HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1959-01-28, Page 6PAGE SIX 1S1r. and Mrs. Hubert Schilbe at- tended a wedding in London this past Saturday. Miss Gloria Deitz, London, was a weekend visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Deitz. Mrs. Theodore Deichert, Toron- to, is spending a few days at the Zurich's Oldest Resident Has AinetietBirthday Believed to be the oldest resi- dent in the village of Zurich, Wil- liam Rader had his 90th birthday on December 27, 1958, Due to bad weather the party celebrating the event was not held until Jan- uary 12, and at that time 15 mem- bers of his family gathered at the home of his only daughter, Mrs. Victor Dinnin, Present were three brothers and one sister, all of Dashwood: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rader, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rader, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rader and Mrs. Adeline Kraft. Oscar Miller, a nephew, chauffered the Dashwood group and attended the event. Elmer Klapp, a brother-in-law, the hon- oured man's only son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Milne Rader, and his grandson Billy Din,- nin, all of Zurich, also attended. Mr. Rader has lived in the vil- lage since 1918, and before that farmed on Concession 14, Hay Township, where Joe Ducharme now lives. Mrs. Rader passed away in 1942. IIIIIMENIONIMIONIONMINNOMONISOIV home of her sister, Miss Ethel Gabel. Miss Dianne Thiel, London, spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thiel, Edward Deichert, Sarnia, was a weekend visitor at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Deichert. Properites Sold Two village properties have changed hands in the past week. Maurice Weber sold his new resi- dence at the east end of town to Wilmer Adkins, who is the mana- ger of Ruston Transport in Zur- ich. He will get occupancy of the building in the near future. The property of the late Joseph Foster has been sold to Mrs. Min- nie Wedio, London. An auction sale of the household effects at the premises will be held this Sat- urday, after which time she will get possession of the home. James G Rannie A resident of Zurich for the past seven years, James George Rannie passed away at Clinton Public Hospital on Tuesday, Jan- uary 27, in his 78th year. He was born in Waterloo County on January 17, 1882. He was mar- ried to the former Susie Jacobi. Prior to moving to Zurich Mr. and Mrs. Rannie farmed on the Babylon Line in Hay Township. Surviving besides his wife are two brothers, Leonard and Arthur, both of Frobisher Bay, Saskat- chewan; and two sisters, Mrs. Thomas Vane, Chattenooga, Ten- nessee, and Mrs. Annie Rose, Ex- eter. The body is resting at the West- lake funeral home, Zurich, from where the funeral service will be held on Thursday, January 29, with interment being made in the Evangelical United Brethren Cem- etery, Bronson Line. Rev. A. M. Amacher will officiate. ZURICH Citizens NEWS SL Peter's Lutheran Church Annual; Departing Gifts to Pastor and `' ife The annual meeting of St. Pet- er's Lutheran Church was held Tuesday evening, January 20 with a very good attendance. The open- ing devotions were conducted by the Rev. O. Winter, after which Harold Stade, as chairman of the church council, presided for the business session. Recording secretary Earl Flax - bard read the minutes of the last annual meeting, which were ap- proved as read. The pastor is his report to the congregation re- viewed some of the highlights of the past year. The members responded very generously to the appeal made by the "Canadian Lutheran Relief" for used clothing and by oversub- scribing to the "Lutheran World Action" quota. During the year 15 enfants were received into baptiz- Mennonite Church Has Bible School Students Program On Sunday evening, January 25, students of the Ontario Mennonite Bible School and Institute, Kit- chener, gave a program at the Zu- rich Mennonite Church, The theme, "God Sustains His Universe", was discussed in two talks. A ladies trio presented sev- eral numbers in song. Following the service at the church, about 40 young people gathered at the pastor's home for a period of informal fellowship and refreshments. The school offers a Bible course, which, in three years of 12 weeks each, covers the entire Bible. It is held from January to March. Students come from many parts of the United States as well as Canada. Zurich Telephone Numbers to Stay In Lo don's 'Phone Directory Telephone directory listings for persons in Zurich and several other exchanges in this area will continue to appear in the London book, W. W. Haysom, Bell Tele- phone manager for this territory announced this week. He said that the plan to remove the listings from the London book, placing them only in the Strat- ford-Goderich book, which was an- nounced a few months ago, would not now be carried out. The decision not to go through OLD KING COLE Was a merry old soul And a hearty eater was he— When he wanted a treat That couldn't be beat He called our bakery! Our Weekend Special; FRESH BAKED ONLY COCONUT COOKIES 30c for 2 Dozen L Give Yourself a Taste Treat Today! TASTY -NU BAKERY Phone 100 — Zurich "Home of the Famous "Tasty -Nu" Bread with the plan was made after telephone users in this area had expressed opposition to it. "The proposal was a good one from the economic point of view," Mr. Haysom said, "but we strive to give our customers the type of service they want, and the majority wanted the directory ar- rangements left unchanged so we will go along with their wishes." The proposed change would have affected telephone users in the Bell's Centralia, Exeter, Cred- iton and Hensall exchanges; the Tuckersmith Municipal System's Hensall exchange customers, and the Hay Municipal System's Gr- and Bend and Dashwood exchan- ges, as well as the Zurich ex- change. The next issue of the London directory, to be distributed in June, will also carry classified (yellow) page listings for the Ex- eter, Hensall, Centralia and Cred- iton exchanges for the first time. London classified listings will not, however, be distributed in these exchanges. Bible Society Lists Close to $500 Collected In Area Listed below are the donations to the Zurich Branch of the British and Foreign Bible Society: Zurich North $ 31.55 Zurich Centre 46.75 Zurich South 67.90 Goshen South 19.50 Goshen North 19.50 Babylon Line 26.35 Bronson South Hay 12.85 Bronson North Hay 39.50 Bronson South Stanley 41.00 Bronson North Stanley 38.00 14 Concession Hay 16.00 Blind Line Hay 12.55 Exeter Mennonite Mis- sion 25.00 Offering at annual meeting 76.74 TOTAL $473.19 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1959 ed membership of the congrega- tion, which now totals 518; 12 members were confirmed, and seven persons became members through transfer from other con- gregations, and our congregation mourns the loss of four members through death. The financial reports of the congregation as well as the dif- ferent organizations in the church were very encouraging; each sh- owed increased giving for all phas- es of the work. The total expenditures for the year amounted to $15,337, an in- crease of $3,231 over the previous year. The installation of oil heat in the parsonage and the repair- ing of the church organ as well as greater giving for missions ac- count for the increase. Since Pastor and Mrs. Winter and family are leaving St. Peter's, Zurich for a mission congregation in Toronto, where both the Ger- man and the English language are needed, the chairman of the church board Harold Stade read an address to Pastor and Mrs. Winter, and the treasurer, Earl Weido presented them with a purse of money. Mrs. Annie Finkbeiner, presi- dent of the Ladies Aid, presented Mrs. Winter with a G.E. steam iron, after which both Pastor and Mrs. Winter not only thanked all members for the farewell gifts but for all kindness and co-op- eration shown them" during their stay in Zurich, Members of the Ladies Aid ser- ved a very nice lunch to all pre- sent. Luther League Has Missions Theme, Plan Skating Party On Sunday evening St. Peter's Luther League met with the topic, "Missions" as its theme. The Mis- sions Versicles were presented by Wanda Laurence, A prayer for Missions was read by Bill Wagner. The Scripture lesson was read by Arthur Winter, followed by a fihn on South America, "South Am- erica Sampler" shown by Louis Willert. The offering will be sent to the Argentina Mission Project. During the business meeting the leaguers discussed a Skating Party and letters were read from the London Luther League and the Dashwood Zion Walther League in regard to a Skating Party on February 6. Christian Youth Week, which starts today, January 25 to Feb- ruary 1 will be observed by all the youth of South Huron in a Christian Youth Week Rally at the James Street United Church, Exet- er, at 7 p.m. About 15 leagues will attend this rally. The meeting closed with the hymn, "Thou, Whose Almighty Word", the Lord's Prayer, and the benediction. Following the regular League meeting all the members were asked to sit down. President Louis Willert called on Rev. and Mrs. Winter to come forward and pre- sented them with a farewell gift from the League and wished them the best of luck is their new mission, Both Rev. and Mrs. Winiter gave their heart felt thanks to the League to show they appreciated the gift, which was a silver tray with the inscrip- tion, "St. Peter's Luther League, Zurich". Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor—A. Martin Services Wednesday, Jan. 28- 8.00 p.m.—Prayer and Fellow- ship at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lennis Gingerich. Leader: Mr. Peter Steckle. Sunday, Feb. 1- 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11,00 a.m.—Worship Service WE INVITE YOU TO WORSHIP WITH U.S Al. Fred Ducharme To Speak at WI Meeting in Zurich. A. Fred Ducharme, St. Joseph, correspondent for the Zurich Cit- izens News, will be the guest speaker at the February meeting of the Zurich Women's Institute. Mr. Ducharme will tell about the settlement of the Bluewater area. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 3, at the home of Mrs. J. E. Bannister, at 8 p.m. St. Peter's Lutheran Church Zurich REV. O. WINTER, Pastor Mrs. J. Turkheim, A.T.C.IVI., Organist Services Sunday, Feb. 1- 10.00 a.m.—Worship Service 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class (all ages) 0 Come, Let Us Adore Him, Christ the Lord! Emmanuel Evangelical United Brethren Church Rev. A. M. AMACHER, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. Milton Pesch, Organist Sunday, Feb. 1- 10.00 a.m.--Worship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School 7.30 p.m. ---Service in charge of t h c E.Y.F. Film: "Where None Shall Thirst" Sentence Sermon: "You cannot reform your ancestors, start work on yourself". WE WELCOME YOU TO ATTEND THESE SERVICES WHY NOT? ... Be a follower of Christ Do you feel you are too great a sinner? Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. --Isa. 1: 18. Do you think you are good enough? The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? —Jer. 17: 9. Do you think salvation is not for everyone? And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. —Acts 2: 21. ZURICH MENNONITE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE