on that potent topic, "Daylight Sav- ing time." In past years the only comment about daylight saving time came from the opposition, For the sake of variety, maybe we should deviate from the usual style and say something in favour of it. .Yom my small store of agricul- tural knowledge, I gather that daylight saving time fits in better with the modern high speed methods of harvesting that are al- most general practice now .I have they prefer daylight time, as they can work till dinner -time, until the dew is off, at some other job, and harvest the rest of the day when the crops are dry, and not find themselves jumping from job to job or have their day all cut up in little pieces, For the farmer to cuss the bus- inessman, and the businessman to shrug his shoulder when the far- mer complains about all the abuse he has to take on account of the fast time is all right; it is to be expected, but to start talking about chickens and 'children is taking in a lot of territory; they both show more sense than grown-ups can possibly ever put to use. If a farmer gets up with the chickens he will have no trouble in getting the milk ready for the milk truck, and if he goes to bed with the children no doubt he will get more sleep than he does any other way. As for the child- ren; of my own child -hood days, which are Iong gone, my fondest recollections are of the long sum- mer days. If the children get up with the sun and go to bed with the sun tin summer time) I don't think they miss very much, except maybe a lot of crap on TV which they would be better without. The correspondent, "Hay Town- ship Farmer" reminds us that God put the sun in the sky to govern our day. Righ—but the sun also rises a lot earlier in summer than in winter. Man made the clocks which are incap- able of attiming themselves to the rest of nature. When you observe plant, anim- al, bird and fish life, the way they change their habits with the sea- sons, and sunlight, man and his clocks look rather stupid. If anyone would like to lie in bed till the sun burns a hole in the covers, that, I suppose, is up to him; personally we Iike to see the sunrise. HILLBILLY 0 & KACAS DRAWS FINES ( ioderich Sentinel -Star) Two youths involved in a fracas at a dance hall were fined in mag- istrates court at Goderich Thurs- day, Paul Spain, Goderich, pleaded guilty to creating a disturbance by swearing in the dance hall at Bayfield on January 24. He was fined $25 and costs or 10 days in jail. Vernon Glenn, Dungannon, was fined the same amount after he pleaded guilty to fighting. The youth struck the dance hall pro- prietor, according to Crown At- torney H. Glenn Hays. Your Hair is Our Business For The Latest In BEAUTY STYLING CALL NORMA"S BEAUTY SHOPPE Phone 223 -- Zurich s ZURICH Citizens NEWS YOU WILL BE PLEASED WITH THE SAVINGS WE OFFER PAGE FIVE OUR NEW CASH SYSTEM ALLOWS US TO COMPARE WITH ANY CHAIN Blase Bon et Yellow Quick Margarine lb. pkg. — 33c Frozen Fish of MI Kinds for Your Lenten Meals eareseleisite Agents For MID -TOWN CLEANERS Mon.,, Thurso & Sat. CLARK'S PORK v BEANS 20 oz. tins 2 for 37c Ayl er Fruit Cocktail 15 oz. tins 2 for 33c COTTAGE TOILET TISSUE 6 rolls 49c HUNT'S Tomato Ketchup 2 bottles 35c BROOMS FOR YOUR CLEANING $1.29 POTATOES Weekend Only -- 50 !b. bag $1,19 Boneless Tenderized Hams Ib. 69c Bone -hi Smoked Picnic !Hams Ib. 39c Hoffman's Bologna lb. 33c COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE, 3 lbs. 001 Won teni Roe 11 1-71 e d